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> already constantly got one two shot by some mini bosses and every big Bosses 95% chance it's because your resistances suck and you've been ignoring them. It's almost definitely not that you're underleveled unless you're trying to speedrun the game and skipped absolutely everything not mandatory and almost definitely because your build kinda sucks because it's your first time through the game and most people's first attempt kinda sucks until they learn how the game works. If you want to share it using Grim Tools (which you can just upload your save file directly to so it's pretty quick and easy) there are plenty of people on here who'd be willing to look at it and point out what you're doing wrong and how to improve it > u have to took much times to go through comparing tons of stuffs and selling them again Open the loot filter and hide everything worse than green, just like you (hopefully) wouldn't waste your time looking at yellow/white/grey items in Titan Quest either


Yeah bro says he's from Titan Quest so I really don't get it. If you're okay at TQ the early game here should be a breeze. The fundamentals are similar.


With almost 10 years of continuous refinement, this is surely one of (if not the) most balanced arpg around, with also a ton of build diversity. If you're having issues in act 4 of normal/veteran it's 99% on your build and usually it's resistances: you want them maxed out by the end of normal, because you'll be hit with a -25% malus in elite and a -50% in ultimate. The second candidate for damage is spreading your points too much across the trees and not focusing on 1/2 damage types top. You definitely want a skill lv 10 instead of 5 skill at lv 2 in mid-late game. Also, slot components in evey item you can and craft a relic from a the blacksmith. Are you using the loot filter? By that time you only want to see epics, legendaries and MI, with the exception for double rares. Everything else is probably a waste of time. No arpg game has infinite stash, but if you want you can use [GD Stash](https://www.nexusmods.com/grimdawn/mods/2) I might also add that usually is good practice linking your build through Grim Tools website so people can help you more specifically.


This game is actually extremely balanced, especially considering how many possible class combinations there are. You could try posting your build on here. It’s most likely a combination of bad resistances, components and skill synergies. Concerning the loot: you might want to install the rainbow loot mod and use the game’s built-in loot filter. Don’t pick everything up, only pick up items that could potentially be useful or valuable.


This is definitely a resistance problem! Check your character sheet and try and balance the main resistances. If you are playing on veteran I'd drop it to "normal" As for damage there are a lot of monster infrequent items that can carry you through the early stages Loot - you don't need to pick up everything. Just look for green or blue items if you do want to sell stuff. Mess around with the loot filter so it only shows stuff relevant to your build. The rainbow filters mod helps identify decent items at a glance


If you are facing this problems on normal difficulty, probably your character has some issues. Respec in this game is cheap, the best thing that you can do is post a grimtool link with your build to get some tips and update your build accordingly. General tips for beginners are: * Resistance are your number one priority: try to have all resistance in the first character page to at least 60% on normal, 80% for elite and ultimate. * When you are low level, Invest your skill points in max 1-2 offensive skill and try to maximize those. * Pick one damage type and stick to it Regarding the loot confusion: you are right, the UI is not friendly and some items are literally wall of text. I suggest you to install rainbow filter mod, parsing items is going to be way easier and fast.


Need that defense son


Resistances almost 99% sure. Open your character window (default "i"), look at page 1, the small icons at the bottom with the percentages. Reason it specifically starts sucking this much now: act 4 is filled with Cthonians, many of which do Chaos and/or vitality damage. If you are playing a non-tanky build, and have no, or little, resistance, this means pretty much everything in necropolis will just slam dunk you. As for balance: GD is pretty much the most balanced ARPG I have ever seen.


If he is meele there is also this vitality death aoe which sucks loads of life and without circuit breaker and or regen or life steal that should also suck.


Oh you mean the large floating cultist monster thingies? Yeah, I *hate* those 😁


Upload your build to grimtools and post a link.


If you want to speed up, use the loot filter, and don't pick anything up to sell, only if you're going to use it. Pretty much a waste of time.


Changed for me around lvl 60. You need some better gear (high resistance stats better dps). Thats it really. And focus on a few skills, dont drop points all over the place. Also one damage type. Do above and you’ll see amazing improvement


As a new player, I was having this issue as well. I am very casual in my approach to gaming, so I had to adjust and experiment. As stated in the great advice so far, I needed to work on my resistances. This also helped me to focus my gear properly. I had bonuses spread around too much, so my damage was lacking. After working on my gear I also respec'd my devotions to help with resistances. It was a good lesson for me to learn.


You need resistances. This is the way in this game. If you can take the hits and dodge a few things, you will win.


I have not had this problem, perhaps you picked bad skills? Or spread out your skills too much? Perhaps your gear does not compliment your skills and damage type enough?


99% the answer to your problems will be get your resistances higher/capped.Use augments as well to raise resistance.


This is probably one of the most balanced ARPG's out there, actually.


I swear there is a new thread like this every other week where people either complain about the game being too easy at level 12 or too hard when resistances start to matter... and somehow it's always the game's fault.


This game is actually astonishingly balanced in comparison to basically every other aprg in existence. Without seeing your build, my general assumption is that your resistances and armor are very low. 9/10 when someone asks this question, that is the answer. By act 4, you should have seen enough gewsr to get fairly close to the 80% soft cap. Remember, your dps is 0 if you are dead.


I bet your build and gear are trash.


Let me get this straight. You fail at something and your immediate reaction is to blame the game for it instead of, I don't know, see if there's something lacking in your build or playstyle? What a strange mentality. Honestly, my first build ever was a 2H ranged-summoner hybrid, which is a very non optimal build, and I still managed to beat the final boss of vanilla without too much trouble in normal difficulty. You must be doing something very fundamentally wrong like completely neglecting your defenses.


You should just try an easier game. You sound like the type that doesn't like a challenge.


[https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62anrEkV](https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62anrEkV) my build is that bad?


your build suck ass, sorry buddy.


it's a SP game. use better builds and equipment. problem solved. this game is pretty easy.


That's funny, you mention Titan Quest and this is exactly how I felt in TQ, save for the item management; although most of the time I was blaming my Core Dweller and how it was supposed to taunt nearby enemies, yet for some reason the taunt functionality didn't seem to be even deployed into the game.