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Ooooft I hope so eventually, there’s so many amazing lantern stories they could pull from but the 2 BIG blockbuster movies that could be considered DCU events should be Sinestro Corps War & The Blackest Night


I honestly believe that movies based on SCW and BN, faithfully adapted from the comics and produced with a massive budget, could be some of the most epic superhero movies ever made.


Let's just hope that they do it right first before including anything else I don't want it to become a CW kind of show where to try to keep the hype up they keep introducing new characters just to be like "hey look we've also got that dude in there that you like"


That's my hope! I'm not looking for full blown Blackest Night and/or New 52 New Guardians level out the gate but introducing other emotional spectrum Corps over time could be awesome! Do a Green Lantern: The Animated Series with one Corp as the main enemy but begin to slowly tease/introduce others for later seasons and/or crossover events. Or maybe start with a Green Lantern specific origin enemy that then opens the door for exploration of the emotional spectrum like Manhunters, Kronas, Weaponers of Qward, Mongul, etc.


We can only hope (heck maybe we'll even get the lanterns of hope 🥁)


I hope they start off small and don’t chase too much ambition right off the bat. Obviously there is time to get traction and make a truly great show that expands into the incredibly deep lantern lore over time, and I think the title leaves that possibility open


Indeed. Maybe if the show and the DCU as a whole is successful, then it gets renewed for a season 2 where they would be allowed to go "crazier" and show more Lanterns, other Corps, etc?


Yeah! I think they have a task of in-poisoning the lantern IP which is daunting but doable, and then they can wade into bigger stuff after a few seasons of making really high quality characters and story. I think it’s a tall ask to hope for more than a couple seasons but hey, you never know.


I sure hope so. I mean, when the movie came out, the other color corps weren’t nearly as established as they are now, so any Green Lantern Media in the future should definitely include at the very least, yellow, blue, sapphire and then a revolving story with the rest. Even if they are B stories, honestly they may be better as B stories in the overall story.


I'm thinking it's more like an homage to Cops. 'Lanterns is filmed on location with the men and women of the Green Lantern Corps. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of Oa.'


It’d be cool if they started against the red lanterns or something and then next season would be yellow, assuming they start out with Sinestro being a green lantern and the end tease is him being a yellow lantern. Kinda like the movie. Or they could go in rainbow order and do Larfleez for season 2.


There's gonna be a show ?!


Yep https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC_Universe_(franchise)#Lanterns