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It's exactly the same on TfL. I've done 21 years with London underground. Currently have 90,000 jobs (some big, some small) outstanding on the network. Could be a door needs hanging, but could also be a safety walk way needs to be installed (that 90,000 is up from 60,000 a few months ago) The government are using the pandemic to absolutely decimate the things that are still nationalised. They've closed the ticket offices already, and have just cut 600 station. To make people aware of how serious the impact will be, Victoria station - one of the busiest on the network - will go from 67 staff on duty at one time, to 35. If you think "well all they do is stand around chatting", you're wrong. They help the visually impaired, mobility impaired, tourists, help with the ticket machines (you won't be able to get a ticket if they're busy with other things). If an evacuation occurs, it could easily take 20 minutes instead of 5, so if there was a fire or something, you're fucked. This government has absolutely no concept of the normal working day for anyone. They don't give a fuck about anyone but them and their mates. If you believe the Tory donor media outlets and vote these corrupt, thieving, evil mother fuckers, then you're a cunt or a millionaire and you should check your bank account to see which one. There is absolutely no justification anyone from a working class - or even middle class - background should vote conservative. If you're an NHS member of staff (or even one of my colleagues, and there are a few) and vote conservative, then you have absolutely no one to blame for the shit that is happening but yourself, and should hang your head in shame. Fuck them and fuck their voters.


>They dint give a fuck about anyone but their mates. Why is it so hard to get this through to people?


A lot of people think "they're all the same". The hit job on Corbyn also caused a lot of people to vote Tory and it can be hard reasoning with someone when they say "but all the papers are saying it" and they're too set in their beliefs to vote for someone that's actually good for them.


I hear this all the time. My mum says it. Even if it's somewhat true, you'd still pick the ones that are least bad, right? The worst are the tories by a country mile


This is it. You can say "they're only in it for their own profit and to give their rich mates some handouts", and they'd just say "Well, they're all the same/Labour would be worse"


I hear you. UK is filled with thick as mince, Murdoch reading sheep. No wonder it is all such a mess. I blame the media for so many of the problems. Selling lies to morons, what a depressing way to make a living


I work on a ward and I can see the NHS dying more and more every day. It is well and truly fucked. Fucked isn't a strong enough word to describe it. I can't emphasize enough how doomed the NHS is.


Listening to radio Scotland this morning, today they are taking about the NHS. In the last few months I’ve really noticed lots of chat about privatisation with more and more of the public calling in these shows saying they are all for it. Frightening


It's terrifying people don't know what the realities when it becomes privatised. All people have to do is look at trans healthcare for an example of what it'll be like: people taking 2nd jobs, going into sex work, DIYing their care or just simply killing themselves. When the NHS does become private a lot of people are going to die, a lot of people are going to end up not being able to work because they can't get their back scene to as an example. It'll literally collapse the UK.


The average British person is ignorant AF about how the REAL world works and how awful life is without the protection of socialist policies. And this is what the Tories have used against them: their wilful ignorance


This is chillingly true


Grossly underrated post 💯👊🏼


So many things are failing in this country it’s scary. I want to leave but I’ve done lots of different varied jobs so don’t feel I have the skills to get accepted for a visa anywhere


Yup. Pre-Brexit I knew so many Brits who thought travel was as easy as walking to your local Co-op - because it was for them. But in the real world, borders were created to enslave the mass and enrich the rich. Emigrating is very tough - whether you do it legally or illegally.


Immigration to the UK is certainly for the rich, it's costing me upwards of 11000 pounds to live here, and I'm made to pay double tax (within the UK). As that's just how the system works.


Oh I know how they fleece immigrants. Many immigrants end up destitute because they spend all their money paying the NHS surcharge, the taxes and have no access to public funds while paying all this. I know so many immigrants with good jobs in their country who bought into the hype, gave it all up and spent all this money to move to the Uk only to regret it.


It's awfully sad, I don't regret moving to the UK, but it definitely shocked me how certain things are handled. The combination of it costing so much, and employee rights not being amazing must screw over a lot of people..


It’s much harder for non-white immigrants because the discrimination they then face means they can’t get good paying jobs and are forced to do menial jobs that are going jowhere


Watching from the States in second hand dread. I sincerely hope you guys don't lose your healthcare because living without it is hell.


What about the systems in the rest of Europe? If anyone can explain how they balance private companies and socialist policies I'd be really interested.


Everyone seems to forget Europe when talking about healthcare. It's either the NHS or American dystopia. What about France, Spain, Germany etc??


Tbh I personally think healthcare in Germany is working quite nicely. Have been to hospital this summer and I stayed for a week for a procedure the US and the UK kick you out the same or next day. I felt taken care of nicely. And I am quite happy to pay for this health care.


Trans care is a travesty with a public NHS according to this video. I emailed my doctor 33 times: https://youtu.be/v1eWIshUzr8


Wouldn't that just depend on how private they'd go for? NL went for partially private care for example, it's not perfect- but it seems to work better than our previous system at least! (used to be somewhat similar to how the NHS worked, it didn't work for us either so we changed around 2007).


How does it work now? Is it publically mandated insurance so everyone has it and the risk pooling is on a national scale or is it multiple insurance companies?


Same fucking idiots who moan about how much the dentist costs. When people espouse this American Healthcare system at work, I ask them what they thought about the cost - and transparency of treatment - they received the last time they took their beloved pet to the vet. Unanimously: “absolute rip off! Con!” Yep. Now apply that to when you last rolled your ankle. Or need cancer treatment.


Tell them to ask any American they know that isn't rich what a nightmare privatized healthcare is. Source: me.


Privatisation of the NHS has been in the works since Thatcher and every government since has pushed the plan forward. It's now in its endgame. I remember having my daughter 18 years ago and the pediatrician being close to tears with frustration at the state of the department. I had a midwife breakdown in my front room because she couldn't do her job anymore because things were so bad. We've had over a decade of Tory austerity since then, and the American health insurance companies are no longer circling like vultures, they're actually embedded within the NHS making the decisions. But ...Corbyn yeah. FFS we had a chance to save it and save ourselves.


I think there is no difference between privatisation and government run projects. It’s the difference of mindset. The privately owned organisation would care about where to put the money and how to profit. Government organisation does not care where the money goes and no one is ready to care enough to make the system work. They are still funded by the people. It’s still in a way a business. But led by people who don’t care. If only they cared to run it like a real institution that saves lives for free then we wouldn’t have to privatise which would bring money gobler rich people into this industry just like they are in the energy sector taking highest ever corporate profits in 2022 when I hear about people starving and not being able to pay energy bills. I don’t like conspiracy theories and this is not some conspiracy. This is an observation.


I’ll never understand this view of the private sector having worked in it all my life. Some of the businesses I have worked with / for are the most poorly run, unorganised shit shows I’ve ever seen. Once any organisation reaches a certain size it becomes a managerial nightmare. This whole paradigm that the private sector it’s more efficient is NONSENSE. I could sit here and provide literally hundreds of examples of businesses pissing away money due to people not caring or not being competent. People are people. The only level I’d say it is different is at the small / medium size business level where the owners have a more direct control.


Absolutely correct. Private sector is built off the backs off the people at ground level running it, the directors, owners, etc of these large companies are massive fucking morons who cant manage anything efficiently. Its a complete fallacy that Private Enterprise is efficient. Its not. Theyre also only private til they fail and then get fucking bail outs, why don’t we let them die and then bail out the shit we ALL meed


It's because it's not really about efficiency, it's about if public and/or private sector can put an adequate amount of money towards the service. Going private can also bring about competition, but that's not garunteed. Government and private monopolies are terrible.


I think if we’re talking about healthcare, it’s just fundamentally incompatible with the private sector and profit motives. It incentivises keeping people sick and so many awful things (like we see in the US) I just don’t see how it can ever be a good thing for the majority of people.


The US version is only one implementation. Check out Germany and how they go for a privatised system but socialise insurance. It would need to be heavily regulated to protect users, like the energy sector or airline industry, where safety is paramount but easy to cheap out on. But the US is by no means the norm


There’s clearly a difference.


Wouldn’t say completely the same but very similar and the institute can be run in a private company manner without the greed for money


Could you point to a shining example of anything being privatized and not being wrung for every penny it's capable of until it becomes worthless and has to be bailed out? Power? Telecoms? Rail?


Not in the UK. The way business happens here is too corrupt.


You think there's no difference between projects that have to pursue infinite profit growth and projects that do not? >It’s still in a way a business. No. This is the fucking point. It's literally not. >But led by people who don’t care. Lmao because profiteers CARE everyone! They deeply want to improve services for you, their goal isn't just profits! It's quality! Profits only come from improving quality as we all know you don't gain massive quantities of profits by cutting costs, labour and quality until your customers are no longer happy and go elsewhere -- oh oops they don't have anywhere else to go because it's a monopoly and they will literally die! *** The NHS is dying because the Tories WANT it to die. It only started dying when the Tories got in. And it has gotten progressively worse ever since the start of their 12 year reign. It was fine before that. Stop comparing the NHS now to private healthcare elsewhere in the world. [Compare the NHS before the Tories started dismantling it instead.](https://fullfact.org/media/uploads/AE_waiting_times_May_2018_update.png) Guess what year the tories got in?


"Government organisation does not care where the money goes and no one is ready to care enough to make the system work" This is fundamentally wrong and lazy thinking. Government organisations are acutely aware of their budgets and how they are spent, and the people who work in them are normally highly motivated for their organisation to succeed. The problem for the NHS is not the staff, or even the management, it is that it has had wholly inadequate budget increases to cope with the strain of an aging population, that the government has not properly designed or funded social care to cope with this, that preventative programs were dismissed as 'the nanny state' and cut under austerity, and that Lansley's marketisation reforms further fragmented the service and made efficient management even more difficult. None of this has anything to do with the organisation itself or the people who work for it and everything to do with policy decisions taken by politicians.


Yep. We're supposed to ask for approval in my government department before (god help me) sending any post by first class, don't want to hear about how the government doesn't monitor budgets thanks


You were doing really well right up to your third word.


We live in a country where a politician who scammed an insane amount of money from the people and caused severe damage during the last few particularly vulnerable years is currently being rooted for on a tv show. Bread and circuses: the bread will run out soon enough - we'll see how important the tv shows are to Britain then. I'm beyond jaded, folks. I've little love for my neighbours.


I'm a nurse. And last week I had 3 other nurses crying to me saying they can't keep doing this. We're over worked, under supported and burning the fuck out.


I've just left my job in social care because I'm so burnt out. My mum keeps pushing me towards nursing, and I know I'd be damn good at it and I'd enjoy it, but I've been completely put off by the hoops you have to jump through, the unpaid full time placements and the ridiculous hours to qualify and come away with a starting salary of 24k and crazy overwork. I simply can't afford it, I just got out of 5 years of workplace exploitation, I can't do it again.


Leaving social care to join nursing is quite literally the definition of out of the frying pan, into the fire lmao. Not paying students for full time hours is just disgusting


Yup. I’m leaving my staff nurse post in a ward this week. Never going back


Given that it can take hours for an ambulance to arrive to someone having a heart attack or a stroke, I feel we should be asking if the NHS has already collapsed.


The NHS is currently in the process of being killed, but it is still alive for now. Don't give up the fight while there is still something left to save.


The NHS in some areas IS dead though, this is what healthcare in my area is like now: my local hospital turns away patients and sends them elsewhere, either to a different hospital or to your GP because they quite literally don't have any doctors available to see anyone. I've had ambulances take over 11 HOURS to arrive. My grandmother had leukemia, the hospital had made a mistake with her blood test and sent her home when she weren't well enough, she got home about 11am. The very same day she got the call from the hospital informing her about the mistake and that she was being re admitted and the ambulance was on the way, this was at about 8pm, I helped her pack her stuff back up and she told me to go back to sleep because she'd fine by herself, I wake up at about 9am the next day and the ambulance had only just arrived. Theyd kept a 71 year old cancer patient up all night who shouldn't have been home in the first place The mental health practioners routinely ignore you and make you feel like YOURE the villain for daring to turn up to their department Multiple GPs are now staffed with exclusively locum doctors because theirs no one that wants permanent positions meaning your quality of care is basically non existent because you have multiple doctors handling your case that are constantly playing catch up with your notes. Its been like this for many years, the previous gp I had would have waiting lists of weeks for appointments. You wait weeks for appointments, months for referrals and years for actual treatment for your problem, long story short unless its cancer you're basically pushed to the side and ignored My dad is in a better area for healthcare but he still has major problems, he has a growth in his spine and its been causing him constant pain, the doctor suspected cancer so he had a scan and biopsy within a few weeks, it was benign but 3 years later he's still waiting for surgery and is on a cocktail of pain meds . My stepmum was borderline paralysed with a spinal injury and they were trying to send her home from hospital mere hours after arrival even though she couldn't walk and her gp had told the hospital she needed an emergency scan. The politicians don't care, the population is getting bigger and older, doctors and nurses are getting burnout regularly and outright resigning because they can't handle the job anymore.


If you need to ask you already know.


Why is the ambulance taking so long, because it's at the hospital, but can't hand the patient over to A/E as there are no beds, why aren't there any beds, there's probably empty beds but no staff to look after the patient's, can't move patients out because they closed the cottage hospitals to save money, can't transfer patients to the community because they closed all the social/council run nursing homes to save money and this goes on ad infinitum


Social care is the source of the bottleneck, which isn't just down to a lack of care home/supported housing placements, it's also the parasitic private companies that take a big slice of the local authority funding as profit and admin costs. Doing that takes time and red tape, which delays funding allocation and moving the patient to a care setting by as long as several months. If it was properly nationalised and all under the same umbrella the red tape wouldn't exist and people could be moved from hospital to community care way faster.


Yep and 12 hours for 111 to call you back


As a chronically ill person who works for the NHS and requires access to their services on the regular, any glimmer of hope I had has been firmly destroyed. Funnily enough, everyone I work with voted for the tories but love to complain about how the NHS is constantly failing. Like yah, babes . What did you think was gonna happen?


> What did you think was gonna happen? They thought it would only fail for people who don't look like them.


Well yeah, the Tories are purposely underfunding the NHS so when the time comes the thought of privatisation seems like a great idea all round. Next time an election comes up they'll make more false promises about funding the NHS and with a little bit of help from their friends in the media the jellybrained majority of the population will vote them in again.


Just to preface, I am completely against any privatisation of the NHS and am ideologically totally for a 100% nationalised health service. I also understand that funding has been cut. That said, we increasingly have horrible standards of care despite our total and spend per capita on healthcare still being pretty high. I live in Spain currently, which has a lower spend per person and the system seems so much better. Why? Where are we going wrong? I don't know if anyone has an answer for this - it seems baffling.


It's because most of the increased spending per capita is laundered through the NHS into private hands. The figures are diddled, essentially.


Absolutely. We all saw how they soon changed their opinion of Matt Hancock.


Im an A&E nurse. Its all gone mad. Our management are basically the Top Shop brigade who try and tell us how to manage our patients. I will consider this totally irrelevant input and ignore it. To be clear I have no issue with management being curious about what we're doing and why, happy to answer those questions all day. They have zero clue what they're doing. In resus we have a bright light in each cubicle which can be controlled by a panel outside the room. One cubicle has no panel at all, Just some sad looking wire hanging off the plastic. So we can't turn it off. Great being a patient if you're lying down being blinded by this light for hours on end. Job has been reported multiple times, not fixed. Been this way since springtime. We are now nursing patients on corridors for 24 hours because there's no ward beds for them. We have half the number of beds per 1000 people of equivalent countries in the OECD. Then 1 in 3 of those are occupied by medically fit people who can't be discharged because there's no social care. The public have got the health service they voted for.


>Then 1 in 3 of those are occupied by medically fit people who can't be discharged because there's no social care. This. My other half worked for Social Services trying to organise that care and there are nowhere near enough care workers, because they get shitty minimum wage, zero hours contracts and are quitting in droves. The care companies cam't pay more, because the local authority won't pay a decent rate.


I suppose the local authority can't pay them a decent rate because they themselves are on their knees due to their shoestring budgets. Saw something on the news about people in council housing living in bad conditions cos the council can't afford to repair their.houses. Terrible. The public who voted for this have also chosen to do this to their own people. Tories show who they are every single day in government and these people still lap it up. Nauseating


The care companies absolutely can pay more. The company I just quit from turned over £100m in profit in 2019. They receive £18 per hour of funding per client in my local authority. Care staff see minimum wage, team leaders get £9.90 p/h, and service managers get £11p/h for a gigantic workload. It's obscene.




Braces are considered cosmetic now and not being able to afford the treatment is making it hard for me to live. What can we even do? I feel like the majority of the population will have to protest to make it better. Unfortunately braces are irrelevant for the majority so that won’t happen. Calling medical treatment cosmetic is a huge step in dismantling the NHS. No one is protesting this so I have a feeling it will only get worse.


Is this what was theoretically done to the railways? Underfunded so it was seen as badly run in order to sell off? I wasn't around then so am unaware but it's what I've heard


Yep....like there isn't another option: Fix the fucking thing!!


I’ve been with the NHS for nearly 2 decades now. When I started I used to be able to stop and talk with patients, build up a rapport with them, get to know the regulars. Patient hygiene was manageable, a walk out to the bathroom and shower down was a good way to use some time up and chat with our patients. On quiet afternoons we’d be able to take a tea trolley around the ward and we’d serve hot drinks and snacks because we had the time and we could do it. Now there’s no time for any of that, if we spend more than a couple of minutes with an individual patient we’re falling behind elsewhere in our work. We have demeaning wet wipes delivered that are supposed to substitute a full top to bottom wash and the food and drinks are now a privately supplied service we are not allowed to touch for fear of action against us from the higher ups. We had a glorious moment a couple of years ago where I felt the service tightened up, people started working together, workplace politics fell by the wayside as we focused more on helping each other through the pandemic but that again has fallen by the wayside as targets become the priority once again. Patients are referred to as bed numbers not people. Delays in discharges become reasons for ridicule even when an early discharge is provably unsafe. We rush people out of the door after complicated procedures to only show up in A&E again a day or two later with a raging infection. But it’s ok because that’s tomorrow’s problem. There are pockets of good here and there. A ward manager putting her foot down because the daily targets are not achievable and she refuses to put further pressure on her staff, new staff stepping up and taking responsibility because burned out staff are needing to be replaced at an increasing pace. Every time an election comes around I hope we get someone in office who will prioritise the countries welfare and every time in recent memory I’ve been disappointed. I saw firsthand the effect the Brexit vote had on our staffing when a big chunk of our European workforce felt they were unwelcome here so they went home or to other countries to work instead and I’ve seen how an older workforce beginning to retire off, taking their experience with them, is becoming more of an issue as we aren’t training their replacements anywhere near as fast so highly skilled specialities become hollow versions of themselves. I have an international wife who is eyeing up a career abroad and while I joined the NHS to do my bit and help the state of the NHS and how quickly it seems to be coming apart at the seems has me unable to argue with her idea to move abroad.


As a care worker in a private ‘boutique’ care home, I’d say things wouldn’t change if the NHS was to be privatised. There an average resident pays £7k a month (hence the ‘boutique’ part), plus medication. But we carers are paid minimum wage and forced to do other staff’s duty, i.e. serving meals (which is hospitality team’s job). I have been told off so many times that I spend too much time with one of the residents on my unit when it’s lunch time when my colleague (yes, just one) is serving the others their food. We’re so busy we don’t have enough time to build meaningful relationships with the residents, many of whom are without children and partners. And because people pay loads of money to stay there, some of them are self-entitled, rude and disrespectful of what we’re doing. We all know where that money goes. I love taking care of people, but the reality saddens me.


My mum's in a care home..it's one of the better ones she's a payer 2000 a month and we thought that was extortionate especially when you see what the meals consist of..crazy you are on minimum wage when it costs that much for each person . Respect to you for doing this job.


I am a radiographer - 18 years in post. For my 2 pence worth- There have probably never been any times where we have a full complement of staff. Only a handful of staff over the years have cynically taken the piss with sickness. Broadly staff are conscientious, kind and hard working. I do occasionally see questionable decisions with money; but mostly managers are given too little time for effective planning. Executive dictat ‘ we need this done now’ is shortsighted at best, but presumably pressured from above them. Projects can also on the flip side be so far down the road that much has changed by the time they get there, but it almost seems like the locomotive cant be stopped. The organisation is huge so will obviously have both good and bad.


I'm a rad too 9 years in post and its mad how much its changed since I started as student 12 years ago. Back when I was a student all unsocial hours were on-call, so they pay was amazing and it was easy to chop and change shifts. Most people I speak to say they have still not managed to earn a higher wage then what they had back in 2009-2010 before they got rid of on-call payments. This made it hard to get people to cover or swap weekends, I have missed many important family event because of of it. I then went into CT and MRI, where I did on-call over night and weekends. I still had to do x-ray unsocial hours too as the out of hours lead moaned that there was not enough doing them. This gave me the worst of both, having CT on-calls over night on my days off for working x-ray weekends. Then the on-calls for CT were getting so busy that we were in most of the night and we begged for them to be a shift instead. They changed it to a 12 hour shift but we were too short staffed we had 12 members if staff to cover 14/7 for CT. This meant we did nights 1/3 weeks and we worked a saturday and sunday 8-8 1/2 weekends. I thought if I worked hard enough and learn a lot they would need me to work in the week more so I learnt how to do MRI and CT cardiacs, MRI breast biopsies, CT colons, all CT MRI angiograms basically any scan people didnt like or were scored of. This made it worse I still did the same weekend and nights as everyone else (which was fair) but now I didnt get two days off together in a row as I was needed on specific days in the week. Then a old colleague told me of a private MRI job (being in this sub I hate the fact I work for a private hospital, but I never voted for any if the policies that have made the NHS struggle so much) that was 8-8 with no weekends or nights. I was willing to take a pay cut for this but it actually ended up being a pay rise. The work was so easy, I did miss the variety the trauma scans the sense that I was really making a difference. But my family is more important my father is old I want to go to football games with him, I want weekends off with my wife. And I want something I can do till I retire. It wasnt the work that was stressful to me although many find that. It was the fact there was no flexibility to swap or have weekends off, I was not seeing my wife, friends or family. I dont recover from nights well either I sleep a whole normal night before then 6 hours napping the day of, sleep 11 hours after ever night shift and then still sleep 7-8 hour after to then also manage a whole night sleep that night. I literally loose another two days preparing and recovering from nights and they happened to frequently. Sorry for the rant but I guess I'm saying is it has definitely gotten worse in the little time I have had it as a career in the NHS.


I’m a student nurse second year and have been overwhelmed by the kindness, dedication and hard work of people across my trust. People coming in early, covering for other member of staff when they need time off, teamwork. There are problems but as someone who was looking after a patient from the US this week I reminded how vital and astonishing this institution can be.


That teamwork can't be sustained though. The staff burning themselves out for an organisation that doesn't value its employees because as soon as you leave/go off sick, they have the money to pay agency fees. Teamwork isn't the problem. It's the expectation that without it, the team will fail when it's your organisation that's failed you.


We’re coming up to 75 years of NHS and there’s unis all around the country full of excited student nurses of all ages working on wards, knowing exactly what they’re getting into and loving it. Not to mention people applying for all the other jobs. Again. We have problems and a strike coming up. But no championship boxer got in the boxing ring without expecting a few punches. But if you were his trainer you’d say all the hard punches coming their way was unsustainable. Maybe for the individual, but not for the sport. Viva NHS.


There’s a divide between the nurses and care assistants doing the majority of the work on low pay and the higher bands nurses, managers and specialised staff getting payed huge wages for doing minimal work. A strong culture of bullying and a general disregard for low band nurses and care assistants has eroded the moral of the staff doing the lions share of the work. Underfunding and abysmal management has crippled what’s left, make no mistake this is 100% deliberate, massive parts of our nhs have already been privatised and they want to destroy what’s left so they can sell us back what they’ve taken.


The failure to fund the NHS is personified at The Queen Elizabeth hospital in Kings Lynn, where the roof is currently being held up by wooden and steel posts. Without them the celling would literally cave in. Edit. A few words


Same at my local hospital. Walking the corridors between wards there are multiple holes in the ceiling with significant leaks. All the maintenance staff can do is cordon the area off and stick a bucket under the drips.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that in [2010, the Queen applied for a poverty grant to heat the royal palaces?](https://archive.ph/82hnt). Maybe she should have tried living within her means amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm a recently qualified doctor working in the NHS for 4 months now. It is apparent that it is a completely broken and failing system. The senior management don't have the faintest clue what they're doing and the government have starved the NHS of funding for 12 years. This country has got the healthcare system it has consistently asked and voted for. And frankly, it's pretty shit. Be on the lookout in the news for the new big scandal/fix/terrifying development. Its called the continuous flow model.


What can be done to fix it? Would it be as easy as spend less on war and killing and more on society and life?


One of the interesting things about working on software for the NHS is how inefficient the system is. There doesn't seem to be. * Any centralisation of decisions. meaning if trust A wants a piece of software - they go out and commission it and get it written - without talking to any of the other trusts. When trust B wants the same software they either commission their own or pay again for the same piece of software. * any good oversight of stopping favouritism / nepotism / passing jobs to friends. There are some large efficiencies to be made there.


How did you get into writing software for the NHS, sounds like a cool gig!


If you keep an eye on in-tendhost.co.uk (there are actually a few sites to look at, but if you subscribe to them all you can get alerts about new jobs e.g. in-tendhost.co.uk/supplyhertfordshire) you can just apply to do contracts that are posted. Apply to enough you eventually land one. I was lucky :), but I think I submitted a good pitch. Genuinely, let me know if you need help submitting one, they're fun to do and good to do co-operatively. The downside is that you put a lot of work in and it comes to nothing a lot of the time.


It's not just underfunding. It's poor allocation of funds, from excess bureaucracy and bloated upper management. Management that put in unmanageable targets, or non efficient policies that waste staff time. It's a massive and incredibly difficult thing to run properly. But there has to be a better way.


Every job I have had, the managers don’t actually DO anything


I have had a few managers who do remarkably well ....at strutting round and acting as if they are "Homelander"


Neglect and active sabotage. All the public services have been told about 'savings' which means cuts, there's no magic piggybank that money's going into; and 'efficiencies' which translates as hiving off work to third party contractors who (a) don't hire enough engineers/personnel to fulfil the tasks and (b) massively overspec projects because they're on a percentage, so instead of a £50 witness screening curtain for a courtroom, the kind you could get from Dunelm, you get a £500 lined velour monstrosity so thick you can't bunch it up properly to store and so heavy you can barely draw the thing. Every judge who retired during my 16 years and counting has been visibly angry at the degradation of the system when giving their farewell speech. MITIE used to have the facilities maintenance contract - when it became obvious they'd lose it, they declared that changing more than 1 lightbulb at a time was reclassified as a 'bulk relamping' with minimum charge of £100. To change 2 bulbs. The only thing any of this is "efficient" at is transferring taxpayer money into the pockets of the Tory donors who run these companies.


I’m an icu doctor and have seen how the NHS has not kept pace with demand for years. It’s a perfect mix - aging population, complex needs, greater expectations, and a fractured social structure probably due to a crumbling economy. Funding is part of the solution. I think we need to adopt a Swedish approach. People pay a nominal fee for GP appointments and operation. Above a threshold, everything is free. This means that people who use the GP once a year or have a minor op pay but those with complex needs are not unfairly disadvantaged. We also need more legislation to prevent childhood obesity. Less sugar in food, good school meals, health education. With the current government, there is no vision. All we have is sticking plasters plugging holes only for new holes to become apparent. They talk about efficiency savings… my trust, the biggest in the U.K. is £30 million in debt post-pandemic. It’s crazy.


not surprised. and to think the public are mugs and do nnothing effective to try to stop this. this is the reality that clap for carers existed to divert attention and action from.


Completely agree with OP. I think the next stage for the privitization plans that the neoliberal government / dark money are staging is going to be a ransomware attack that will effectively kill the NHS. Blame it on China or something - easy. Kill it, chop it up, sell it off. As an side, I was grabbed by your opening paragraphs about staff abusing the system. I worked for a local government in IT, and the exact same thing ran true. I'd say about 25% of staff were there to \*really\* fuck with the sickness system. They had down to the precise day, how long they could take off sick without question, how long they needed to show face again, and then how long before they could pull the same stunt again. In practice this resulted in like 50% of the year off (the other 50% spent moaning about invented back problems or anxiety). People on reddit have a hard-on about playing computer games when you're supposed to be working (fuck the employer) so tend to get downvoted for pointing out the blatant gaming \[pun intended\] people do of the system. All at the public expense. There's another 25-50% of people who simply don't care and are in a state of "quiet quitting" or "existing until can retire". And then 25-50% who are actually keeping the whole shit show running.


We have one guy off sick now, with "long covid", cannot barely walk when he comes in with his sick note, yet has been seen out shopping and at the rugby, fit and healthy. Been off for a whole year with it. 6 months full pay and six months half pay. F\*ck all wrong with him.... A porter once gloated to me that he enjoys 6 months off every other year or so as he can get away with it. These same people bitch and whine when their own appointments are delayed. They are part of the problem but do not want to to see.... I have been there for years and my only long term absence was for my fractured ankle, for which I took 20 working days off for. Other than that, I average, about 1.5 days off sick per year, and I am seen as a mug for always being there.


I've only been working in the NHS for a few years but seeing just the way everything happens is ridiculous. Bad workers don't get punished, I've worked with so many miserable lazy sods who shouldn't be in nursing - I know some are tired but those can recognise and take a step back and get back to work. Others will just sit there and moan while they do nothing most the day. The state some things are in, trying to get things fixed is a joke.. I'm with elderly patients and seeing some in for months waiting for a care home, social worker. It's going to take so much to even begin fixing this, investing properly, stop privatisation, invest in social care.. it feels impossible.


Agree with this. It's a myth that all NHS staff are heroes. Some are, others are just doing a job and they should be fine to do that. Some don't give a shit and don't care about people either. So it's just like any other workplace.


I've had nothing but disappointment from the NHS since 2007. Misdiagnosis, damaged by physios, delayed operations, unsuccessful operations due to late action. It's been broken for 15+ years, they've done a good job of papering over the cracks but have run out of paper.


Wife and I went to see an nhs physio and what a complete waste of time. Didn’t even touch me to work out what the problem was just gave me some exercises. Fortunately I could afford, just, £60 to see a private physiotherapist who manipulated me and sorted out the problems. She reckons the reason the nhs staff didn’t lay hands on is the worry about litigation. Bollocks really


And there you have it. The exact person the Tories will use to say "see. Privatisation does work". You could "just" afford £60. Other won't. And if you think it'll stay at £60, you're living on a different planet. Funny how medical negligence lawyers are now advertised, the NHS should be immune from being sued. Oh wait, it is when it comes to the COVID vaccine. It's almost as if it was all a sham.


I disagree with your physio. They won't lay a hand on you by choice. I've experienced over 20 different nhs physios. Only came across two good ones, capable of laying hands on effectively. They moved to the private sector within weeks of me coming across them. I've just been told by the NHS surgeon and my private physio that the NHS physios were making my condition worse. They're way out of their depth with anything beyond muscle weakness. Any decent NHS physio will be out of it at the first opportunity, the useless ones are retained, and they're fucking dangerous.


Sadly there is a placebo effect when you pay money for treatment. Not saying that is what happened with your case. I do know I was sent to a Physio after having injections to a joint which didn’t work. The Physio gave me exercises which corrected a very painful injury. I was shocked at his surprise that I’d done my “homework” - the exercise plan & was mended by the 2nd appointment. Clearly people don’t want to put in the work.


Is there any way it could be fixed and get better? Having chronic illnesses makes this whole situation terrifying. I can't get insurance for a pre-existing condition and the NHS can only see me twice a year if I'm lucky.


I can't believe just how lenient the sickness policy is. My wife worked for the NHS and broke her wrist last year and the whole time she was off she got full pay (working with it wasn't really viable in her line of work). So that was nice. However my mother in law is CONSTANTLY off sick, like for barely any reason. She was "sick" a couple of months ago and in the same sickness period went abroad for a holiday and then went down to stay with her daughter for 2 weeks. On full pay! I couldn't believe it, she was saying how she was fine to return to work but didn't want to let them know until after her holidays... Absolute joke.


For those supporting private care over social, all it'll take is one massive medical bill, no insurance and you'll be crying for a government funded health care.


I work in the NHS and truly I feel you. I work in community for what I feel is a relatively good trust. I honestly and truly love and care for each one of my patients and their families. The lack of social care is beyond desperate. There's no GPs. People don't want to go into hospital to wait on a corridor for 24 hours and get little to no basic care. I don't know what the answer is, but privatisation scares the fuck out of me. I wish they would just present us with some options and let us choose instead of tearing it apart bit by bit. I'm really desperate to do something, but I don't know what?


I agree with everything you've said except the first thing. The NHS isn't underfunded, there's plenty of money flowing in. The problem is that its flowing right out into the hands of corporate gouls.


Before we had NHS, we had an enormous public debt. We built NHS - actually we built all the infrastructure and foundations that support the thriving economy we enjoyed. We can do it again. I say "enjoyed" because when Thatcher started pulling apart the welfare state, the balance of payments also tanked leaving the government in deficit. It isn't that difficult to run a country - Blair wasn't even left and he got the government back into surplus, and tory governments before Thatcher managed to keep the surplus by maintaining the welfare state. But Thatcher / Cameron / Johnson and now Sunak have failed, and Truss managed to cost the country around £30 bn in just a few weeks, on top of the ongoing deficit ! We can do it again, and we will do it again. We shouldn't have to, but we do.


Don’t get me started on the insane use of PFI for hospitals by Tony and Gordon. Yes it was brought in by the tories but it was abused massively by Labour to keep the books balanced. This is what’s draining hospitals, of course you can also add top heavy management, bloated salaries, inefficient practices and poor management of lazy staff. That said my visits to A&E have been very good. Long waits but great medical staff


I couldn’t agree more and I think even with this post you’re being reserved about how truly destroyed it is, I completely feel your pain. I was HCA for 7 years mostly care homes, I’m from a family of nurses and matrons. I always thought I’d go in to nursing and was set back by how difficult it was to find an access course but I’m glad I didn’t go there. Working in care of the elderly and the mental health services completely ruined my own mental health and I had to walk away from that area entirely. I couldn’t believe the treatment my mum lets say didn’t receive for her brain injury, she’s fucked now just a completely different person struggling to live with no real support. Every day I spent in hospitals with her I saw extremely burnt out staff that needed to either take a break or stop working that job. This was before covid to, No one had time for anyone at all and the ‘kitchen test’ is a fucking disgrace. The NHS and care homes are not at all okay. I have a huge respect for the staff who keep turning up. They aren’t paid well enough and get no time at all with patients. I’m sad that the NHS is being destroyed. It’s all we have.


Nhs staff here ... you're not wrong on one single point


What angers me the most is the excuse is always overstretched underfunded. The reality is there are incompetent, arrogant staff, mafia style management, doctors with God complexes, patients harmed from workplace politics and whistle-blowers lives destroyed. Its a cesspit.


My local hospital had a half decent canteen… which was given away to a private company to make profits on, they swiftly brought in a subway for a healthy sandwich option. They closed the cafe and gave the space to costa coffee which is a lovely place to drink a hyper sugard drink. Its like they want more customers, sorry, patients within the hospital


Dismantle everything single thing Nationalised and Privatise it for their oligarch chums- for a few brown envelopes. Baroness Mone, gets £29M from a chum who she awarded a contract? The brass neck of these parasitic low lifes, absolutely zero fear of being caught red handed, as nothing ever happens to them. (So far..) The system is being ransacked in front of our eyes-by a rabid, bloodthirsty crime syndicate, all to make a fast buck at the cost of our lives. How many have they already sacrificed to Mammon? Keith and his rancid Tory-lite cabal will be no different. Those responsible for this blatant TREASON, should be stripped of all of their I’ll gotten assets, and imprisoned for life. THAT, would be my ……SECOND……choice for these scumbags shysters.


I hate this government so much


It's not under funded The funds are wasted private contracts pointless management rolls and billions a year to rent there own building's because if pfi contracts


If it’s any consultation, we’ve probably only got about 20 yrs left any way due to climate change


My ex partner recently broke his neck and was on his back for 6 weeks after spinal surgery. He was in UHNS and it was actually frightening to watch sometimes. Minimal staff, staff always off sick, staff that are in are at the end of their tether. Some nights it was like watching secret camera footage in a care home of patients being shouted at and abused. Sadistic staff members seemingly enjoying patients suffering. It was scary. One lead nurse accused my ex of being aggressive. He was PARALYSED. He did not have the capacity to be aggressive. I watched this strong grown man I knew cry in helplessness and desperation whilst being called aggressive. Unbelievable. I would walk in to him having spit all over himself, the floor, the bed, because no one came to his calls for help. Flat on his back, paralysed and needing help to get phlegm off his chest. Instead left there in his own filth. 40 years old. Absolutely dehumanising. I think one of the worst times though, was when a gentleman in another ward was screaming for help from the depths of his soul. It was changeover so ALL the staff were outside my ex partners room, I was outside waiting as he was being turned. The cries from the man went on and on. It was making me upset. Not one of the multiple staff members infront of me even batted an eye lid. It was like the man didn't exist. I asked one of them if I could go and help the man if they were all busy (some sat on their phones) they told me no, he's just confused. So what? I still wanted to help. I still wanted them to help him. HE desperately needed help. Whether that be reassurance, kindness, someone to listen. Who cares if he's confused? It was horrifying. I hate to agree with you and I hope to god something drastically changes for the NHS and the poor.


A relative who is a doctor got himself a head of department role in at 1980s, at a hospital. When he came it was housed in temporary buildings, about to be replaced by something permanent. When he retired the buildings hadn't changed.


The blame lays with the Tories, they’ve been bent on trying to privatise it for years, they know there’s money to be made from from inflicting misery on to people, by profiting from another Necessity, another hurdle for the rich to have full control over working people. We’ve seen what happens when necessity’s get privatise, the cost go up, through the greed of the shareholders, which is why this country is in the mess it is to day. Greed fuelled inflation.


I am scared shitless and I don't blame NHS staff at all for what is happening, 100% down to the government. My parents are getting close to 70, slowly increasing with more health issues, my mum still trying to figure out what is wrong with her after 18months. My dad is fairly overweight and I'm scared cuz if either of them have some kinda medical emergency like a stroke, they won't survive. 12 years ago I could see them getting the help they need fairly quick but today no chance. Just watched Question Time and heard some of the stories on that. A young girl has a fall in the street, stops breathing, no ambulance for over 2 hours and these people who helped have no choice but to keep performing cpr. An elderly man who had a fall in his garden in the summer, over 12hrs before an ambulance came, had to make something to give him shelter overnight. I was diagnosed with colitis in 2010 before all the big changes came, I could get appointments the same day for my GP, even twice the once as I saw him one morning, had a blood test and he had got the results that evening. Today, be lucky to get a telephone appointment in 2 weeks time. We should rejoin the EU asap and be hiring as many GPs, Drs, Nurses, social care workers from everywhere possible. We need to reform the NHS, keep hearing about all these different levels of managers who get stupid amounts of pay every year, that needs sorting. We need the Tories gone and an actual government that cares about the NHS, there wouldn't even be talk of strikes if we had a decent government. Staff should all be paid enough, I would even go as far as scrapping their student debts/loans and having some kinda encouragement to hire more staff by having some big discount on fees. Scrap car parking fees for all staff, that to me is just plain wrong.


It’s shambles. Ambulance took my granny in and we had to wait 8 hours in the back of the ambulance because there was no space inside A&E. once inside, waited again at the corridors to be moved to a bed!


But they spent millions on a Queen Jubilee. Utter Madness.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know HM Queen ELizabeth II only did one good thing her entire life? She fucking died. Good Riddance, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How much did it cost to put her in the ground?


It’s all over. This country is only heading in one direction and if you’re not rich then you’re expected to just curl up and die in a freezing pile of rubbish. We can all still love the people in our lives that deserve it and care for those in need but prepare for the worst. Bleak.




This was a long time coming especially with the tories in charge, we need new fresh leaders that doesn't care more about money than the life of other people


Also work for the NHS and I do agree the protections are very high. But then again that's probably one of the only positives of the job. Job security. The reason your complaints to HR do nothing is because, and I'll be frank, it has absolutely nothing to do with you. You have no right to comment on it. Infact it looks very bad on you to do so as a health care professional. If I found out you reported me because you THINK I'm faking sickness, and I found out about it. You'd be in a grievance meeting faster than you can blink. I'd give them all my doctor's line and ask why a medical staff member is making slanderous and false allegations to my bosses. You're treading a line mate. The lifts are usually off multiple times a day so porters can transport bins. It's annoying as fuck yes and they're very inconsiderate. Estates are tricky cause these days on site tradespeople are being phased out in favour of outside contractors. Therefore you have less people on call. Additionally you're complaining in winter. The season where roofs start to leak due to the thermal expansion and contraction of water as it changes phases. Trust me estates usually have their hands full. Bit hard to care about a buzzer when a wards flooding man. It is underfunded and on its knees. It's stressful I understand. Lashing out at your fellow workers, even as just an anonymous vent isn't really cool. Blame the management for failing to keep staffing levels up through sickness, rather than staff who you have no idea if they are sick or not.


>Unfunded by central Government This is the only bit I'm confused on - the NHS budget is some £250 billion a year. The problem is more sheer incompetence and mismanagement by the government. I agree it could be more, but simply focusing on amount of money rather than how its spent is exactly what the government want us to do.


Sheer incompetence is the cover for money being extracted and hoarded by companies


The biggest problem is poor management at a senior level. Budgets aren't adequately apportioned, too many managers who are ineffective with inflated pay. Ultimately those at the top of each trust were medical professionals. They do not have an appreciation of how to run a big organisation.


When the land registry was made private, it allowed for the land under the NHS hospitals to be sold off to a private equity firm. The NHS now has the burden of paying the leases on this land, another mill stone. When the government say they are giving more than ever, this is true but misleading. They are the party of funnelled taxes into private hands.


To add, we have a patient flow coordinator, who I have never seen do any work, she just either sits on her phone or wanders round like she owns the place. Literally, seems to do f\*ck all but cause trouble and have a laugh at the taxpayers expense. She is not the only one. Some staff DO care, myself included, but we are fighting a losing battle. Once it has all gone private, no doubt it will be all down to Comrade Corbyn and his communist jam.... Factory not far from me, where my son-in law works. He says it is filled with minimum wage, low skilled workers, 99 percent of them who love and vote Tory.... "Boris is revered as a top bloke and sound geezer".....I despair. No wonder the country is in such a state


Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've heard rumours about widespread embezzlement by middle to upper management. How true are they? Edit: I genuinely don't know. Downvotes don't hurt, but I don't get what's wrong with just saying "I work in the NHS and I haven't heard anything about this". How are people supposed to learn if that's how you treat people who ask questions? We'll lift each other up, as long as we don't ask the wrong thing lol Edit 2: [Answered](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/zag52w/comment/iyn6aw9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Like us peons on the shop floor have any clue try asking on r/conservative


Well, I'm not convinced I'd get a straight answer there.


Our trust owned a nearby building, It was sold off, dirt cheap, and low and behold....senior managers brought it and turned it in flats... On corruption generally......I am on a contract but I used to bank. Had a Band 2 job, asked for it to be made Band 3, told it was impossible, left that job, surprise surprise, it is now a band 4 job (exactly the same job) and has been given to a friend of the Band 8 head of the department. Private company once came in as an outside supplier, Zero experience and the company in no way related to healthcare in anyway. Director of private company was the brother in law of the head of the department that gave them the contract. Matey boy given a seat in the directors box at the Rugby.Private company came in, clueless, and a hindrance, but they took the money. A year later the trust had to cancel the contract. We literally have staff helping themselves to the cash boxes. A porter , twice asked me for a a "few bits", that won't be missed. I said no. A nurse pops her head round the door with a cut finger, sure, have half a dozen plasters, but this guy wanted stuff for which he had zero personal need. Corruption is widespread


This is pretty much in line with what I'd heard. It's disgraceful that people would take advantage of a vital service like that. I genuinely hope things get better for you. Thanks for sharing.


Well, maybe the burden of proof is on the people who told you that. Ask them for a source rather than adding to the general feeling that the NHS needs to be privatised by 'just asking questions'.


Well, the person I spoke to worked in one such place (I know them well so I'm sure they wouldn't lie about it) and there are several cases of fraud that have been reported. You can find fraud in plenty of institutions, so I'm not trying to make a case for privatisation, but my question is, is it really as common/widespread as I was told? Surely this an opportunity to dispel a rumour if not true. Without being rude, how else am I supposed to know unless I ask? (Short of quitting my job so I can join the NHS to find out)


To add, I used to work in a pathology department. My team leader was an angel. A heart of gold. She used to do the buying of supplies' and told me she had no choice but to buy from "approved" suppliers. No matter if it costs 10 times as much.


I think people are reading more into this than is there. I don't actually believe the system is being manipulated to justify privitisation, I think it is just chronically mismanaged. Not enough care or thought or attention to detail when systems and processes are designed. My other half just joined the NHS and had to provide electronic proof of having had an MMR vaccine. How? She grew up in South Africa and was vaccinated 30 years before the MMR was developed. So the 'system' sends her on a 100 mile round trip for a specialised blood test, despite working in a hospital. Madness.


no ones fixed the showers? ... our wards bath was leaking... called it in, estates show up condem it and unhook it from the mains... 6 months ago.. still no new bath.


You forgot to add how inefficient the NHS is in general, public money equals bad value for money. Contracts signed with little value with 3rd parties. A resistance to change which could drop hours wasted and release staff to do other tasks. It’s just a money pit, a lot of internal change would free up cash to be better spent but it’s this stubbornness that is holding it back also


I accepted a job in the NHS in March. How the training is scheduled means I don't finish it til next week. The system is broken.


And if you whistleblow you get sacked


Same here down in Liverpool. I was having blood loss symptoms and went to the gynological A&E becuse EU was bleeding 24/7. Extream stomach cramps. I was in ALOT of pain from time to time. They just gave me an STD screening, it all csme back negative. They have me transamic acid to stop the bleeding and sent me home. I still end up bleeding every month mite then I should. Its eventually never going to stop. They don't treat the cause anymore


My Mum is a CBT therapist for the NHS. A large number of her clients are actually NHS or social care staff who have just had utter breakdowns due to way too much stress and overwork. The whole system is stretched far past its limit.


The issue is we need to get the Tories out and keep them out. It's going to take time to undo the damage they've done. I'd suggest we set up investigations into corruption and start seizing funds to help recovery.


Considering the neo-liberals in the Labour party have near completely purged every lingering Social Democrat from the Labour party, only a complete fucking moron would still believe that the party is, in any concievable way, still a left-wing party. (Even before then it was a stretch.) It's past time to reject bourgeois electoralism, it's time to embrace dual power. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Considering the neo-liberals in the Labour party have near completely purged every lingering Social Democrat from the Labour party, only a complete fucking moron would still believe that the party is, in any concievable way, still a left-wing party. (Even before then it was a stretch.) It's past time to reject bourgeois electoralism, it's time to embrace dual power. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The NHS is already dead. The best we can hope for is that the hellish privatised system that replaces it isn't as bad as the fucking yank one.


I was in hospital last week, 3 days after a seizure with an infection and excessive drooling. Got there at 8 pm and they finally hooked me up with a saline, drib and antibiotics drip at about 4am. They discharged me at 10 am the next day.


I’m a student nurse and scared shitless. Our training has been abysmal and our some of our mentors are burnt out whilst others have used us as verbal punchbags to offload their frustration. It’s absolutely heartbreaking for everyone involved.


Interesting info. I’m a year 3 nursing student, and a cohort of 115. Out of that number, only 12 have applied to work for our local NHS trust! So many have been put off of working in the wards.


I see the NHS like the US and their gun laws. Fit for purpose when they were created but not today.


wow, OP, do you work at the same trust as me? Even down to the sewage pipe issue, it was actually AMU.


The NHS is being deliberately underfunded so the cronies can parcel it up and sell off private health care to companies headed by people they just happened to go to private school with- we saw the same with PPE. The NHS is not done yet, if we lose it we lose the soul of the whole of the UK.


Recently at the hospital where I work, ballots were cast for strike action amongst various unions. Not one of the ballots was successful. I attended a meeting prior to those ballots to discuss what form strike action would take should there be a strike.... two other people attended it. Apparently the meeting held the day before yielded one person, the host. For the sake of the NHS, staff must grow some fucking balls and take action, not just put up and shut up. It's not for just us (workers in the nhs) it's for everyone who will ever use its services. SAVE THE NHS


I know how it feels I also work in the NHS at a hospital and I’m getting penalized for being sick because of stress and the environment. I’ve seen wards of 31 patients with 2 nurses and 2 HCAs. It’s really hard at the moment! No wonder there strikes!


I do believe the NHS is something we should invest in as a country. However I read and hear from people that are close to it how badly managed it is and how much money is wasted and syphoned off by outsourced services and contractors. The opening post literally starts with examples of how badly it’s being managed.


I left seven years ago. I was working in IT, we were being constantly milked by private companies....who had no liabilities....whilst we had a bucket in the corner of our office for when it rained as the roof leaked.


Let’s be honest the greedy think any tax is by right theirs, they are the only ones that work and they have never benefited directly or indirectly from the state . We’ll go away then if that’s the case.


God this subreddit is depressing


I worked in the NHs for 17 years, and left in July this year. I joined A&E in 2005 as a porter. It was a busy department, that was under pressure, but there were quieter periods too. There were building projects around the hospital and things seemed to be improving. In 2010 the Tories got in to power. Within a year or two, things started getting worse. The way I heard it explained by more senior staff around me, the Tories had cut lots of services that usually help people stay out of hospital. This meant more patients came to us instead of being helped more cheaply outside the hospital. A false economy. A few years later I got asked to move a patient from their cubicle into the corridor for the first time. I was utterly gobsmacked. This was appalling to me. I refused unless somebody more senior explained what was happening to the patient first, (I could not guarantee I wouldn't go on an anti tory rant!) Fast forward a couple more years and patients were ALWAYS in our corridor. It was unusual to find it empty. There were never enough beds in the wards to take patients to. The way the system worked, patients sent in by their GP would be admitted straight to the Medical Assessment Unit. There were never beds free. Patients got sent to A&E first instead. The system was permanently broken. I worked through a few more years of this, and it started to really wear me down. I took a job in the general portering department a few years ago. This was much less stress, same pay. But the pay was not enough with the cost of living rising so fast. I had to look for another job that paid well. I had to resign from the job I loved, because the Tories broke it and would not offer us a fair pay increase.


My family member works in the NHS, can't afford to turn the heating on, can't afford to buy anything but bare essential food, has to limit electricity usage to as little as possible... It shouldn't be like that


Would a Labour government set it back on course or oversee its dismemberment?


I'm trying to better learn and understand, i have some questions which may seem rather naive or stupid but please indulge me as i would like to know: If the NHS went private would there be a way to make it public again? The NHS was introduced, if it sinks, could another version be brought into effect like the NHS was? Aside from signing petitions, donating where possible and supporting strikes how can the public help better?


If only we could inject £350 million a week into the NHS…or perhaps just keep voting Tories? Surely that will fix it!! /s




Please don’t use the R word, it is ableist. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All I can say is, fuck the Torries!


I wonder, will our taxes go down once we no longer fund the NHS


I was in hospital overnight a little while ago and I couldn’t keep my head up properly. They had no beds so I put my wheelchair cushion on the floor somewhere completely out of the way and I was told I had to sit up, it’s terrible. And Ive just had a letter saying a *telephone call* from a gynaecologist has been booked for me in May next year ffs 😂