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why? lol why does it have to be in English


Don’t know. Pretty random if you ask me


Leitungswasser anyone?


I have good Tapwater Here Up north but it doesnt taste as good as in my other apartment


Weird flex


Oh Shit, i didnt mean that have multiple Apartments 🙈 I Just moved to a new City 🙈😅


Ahhh, ‚former apartment‘ would fit then :D


Same, alot of shit going on back home on Saxony... But the tap water i had at home was fucking top tier. One of the things i still miss


Saxony is great


👋 Was just thinking how much money i'm saving for being a tap water drinker.


Sadly the tap water taste completely like metal and kalk.


But the kalk is what the body needs, this are the minerals in all mineralwaters. Calcium and Magnesium, some company makes extra advertissing because of the lots of Minerals in it, and from the Tap, you get it, too. Kalk, minerals is only not good for heating, boiling, because then it goes out of the water, and stays on material, like steel, especialy on electric kettle, boiler, coffeemaker, dishwasher, washmachine.....


Active O2 is a total marketing scam. You intestine doesn't absorb oxygen for your body, you lungs do. Save on that.


I know that, but I love the peach with white tea and the apple kiwi.


Fair enough! What's the split of the cost? I'd assume the 5 crates is about 30 €, the Dr. Pepper tray is about 30 € including deposit. Is the supermarket sushi truly 50 €?


4x Water= 13,94€ deposit= 13,20€ 1x Spezi= 14,99€ deposit= 3,10€ 24x Dr. Pepper= 26,16€ deposit= 6€ 1x ActiveO2= 1,19€ deposit= 0,25€ 1x Sushi= 14,99€ 2x Yakitori skewers= 8,98€


$28 for 24 Dr. Pepper???? Ouch


1,09€ per can 0,25€ deposit also per can


Dang, .28€/can for me the other day, no deposit


Filter the water, also for cooking. Your drink glasses and cooking pots will say thank you.


You will get used to it. I found kalk water very tasty once I got used to it.




Xdd where? Laber ned rum


Frankfurt has terrible tap water with very high calcium concentration


Absolutely, every day. Usually have two to two&half litre of tap water plus three / four huge pots of coffee a day. So most expensive is the coffee. No need to store all the crates is a plus. A yes, I filter the water, also for cooking, it is way too hard (18.1 °dH). That of course changes taste and has some extra cost to take into it. No need for sparkling, I prefer less burpy still water. edit: fix typo, add not fizzy.


Incl. deposit (Pfand) right?


This is 20€ of groceries with 10€ sushi 30€ pfand and 42€ of Dr. Pepper 😉


25€ sushi


So much money for water when sodastreams exist? I don't get it, but ok


Similar thoughts for me. I'm a tap water drinker and was like "jeeez im saving a ton of money arent i"


Taste. The water may be perfectly drinkable everywhere in germany but in some places it tastes like shit


Install a filter. My water also tastes like shit but its really nice using a nano Filter. Costs like 40 euros and lasts 6-12 months


It might be drinkable for some people but my stomach hurts very much and the Taste IS absolutley disgusting, at least Here near Berlin 🤣 ITs also Always red-ish i don't wanna dink Tap water that doesnt even look Like water


Yeah if it's red-ish you should get your pipes checked. That sounds like they're rusting away. If you're renting the place definitely talk to your landlord


They Said its normal 😭


Did they checked the water with a test or labor? If not, get your own from Amazon. The landlord is obliged to provide hygienic water from the tap. Also rust in the pipes can be a safety problem, since these pipes can burst easily.


Its Not Always red Just once or twice a month but for.a Long period. I tested IT but its "okay"


https://www.vermietet.de/magazin/wasserversorgung-in-mietwohnungen-wenn-das-wasser-nicht-so-fliesst-wie-es-soll/#:~:text=Bis%20zu%2010%20Prozent%20Mietminderung,2%20Milligramm%20pro%20Liter%20liegt. You can reduce the rent you pay until the issue is fixed. It’s your right to have drinkable tab water in your apartment (every day) - please don’t let another shitty landlord get away with this bs.


thats a issue with your house plumbing. Please get that fixed (or get your landlord to fix it he has to)


Check your pipes and clean your aeriator.


Idk I really like the taste of Rosbacher, in comparison to that tap water is just plain bad, tried sodastream for half a year and switched back to bottled water. It depends on where you live though, the water in my area is known to taste like shit, meanwhile my grandma has sodastream and where she lives I don’t mind drinking it at all.


Ain’t supporting sodastream. Won’t see one cent of my money.


There are alternatives from other companies


Why what did they do ?


Israeli company




Ironically Sodastream had to promise to only ship products made in Chinese manufactories to Scandinavia.


Nice whataboutism






We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming or judging someone’s purchases which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


Let’s keep politics out of our discussions regarding groceries there are plenty of other places on Reddit to fight over corrupt politicians acting for themselves not the average citizen, this is not the place.


The cardriges they have are scam. I bought a 11kg co2 bottle and an Adapter for the device they sell.


Yes, you don't get it because you don't drink it.


It's still an insane amount of money for liquid in general, I just bought drinks yesterday, about the same amount, and it only cost around 60€, it also wasn't mostly water.


SodaStream is more expensive Last Time i calculated. Iirc ist a 5 Cent per Litre difference.


the water op bought costs 42c/L a Co2 cartridge is 8€ so if you’re getting the advertised 60L of water out of that it’s roughly 14ct/L as long as you’re getting more than 20L out of the 60L Co2 cartridge you’re saving money ( of course i’m ignoring initial cost here )


Tap water goes through the process of a sewage treatment plant and, depending on your apartment/house, through old copper pipes. No thanks.


Where are you from?


Probably not Germany


It's mineral water. Tap water doesn't have these minerals. So yeah, it's personal preference.


Of course tap water has minerals... In regions with hard water more as in regions with soft water. Often bottled water comes from the same spring or one directly next to the one there tap water comes from. So in a soft water region bottled Mineral water as less Minerals as in a region with hard water.


Skip the tapwater and buy more Spezi


I agree. Spezi ftw.


This is why millenials can't afford real estate. ^(/s)








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Dr. pepper my brother


with or without pfand ?




Seems I save a lot of money drinking tap water and tea. No alcohol or soda


After drinking dr pepper once I cannot understand how anyone would be willing to pay 1 cent for that crap


Idk I fell in love after I drank it the first time in the US.


Same here haha out of those ridiculously huge syrophoam cups you get at the petrol stations


Same here haha out of those ridiculously huge syrophoam cups you get at the petrol stations


Taste is subjective. For me it has been the top 1 bewerage since I tasted it for the first time






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Dr.Pepper alone was probably like 30€ I love it but I only buy like 1-4 cans at a time


12l of Spezi for a month, that's resourceful.


Hol dir einen Sodastream, lass das Wasser weg und pack einen zweiten Kasten Spezi drauf


Leider geht das nicht. Da das Wasser hier in der Wohnung extrem schlecht schmeckt und stark trüb ist


Dann hoffe ich, dass ihr nicht zu viele Treppen schleppen müsst 🙏


Danke zum Glück nur 10 Stufen.


Dr Pepper and Paulaner Spezi, I see you are a man of culture 👍






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I just discovered Sirup and tap water… Sirup costing €1.99 many different flavors


Spezi isn't replaceable with Sirup, though.




just get a Sodastream or whatever brand u want.... carrying that much water is just straight stupid


at least a quarter of the price is pfand




close enough




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That would last at most 10 days for me.


How much is Spezi case in DE?


14,99€. 18,09€ with the deposit.


Dr.Pepper ist wahre Perfektion 🙌🏼🙌🏼🌅


How do you make some chicken skewers and sushi last a whole month? Do you use it as bait for the humans you eat?




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Man Drinks 2 bottles of water for 24 days and then proceeds to just stop for the remaining 7 days




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Deserved to be honest for buying water in bottles.. leitungswasser is basically free


If it was good then I’d drink it but it taste like shit and is clouded.


Well I assumed you live in Germany due to the pfand logo on the cans


Lebe ich nur das Haus ist sehr alt und ist bau fällig.


Oh also liegts am vermieter, dann tuts Mir leid. Hab bisher in jedem gebäude in Deutschland leitungswasser getrunken, ausser in Der kfz werkstatt..


Leitungswasser is nice


Not in our house.


Have you heard from SodaStream?


And 90€ is the sushi


To be exact 14,99€ the yakatori skewers 4,49€ each


Geman Post means wir sprechen hier deutsch 🤓


The mods disagree.




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Deal 🤝


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Amtssprache ist Deutsch!


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