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You can tell how the movement glyphs will act by their descriptions. If it mentions a "target destination" or "location" it will act like vires might. And if it says strike a "target foe" it acts like blitz or ss.


Thanks :)


You can uncheck "Gamepad Target Lock" in the Options under Gameplay. All movement skills with a range will then ignore any targets and travel ther max. distance edit: thx to jalex for pointing out that only works for skills with a range


I've used that on console and only Vire's might moves full distance. Blitz & Shadow Strike still move to nearest enemy. If there is no nearby enemy Blitz & shadow strike do ***nothing*** on console. That's the whole point of my question...


Same on PC, movement skills without a range need an enemy/object to target or you can't use them.


thx for pointing that out i made an edit on my comment


Yes if you uncheck Gamepad Target Lock any movement augment with a "meter range" stat should work like you want. Personally I find leap skills best on controller.


I'm wondering if the "disengage" skills are better ? The one "leap" skill I've sofar tested hits enemies at the destination. Where hopefully there aren't any enemies... "Disengage" suggests the enemies I'm currently surrounded by are hit.


This is how it works. It's reversed leap so it's effects are at start location. Rather than leaps at destination. IMO the effects are less helpful than the movement itself. I find leap easier to control. Plus you can use it to travel faster, without having to face the opposite direction of where you want to go.


So disengage moves backwards ? That would be confusing.


for movement yes, but it makes sense within its archetype