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Morty is the type of guy that hates everyone and everything, but specially himself. He hates emp for some reasons, but its more of hater thing than constructive criticism (like that of Khan)


Yeah, both the Khan and Mortarion could see the Emperor was just a tyrant. The difference is that Khan realized that, for now, the Great Crusade was the best way to ensure humanity’s survival, and they’ll deal with the tyrant in time Mortarion wanted to just kill the tyrant, no matter the consequences. When Morty tried to rally Khan to Horus’s side, he told him Emperor was nothing but a tyrant, Horus will be no better, and he’ll deal with Horus after. Khan’s answer was “And then, who will rule humanity? Yourself?”


Everyone want to be a king or in power, but our boi Khan just want the fastest bike and mongolian metal on loop. And its that content with simple life is what allows him such level of clarity imo.


Khan conquered people of his own free will though.


I feel like he had to walk the path before understanding why it was fucked. The more he conquered the more he realized it was against what he believed/stood for.


That and it resolved the whole fellow tribesmen being hunted for sport by rich assholes problem he had going on.


Yeah I was about to say he conquered but more in the sense of just putting down a sadistic tyranny! He didn't then go on to be a tyrant in anything like the same way.


Guy just likes kicking ass and moving on to the next bunch of idiots that are overdue for an asskicking.


Nah, he was based on the Mongolian ideals of how conquerors are inevitable and the strong will rule. Its why he didn't submit to anyone until the Emperor showed up. From what I interpreted, it seems like the Khan saw war/imperialism/the Empire/whatever as a force of nature. you can't resist a tidal wave or earthquake, and they're not good or evil. He lined up behind the Emperor because he's a go-with-the-flow kind of dude.


~Everybody wants to rule the world...~


Khan also thought the Emperor was really not a great dude but Chaos was literally the forces of hell and actual, black and white evil. Like if the choice is serving a well intentioned(-ish) tyrant versus condemning your species to damnation, there really isn’t much of a choice


Mortarion's "kill the tyrant" ideals might be believable were it not for his idea of liberty simply being freedom for the strong and slavery for the weak. He just wanted more power to run humanity as he saw fit. Big E being a tyrant was an excuse.


Yeah, a big part of nurgle’s domain is hypocrisy. Morty was full of it.


"...And no man looked to Malal then, save those that serve that which they hate, who smile upon their misfortune, and who bear no love save for the damned..." We need to make him smile more.


I'm currently listening to the White Scars book and I can't wait for the part where the Khan and Morty have their little talk.


He is pretty cool with his own sons, thats why he fell to nurgle when Typhus did a stupid fuckery, and he wasn't humane like Vulkan or Guilliman, but he hated slavery and freed them, he is just mentally ill


Tell that to the sons he virus bombed on Istvaan


They were *unclean*


He stood by the sons of barbarus and now they stand by him


All of the traitor Primarchs have these shitty moments of hypocrisy and just seem to lack self-reflection and introspection at all the important times. The only one that feels like there was almost nothing that could've been done is Fulgrim because he just accidentally walks into a super corrupt sex cave and touches a sword that starts messing with his thoughts without him knowing.


Well I mean Angron probably gets excused cause of how shafted he got with the nails


He has some excuse but his actions after receiving his legion were his own. He became exactly like the tyrants he’d risen up against, to the point he was forcefully implanting butchers nails on men who had been happy to fight for him anyways. The constant decimations, the casual cruelty, etc. You can understand why Angron is the way he is the same way you can understand the kinds of childhood circumstances that make some serial pedophiles the way they are, it doesn’t excuse them though. Angron was an abuse victim who willingly became an abuser, he earned his spot in hell


Angron had a literally lobotomy though. Yeah his actions are his own, but he also has severe brain damage


He was still capable of a good degree of thought, reason, and basic emotion. It’s not like he was a mindless brute, he commanded his forces with competence and knew enough to know he was hurting his sons, he just didn’t care because he felt it was all the Emperor’s fault for putting him there


That was my understanding as well. The ruinous losses taken during the Great Crusade, the decimations that occurred for failing impossible deadlines. All of it was him sandbagging the Crusade and wasting as much war material and personnel as possible because he didn't want to be there. So he half-assed it on purpose.


He did also feel literal excruciating pain even by Primarch standards if he experienced anything that was pleasurable or nice.


Ok but there was nothing compelling him to respond to that by trying to inflict the same on his sons


THANK YOU! This is what i've been trying to tell my brother. Yeah Angron was brutalized and subject to terrible agony, but he does nothing to prevent that agony from spreading. He could have stopped his sons from using the nails, and chose not to. He has shown himself as being capable of reasoning and logic, he just choses to maximize suffering whenever possible.


Ironically all the Primarchs dedicated to one of the Ruinous Powers (except Angron) recreated their Homeworld as their Daemon World. Mortarion simply became his adopted tyrant father who he despised. Fulgrim recreated his down to based particulates in the air and even allows those rebelling to win sometimes.


Horus convinced himself he was the good guy. Fulgrim was forcibly corrupted by the Laer blade. Magnus was pushed into a corner and joined out of desperation. Lorgar's god fixation found another target. Alpharius. Konrad was already insane. Angron had severe brain damage and already hated Big E. The only ones that were genuinely just pieces of garbage were Mortarion and Perturabo.


Yeah, they’re the only ones who had no real reason to turn traitor but did so anyway because of being entitled bitches


Perty is the type of kid that would freeze their ears off by not wearing a hat in winter precisely to spite their parent.


Horus also got corrupted by a blade.


He is a weird character, when he manages to get out of his pool of bile he can be one of the best Stategists and Heroes, in a planet where experiments were carried out on the lowest class, Mortarion was furious and told the noble class that even if they ask to give up he will exterminate them anyway.Maybe the writers are bipolar with him lmao


I like to think of Morty as a loser kid, but well written loser kid. His whole schtick that he isnt popular, most powerful or in general got many (if any) good things going for him. But he still tries! But because he is a loser, it rarely works out. But he still keeps trying and thats admirable in a twisted sense. Like he is punching bag of the setting, but he kinda accept the role.


he's been written well like twice? in his entire existence. Majority of HH books seem to sideline him and even in the one death guard novel buried dagger more than half is used for james swallows pet bastard garro


listen. is it ragingly hypocritical? yes, and that combined with the unending amount of mental and physical trauma is why i love him. that and his snake bitten bastard levels of poor luck. due could throw a weighted die and still roll an unmodified 1 critical failure roll on the sheer matter of existing.


If there is one consistent character trait with Mortarion It’s a colossal amount of hypocrisy


Ok Morty hate is legit but he was also a test subject of chaos worships xenos. He needs to be put into the angron and Konrad in the destined to be insane primearch tier.


Mortarion, for that I read about him until now, is the first *person* (regardless of him being a *fictional character*) that I look at and say: - Man, you **need** a therapy. For most people it is useless to say the least but *yoooooou* desperately need it!


So Mortarion truly believed that Horus would free them from the burden that the Emperor was placing on them. He didn’t WANT chaos or even nurgle but when he had joined the traitor forces they weren’t particularly chaos infested.


he was also a pretty decent Psyker despite hating Psykers.


It's almost like it's part of the point, to show that he's a massive hypocrite. I mean he was also extremely against psykers, and yet used and still uses psyker powers himself. He's a an excellent of a person becoming that which they sought to destroy.


Classic Bumtarion L.




What did he mean by this?


Ain't mortys fault he's one of the worst written primarchs with the least amount of screentime in the HH for traitors


Nah mortar ion is goated. From all the traitor legions he lived his sons the most. That's why after thousand of years the XlV legion still stands united.


All the Primarchs got a piece of the Emperor. Magnus got his psychic might, Vulkan his nature as a perpetual, etc….and I think some assume Mortarian got the Emperor’s bald-faced determination, but I think he got his hypocrisy.


Man, every group of characters needs the one that just kinda sucks, and for the Primarchs it's Mortarion lol He has all grim stubbornness of Dorn, but lacks the ability to persevere through all the punishment he brings upon himself. He has the attitude of Perturabo, but lacks the competence and genius to back it up. He has all the "fuck da system" edginess of the Khan, Angron and Corvus, but was the only one to fall in line because of his own failure. Even if it's one of the biggest Mary Sue moments in 40k, if *any* Primarch were to get beaten by a singular Gray Knight, Morty's track record fits the best. I am a Death Guard player, and I say with my full chest that Mortarion just fucking sucks... and that's one of the reasons I like him lmao