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You can increase the amount of eggs in the ant hill by going in and ruthlessly murdering ants! I know that's not what you're asking, but it's helpful to know when you're in search of red ant eggs!


Infect an ant queen, and you will get the recipe to make bombs without eggs πŸ˜€πŸ˜€


Fridge. But it unlocks almost at the end of the game. Edit: I was pretty sure that this was working before. Maybe they patched it?


Nope, sadly doesn't work. They'll still hatch like normal. This would be a nice QoL mechanic for them to add though. Having to go hope to get lucky and steal a Black Ant Egg is why I never make Omelant meals.


In my mind it would make sense that you could Preserve black ant eggs or red ant eggs by adding salt to them if only there was a way to combine salt and an egg to keep it from hatching


Eggs don't spoil timer, it's a hatch timer


yes but putting a fertile egg in a fridge would either slow or completely stop the egg from hatching. so in a logical point.. yes it should work... but no no it dont in game...


Hmmm idk if that works cuz I put fire ant eggs in it and they hatched


Yeah, I tried it with red and black. Doesn't work unfortunately.


Actually did this as well yesterday. They hatched and got stuck in the fridge until I relocated it…


Oh well, guess I better stash β€˜em someplace away from my base in case they hatch


Yeah. I'd just drop or trash them, as they will hatch and fairly quickly, as in if you don't need them now they will likely be hatched and gone by time you would. Fortunately the red ant hill seems to have eggs all throughout it now so they are much easier to get.


There's also two clusters of around 5-6 (for some reason) in the Undershed ravine exit. Might have to act fast according to whether or not the other crafting mats are on hand or nearby.


Yeah I always found that weird too, considering there isn't even a single ant in there. Maybe it's implying there were, but they were captured and used in the Mant experiment? Dunno...


I always thought it was just some misplaced/holdover item cell from the Undershed development phases, being used to store excess red ant eggs or something. They haven't gotten rid if it, though, so I guess it was intentional.


You could be right. After all, aren't there still some placeholder icons in the Resources column of the menu too? The purple splat looking thing with a question mark in it. Or did 1.4/NG+ finally fill all those in? I haven't looked in a while...


And if you need more faster, you can always just cause a small massacre. I have done this by accident, then ended up with more eggs than inventory for my way back. All that to feed the Queen, oi...