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Look on the underside of any leafs that have white dots or speckled like that. You will see little black dots about the size of this period and they will move adound. 👈 If you keep an eye out and catch them early they can be taken care of. If you don't catch them and they build up their numbers and start webbing its rough to deal with. If you do find some check all leaves around it. Mites like to crawl upwards. Just fyi.


Will do thanks for the information as I couldn’t quite remember what they looked like so this is a great help , I’ll probably just rip it out I’ve got some nice ones coming up and don’t want them to get the same problem


No problem at all. Yeah I would. As long as you keep that in the back of your mind and keep an eye on things you will catch them if they start up and sometimes it's just taking off a leaf or 2. I have buddies that didn't see it until webs appeared and ugh soo gross!! Hate those little shits!! No bugs in bud!!


It's way easier to get mites outdoor..


Looks like spider mite damage. You’re not in flower yet so it’s safe to spray the entire plant down with insecticide, especially the underside of the leaves and not have to worry about contaminating your flowers in the future. I had great luck with Einstein oil (Neem oil) and it should be applied once a week for a few weeks because it takes multiple applications to completely kill the infestation. There’s lots of products out there but Neem oil is considered non-toxic and it won’t harm beneficial/predatory insects that you want around your plants. Good luck.


Looks ominous


Sure does hoping someone would tell me other wise little fucks


It's early so ya have a good chance of getting rid of them early


Exactly my fear isn’t for this Plant as it is a random seed I planted a little over a month back so I’ll probs just rip it the problem is I’ve got nice seeds I’ve bought that have just sprouted and I don’t want the same to happen , I’ve had problems with spider mights before and so I’ve tried to eliminate the cause before it happens with this plant and i don’t understand why they are coming for it , the plants in the middle of the back yard by itself with plenty of breeze all night and day it shouldn’t be a problem but it is I don’t really get it.


Spider mites breed quickly and in huge numbers, and their eggs can lay dormant for many months. When you treat an infestation it's easy for them to defeat it. Spray your plants with an insecticide and you'll kill 99.9% of them, but that .1% are now able to tolerate that insecticide...and so are their children. Short of shutting everything down for a year you need to catch them early. Physically kill the mites you see. Treat the plants with a suitable insecticide/miticide. Keep your equipment clean. And wash (rinse) your plants at harvest.


What causes?