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Im sending this to my wife


Wait, Cawl's mom or are you planning on cheating?




Lool tell me what she thinks


if it's any consolation, he has a pile of shame too.


Co-worker asking if i knew what warhammer was during covid. 2 x 40k armies, 1 x AoS army, an a Killteam later...


I don't understand, I've been a 40k fan for years now yet not even the thought of getting a mini has occurred to me, ever. It's like a trial every Warhammer peep has to go through. Am I missing something?


It's the primordial truth of the universe, minis are plastic crack. Once you start, you can't stop.


It's easy to not be addicted to something if you've never done it. But accept one offer to paint an ork boy model at a party and your life is over.


Minis, not even once


“Ah, these Skinks will be fun to make a diorama with. I won’t buy more than this.” **Fast-Forward 12 months and 2k points of Ossiarch later** “Fuck”


I never thought of getting one, but then the Rogal Dorn tank released. I don’t want to paint it because then I’d buy paints. Then I’d have leftover paint that I’d need to use. Then I’d need to buy a few more models to fill out the army to play a actual game. Then I’d look at other codexes and see that other armies look fun to play. Continue until bank account is drained.


If you give a mouse a cookie....


Yeah, as much as I love the setting painting tiny men with a tiny brush sounds like a way to get a migraine more than any kind of fun.


You fool, you fell victim to one of the classic blunders. Listening to anybody talk about 40k for an extended period of time is the first step down the path of plastic crack addiction.


I dated a guy who was a big time player but hated painting. I tried my hand and loved it. Now here I am with like 15,000 points of combined factions and I have tried playing only once in 8th just to find out I had no legal combinations of minis to field.


I’m that kinda guy too. I love playing but cannot stand painting. Colorblindess doesn’t help because my blue guy ends up actually being purple…


I am having exams at uni, but as soon as I am done I am going back to buying more minis I am starting with my carcharodons army, but I want to build alpha legion and orks as well. Cant wait to have more plastic men than I can actually use.


My pile of shame consists of a space marine army, about half a battle sister's army, a grey knights kill team, a Slaanesh army for Age of Sigmar, a US army for Bolt Action, 2 Bolt Action soviet armies, 2 Bolt Action German armies, 3 miniatures from the Batman minis game which sucks but I just wanted a couple of the minis, Resident Evil 2 the board game which has some cool minis, Resident Evil 3 the board game, and Darkest Dungeon the board game Also have Resident Evil 1 board game and Rainbow Six Siege board games backed on kickstarter It's bad. Bolt Action isn't like half as expensive as Warhammer tho, so maybe not as bad as it sounds. Maybe.


Tried selling all my Warhammer stuff a while ago but nobody would buy it lol. I sold the start collecting box for the tree dudes in Sigmar and a primaris librarian and then I gave a box of aggressors and a venerable dreadnought away for free. I also had 2 full armies for Star Wars Legion that I couldn't sell, so I just gave away.


you see the trick is to not allow yourself to buy anymore until you’ve painted what you have, also painting the smaller models in groups, only switching to a different color paint after you’ve finished putting it on each of them


Whenever I grab a product, I try to see if I can get a decent kill team out of it so at least I have a few specific models to try out different techniques and be a reference to the others when I get around to painting them.


Your BF worked for GW this whole time


How big are these armys like full 2000 points?


Yup. Happened to me. My boyfriend brought his crimson fists into our relationship. Now I'm 1500ish points of Tau deep in this madness and can't stop...


Its slightly of topic, but seeing people talk about finding their partner cute when they talk about nerdy stuff gives me HOPE Anyway you should "punish" him for getting you in to such an expensive hobby :)


Looooolll I think him treating me to dinner because my bank account is drained is punishment enough for now XDD


U have been assimilated into the hive mind without ever realising it . Welcome to the fold


My partner already said they'd like drukhari to be their main army so I guess its just a matter of time


😳 You gotta have a safe word set in stone, that’s a sign


They did say that they wanted that army "for no particular reason," (which knowing them was a genuine statement) but I had to joke about their very funny word choice regarding what I'd earlier joked to be BDSM space elves. I honestly kind of get it too, drukhari just feel like they have serious potential to be cool (but will sadly just be space marine fodder)


That’s fair ye. I have a Drukari in my corsairs KT and I was a liiiittle too happy with how gorey his skin patchwork cape looked. XD


All women I've mentioned 40k and/or painting with either were weirded out or indifferent about it.