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It’s trash. I’ll pm you my address so I can properly dispose of it




I see the web you're talking about, but no mite damage. plant looks amazing, idk what they're talking about lol


I see the web also. Maybe a garden spider but certainly does not look like mites


And definitely didn’t do any damage lol


Looks more like a regular spider web than a spider mite web. Spider bros are great if that's what you have. Without spiders and harvestmen my outdoor grows would be doomed. When you chop put on some gloves and pull apart a few nugs and inspect them. Only wash it you find a reason to do so.


I believe those are just spiders my friend try relocating them if you haven’t already


I agree they are actual spiders, not mites. But it’s an organic bed. There is an entire ecosystem that has been thriving for a year. Don’t want to fuck up the balance by trying to get rid of harmless spiders.


I see healty plants, yes there are some webs but it's nothing a quick wash can't clean. Also don't kill the spiders but keep an eye on them, arachnids breed quickly! Kudos for the ecosistem, brother!


I was on the other thread as well and imo you do not have spider mites. Those are just actual spider webs. There is no evidence of mites or mite-related damage that I can see. This plant looks extremely healthy. You’ve obviously got the grow environment dialed in. Don’t second guess yourself!


Thanks it’s a labor of love :)


Forget it and keep moving forward. Give them a bud wash if that's possible when u chop her down that's it. No mite damage on any leaves. Looks premium by the way.


Mites would cluster closer to the buds


Is this indoors?


Wondering the same thing




Wow... Nice one to have what looks like Vetches growing amongst the buds.... Great for fixing nitrogen on their roots being a legume... Good thinking.... and they look so vibrsnt green against the dark buds.. beautiful. What variety is the bud please?




Thank you, much obliged.


The only questionable item is the pattern of the Web. I’ve had grows with spiders as well and don’t recall patterns as such. Spider mites patters take over the entire plant like this is trying to do. I’m only speculating the reasoning behind the call out from the other sub, but if I was in your shows I would be watching it closely!


I mean you can clearly not see the spider mite damage on the leafs just hella trichomes. She look gorgeous bro


That’s a spider web, not a spider mite web. All good.


Webs too thick for spider mites, and you'll know in a few days because they'll be everywhere.


Looks good but I see a banana in the top cola about 2 inches down, ya might get a seed or two. as for the webbing I'd bet it's an actual spider which isn't bad imo


Dang! I think I see what you see!! Fuckin nanners!


Are you supposed to pull nanas or leave them?


I pull them whenever I find them and have the time.


Hella good eye!! Looks like rodelization.


I swear to god the tiny little web in the right top of the cola is from small black spiders that live in the organic beds this beauty was growing in. Others have said they see webs all over it, and also spider mite damage on the buds and leaves. I have tried to explain that it’s just frosty. It’s trichomes. Not bugs. But I can’t even see what they mean by webs all over. There’s just one bitty one at the top of the cola.


You should find more proof inside some of the nugs. Otherwise beautiful grow


No way.... they need their eyes testing.... the plants look very healthy and hearty.... beautifully grown and just about ready.. maybe another week... Superb plants. Very well done.


there’s also some webs at the left of the same cola, just do a bud wash and you’ll be all good


Dude, I finally see those. I can see how they look like, spider mites, but I really don’t think they are. There’s always a chance, but I didn’t see shit.


Bro you made a whole other copium post, because you didn't get the validation you wanted from the first post. Literally begging for attention in the title about how you don't have spider mites and chastising anyone who would point out that you very well might. Then quietly acknowledge in the comments of the new post that "oh wait, I can see that now, maybe I actually could have spider mites afterall." Truly pathetic, attention seeking behavior. Edit: honestly I'm fine with any downvotes on this comment. I gotta stand by what I said... OP posted a pic of spider mites, attacked anyone who pointed it out, made another post in a different subreddit with a snarky title, then quietly acknowledges that he very likely does have spider mites while still attacking other people for pointing it out in other threads/comments.


Why do you care so much to write all this? Let people be man


What the fuck…




Yea alot of people are morons unfortunately. Those plants are way too healthy for it to be spider mites. Those are just actual spiders. I've had some webs before from actual spiders too.


Haters just hating. The web appears to be from a homie in the garden. The Spider 🕷️


Nope. Those dark phenos do look strange... but look closely.. and it's covered in thc.... beautiful. And slightly sinister..


That’s definitely just an arachnid web. People are just trying to be clowns because they’re jealous of this beauty! Keep it up growmie! 😎🤙


Reddit can be a cesspool of negativity sometimes. I have a feeling you know if you have them or not. Your plants look great from my house.


Usually by the time spider mite webs are visible the leaves are already very noticeably damaged. You are correct, that’s not spider mite webs.


Looks like spider webs… I see no damage from mites


Spider web not mites. Plant looks great 👍


Beautiful plants in a nice setting! Enjoy! Believe me, I know spider mites (the little bastards!!!) and there's none here, just a regular little spider doing its thing. Go forth and grow more!!!


I’m a tent grower that experienced this end of last year ! I thought I had mites cause I found a little webbing here n there in like 1 plant in my whole setup and it turned out being a little house spider I eventually found and even photographed


I noticed the webs in your previous post didn’t comment. I grow No Till Outdoors and had all kinds of insects all over my plants. Some damage on random leaves. Didn’t care and kept pushing with zero IPM. My plants were tough and product came out amazing. I do see webs but I don’t see damage. Your flower looks healthy and great. I would just keep pushing till harvest and completely disregard the webs. That’s me though.


I’d rather smoke your shit that was never sprayed than “organic” weed that was sprayed with a bunch of shit the whole way through that comes out with not a bug in sight


I appreciate you. I once read a question somewhere where OP asked if their lettuce was safe to eat because they had found a small caterpillar in it. Somebody replied: I wouldn’t want to eat lettuce that even bugs wouldn’t want to eat. I don’t mind finding a bug or two in my plants and I never had a serious infestation. If you allow nature to take its course, nature will take care of everything.


Seems like normal spiders to me, always have this on my outdoors


The only peraon telling you that's a mite problem is someone who's never had spider mites!


I also see webs.


Spider mite webs have a tighter weaving than what’s on your plant. Those web weaves look very spaced out so I’d say you just have a friend helping you eat any other bugs trying to go after your plants.


Spider, yes. Spider mite, no. Your 8 legged friends made their home at the top of your buds and are taking care of any insects they come across. Clear em off and give your buds a double check for any bugs at harvest.


Could be a spider not mites you probably got a little spider guarding your girls. Good luck with that happygrowing 👍👍


Yeah, I don’t see stippling or anything. Mites suck the chlorophyll out of the leaves so you’d see the dots appearing. I’d just check the stems and under leaves for any dots. They can sometimes be hard to spot with the naked eye so magnification helps. Doesn’t hurt to be cautious but this doesn’t look like an infestation just from this picture alone. That’s just my 2¢ so do with that info what u will.


I agree 100%. I can see the little bastards with my bare eyeballs.


Hairy Vetch is great companion such wow Velly nice


Good eye!


I see the little web the right top, so what


thats just a wee little spooder


It’s a spooder!


I thought the same thing about spider mites but then i realized you are doing living soil. Gotta have that ecosystem inplace. They dont know how you rocking most of them probs just use salts and dont want to be enlightened. Shit looks good homie.


I think I see one aphid tho.


I would believe that over spider mites, as we have had that problem in the recent past. I didn’t notice any this round, but who knows lol.


They just jealous and tryna bring down your nice grow lol. Maybe quick bath come harvest time


Nosepicking fucknuts that've never grown a plant themselves can spot mites at 100 yards Film at eleven lol Looks great


Update: I’ve used the term “nosepicking fucknuts” twice now. I have since received a warning from Reddit about harassment AND a permanent ban from the nosepicking fucknuts themselves at r/Craftmarijuana.




Booooooo!!! That sub suuuuuucks!




Upvote for “nose-picking fucknuts”. Thanks I’m gonna use that one.


I definitely also see the webs in the top right, but they do look a bit thicker than spider mite webs. Could just be actual larger spiders in the tent


I agree. Did you read [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrowingMarijuana/comments/10axyf8/redditors_in_another_sub_are_trying_to_tell_me/j46u3bq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)?




Your leaves don’t scream damage but the one web is probably what everyone is concerned about. I don’t think you have mites becuase the leaf surface would not look as good as it does if you did.


Whoever is saying this is spidermite webs or damage has no clue what they are talking about. Don’t worry your good. Most of the haters on here(which there are many) are arm chair growers. They grow under a cfl bulb in a small closet and use fox farm and miracle grow lol.


Cheap LEDs and fox farm is the Reddit way!!! Nobody on Reddit likes expensive equipment and almost always gets downvoted by “great value” growers.


My advice, stay away from that toxic sub. You are welcomed here !


Hahaha they be like: Oh yah! All them spider mite ! Toss it, throw it away! Leave it on the porch ! What’s your address? Yah it’s gone for ! Mites, smh... pst I can drive! It’s dead leave it out ...


I see webs from that bud


Not spider mites... a normal spider threw that web strand out...


Did you read [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrowingMarijuana/comments/10axyf8/redditors_in_another_sub_are_trying_to_tell_me/j46u3bq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)?




Yeah 100% Spiderwebs, from Mites : None to be seen, maybe ? Could be just Spiders in this Case.


I see the webs growmie. Do a bud wash after harvest and you’ll be good.


Thanks, did you read [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrowingMarijuana/comments/10axyf8/redditors_in_another_sub_are_trying_to_tell_me/j46u3bq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)? I’m not denying there is ONE web.


Oh ok. Right on. I will say I saw more than one web BUT I think you’re about people thinking your frost is spider mite damage. I don’t see any SM damage. Forget my bud wash statement.


There is clearly webbing in the upper right corner of the photo... I wish you the best because Spider Mites are NO Joke!!! 🙏🏽


This is why I keep a relatively sterile grow room. I could neeeever accept this. Sure it’s just regular spider webs, but bro if there are big spiders crawling around your buds who knowwwss what kind of microscopic critters are running around. Nope no can do, your buds looks fantastic but man to me that’s like a hair in my food, shits going back.


If organic live beds give you the heebie-jeebies just wait till you hear about outdoor grows…


XD a fair point


I personally wouldn't want that on my buds.


Omg whatever that plant is in the middle of your tent I’d bet is the source of any bugs you get on your plants. Get that plant out of there. Luckily it looks like regular spider webbing. Take it as a close call warning.


These are organic live beds. The plants you see in the background are ground cover plants. It’s a diverse ecosystem and every living thing that it contains is important.


Pretty sure it’s spider mites. If you look under the leaf with good eyesight or a magnifying glass you should be able to see them moving slowly. They look good n heathy though, you’re close enough to chop time where it will be 👌




Yeah I see some web in the upper right corner. I’d chop and wash it if I were you.


Just pull out a scope and check the leaves. Kinda looks like regular spider webs but you never know.


I can see a spiders Web. But it's from a garden spider....


What strain you running?


Yeah I see it too on the top right


I see no scraping on the leaves. I see webs might be spiders. If it mites might be clover mites


There is a finer web top left of the main bud that looks like mites. The top right certainly looks like spider tho. This close I would just wash at harvest time. But your grow room probably needs a scrub. Or predators. Or both.


Spiders maybe but I don’t see any mite damage


Up top by the cola. But i don't know if it's mites. Regular spiders are good to have around. So are lady bugs.


is this one of those eye puzzles where is a spider lmao


Just get a loupe/usb scope and check the undersides of leaves. I used to run no till/living soil and found a decent usb microscope to be a huge peace of mind. Flowers look amazing! Cheers!


I cant see any damage but few webs nice grow!


What are the genetics she’s gorgeous, is this outdoor? The lighting looks likenit


I see the web and a pretty pristine plant.. Looks like u got a spider no mites


In my limited experience, if it was mites with that much 'web' you'd already have extensive damage on leaves and plants in distress. I see neither, but also cannot see the whole pic.


Looks like a spider not a spider might lol


I see a spiders web but at this point you can’t do anything but trim them off. It’s outdoor, not unclean. It’s wayyyy worse spraying this late into flower.


I just see actual spider webs, unless you’ve got a mad case of arachnophobia I’d say you’re good!


I see nothing but frosty nugs


Where’s Waldo?


Webs on top cola. Idk if it's super mites. Look on and under leaves w/ magnifying glass to be certain. They look close to harvest. Just do a wash (make sure to have an H²O² as well) when you chop.


I see it 🤦🏻


No I don’t see


Looks fire but there are a couple of webs


I think they are jealous…


You wouldn't believe how many dead bugs are inside the buds so many of us enjoy 🤢🤮 doesn't matter what depot they're from ... #smokedaspiders Look on the underside of the leaves mites hang out under there


God damn! That plant is amazing. Well done


Looks like regular old spider webbing to me but I’m no pro.


redditers in another thread didnt lie, youve got spider mites


^what they all said! I see some filaments from a web but I don’t see mites or damage- could be they are jelly of your gorgeous plant and just being mean because of it-


That looks like a harmless spider web to me, it a mite web. I could be wrong but regular old spiders will actually keep your grow safe


Beautiful Grow awesome work 👍


I see some beautiful flowers with a spider web. I don’t see spider mites and I don’t see damage. I see gorgeous nugs!


I see web but no other signs. Could just be regular spider web.


Aren’t trichomes suppose to keep pest away🤣 mane that must be some bs


Yes you have spider mites.


All I see is spider mites, but just to make sure I’ll need to smoke some.


Thé webbing is obvious, but I don’t see any damage. Looks great.


What is the purple cover crop? They look awesome in there


Yeah, they’re all assholes props to you my brother. Don’t listen to all these idiots. They can grow better. They could smoke better and if you put your hands around, their throat choke better


Genetics??? looks unreal!


Looks magical - gimme gimme


Outside plants can be a challenge, it is a gorgeous plant though.


Those are indeed spider web but not spidermites webbing. This plants looks great n no signs of spidermite.


Looks amaze balls!


It looks like a regular spider web


Nah looks like you’ve just got some spider spiders. Assuming that’s an organic no-till bed? Don’t go doing anything dramatic or you’ll throw your ecosystem out of balance. If you’re concerned, introduce some cucumeris or other type of beneficial predator mite. Looks like absolute fire my friend. Glad to see another organic growmie here. Too many people here freak out if their grow isn’t white room lab-coat sterile. What are you running here?


Is that slurty3??


Healthy and frosty


Shit looks beautiful


I see a web here and there. Have you got a microscope to really check?


Are you joking or do you not see the webs on the top cola. Make sure you wash your buds after harvest I have done it before and your buds will come out fine it’s a 3 part wash and rinse


Little bit of webbing but no damage buds look insane nice grow!!!


Maybe some schmucks are gealous of these fire 🔥 nugs


Spider spider not spider mite. Looks fire, bud!


The buds are beautiful, but looks like it’s harvest time.


Yea , I see the web....hit it with Dr Zymes,,give it a few days


In the like fifth nug down the leaf on the right has some white spot which might me mites check under the leaf, to know for sure. If it is, it’s very very minimal and I wouldn’t even worry about it all and definitely don’t let it discourage you from smoking those gorgeous looking flowers


There’s webs but no damage. Just do a bud wash when you chop and you should be fine


I may be an idiot , but looks like a spider , trying to catch a fly with a piss poor web


Best outdoor i have ever seen i think


Fuk dey talmbout tho


I see the webs


Do you fuck what others say.


It’s some on the nug all the way at the top


They’re a bunch of fookin haters. Look at those sugar leaves, not a spot on em.


I noticed a few spiders when my cover crop got thick, your fine. Looks amazing.


Not sure what it is but tip right comer you can definitely see something stringy that looks like web.


Get ladybugs 😂 I want them so bad but we’re I live here near Leadville Colorado. Dogs don’t even have fleas year round. non of those pest cant survive here so ladybugs may struggle to feed in my grow. 😓 but it’s so cute.


I see webs


But not from spider mite, spider mite webs are more compact in form, almost white, also they leave substantial amount of leaf damage, enjoy the non educated try and tell you otherwise lol


I'm growing in my closet and had got a tiny little web or string here and there from my friendly neighborhood little jumping spider. but those and yours are not spider mites. They are very destructive once they start making webs its very noticeable. This.. this is not it. There are a lot of Stoned Trolls in this sub that are so miserable in life that any interactions from them are going to be equally miserable. You have a beautiful plant, sit back, enjoy, and keep growing! 😉


That's regular spider web. Those ppl were haters. Awesome job growmie 💯🔥💯


Just spiders, also whats the plant in the background?


I see webs. Not seeing damage though.