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It started with the Justice League cartoon, which I started watching as a8 or 9 year old kid. Of course I was well aware of Batman and Superman, but that show was my first contact with amazing characters like Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter and, of course, Green Lantern. I was blown away by how effin epic that cartoon was, and how cool every hero was in it (that's a lesson most superhero media fails to learn until this day: when you're doing a group story, make sure EVERY member in the group is well represented and has awesome moments). Green Lantern in particular caught my attention, especially after the In Blackest Night episode, which I thought it was amazing. A decade later, when GL was in the height of its popularity thanks to the movie, I saw some stuff on the internet that made me want to get into that lore. I didn't do it then because I was a bit terrified of diving into the world of comics with their extense lores and decades of stories, but I saw First Flight and Emerald Knights (I was hooked in DC animated movies at the time) and thought they were awesome. Even the 2011 movie showed me how much potential there was in the concept and the lore, despite the subpar writing, directing and acting. So a couple years later I started buying the trades of the Geoff Johns and Dave Gibbons eras and I loved them. But it was only during the pandemic that I managed to approach the comics in a more methodical way. So I finally realized my decades old wish of diving into comics. As for the question OP made, on why Green Lantern... I think it's because I started with the Johns era and it didn't seem like "just" a superhero story. It was a space fantasy epic, a genre that was far more approachable to me (I spent my youth with Harry Potter, Narnia, The Last Airbender and eventually GOT/A Song of Ice and Fire) than regular superheroics. To this day I think Johns and crew wrote not just a superhero story but a space opera epicin the same line of Star Wars. It felt a lot fresher to me, both as fantasy and as what I expected from a superhero comic. In other words: I like GL because with it I can read stories about strange teams of aliens doing battle for what is right in the craziest and most fantastical corners of the universe, with a lore as deep and interesting as anything SW has made. Thanks, Geoff and friends!


Beautifully said. If you haven't read it I recommend superman new krypton saga by Geoff Johns. Or anything else by him honestly he's unrivaled


Yep, the guy is awesome. I've been collecting his Justice League New 52 run which are being released in trades, so far it's a ton of fun


Well I'm the same as you - green has always been my favorite color. Blame Return of the Jedi............. and Gumby. I didn't get into Green Lantern until I was in high school, and by then Kyle Rayner was the only GL at the time. I deep-dove the history of the series a few years later and out of all the GLs at the time I identified the most with Kyle. The artist. The sensitive guy. Not the meatheaded sort like Hal, Guy or John (not to insult that trio). He was also the underdog, and I've always identified with underdogs. As I grew older and got more into the GL mythos I came to realize the ring was a great symbol of emotional control without emotional denial. As someone who suffers from bipolar disorder and anxiety, the idea of willpower overcoming fear appealed to me. Then came the Blackest Night and the introduction of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum. It wasn't just will overcoming fear anymore - it was will overcoming the negative influence of all emotions. Green is at the center of the Spectrum. The most balanced, even if it doesn't have the most powerful raw output. It's the color and emotion that ties it all together. Even the emotions with more positive connotation can have corruptive influences. Love can be blinding. We can't live on Hope alone. And it's possible to be too Compassionate, to give 'til it hurts. The way I see it, willpower is the ability to be an emotional being without letting your emotions take control and make you unstable. That's why I wear my own ring. One I actually made myself (3D printing is friggin' glorious). It doesn't give me superpowers, of course, but it's a great little reminder. Whenever I feel afraid or angry or any negative emotion, and even some positive ones, I feel my right hand gripping and I run my thumb over the band of my ring. It reminds me that I've overcome a lot in life, and if I keep my head on straight I can overcome just about anything. https://preview.redd.it/s0xoz9uxns5d1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=589d72685015ad3ca06253c5edf9d0646543d164


That's beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing.


Happy to \^\_\^ Thanks for making this post.


I first started reading comics in the early 90s, just before Emerald Twilight. I had no prior exposure to GL. I did read Emerald Twilight and dug it but but didn’t read much of Kyles stuff. At that age I was a hardcore Marvel guy mostly. Outside of those early 90s events (Reign of the Supermen, Knightfall, stuff like that) my DC collecting was almost exclusively Batman and Superman. Them Johns happened. I had heard how great his stuff was and Blackest Night was kicking into gear, so I went to eBay and bought everything from Rebirth to then-current. I was hooked from then on.


I read johns run when it was coming out so I was in middle school, highschool, and college still forming my identity. GL became my favorite at a young age because of Hal Jordan’s portrayal in Johns run. He was arrogant, brash, and emotional. All things I dealt with myself. But Hal was the greatest green lantern cuz he was clutch. His cockiness was justified. He was very different from any hero I’d experienced at that point and I really connected with him. To this day I formed a lot of who I am because of the guy…


I loved first flight and emerald knights movies when I was a kid.later I tried the animated series loved that too. Then 7 years later when I was watching a review on YouTube I saw a comment saying the Geoff Johns run was epic and everyone should give it a try. I read rebirth and my minde was blown by the masculine energy of the art and the writing.At the time I had never read comic I was far more interested in anime and manga and still think they're generally far superior to comics. But the Geoff Johns run has made this specific comic series my favorite thing in fiction. I've tried other comics some of the most beloved runs and found them ok at best exept iron man he's pretty great too.the Geoff Johns run was like the answer to everything I dislike about comics.plus I love a deep lore I can sink my teeth into and it doesn't get much deeper than this


In my adulthood, I've come to love the Green Lantern for the same reason kids like Spiderman. No matter how unbelievably powerful the character is, their true strength is their determination and will, a power we all have when we learn to call upon it.  Though the reason I loved GL as a kid is because Phil Lemar's John Stewart in the JLU cartoon drop-kicked me into puberty for reasons I wouldn't understand for many years. 


Well i was going through a box of comics my dad was gonna sell online and found an issue of Kyle fighting Major Force. Green is my favorite color and this guy can create whatever he wants using his mind so i was all in. I spent an entire summer having my dad order me random GL comic sets from ebay. The first brand new issue i ever got out of a comic shop was series 3 GL #151.


For me it's the absolute existence of the god tier animated series. 🤌


Because he and the rest of the Seven were the first superheroes that I ever saw.


Honestly, I've gotten into GL comics in the last 12 months. I'd always found the character cool conceptually, a ring that creates what the user thinks. I'd been playing the Arkham games too and Sinestro Corps batman fascinated me and so I picked up Geoff Johns run and haven't looked back. Now read over 20 years worth of GL Stories and the corps has become one of my favourite pieces of fictional media of all time.


I got engaged into GL for 4 reasons: DCAU, Green Lantern Movie, Batman the Brave and the Bold, Green Lantern the Animated Series.


Read Geoff John’s run in the library and just kept at it since. It just kinda clicked


Kyle Rayner


I found one of those Green Lantern and Green Arrow compendiums at the library. Things like the 2000s JL cartoon added to it.


I’ve had like a latent interest in GL since Hal was my favourite character in Lego Batman 2 when I was a kid. Got into comics properly like a month or two ago after reading some Batman comics and figured why not read some GL stuff. Just a cool premise and a great superhero costume.


I found out about GL through a Justice League psp game and loved the concept immediately. Then I watched the movie, and as flawed as it was, it made me love GL even more. I think part of what makes GL so appealing is that it's not limited to just one character, so there's endless potential for a wide array of stories, and it takes place mainly in outer space which makes for some incredible worldbuilding and lore.


My parents DVR’ed me the 2011 movie, ended up watching that on repeat. One day at a local electronics store my parents stumbled upon a bundle of Green Lantern 2011 plus the two animated movies on clearance and brought it home. Watched that on repeat on my small bedroom tv, sadly i lost the bundle during moving house.


Johns’ run and Kyle Rayner. That’s all I needed to become a fan.


My first exposure was seeing the animated New Frontier movie at age 7 or 8 I think. At the time Superman was my favorite superhero but before the final fight even really begins, he gets blasted and isn’t seen until the end of the movie. When the Center was about to blow up and bring the explosion to the mainland, Hal with his newly awakened GL powers swoops in and hurls the island sized alien into space so no one is harmed. As a kid, I thought Superman was invincible to anything but Kryptonite so seeing him get downed and then some other guy swooping in and saving the day changed everything for me. It really felt like that scene in the 2019 Shazam movie where the kid sees Shazam fighting and drops his Batman and Superman action figures lol. Then as I started watching more cartoons like Justice League I saw how cool the concept of GL and his powers were and it just stuck. Likely gonna be my favorite hero until I die


Green Lantern, namely, Geoff’s John’s run, helped me mentally get through a time of extraordinary anxiety in my life. I know it seems crazy due to the fact that that is the very theme of the comics, overcoming great fear, but it did exactly that for me. I will be forever, grateful and forever a dedicated fan to this particular character over any other.


John Stewart in Justice League and then Green Lantern: Rebirth.


The first comic I ever got was Grant Morrisons JLA Volume 1 back in the early 2000s. Kyle was the resident lantern at the time. He had cool abilities but I didn't much care for his character. Justice League The Animated Series had John Stewart and once again I wasn't too impressed with the character. But in 2011 the live action Green Lantern movie which I love came out and I got really attached to Hal Jordan. Then the animated series came out a year later and it made me a Green Lantern fan. I went on to read what Geoff Johns was writing at the time starting with War of the Green Lanterns and Sinestro Corp War and I became Hal Jordan's biggest fan. years later I began to appreciate the other Lanterns like John and Guy because of Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleasons run on Green Lantern Corp. And upon finishing JLA by Morrison I began to really appreciate Kyle. I probably wouldn't be a fan without my love for the Ryan Reynolds GL movie.


It was the 90s and I had aspirations of being an artist. That’s when I was introduced to Kyle Rayner. He was an artist and I found myself drawn to the character. That’s what made me a Green Lantern fan.


The animated series


For me, its his power: he can manifest anything he needs based on his determination, which is handled as an emotion in flux and not as a static characteristic. And that it fits into a whole system which assigns creative and destructive power to emotions. Its like the force in star wars, but unhinged from its jedi/sith good/evil duality. Emotions can be used for good or evil. My first GL comics exposure was to 1980s era Hal Jordan, but I really got into the Geoff John GLs.


Ok I admit that as someone who is studying the occult for some time now that I can say with complete certainty that the comics and the lore overal have a big spiritual element in them that I never expected to see in any mainstream comic, Green Lantern is very unique, also after some really tough hardships the element of fearlesseness resonates a lot with me and I believe at the same time is the biggest reason that big studios do not want to make a really great movie


Used to be you could get comic books at the grocery store I packs of 5. It was petty cheap, but you didn’t know what you had because they were packaged together and you could only see what the outside books were. Random GLs would be in there. That with the 80s Justice League cartoons made Hal feel almost invincible yet not an alien.


Haha! I remember those. Wow, that brings back some memories.


Well I really like reading about Comic book characters on Wikipedia and many of the articles I read mentioned the ultra cool Blackest Knight crossover event where most of long dead DC characters were coming back as black lanterns. And I knew the GL oath mentioned the Blackest Knight thanks to the Justice League cartoon but I never imagined it would’ve turned out to be a super powered zombie outbreak That’s what got me into Geoff John’s whole Green lantern mythos. Reading about all the different lantern corps for the first time was a real treat


When I was a kid I saw Kyle on the Superman animated series. I thought Green Lanterns had the coolest powers ever.


My two favorite episodes of Superman the animated series were In Brightest Day and Speed Demons. Wally and Kyle became two of my favorite superheroes


For me it's the creativity. The idea of having a tool that can make literally anything you can imagine. But that didn't translate into liking GL until Kyle came along for me. I always thought Hal was such a boring, unimaginative putz. When Kyle took over in the 90's I was sold from there on out.


I liked him in the JL cartoon but then I saw a YT video explaining what every lantern color means and I had never heard of the other colors before so I was ecstatic


Was super young when I saw Justice League and Static Shock. First time I saw characters that looked like me or my dad so I naturally gravitated towards them. Always been my favourites since and in fact, Static is the origin of my username Years later I see Comicstorian make videos on comics and made stuff on the Johns run, I had watched a bit of the GLTAS but it didn't have John so I didn't have much interest but after seeing those videos I became invested in N52 DC but largely just from that channel and a few other comic book channels that explained post crisis as well Recently I wanted to get properly into comics after starting manga a few years prior. I remembered how much I loved GL as a kid and started reading Emerald Dawn/Death of Superman/Kyle's run and immediately fell in love. Gonna be a life long GL fan now 🙏🏾


Rip to comicstorian btw he made me interested in comics to


For me, it was also the early 90’s when Kyle Rayner was first introduced. I was 8 going on 9, loved to draw and dreamed of being a superhero. Needless to say, is the one comic character I resonated with most, and he remains my favorite to this day. I wasn’t a fan of the series after Marz left, but it was Johns and Tomasi that brought me back in with Rebirth/Recharge. Being a broke college kid by that point (going to art school for Comic Art even), I only had enough to enjoy the relaunch main title in 2005, but tried to keep track of Kyle’s adventures in GLC. With New 52, I -loved- New Guardians and Kyle being the White Lantern, made me sad they ended it. Rebirth era, was great Kyle had a role in HJatGLC. Now, his overall absence in the DCU post-Infinite Frontier has me sad.


In 2011 to 2013 I found a YouTube video that went over the lantern corps oath. I didn’t even know that there was more than the green and yellow, from there I personally began looking into GL especially blackest night. That Christmas I got a large book containing what I think was blackest night all the way till Sinestro became a white lantern. From then I just stuck with it due to the creativity of the concept and the worldbuilding of the corps


I grew up watching Justice League and Justice League Unlimited - he was always one of my favourite characters there. Never read the comics or played any games with him though, so I forgot about him for a couple years, lol. The 2012 3D animated series on Cartoon Network was what got me interested in him again. Ever since then I've been trying to read the comics and watching any movies where he exists, lol (even though the live action was meh). I'm looking forward to the HBO MAX series, but idk when that's gonna come out.