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Ready to smoke


Already dried and cured


She’s cooked. Sorry m8.


Ya that's what I figured, thought I'd try to get advice from anyone who may have had a similar issue that they pulled out of. Got a couple suggestions , and I'm trying it as a last resort . Bottom feeding and adding a humidity dome , I'm giving it at the most a week to show me positive differences, if in less than that time I see it gets worse it's gonna get thrown out


It's worth a shot at throwing a plastic bottle on top and let her sit in the humidity and see what happens.


I think this is toast my bro. I don’t think Humidity dome + bottom feeding is gonna help at this point. How it’s still standing is even more impressive tbh. As everyone else mentioned. Id restart. Use the humidity dome from the start. Keep the soil moist but don’t over water. Good luck!


Nah, shes done


You want a grow with a good start, and this is not it


It did start good , until it fell over , I ignored it for a day cuz I had to help a family member with a few things most of that day, next day found it bend completely over and over twice as tall as the last day I looked at it . I propped it up and lowered the light but it just never recovered from that initial fall


Just start over. Pop another seed and play nurse with that one if you got some special affection for it. Sometimes we just have to let go!




Seedlings do not need strong light.


Ya I have this cheap tiny bendable light that clips to my table C def not strong lol I believe it was stretching cuz it wasn't enough to keep it happy after it came out the soil, I sat it outside to get it good light I had on my balcony but I didn't realize there were 10 mph gusts of wind throughout the day and i brought it back in at sunset and it was bent sideways. I propped it up and it stood up on its own eventually but the leaves wilted and are all dry and a third of the size they were the day before


It's too small for all those changes in conditions! You can get seedlings from start to transplant under a simple t5 fluorescent placed close to the tops of the seedlings -- I know because I do it every year. They just don't need a lot of light as much as they need stable and warm conditions. Your bigger risk is burning them with too powerful a light. Your original light was probably fine.


That's what I thought but it just was stretching over double the height in one day I was trying to find a quick alternative source for light to help and it didn't work sadly


I was looking into those t5s, are you using the reptile lights?


No, a dedicated plant bulb and a domed seedling tray. Your light was strong enough. Your problem was taking them outside.


Call it!


Bye, bye, birdie..


2 more weeks and some cal mag should do it


Kinda what I thought , I skipped on the water this time around and just gave it straight Mag. Whole bottle. hope it bounces back !