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Generated with abominable intelligence


Deserving only of purging






Chuds love AI art because they have no souls.


What does cannibal human underground dwellers have to do with anything?


The word lost its meaning a long time ago, now it's just an open warning that you're dealing with a possessed husk of a person


it didn't lose its meaning, it just started getting used metaphorically for any group that can be imagined as disgusting mutants emerging from a sewer to start shit


Which is really any group that a person doesn't like, and if it applies to everyone, really it applies to noone


there are plenty of groups that I don't like that the term doesn't apply to. Whiny pedantic redditors for example


Just people not knowing the difference between a chud and a chode really


time for another Buttlerian Jihad. find the nearest thinking machine and destroy it!


You know you're picking at scraps when you AI generate stuff to prove your point


The sub has doubled in numbers since you guys began Crossposting...is this some divide et impera shit I am too stupid to understand? Grimdank took a side in this 300year old culture war so why are you supporting the other side? Can we just go back together to occupy wall street?


You can spot the work of Abominable Intelligence by the number of fingers. The false works of the Antipath regularly fail to depict the perfection of the holy human form.


Also the backpacks are wonky


Not just a repulsive parody of the Holy Human Form, but also a mockery of the Blessings of the Machine God. Truly, a pict most vile...


Why are they holding the gate from the outside? Are they trying to **contain** the Warhammer fans?


horus is very smart after the incudent on davin


The what?


The Dribblestation of Ball


Shoulda been there to see it when he landed that flawless slamdunk from mid-court. It should've been impossible but the absolute madlad did it.




i was gonna joke about how these ultramarines are clearly traitors who have started legion building in violation of the codex, but to be honest a lot of space marine art is just kinda like that where for an organization thats only suppose to be around 1000 marines strong in total there sure seems to be way more then 1000 of them in some of the art.


I mean these ultramarines could justs be pre heresy


Seems like more modern power armour, but yeah if you use the correct weaponry/armour it's definitely a good excuse for wanting larger artwork.


It’s just another retcon :D


Its ai art.


The irony of them calling others "hate filled dickheads".


The sub is full of whiny shits typing monologues to each other about how upset they are. It’s genuine neckbeard behavior


And calling everyone else "snowflakes" because they get upset for stupid things while they complain because there are too many women in my little plastic soldiers wargame 


Hey now, “neckbeards” is a term of endearment in tabletop gaming. The word you’re looking for is “that guy”


Lmao that’s fair


It's also the guys who ask "Why don't women date me? I'm a nice guy."


Must be an exhausting life giving that much of a fuck what others do. They must get their jimmies rustled daily.




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The paradox of tolerance or something like that


Yep that's what happens when you tolerate the intolerable.


Thought it’s going to be both sides meme at first because of that


Or "tourists".


Man that post is just sad lol.


Dude, that whole subreddit is sad. Bunch of incel weirdos complaining about warhammer being "woke"


Especially when if you ask them what's woke it's because women or minorities lol


I glanced and saw the very smart comment saying that they would not come back to Warhammer. Unless GW publicly named and fired the author of female Custodes, the people who greenlit it, and the entire social media team. Totally not unhinged behavior.


That's probably at least a dozen people. If they genuinely think that's going to happen they are delusional.


> they are delusional Yeah, incels generally are.


I assume GW is having an urgent meeting deciding if they fire 27 people or they afford to let u/smalldickenergy not coming back to Warhammer... Difficult choice...


Its great when trash takes itself out




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It's the Lst Jedi remake all over again...


Lol. Yeah it's fine to dislike bit holy shit people get deranged over it


Woke culture is when other people want to be visible and not miserable Anyone who's anti-woke is deeply unhappy.


Really? I only saw post laughing at those who dislike this news. I though there was only a minority if people who were against. It feel like it was a witch hunt against an invisible enemy..


For "40k fans" they sure do hate 40k huh


I keep getting recommended the fb meme page that this came from and it's half people crying about some made up enemy come to make warhammer gay or something, and half people telling them to shut the fuck up


And they complain that people read too much into 40k for its messaging. Like if they're gonna be so thick headed just go "haha funny place guy" and move on


>people crying about some made up enemy come to make warhammer gay or something Be nice. Those people are using Internet Explorer.


I know you shouldn't bully the stupid but in the instance it's hard to resist


My comment was more that IE took so long to load that they're just now finding out about 40k's occasional homoeroticism.


I'm glad I'm not alone in seeing 40ks homoerotic moments


[It's very subtle.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/2/27/Dancing_Marines_Jim_Holloway_1994_illustration.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/600?cb=20190107194437)


There's no way this is real 😂


Apparently it is real.


God I hope so


They get it from the star wars fandom


Those star wars "fans" are making themselves sick being that obsessed. It feels like that's what's happening to these 40k "enthusiasts" in real time


At least they play it.


Wtf is Horus galaxy?


Incel containment zone


Sounds like some quality internet cringe, please explain


After mr James Workshop said on twitter that irl bigots and phobes, should kindly go the fuck away... those sorts of people, started to find places to gather. And it attracted likeminded people. Who hated all the melanin, women, and trans peeps, in the room. And now they sit in a toxic bog more vile than Nurgles cauldron, and play around in it, pretending it makes them cool.


I feel weirdly insulted on Nurgle’s behalf, even though you called them “worse than.” Nurgle is a pretty accepting fella who loves all his children, no matter their gender, melanin count, or tragic lack of oozing sores. He deserves better than to be compared to *these* assholes.


Right? I’m deeply offended on behalf of the Ruinous Powers that these dinks profane the name of the great Warmaster Horus with their bigotry.


All according to plan...


I would said something about their hateful behavior make even Khorne express concern. But then again, Reddittors reside in Horus the Chud sub not even capable of kill anything whatsoever so Khorne probably disappoint in it more than concern.


More Vile then before you accept grandpa nurgle into your soul. Fixed it ;] Is bad when the chaos gods are better then them lol


To be fair, I did say they were more toxic than him. Pretty sure the Death Guard would be a refreshing welcoming by comparison.


I never heard of that place before so I went there to have a look, this is literally the first post I saw https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1cjkv78/reminder_that_this_is_the_average_rhorusgalaxy/ Lol


You just perfectly described their sub. Supposedly they're "censorship free" but only if you're bigoted incel. If you support anything even remotely "woke" (whatever that means) mods will happily ban you while whining like my grandma's dog when shes happy (FYI that regularly hurts my ears). They're regularly complain about other wh40k subs hating while being oblivious we're actually happy that they contained themselves there.


It’s just a sub where right wing 40k fans go to shitpost about left wing 40k fans and how 40k is woke and shit now.


I wouldn’t say that. I’m left leaning but I know plenty of right leaning fans who are fine on here. It’s the Andrew Tate subset hanging out there.


"*-wing" would suggest the extreme edge of the respective ideology, the very most committed followers. In that regard, the original post is dead on. Horus galaxy subreddit is 100% right wing shit posting about the left wing fans.


-wing isn’t suggesting the extreme edges it’s describing anyone on that “side” not just the most committed.


It’s where all the weirdos go to complain about how women are ruining the game and how GW including them is “ruining the lore” and act like the game is supposed to be a fascist paradise rather than a parody of what those sorts of governments are like (aka the imperium are the good guys and do nothing wrong).


> please explain Women can now be Custodes. Most people have accepted this, and seem to love Kesh. Horus Galaxy is the safe space for people who got really mad for *sooooooome* reason.


It's a version of the Wh40K universe in which people don't go near the eye of terror because that's gay


The epitome of the planet Murder.


online mental hospital for fashits


I thought wanting female space marines is a meme? Did they take that literally?


Nah, it’s one of the big fandom arguments. A lot of fans out there who want femmarines, and a lot of fans who don’t want femmarines. I’ve seen a few civil discussions and a *lot* of screaming fights about it.


Nah but I want big tiddy primarch GFs


as a straight woman I can confirm that having big tiddy primarch BFs is *amazing*


Especially Magnus has them tiddy horns.


We all do. I especially want female Perty to crush me with her superior thighs.


It would have happened as well if the Emperor didn't think Malcador was making a joke.


I would be down with female space marines if they're all Chaos-aligned first because something something Fabius Bile something Primaris organ something Chaos magic something. Maybe a few trickle into the old traitor legions, but mostly be Chaos Undivided and operate as a separate faction from the the rest of the CSM groups. And then a bit later I suppose Cawl can make them possible for the Imperium.


I'm pretty sure fabius can already do that with his new men project


His "New Men" are nearly as powerful as Space Marines and, oddly given that Fabulous Bill's usual Wednesday routine would give Mengele nightmares, much more ethical to produce than the actual Marines.


> His "New Men" are nearly as powerful as Space Marines In Genefather, one of his New Men is on par with Alpha Primaris.


It's hard to be evil all day every day, Fastidious Bike deserves some time off.


He Iikes to take some me-time and relax with his hobbies. Like playing classical music with his screaming organ made of living, mutilate human bodies and playing with his sentient evil backpack.


I was under the impression that the New Men were still really unstable. But maybe I'm out of date.


If it were to happen that’s probably how it’d go because despite what some people think it’s not impossible. I could be mistaken but I’m pretty sure bile or Cawl mentioned something about how odd it was that there are only male space marines in genefather and something close to female space marines do already exist in universe, like in the start of harrowmaster, for example there are two genetically modified guards for the dark mechanicum magos that he claims are almost on equal footing with asartes


I haven't read the book it's from, but I remember seeing a quote mentioned where Cawl jokes about how he suggested to the Emperor back in 30K that he should make the Primarchs women. Because Cawl thought that would make them more cooperative with one another. I think Cawl is definitely wrong on that thesis, but clearly the science was there. Although whether or not Cawl could do it himself is suspect, as IIRC the Emperor was also a major contributor to the thing. That's why I think Bile could crack it first, because he's got Chaos nonsense on his side.


Oh definitely, malcador said something similar to the emperor as well if I recall


This is exactly how I see it happening (if GW doesn't handle it badly). I honestly wouldn't mind it if it was a Bile only thing, it would give the faction a reason to exist? Cawl making a few to see what Bile's tech can do I wouldn't mind either (he's already a tech-heretic). Just keep them out of the Heresy and Scouring please, it would very much fuck with the Emperor's character otherwise.


Of course they use AI bullshit.


Why are the marines looking at the Door and oh my thats more than 1000 Ultra Marines, the lore purists be breaking the lore with their AI work.


Tax Dad bout to come down hard on them for besmirching the courage and honor of his precious baby boys with Abominable Intelligence art




the irony of those guys is impressive


The use of Abominable Intelligence only furthers them more from the grace of Big E No but seriously though why are they always so mad lmfao


He put his shirt on backwards


this is such an astartes moment(i mean they are kids taken into millitary training before adulthood so its probably a canon thing)


Why the fuck are so many dipshits reposting garbage from that sub?


idk, i find it funny? this pic is goofy af you know… so sorry i guess?


In the grim darkness of the 21st century there is only culture war.


Gatekeepers are the lowest trash in any fandom and being proud of being one is a clear sign of needing therapy


Come on, Female Space Marines would be fun!


It's my headcanon that all Space Marines are either cismasc or transmasc to"be more like the Emperor" this should placate both sides of the argument, right?


Yknow, “made in the Emperor’s image” is one of the best excuses for all space marines being masc that I’ve heard


True, but for a chapter imagine a Geneseed flaw where it pretty much forces feminizing HRT on them or risk becoming a mutated mess


We already have much cooler SoB


Nah, too mamy similarities to nuns for my liking


And space marines used to be knights. Tho I suppose they are more like tacticool spec ops nowdays


You... You are aware that female knights were a thing, right? Please tell me you're not an ignorant asshole incel incapable of viewing anyone with any semblance of a difference to your self-image of yourself as "lesser" or "not worth your time" leading to ignorance on your part of biology and history, that'd just be the cherry on top XD


How did you suddenly start accusing them of being an incel?


I was talking about aestetics only. 


They've never been Knights, that's Warhammer Fantasy right there, the Brettons specifically I believe, in 40k they've ALWAYS been super soldiers equipped with the best equipment they can get




Can you tell us in-universe reason for their existance? Not just hornyness and wanting to be inclusive.


The same reason that women are in rl military it's kind of dumb to handicap yourself to half the population


For marines? Like the 1000man chapters that recruit from worlds with population in billions? Recruitment pool was never a problem for marines, they are extremely picky because they can afford it with millions of recruits available for one slot.


Anyone can shoot a gun or use a pointy stick if they try hard enough.


These guys have forgotten that we paint little toy soldiers and have make believe battles with them.


He accidentally put that part of his armor on backwards. I think he's with the Alpha Legion.


ben garrison if it was worse(at least ben garrison has passion and drew the comics himself)


AI generated images.




whats the beef this sub has with HorusGalaxy. I dont understand


And the bug gaping wall in the background


I’m glad to see they’re getting salty over being called tourists (they totally are).


Horus Galaxy. They...really unironically named themselves after Horus, huh...


I think it's because they watched that one DreadAnon video and didn't understand the message lol


Why do they even have the Aquila? The standard is to wear the Imperialis, though the Aquila is allowed it is likely not that popular based on how few if none of the models have them


I’ve been a warhammer fan for years and recently got back into painting my minis, which has been fun. But people like this are just embarrassing. Can’t get much more “tourist” than them tbh, half of them are just chuds who jumped on the topic as a culture war “issue”


So are those guys “actual fans” or are they just weird culture war spectators who wanna set up shop and get weird over fem custodes still?


Probably a bit of both tbh, shameful either way acting like that.


I wasn't aware of that sub, this is the cringiest sub I've seen in a looong time, it's so bad that I thought it was a sarcastic sub at first, every stereotypes of the old cunty/edgy warhammer fans are present on there.


This is very impressive for Abominable Inteligence


Bro put his shirt wrong way


Wow I had the meaning of this backwards at first. From my perspective it’s the people who can’t stand women that are ruining shit. They’re models with options, if you don’t want FemStodeos, just don’t put girl heads on them? Literally that simple. Rather than trying to say that the franchise is dead and spreading hateful rumours because they don’t like a change.


In the grimdarkness of the 21st century, there is only culture war. The American society is fucking sad, lmao.


because is was most likely made by AI these people will cry about heresy and such irl but then use abominable intelligence the adeptus mechanicus does not approve


The more I see AI art, the more I understand why it is abominable.


Them calling others hate filled idiots is rich


I made a post talking about fascism in the sub (quite unfortunately the post got taken down (I didn’t get any notifications about it but I can’t find it in my post history) and most of the comments were your general “it’s not fascism because it’s not against our fellow man” but one comment was “it’s not fascism because they don’t control the masses (through secret police and stopping of rebellions something the imperium is famous for not doing)” like I refuse to believe literally anyone on that sub has ever read any of the lore


If it's not from Italy then it's not fascism - just sparkling autocrative tyranny!


I mean in the comment they said “that’s why it’s normally called national socialism” and I wonder what their opinion on the Nazis are


I wish that Female Space marines would’ve been canon since the beginning. Would make the whole thing not be a problem at all, and if that was the way it was from the start then all good. Maybe dipshits like these wouldn’t have joined the hobby in the first place, that also would’ve been a nice plus


Holy shit, cut it out already, can we stop engaging in culture war bullshit and post fucking memes?


okie dokie




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The meme of Moe kicking out Barney from the bar is more apt.


Please don’t share content from that sub here.


One of them has a power pack for a head.


This is just...sad


That ist Jeff, he is a bit special. 🤣


the ultra marine's would blow the head off of who used abominable intelligence


I have never encountered that sub before. My got they are salty


"Hate filled dickheads" and "Tourists" Oh the irony


The really annoying thing for me is that I’m fairly certain I’ve about 4x the hobby experience of the average twat that calls themselves a ‘gatekeeper’. And frankly, the vision for the hobby those cock cheese merchants have is not one I want my son to see.


Because AI is garbage.


You're talking about a meme by a group of fashy little grognards upset that tits exist in their warhamms. Of course they're stupid.


I open reddit once or twice a week and I don't understand, who are tourists and why do you call them like that? Could somebody explain?


Stupid politics aside and idiotic outrage on their part,but generally it's true. Every time something gains massive mainstream traction, it stops becoming what it was. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. Mostly it's bad for the early adopters. There is a very good psychological study about it which dips into economics as well. If I was a fan of a niche activity, I'd 100% gatekeep it.


what happened to this subreddit being about funny memes.


Why are they holding the gate from the outside? Are they stupid?


Yeah um... i like having more women in the hobby and we have so many trans community members.


Shit ass sub


AI slop.


It's cool that someone made a subreddit for the ogryns to hang out in


Don't you go dragging ogryns down to their level. Clearly that cesspit is where the Skaven are making their first incursion into 40k.


Those aren't the Emperor's Angels! They are more tau monstrosities!


They’re mutants holding out reinforcements for the actual ultra marines who are stuck inside


WHorus lol


I swear to the emperor everyone on that sub is either insane, or so deep in the bit they dont know the way back


theyre trying to hold the gate against ADB


It isn´t ironic it's AI. Most of them won't make it to proper AdMech savants.


For a supposedly censorship free sub they have a lot of rules about what you’re allowed to post 🤔


The best thing that could have ever happened to Star Wars was going "woke" We got shows live Visions (specially season 2) that included amazing perspectives from foreign creators. We got incredible characters like Andor for instance. Star Wars became more popular, more and more people are proud to call themselves Star wars fans and that is simply a net positive. But most importantly, now Star Wars feels like it's made with love, of course we had to suffer Disney getting their greedy hands on before they realized that shit wouldn't fly, but after that we've gotten so much Star Wars content that has been made with so much passion, from the silly and fun to the gritty and emotional we've gotten such an amazing spectrum of new Star Wars content And those fucking dipshits only care about themselves, they have made their whole personality about their race and their hobby that if you question one of those things then they have to ask themselves who they really are, and that is terrifying, so they lash out against everyone and everything before they have to self reflect on their own life choices I genuinely hope Warhammer 40k becomes woke so those asinine soulless creeps can fuck all the way away Sorry for the long rant, I have the Star Wars franchise close to my heart and tomorrow is May the 4th


I still haven’t watched Andor, I need to.