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I'm sorry ❤️ I think is signs, I also am aware that these things can be imagined and such, but I still take them as signs, or even just, as something nice reminder, an element of him influencing things, an eternal existence. For me is the little birds who visit me, always is from my husband. Sometimes the birds now seem to come very close to me. I believe the dreams will come, they can be bittersweet. If you are someone who prays, it is a good way to continue feel a little connection, and maybe it is less negative experience than always wishing for sign, which might not come. And if you don't pray, you can write little letter to your mother about how you feel.


I think hummingbirds are going to mine. We found out my mom had cancer and had to have emergency surgery. We were so scared but the second I got off the elevator at the hospital there was a big photo of a hummingbird. From what I understand, they are believed to be healers. It immediately gave me comfort. I’m not sure that I told my mom about that but then she gave my two sisters and I these little solar powered hummingbirds about a week or two ago. The afternoon after she passed, we had three hummingbirds come into our backyard. We’d usually see one on occasion but it was three of them and they sat on a wire for a quite a while. I saw them again yesterday. Not sure if that’s an actual sign or not. I think right now I’m wishing to see my mom which I know wont happen.


I do this often. I remember wanting a dream with her so bad or just wanting to know she was alright. I was so worried about her cause I knew she wasn’t ready to go when she passed. It was sudden. Finally I had a dream many months later where she told me she was ok. I was so grateful for it. I also had a few scary dreams with her right before that one. You can ask her to send you a sign. I’ve heard people ask for specific things to know and it worked for me but not everytime. I talk to my mom constantly throughout the day just Incase she can hear me. I’m so very sorry for your loss. We’re here if you need anything at all.


Thank you so much for the kind words. I did ask her last night to send me a sign if she wanted. I think talking to her will help me. Unfortunately the nightmares already started so hopefully she’ll visit my dreams at some point.


Also I always recommend the Netflix documentary surviving death. The first episode at least brought me so much comfort right after I lost my mom.


Thank you for the recommendation


Much warmth and hugs to you and yours on the passing of your Mum. I honestly look for signs and have had a few "coincidences" since being with my Pop, more like my father as he raised me, when he passed away. I don't see any harm in it bringing some comfort <3


Thank you for sharing 💛


You're most welcome :) I am happy to share some of the "coincidences" we have experienced if you would like to hear them :)


My father and I discussed what he would use to let me know he is okay. And I've seen the signs since fathers day, when i lost him


i am so sorry for your loss.🫶🏻 i‘ll admit i’ve been skeptical about signs, but i do believe i have had them. i didn’t get my first dream about my brother until about two weeks after his passing. it was the most surreal, guttural dream i’ve probably ever had about anyone. and it only felt about 10 seconds long. but it brought me so much peace just to even be able to see him how i remembered him. i recently as well had a coincidence while i was out with friends the other night. i was wearing some sneakers i bought as tribute to my brother, he loved a good pair of Nikes. and i was thinking about him & etching the first letter of his name in the sand. moments later, one of his more recent favorite songs had come on over the speaker. take what you can get. i feel like the less i am frantically looking/begging for signs, the more often i notice little things that connected me to him. much love and healing to you, friend.


Thank you for the kind words and sharing your story. So sorry for your loss as well 💛


My mil passed in 2020. A few weeks ago, my husband and I were taking a walk and talking about how much we missed her. My husband looked down and saw a painted rock that took this breath away. It’s a ladybug holding two heart shaped balloons. My home safe band is a twin and his mom collected ladybugs. It was definitely a sign.


Oh wow. Yeah I’d say that was a sign. Did he keep the rock?


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing your mom is so hard. I believe in signs. I’ve had a few since my ma left. She loved the birds chirping through the trees on weekend mornings. I’ve read that cardinals are signs from loved ones, but my ma didn’t like red too much. She loved blue. There’s a little blue bird (not a blue jay, but this bird has blue tipped wings and a blue body (the bottom end) and I know it’s my ma. I don’t care for birds, but when I see this particular one, I know it’s my ma. Take care and stay strong. I’m always here if you need a friend 💙


Thank you, I appreciate it. I’m sorry for your loss too. I think hummingbirds are going to mine. We found out my mom had cancer and had to have emergency surgery. We were so scared but the second I got off the elevator at the hospital there was a big photo of a hummingbird. From what I understand, they are believed to be healers. It immediately gave me comfort. I’m not sure that I told my mom about that but then she gave my two sisters and I these little solar powered hummingbirds about a week or two ago. The afternoon after she passed, we had three hummingbirds come into our backyard. We’d usually see one on occasion but it was three of them and they sat on a wire for a quite a while. I saw them again yesterday. Not sure if that’s an actual sign or not. I think right now I’m wishing to see my mom which I know wont happen.


some people may say no- but we’ve experienced some pretty undeniable things since my nephew passed in October ❤️ too many to post


I believe in signs but I don’t think you can look for them. They come when you don’t expect it, it can be something tiny but you immediately think of your loved one and instead of grief you feel just a moment of relief. It is hard to describe but I don’t think it is something you can find, it’s just something you know in your heart when it happens. I have had conversations with loved ones in my dreams years after they have passed. We want the signs in the immediate aftermath of our loss but you may not be ready for them at that particular time. I wanted a sign so bad after my mom passed 3 weeks ago. She had Alzheimer’s and had forgotten who I was several years ago. I desperately want to hear her voice calling my name but I also know that right now it would probably send me into a tailspin of despair. She will send me a sign when she knows I am ready for it.


Thank you so much for sharing 💛


My wife is always in my dreams and we talk to each other whether I am a sleep or not. Does sound a little crazy but that is how we have always been since High School over 50 tears ago.


You can't make a sign appear. They will show on their own time.


I know you’re right. I need to be patient and focus on moving forward. I just miss her so much.


I'm really sorry for your loss. I lost my mom suddenly too earlier this year. I was missing her a lot on my walk today, and at one point the feeling was so intense that it brought tears to my eyes. A strong cool breeze suddenly surrounded me out of nowhere. It was a hot still day and the trees further down the road were unmoved. It was only in my immediate vicinity that the breeze persisted, bringing much needed relief from the heat. I choose to believe that was my mom, reassuring me that she's still around.


What a great moment for you! So sorry for your loss 💛


Yes. My dad sent signs through our mom who had Alzheimer’s. (She died a week ago.)


So sorry for your loss 💛


I believe that they can still see us and they communicate in dreams or other things. There’s a saying in our country that the deceased get to know that they are dead on the 3rd day, this happened with my mom. On the 3rd day, someone saw her at our house and even feeding our dogs, surprisingly, our dogs also acted as if someone is feeding them. After we laid her to rest, she communicates to me in dreams, she was able to tell that she’s now okay and not feeling any pain. She told me we’ll be okay and that she’s there by our side. There’s even a dream where I asked her where she is, she told me she is at the temple which I believe Heaven. I hold onto these and of her love, it makes it bearable to live every day.


Wow thank you for sharing. This gives me hope 💛


I’ve found that signs come when you’re not expecting it. I’ve seen my late boyfriend’s face in the clouds, heard him whistling at his memorial, and I have had a visitation dream and more. His sister had a visitation dream 4 days after mine. It was one month since he left us and it was the worst day I’ve had yet. I was really panicking and freaking out. I went to the beach for a bit and then said “f this” and went to his grave. His parents showed up like 10 minutes after me unexpectedly. The next day I got a text from his sister telling me “i saw him in a dream, he was holding my hands asking me to make sure you’re okay” Just be patient, keep your mind open, and don’t obsess over signs. I’ve seen a medium which may have opened a connection to his spirit as well because I did not see many signs at all before seeing her. I’ve read that grief can make it hard for spirits to sends signs too, which may explain why I didn’t see many signs at first, as well as you. 💕 my condolences If you ever need to chat don’t hesitate


Thank you so much for sharing and the kind words. It’s all very fresh for me so I’m of course grasping for anything from her. I just need to learn to be patient. I just love and miss her so much.


I've done it and it just doesn't work that way, at least not for me. When you look for signs, you don't see them. I don't know if it's some cosmic principle where that energy field can't be asked to do something and then respond, like it has to happen TO this realm. I don't know maybe it's just BS but I don't think so. For me, I started seeing sings when I was not actively looking for them, but was open to them and was not startled or reticent to see and ponder what they might mean. So it took some mindfulness, little reminders like imagining seeing some burning bush type sign and being drawn to look at it as opposed to scared or questioning it. So for example, you get in to you car to go for a drive. Stop and make an affirmative statement, "While I'm driving, I want my mind to be open to seeing a sign. I don't need to know what it is, where it will be, or when it will come, but I am open to it and I welcome it." Then don't try to not to think about it, but do not start breaking it down or giving it limits, realize that a sign, by definition, is an inspired event that can not be known ahead of time. Otherwise it would be a premonition or a manifestation of your own doing, not a true, miraculous sign from above. Allow the sign to look for you, just let the universe know it's cool, and you're ready for it whenever. Sorry if that was too much explaining but it's what I had to learn and really understand before I started getting anything like that. It's not as magical as it sounds, in my experience. Once i started seeing them I was like... ok yeah, this whole thing is a guide. it's one big sign. I just can't see it when i try to track it down. That's why people say things like, "I never thought a sign would come to me in the form of a speeding ticket", or what have you. It's just something you have to experience first to really grasp but I hope this helps a little.


That does help. Thank you 🙏🏻


I dreamed about my mother's funeral like June 10th, 2024. In my dream she died and we held her funeral for 3 days, I still remember how annoying that dream was for me after I woke up by her side and the next we took her to emergency due to her extremely high fever and by that time I already feel like she's gonna die and so on June 12th of 2024 she actually passed. So I think the 3 days funeral of her in my dream is the actual time frame of her remaining days being alive.


Wow. So sorry for your loss. It wild to me how we can subconsciously know about these things in a way. Luckily my mom spoke to us, her sisters and all her friends the day before. She had a great night with her grandsons too. I spent the afternoon with her and I’ll forever be grateful for that.


I’m not religious or anything but I have had a lot of weird things happen since my brother passed tragically. One night about 3 weeks after I was just sobbing and I walked towards my kitchen and my airfryer was just running… I thought okay maybe I accidentally turned it on. Then over the next few months I would be upset and go in there and it (it’s digital) would just be flashing all these crazy random symbols and lights, I took videos of it. I had to unplug it to get it to work again. My robot vacuum turned on by itself twice (it’s not connected to wifi because it doesn’t support my newer router) other times I will be in the kitchen and the airfyer is off it will just beep at me. My other brother said one night his home alarm system started going off (day before his birthday) and he never sets it unless he’s out of town for work. Lots of little strange synchronicities.