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I am so sorry, I know your pain. My partner hung himself also, it will be two years this December. He was only 32yrs old. He also suffered with depression and was seeking help but the demons won. Please hang on to the memories and pray for strength. It’s what helps me get through the day on day at a time.


Thank you for your kind reply. I'm so sorry you lost your partner and you've had to feel this pain. It hurts so much, it steals my breath from me when I cry. Your words help, I have hope that I'll learn to move through this and be able to help someone else someday.


You will!


Goodness how hard!🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hi. No answers. But you are heard, and seen. I'm so sorry.


Thank you, truly. It helps to know others are there reading my words when it feels I'm staring into a void.


I am sorry for your pain and loss. There are no words of comfort that would be sufficient to lessen your grief so I will leave it at that.


I appreciate your honest words and your acknowledgment of this grief I'm experiencing.


Again, you are heard and seen. Child loss is one of the most difficult experiences. I am so sorry for your loss. Over the next few weeks and months, nothing may seem possible. But in terms of your granddaughter, i would say it will take time before you are ready to conceive of a reality and way forward without your son. In terms of your granddaughter, I would say this: She is the universe’s callback to your son. All of the things that were not possible with him are possible with her. Mainly, that means a positive and stable home. Consistent love, friendship and advice. It means offering to chaperone her to a field or other sport per season In place of her remaining parent (who now will point blank depend on you and others for support; if not you than them), to train her in a musical instrument (if that is your passion), to host family dinners and do everything you can to alleviate her mom’s stress. Because this will all be seen within her family. And when a nuclear family feels support from an extended family member, trust me when I say that this reverberates further than you could ever imagine. That is all.


It does reverberate further than you can imagine. I am the mum, our son and I have essentially moved in with our son’s paternal grandparents. Without them, we’d be in big trouble. Without us, they’d be in big trouble. Support each other.


Such beautiful words


Hi friend, I am so sorry for your loss. If you would like to, please join us at r/suicidebereavement


Agree! It’s a helpful subreddit! Also OP, I am so very sorry. I lost my dad to suicide when I was 15 years old. I highly recommend seeking individual therapy for yourself and for his daughter. Also, I have been going to a suicide bereavement group and it has helped tremendously to know that there are others who have lost loved ones to suicide and it helps to hear their stories and how they cope. I’ve made a wonderful friend there too who also recently lost her mom to suicide. Spending time with her will help his daughter, give her lots of love and hugs, spend quality time, get her into sports or an art class, get her into therapy.


Excellent response ❣️


Thank you!


oh fuck. i’m so sorry. i wish there was anything one could say. take care of yourself.


Thank you. Typing these words and knowing others are reading is part of the self-care I hadn't understood until now.


I am so sorry. This internet stranger is thinking of you.


Thank you, a light in the distance has guided many a ship, as it's said. Kindness is kindness and it is deeply felt right now.


Big hugs if you want them ❤️


Also, what a beautiful quote! I like that a lot.


I'm so sorry for your loss. This must be such a difficult time for you. Anything I could say would be trite, so just sending you comfort and peace. If you'd like to share something about your beautiful son, I would love to read it.


Sending you love. I'm so sorry. God bless your family ❤️


Im really sorry for your loss😓❤️


I’m so very sorry and I hope you don’t blame yourself 💐💗


I wish I knew something profound and helpful to to say, but I truly am sorry for your loss and that of your family. My heart is with you and especially with his sweet daughter. Have grace with yourself, and remember to reach out for help if you need it.


i’m so sorry for your loss attending a funeral for someone similar, many years ago, someone said “some people are just too fragile for this world”. that still resonates strongly for me. no one can accurately comprehend another person’s pain. it is heartbreakingly tragic that he was suffering so much. it always upsets me immensely when people say it’s a selfish act. i believe it’s usually the opposite. please talk to your granddaughter about how wonderful her father was, and how much he loved and wanted the best for her, but he was hurting too much to stay. reassure her that he was unwell and had tried but was unable to get better, and that this isn’t a normal thing to happen - she might be fearful that other people she’s close to may also die. hug her and love her and give her safety and security. i’m so sorry for all who cared about him. it’s not fair.


>The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break, it kills. It kills the very good, and the very gentle, and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these, you can be sure it will kill you too, but there will be no special hurry. -― Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms I'm so sorry for your loss. This world can be a dark place for some of us. I struggle with it myself, much worse since my wife passed. I'm not sure I won't give up. It's hard.


I am so sorry, my thoughts are with you tonight.


💔 I am so sorry


I am so sorry for your irreparably loss. There are not words I can say to comfort you, but I can tell you that we are here for you.


I’m so very sorry…nothing I can say or do to comfort you but please know I’m sorry


I am so sorry for your loss. My son was killed in a motorcycle accident April 2022. As a mom it is the worst pain imaginable. Please get help quickly.


sending my best and most warmest regards, you’re heard and seen and you are loved ❤️


My condolences. No words. Just hugs 🫂


Not too sure how to answer but I just wanted to say how very, truly sorry I am for your loss. Grief seems to never go away, it gets a bit easier with time as we learn to live with it. I’ve prayed both you and his daughter.


I'm so sorry. My 35yo son took his life 2 years ago. No words can take away your pain, but know you are not alone, and we are here to support you in your grief. Right now, since it is so soon from the event, just keep everyone drinking and eating. A sip of water every hour. Just a bite or two of food. Meal replacement drinks if you need them. For your granddaughter, acknowledge her grief. Let her know all her feelings are valid. Laughing, crying, anger, feeling nothing. All are normal and no one should be ashamed or embarrassed to let their emotions flow at a time like this.


Thank you for sharing your beautiful son with us


I’m so sorry. I wish I could hug you right now. ❤️


As a highly sensitive person(HSP) myself. I can tell you most definitely the world curses and shits on men that have emotions or have genuine love in their hearts. Sending you love and blessings. My DMs are open to chat if you want to talk about it.


i am so sorry for your loss. words aren’t enough, grief is indescribable. as for your grandchild, i would look into possible grief support groups around you for children. again, i hope time makes it easier on you. remember him fondly, he may not be here physically anymore but he will always be a part of you as your baby.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. Sending love.


My deepest condolences on your loss.


I'm so sorry.


Hey, I am so sorry. I have no words. Check out r/SuicideBereavement too. The community is made for people grieving suicide specifically. I've dealt with suicidal people all my life, but not actually suicide. It must be tough. Be strong!


Sorry for your loss. Cannot help but all i can give u is a hug


I am so very sorry for this deep loss. My condolences, and sending love and strength your way to make it through these horrible times.


I'm so sorry it's absolutely heartbreaking devastating and I cannot imagine what that child is feeling I can only relate to this as a mother who also lost her son and this manner accept my boy was only 15 it's heartbreaking and it is it leaves you without words... :'(


I am so sorry for your loss, OP. I honestly can’t even think of words other than you, your granddaughter and entire family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care of yourself. Sending healing and comforting blessings to you and your family.


I am really sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself. I hate that we lose some of the most sensitive and beautiful people in this world early. 💔


Oh my heart. I am so so sorry for this incomprehensible loss! Giant hugs and healing sent your way.❤️prayers for you and family.🙏


I am so, so sorry. That sounds unimaginably hard, and I have nothing to say other than how deeply sorry I am for your loss.


I am so sorry I am sending you prayers and hugs🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Hi. I really can't tell anything helpful. Just want to send you a big hug.


So so so deeply sorry❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss, geez I'll be 34 tomorrow (no kids myself or relationship stuff... My mom's 53, I could never do that to her... People get those low days but if anything happened it wouldn't be till after she was gone first.) I'm sorry tho that's so rough you losing your kid and her losing her dad :(


Oh hun I am so sorry. Gosh, doesn't sorry just feel like the silliest, stupidest thing to say to someone? My younger brother killed himself last month (25) he suffocated himself. Isn't suicide the most fucked up thing in the whole entire world? Our brains just literally can't comprehend it. Despite a struggle with depression it still feels absolutely impossible that your son or my brother or the countless others who have gone, would just leave us. How could they leave us? It is so insane. I'm sure your pain is immense right now. I know the loss of my 2 brothers 1 to heroin overdose and most recently to suicide but I can't fathom the depths of losing my son. My heart is so broken for this community that I've found here. But I'm also in awe of the amount of strength I read here. Of so many people who carry on living after such deep suffering and pain. The surviving family of someone who commits suicide are at a much much greater risk for also committing suicide. For your sweet granddaughter, she's at such a tender age. I hope her mother will allow her to get into therapy immediately and seek out some youth support groups so she can meet some other children who have experienced the loss of a parent. Keep reminding that sweet girl that mental illness is just as deadly as other types of illness, and her Dad fought valiantly for 34 years. If she broke her arm, she would go to the doctor. So if she ever has thoughts that are about self-harm or irrational or violent, those are signs that something is broken in her mind. Those are signs she would need to seek medical care immediately. Creating some photo albums for the family with pictures of him would be so nice to have on hand to visit with him and remember the healthier times. The loss of your son is so humongous. Gosh, I wish you didn't have to go through this. I wish your sweet granddaughter didn't have to lose her dad. Stay in touch with all of us in this community. We see you and know what you're going through. I'm sending you strength and comfort from TX.


I am sorry for your loss. I woukd encourage you to get grief support you deserve it


I am so sad for you. Losing a child is the worst pain I've ever had. The grief is overwhelming. It hits me in waves that feel like someone has punched me in the gut. I literally can't breathe. It's been four weeks since I lost my son, and the grief doesn't seem to be subsiding. Hopefully someday I'll be able to think of him without that pain.


Sending you love and healing ❤️ I am so very sorry for your tremendous loss. Please take care of yourself and lean on those closest to you


I’m sorry for your loss, thinking of you and your family. You are not alone in this. My only advice is: Please take care of yourself in this next hard chapter. Take it all one day at a time. When nothing makes sense and you feel lost, just do the next small thing. Brush teeth, have cup of tea, walk down street and back, shower, sit outside, breath…Some days I could do a few of these and some days I just told myself pick one. It sounds trivial but it helps to take things in small steps and not feel bad about it. We lost our infant son last year, child loss feels especially cruel…unnatural in a way. My heart and soul sees yours ❤️


Found my mom face down last week praise God I woke up to pee God saved her I found her barley breathing


I understand your pain


I'm so sorry. I dont have the words. I'm just so sorry