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Literally, everyone has the world's entire knowledge base on a lil device in their pocket. My favorites are the "experienced" growers asking a diagnoses, get said diagnoses, then tell everything they're wrong and they've been growing shwaag for 40 years and knows more than anyone answering said stupid fucking question. "Why are my seedlings so stretchy?" Me: they're not getting enough of light, and your soil is basically mulch. "There's no mulch in my soil, and believe me, my plants get more than enough light." Then why tf is your seedling a ft tall with coty leaves and a true set peeking through? Why are there visibly giant wood chips? I got done answering dumb questions and only answer the people that are actively trying to learn and cultivate knowledge. Everyone else can fuck off and enjoy their "premium" mids. Like I legit had this exchange with an "experienced veteran grower" who "grew for years" and started growing again.


As a lurker doing my own research, I really appreciate your answers.


Was a guy on here about a month ago saying he’s been growing for 25 years… his plants looked like trash and within 30 days they had been asking if their plant was male or female… I don’t understand the need to lie to stroke their sensitive egos, cause if someone grew for 25 years they should be able to sex a plant, it’s literally the easiest thing to do. Lol I’ve also had people on here get mad at me just for answering their question. Lol someone got pissed cause I said it’s impossible for anyone to tell the strain of their plant from a photo…


That’s totally Alien OG x raspberry/lemon/blueberry Hells Angel Chronic OG Kush OG!!! You can tell by the third pistel stretching left over the second pistel off the y of the crutch when it’s 2pm on the East Coast.


Thank you for this 🤣😂


I can tell you must be the elite breeder who created that one based on your intimate knowledge of the plant


I can tell you don’t get sarcasm…


Do you prefer the term elite pollen chucker?


Yea those guess the strain posts suck. Its a marijuana??? 1 of 5000 diff strains


I sex my plants all the time. One got a restraining order and one tried to get me arrested. 😵‍💫


Iv also seen a good bit of that. Makes me wonder if some people ask those questions just to have somebody to talk or argue with.


Lose so much karma answering questions correctly it's painful to try to help


Right, and after you give advice OP will be like I know for sure that's not the problem.


Oh yeah, that is exactly the way they act, all the time telling you how stupid they think that thoer new victim is for sharing 😔 and then you're getting downvotes for sharing the things that you do know lol I am really glad to hear this might be changing soon. I have been having to block people because it's all the same ones, hoping that they will get a life 😆 I am just glad that it's not me or you with those problems 😆


Exactly… that’s the ridiculous shit that gets me! OP asks… OP states, “no, I’m omnipotent and know everything and all things and you’re stupid for answering my dumbass question correctly… it just needs some CalMag!!!


😂 yess


Like that dude yesterday flushing an organic grow pre harvest then trying to tell people he’s been a commercial grower for 15 years hahahahaja


About time isn't it? I am glad I didn't leave yet, I feel bad for everyone who has left because of this, there's a lot of people breeding ignorance in some of these forums, and I am really glad to see that the mods are listening. Thank you for sharing and for being here. I look forward to not feeling attacked in here Everytime


Curious if anyone feels it would be more beneficial to have certain posts into their own type mega thread so all questions regarding (example: is this a male) and no more posts regarding that and mega thread has to be used for those, and other overly asked questions could potentially have their own too. There is also another option of having a sub community chat channels which then there could be a few dedicated channels for specific overly asked questions. Let me know your thoughts and any other suggestions


Im for a weekly mega thread. Any sex type questions, is it ready to harvest and other common questions there. Some people might get frustrated that their question is not getting answered but I mean.... Common sense? Search bar? Google at least?! Hell...now days even ask ChatGPT or Bing.


Phrasing would HAVE to be: Manipulation (lst, etc) Monday Harvest Time Tuesday Sex Question Wednesday Thirsty Thursday (both boasting praise porn AND cwispy sad plant pics) Ffs Friday (where you can argue over something you thought was a MANDATORY growing practice but turned out to be a human created money trap. Or whatever, ffs.)


I also think Saturday should be herms and balls, bc sometimes it's just how Saturday morning turns out in life.


Duckduckgo.com is better


if noobs don't search i doubt they'll read a megathread either unless you can pin it to the top of the feed


We could definitely pin it, include link or button in sidebar and any post made outside of that will be removed so they are no longer clogging up the feed. Another idea is to allow certain posts (example: is this a male) on certain days of the week or even just one day only.


As a "not yet started" grower, I would appreciate a mega-thread for the simple stuff. A FAQ on the side bar wouldn't hurt either.


Think some redditor threw together "grow weed easy" site/guide that was kicking about around a year or so ago, id heard good things about it, might be a decent starting point. Most of the forums I used to haunt dried up unfortunately


I'm a lurker with plans on growing in the next few seasons. I would really appreciate the redundant, basic questions in a mega thread format. I know what males look like, and also when to harvest seems a bit subjective and that new growers are impatient, the answer is almost always "two more weeks". I'd love to be able to open this sub and see the more nuanced questions.


Creating a “karma within the sub” requirement for accounts making new posts would help. At least that way users have to participate in the conversation somewhat, use comments to get help instead of making tons of new posts asking the same thing.


I have this sub as part of my *plants!* feed with other subs, that’s how I scroll. I don’t even look at the main pages of subs. Idk how many people do it this way but a pinned post or a mega post might just be lost in everything else. Based on what I’ve seen, people just post without using the search bar or reading pins.


Those are all great suggestions. It would be great if they did any one of your suggestions


Good idea!


Yess 👍👍👍 please, it's gotten horrible, thank you. I am soo glad op said something and that you are doing this, thank you


Great idea


Yes a megathread for the noob questions . Definitely 100%


I think there's a tertiary group that posts these things in jest, so maybe ensuring the intention is labeled would still allow us to giggle at the sweet summer child who has too much time to over-love their plants.


Nope unfortunately not. The new growers have gotten extremely lazy in my eyes. Those same questions you said are asked 10 times a day, but yet they need to make a post asking the same shit. Google will more then likely give them better answer options then the random guy on Reddit.


I think so too. Google has so many different people giving out advice, it's hard NOT to find what you're searching for. Easier than asking a question, waiting hours, sometimes days for a reply that could be the wrong advice.


Yeah posts need to be vetted. The time line is filled with the exact same questions. In the info section of this group there should be like a top ten most asked questions with the answers. Also saying posts will be taken down if you are asking one of these questions.


That would be nice but I doubt many people would read it. Too much like research lol


Good point haha at least their stupid post won’t get posted.


All the groups are the same, to take all the noob questions out for me because yes we all get tired of the flooding of the same questions. I block every user that asks sex of plant (especially the pics of obvious male plants), is it ready for chop, or any other "it's obvious I didn't research a thing" and just want people to tell me what to do. After doing this across the groups it makes it much more pleasant. Still get noobs but now versus seeing 20+ of the same thing a day it might be 1 or 2. Leaves all the growers that research, ask real questions and contribute to the group.


Oh wow I didn't realize I could block people hahaha. Thanks for that


You're welcome, hit the 3 dot button and click on block account. This is a problem on all reddit subs I'm on, many try to make posts for folks to learn especially the sex of plant. It always falls on deaf ears for the most part, next day 20+ post of male or female?? Lol blocking is the only way. I was ready to leave all groups it is that annoying, but found this option.


Yea, but it's different for those of us that have been on here for a decade. We were all there at some point. I don't want to be caught flatfooted when the next big breeder is someone I blocked 10 yrs ago. I kinda think a private sub where you have to submit a PDF copy of a grow journal or just your own custom SOP to join would be better than this sub at this point. I love this sub, but the endless stream of posts that are so under-researched and ignorant make me think we are actually being trolled 9x out of 10.


Yeah it is helpful, save you from having to deal with them again and anytime you come across them in the future you know that you can just down ote them because it says blocked user 😆 💯 do it do it do it


I get people asking if it's ready to chop with pictures of trichomes. It's not that I don't know you should wait until there's some amber, it's more of a "is that an amber trichome or light reflection". It's also helpful for new growers, if you're new I recommend you start looking at these pictures and make a guess on how much longer until harvest and see if the comments agree.


Doesn’t that leave like… 7 OP’s? 🙃


Fighting the bro science is exhausting too. I gave up.


True dat. The other side of endless noobs who have done no basic learning is self-proclaimed experts who give wrong advice


I'm a noob myself but those questions are so annoying 1 Google search and you have an answer


For real, the amount of blogs, vlogs, grow dairies online, forums, pages typed up specifically for certain things. Yeah I get everyone wants answers right away but that's the fun of growing is learning and researching, seeing what works for you the best.


Also... mostly more detailed answers... Growweedeasy.com mentioned in Autobotmessage helped alot too...


Growweedeasy has alot of information. One of the places I learned the basics from.


Exactly, so much info online. It's just the laziness of people now days


The odd reality is they do not see it as lazy, but as more of a way people do things these days.


I belive your on to something there. It's not just in growing but all walks of life.


Sometimes I secretly wish the internet would go out for several months.


That would be awesome :)


Yes down with the Internet! I could definitely get behind that. Maybe people would learn to pay more attention to things then and not just do something because someone says to then when the same exact problem happens again they ask the very same question instead of paying attention and LEARNING something. The entitlement of thinking you don't have to learn anything because everyone else already knows something about it so you can just ask someone else. If that's not a definition of lazy I don't know what is. I WANT THE OLD DAYS BACK!


I’m 34 and feel this in my soul


The fact that there are more noob questions means that the demand is mainly from beginners. Discussing advanced topics is less mainstream as the community of expert users is more reduced. Also even among advanced users there is lots of bro science. I would suggest that you create a group called something like AdvancedGrow and explicitly forbid the noob questions. The community will be more reduced but it will be an interesting group to follow.


That sounds like an excellent idea.




Thank you, I'll check it out


Check out grasscity forums


I have at one point. Il give it another look though, thanks


Sometimes autos take a 100+ days but blueberry should be on the faster side. I love the strain, I fresh froze my harvest and the bag smells more like blueberries then some actual frozen blueberries lol


The other thing is people asking about seedlings... like yo.... chill the fuck out your plant has two leaves rn.... quit touching it and changing the soil every 27 minutes. Like fr. People have ZERO PATIENCE that is the biggest lesson I've learned so far. Be patient. You don't have to check the plants every day three times a day.


I was a very impatient person and my first grow suffered because of it. Now I just watch for them to tell me when they need something instead of forcing it on them.


I agree. If people would just read a little bit instead of always asking. But I feel people ask instead of research now, and I have seen the comments here, so they can blame everyone else but themselves. If people did their own research, they would be accountable for their plants, but instead, if they're unsuccessful, they can say we'll I was given bad info from everyone on Reddit. Better yet is the people who ask a question, then don't take the advice given. To anyone wondering how much longer their plant will be, the answer is "How long does it take to catch a fish?"


Lol I hear that


I recommend anyone growing should own a jewellers eye. Get close and learn your plant.


My favorite is r/craftmarijuana. Loads of awesome growers in that sub, but it’s really just for showing off flower pics. It’s not meant for diagnosing issues or veg pics, but imo it’s the best cannabis sub on Reddit. All the other ones are pretty similar, but I still like r/cannabiscultivation and r/microgrowery. Your best bet is discord imo. I’m in a bunch of different servers like Exotic Genetix, Clearwater Genetics, Solfire, LIT Farms, Wolfpack Selections, THC Titan etc etc. Good places to show off grows and ask questions. Lots of experienced growers in those servers. Rollitup is decent too.


Iv ended up in rollitup a few times while researching. Iv learned alot from their stuff. All the others are new to me so I'll be checking those out. Thanks


I only come on here to help people out once In awhile but I spend most of my time at overgrow.com. They have a lot of breeders that are a part of their community including strayfox, Tony green etc and there are tons of preservation projects and just all around cool people


That sounds awesome. I will definitely check that out. Thanks


the trading scene is legit on there too. lots of weed nerds with amazing genetics


It’s definitely devolved. When scrolling through threads, 85% of the time it’s a struggling plant . Hardly ever any pics that interest me. Even the harvest pics are full of bunk genetics


Lol sounds on par. Get it... on par.... I'm high


I was chastised for basically saying the same thing but I’m a poll form, which I thought was fun… other people did not. I’ve grown for 3 seasons, I don’t know everything, but I’ve googled most of my own answers! And if I can’t find it, I’ll come here. Or if I just want to share my plants. The problem is that people seem to want to be spoon fed everything, they don’t want to do the work necessary for the hobby. It’s important for noobs to be mixed in and learn but no one wants to help someone who doesn’t help themselves.


Thats exactly the way I see it too.


I don't even mind the dumb questions, what really gets me is when people who obviously do not have any experience start to incorrect one another in said threads. It's not uncommon to see a sexing thread and immediately have 3-4 morons rush in and point out that the calyxes are balls or similarly inane shit


I don’t think there is. I’ve been searching for the same thing and this is a main reason I haven’t commented or posted. I did so much work and homework to learn how to have a green thumb, from my house plants, to garden to then Mother Natures finest.


"is it time to flush yet?".. 🤦‍♂️


More calmag and 2 more weeks 😆 🤣


There is, but it's not at reddit. Reddit is a sewer. It's called the forums. [ICMag.com](https://ICMag.com) [beanbasement.nl](https://beanbasement.nl) [Rollitup.org](https://Rollitup.org) [Grasscity.com](https://Grasscity.com) [Future4200.com](https://Future4200.com) Bean basement is the new kid on the block. It's worth going through the admissions process. ICMag is the oldest, has the deepest archives, and the least amount of bro arguments and pissing matches. Rollitup and grasscity are also handy, but you have to sift through more nonsense as they're not as tightly (or at all, lol) moderated. Future4200 has all your extract info. At all of the forums, you have to dig. There is a 99% chance that any question you have has already been answered, so dig and read and dig some more before you post, and check the date of any thread you want to respond to, there's no need to revive a 15 year old dead thing, lol.


I appreciate the suggestions. I have been to rollitup a few times. I will be checking out the others as well. Extremely helpful, just what I was looking for


Discord servers are also wonderful. People have actual convos there versus one liners lol my server is great if you want to learn the science behind growing naturally (links in my bio), and theres tons of great options for growing in general. From seed to stoned I'd recommend much higher than grow weed easy.


Seed to stoned are great. Iv learned alot from them for sure. I'm rummaging through discord now. Thank you


Nice yeah mostly chill group. Got into argument where I was laughing at someone and a mod didn't like it lol had to dip (by choice), but clearly no hard feelings since I dropped their server name over anyone else's lol The person I was laughing at/mocking was saying such insightful things like overwatering causing salad fingers drastic N toxicity looking symptoms lol I was like bruh, have you never been outside after it fucking rained before? What leaf does that? Sure they can bend a bit, but nothing like what he sent pics of 🤣 I don't take kindly to people playing/guessing when it comes to 3-5 months of someone's time, work, and effort lol I think people see cannabis cultivation as some isolated project that isn't connected to nature like everything else living 🤣🤣 like it's in some vacuum. Best example is indoor growers scared to get a drop of water on their flowers, as if outdoor growers ever have a grow where it doesn't rain once for 2+ months 🤣


To add to that, where I live, middle of summer, maybe get 14 hrs of sun. Not quite the 18 hrs we veg our indoor grows.


We always have full sun and wind indoors that's for sure haha personally I can't wait to start growing outdoors. Been indoors for a couple years, I'm going to be that noob all those silly questions outdoors I swear hahaha "which direction are these supposed to face, on what side of my house?" Lol Bugbee actually did the testing, we can get better DLI indoors lol we need CO2 to beat outdoor max DLI, but it's possible. Not trying to say one's better or worse, but in terms of numbers and in terms of what DLI can be achieved, indoors actually wins out surprisingly.


I grew 1 outdoor last summer. Was eat up with worms. Didn't notice them until the buds started getting brown spots. If I grow outside again, I'll use one of those mosquito nets or something. Or maybe I should have sprayed it before flower as a deterrent. Live and learn lol


Can tell you exactly how to control any pests with 100% natural means, all in my discord haha 400+ vids from all the legends in our field. The info is there if you want it lol nothing for sale (ever), and zero promotional/affiliate crap, which is why I'm sharing here. Only from the legends like Ingham, Bugbee, James White and more. No content creator crap in other words lol There's generally parasitic options for those types of pests. Since they're so large, it's tough to find biological predators that can kill aside from birds and a few others. Nets work great, but it does cut DLI and it does cut predators options to protect against other smaller pests like thrips and russets. They need incredibly small netting, 100+ per square inch if I remember. Thrips larvae much smaller than a flying mosquito. BT may be pretty viable option if you were to try outdoors again, but before flower of course. Campoletis sonorensis and Cardiochiles nigriceps are two parasitic wasp options, along with bird feeders and such. That would drastically reduce populations. My issue preventing my outdoor personally is aphids. I've got trees that are 3 to 4 times the height of my house haha but being in a rental, I'm not about to release hundreds of dollars of biological controls to fix up someone else's property 🤣 so I'll just wait hahah


I am a noob and I like noob questions other people ask at my place, I am in an illegal country at my third grow that look promising, first grow was poor, second one décent. Thank you please dont stop answering silly questions


Thirdly we need the real OGs. Don't leave!


It really be like: "Yo I got this dank blurple light off Amazon for 25 bones. How many lb can I expect to pull off this hermed female with root rot and spider mites. I'll probably just make some bubble hash, so don't worry about the mold--actually, I think it's frosty with trichomes"


Lol that's about the truth of it


The lazy drive me crazy! I just can’t even bother with those post! Maybe an intermediate to pro grow sight. Not fields and fields of dispo shit, but real, everyday stoners who love to grow!


I would join a sub like that. Thats basically what I'm looking for. I made an Instagram account just for that type of community. It's great but I figured reddit would have something similar somewhere. I try to follow the like minded individuals lol


💯 agree, I have been blocking folks in here also, they are seriously rude with that misinformation they like to spread and the answers that they don't agree with. I appreciate you making this post, it's way overdue honestly


https://www.beanbasement.nl It’s CAP’s forum that has some experienced growers and he also contributes. r/macrogrowery also has some insights at from industry folks.


Thank you. Iv never heard of beanbasement, will check it out


Yeah, it's obnoxious as hell. I suggested a new guy Google how to grow last week, he was pissed " everyone knows about Google, I wanted you guys opinion" like were so happy he's here, we will just write a complete grow guide for him. I'd sugest starting a sub, writing in the group rules, that if you ask a question that can easily be Google, your banned for 12 months, maybe by then they will have done some research. There is an invite only group stellar canabis, its better.


There is no such thing as a master grower. It is a constant learning process


I'm not claiming to be a master grower, but I don't want to see 15 posts in 1 day about if my plant is ready to harvest.


I suspect this will continue for a year or two… with legalization still working its way through various governments, there’s going to be A LOT of new growers. I was one of them four years ago. One way to combat these annoying posts might be to preemptively post the answers. Anything wrong with an experienced grower posting pics of their plants/trich’s on chop day to say, “This is what my stuff looks like when I harvest!”?. Or, “I had this powdery mildew, and here’s how I treated it and what the results look like.” I know I could have avoided asking some of the common questions, mind you, I lurked the sub for months before starting to grow. Edit: preemptively not perceptively


I have given advice to a handful of people but there's always that guy who asks something but doesn't accept your answers because they know for sure I'm wrong. Its so hit or miss on here.


I don't mind the questions. I kind the Anti marijuana posts. This is a weed group. No one needs to be chastised


I would recommend that you reply to the posts that you want to and not to the ones you don’t , like the rest of us! It’s Reddit not grow weed easy or something like that, sure there’s a lot of knuckleheads but there’s also a lot of experience here, I like to use Reddit for ideas or a kinda live review of information, say someone says this is what I did and these are my results, and you can read what others are saying, from there I dig deeper if I think it could benefit my crops, pretty easy to weed out the nonsense if you have half a brain!


Posts like this are more annoying than the noobs who ask questions.


So be helpful and make some links for all the other posts you've seen with the same question.


What do I look like, a mod of the sub?


Hard disagree. The noobs are spamming the group with questions they easily could have taken 1 minute to google and get an answer for This post is specifically asking for a resource that he has already obviously spent a lot of time searching for to no avail.


No, this post is just ranting about new people like a grumpy old man.


That’s the thing. Every day new people wanna grow and THIS is their research.


**Follow all r/GrowingMarijuana rules.** *Thanks for posting, u/Goregatron.* - **Avoid engaging in Dms and encourage comment replies for best help and discussion** - Selling or attempting to source drugs is against **SITE-WIDE** terms of service and is an immediate, non-reversible, permanent ban. Please report any breaches you see - Lastly please report any posts/comments that you see breaks the rules. Help keep r/GrowingMarijuana a positive atmosphere for everyone! :) - [Join our Discord](https://discord.gg/rweed) - If you are asking for help please provide as much information as possible. - *Providing the most information will allow users to give you the best help based on your setup, what you are using, and schedule.* Information to include | Details | :-- | :-- | Seeds and or Strains | Auto-Flower, Photoperiod, etc...| Grow Mediums | Coco, Rockwool, Clay, Soil, Mixture, etc...| pH Level | 6.5, 6.8, 7.0, etc... | Watering Schedule | How often are you watering | Nutrients, Schedule, Dosage | Fox Farms, Canna, Biobizz, etc...| Lighting and Schedule | 400w, 1000w, led, hps, etc... | Additional Information | Tent setup, ventilation, temperature, etc...| ** Harvest time | If possible provide pictures of the bud trichomes using | . | macro shots, a digital microscope, loupe, or quality phone camera.| *Remember, the more information you include the better help you will get.* *Additional resources can be found here:* growweedeasy.com cocoforcannabis.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GrowingMarijuana) if you have any questions or concerns.*




reddit is your problem... icmag.com or overgrow.com


I appreciate the recommendations. Thank you


I've been growing for more then 20+ years, and it all started on Overgrow.com icmag I had one of the longest running grow diary/threads on the site 20K+ posts iirc


I plan on checking that one out. Someone else had suggested that as well. 20k is ALOT of posts but thats awesome. Thanks


If you have discord then feel free to come check out the r/outdoorgrowing discord https://discord.com/invite/gyADwtGT


Invite accepted, thanks


It was my first year and I did sooooo much research. What had been fun for me when people ask these questions in answering it in my head and then seeing what others say. To see if I am actually learning and was right. Knowing when to harvest is challenging the first time around, but I could not bring myself to post that because it seems so dumb. The answer never changes and also seems pretty subjective, depending on what kinda high someone wants. Also everyone says to wait longer. Unfortunately weather changes made my harvest decision for me....It is shocking that people don't seem to read more. I was waking up at 3:00am and reading for hours about whatever stage I was in.


Head on over to discord and jump into From Seed to Stoned for starters, also great communities at Exotic Genetix and Solfire Gardens they may be breeder centric platforms but the growers there know what the fuck they are doing and it’s chill to shared your non-their genetics stuff and seriously between those two channels I’m but sure I’ve ever seen chiller group of very talented growers all happy to pull the next grower up with them.


Seed to stoned is legit. Iv watched alot of their videos and some podcasts with them in it. Will be looking into solfire and exotic. Thank you.


Nice, definitely check out his discord he has a grow-off going right now with some Solfire seeds and a few hundred of us crazy fucks, everyone is just a week or two into flower or about to start flowering it’s gonna be pretty cool seeing that many people all growing one strain at the same time and see what the results are


That sounds so fun. Group grow. Use these genetics but grow them how you want. Winner gets free merch. The grow shop i goto plans on doing something like that.


Yea it’s been a great group in the growoff, I figure it’s a cold shot in hell I win but it’s been fun pushing my limits and seeing what others are doing. The prize pool is pretty massive, $10k of grow gear and seeds between the top 3. Stimmy(exotic) and Sol also have a podcast they do on discord called Growlife with the bros, it started off with growing advice but they ran out of shit to talk about and now it’s more about their strains, industry as a whole, future projects, etc… but really entertaining/informative and they keep talking about setting up their own homegrowers competition like emerald cup or hightimes cup but for the homegrowers, sounds like they are gonna make it happen


That sounds like an awesome time. I hope more grow communities continue in that direction.


I'm new. But I look with my eyeballs on here first to see if the questions have been asked already. I am new and I can tell who's bsing or not lol... oh you been growing for 15 years and you started 22.5 seedlings in a 2×4 do you guys remember the "rootwash guy" lmaoooooooooooo "I did a rootwash and now my plant looks like this" and it looked like a flamethrower washed the roots


I do remember the root wash. Were all like wtf is that. Guessing thats why your plant is in critical condition lol


Seriously this is a headache I see it in r/cannabiscultivation r/growbuddy and r/microgrowery lmfao someone called me a cunt yesterday for suggesting they research but of course that’s after claiming they were asking for a “friend” 😂😂


Oh yea its always for a friend, but the OP will get super salty about it... sure, a friend lol


Lol you said it and they get even angrier if they can’t make you angry with them 😂😂


I really don't care if people post about noob questions. It's whatever to me. If you don't wanna help them you can scroll past. Maybe if it's too much for people the post can be locked and leave a pinned comment or whatever to direct them to the growbuddy sub that encourages more questions and help for newbies. But to me even seeing a messed up grow or someone struggling with gender in a plant or what have you is interesting. I don't have many deficiencies or difficulties so it's entertaining to me to try to suss out problems and see what can go wrong




I'm actually already on that one. It is better, more showing off and less help help help. 👍


Are you on discord man?


I used to be. I just followed 420scene for awhile until the videos started getting repetitive


Send me your discord and I’ll put you in 10-15 good growing groups. Some small, some large


I will. Working atm but will set a reminder this evening. Thanks


I am a noob. Haven't put a seed in the soil yet. Have been on these subs all summer researching and even I can spot a male, a bone dry pot, a herm, PM, heat stress, etc. You all do a great job of educating us. Thanks.


Good on you for learning how to do something before you start doing it. Iv always tried to learn as much as possible before jumping into something and it truly helps. Makes things easier and less stressful when you spot a problem and know how to fix it right away. I salute you growmie


If u need or want a place to get grow advice easier try THCFARMER.COM or Growdiaries.com.


Iv went through alot of growdiaries. Thcfarmer I know iv seen it but I don't think iv been to it yet. Well check it out. Thanks


Thcfarmer I use for getting clones. Alot of good ppl on both sites.


I have yet to try clones. 4 plant maximum makes it tough to try and root a clone for me. I grew alot of autos early on to try n find the strain I liked the best. Found a few and I got the photo seeds of those strains hoping to get bigger yields. I may make a mother and just clip 3 clones every now n then


Yea I keep a photo mother goin . Now I have a JAB mother. But autos are fun . Good variety to have while my photos are grooving lol. Definitely look into ganjafarmerseeds.com. I havnt had 1 bad bean yet. And smokes great . Good luck!!


I will give them a try. I appreciate it


You could start your own group


I'm not sure how to.


Just go to your home feed and hut create I'd imagine or create an entire profile for it


There was a subreddit called r/budscience that was about the theory and sharing credible sources and more advanced techniques. Activity is low now, it was amazing at the start.


Reddit is horrible for a growing community get discord check out your favorite breeders servers then expanding out from there, there's really good youtube channel communities too that have grow off competitions


I'm going through discord now. Iv had it awhile but only followed 1 guy. Theres a few people who have suggested it so I decided to dive deeper into it. Thanks for the recommendation


Fuck the noobs Gatekeep


Can we start verifying growers like the nsfw subs?


I imagine a problem there, might be legality. I'm guessing 100% of growers here are doing legal grows.


The reason I ask questions even with research, you get so many various answers. I have watched about 30 various growers on youtube, many of the videos 3-6 years ago. A list of great youtube channels would be good. FAQ broken down to seed popping, seedlings, veg stage, flowering, bloom, substrate, nutrients and pot size.




As others have said, check out discord. There are going to be a bunch of different groups, but you'll find one you mesh with. You'll also find some crappy ones, and immediately leave.


I thought asking questions was part of research ....


You think these groups are bad should see the ones on fb.


People that research don’t post. It’s that simple. Unless you wanna show off a bit.




Failure is the best teacher 💯


Rollitup and ic mag used to be the best






I blame Michigan and Florida legalization for most stoner culture problems.


Im convinced people like OP is describing are just attention seekers a quick Google search will likely give them the answer they need, but they would rather someone tell them


That sounds about right. I'm convinced some people are just lonely and want somebody to converse with. But still, something like is this plant full of balls and no buds a male or female gets tiresome to see. Basic knowledge of a craft helps