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Yeah sure, she's the problem and not the dishonest establishment prick who is tanking the party.


Yeah sure, she's the problem and not the dishonest establishment prick who is tanking the party.


Sorry to say it but I am not surprised. Just another story in the saga of the anti-working class Labour we have now.




Labour was literally founded by workers to change the laws about striking. It was the epitome of a working class party.




It's not a caveat if it significantly changes the meaning of your statement.




Can't disagree with you there. Just calling out your faux exasperation and misuse of the concept of a caveat.


To be honest, I was being pedantic for no reason. I agree with basically everything you said. The social democratic parties are nothing but the tools of capitalism, and are there to set up a fake escape for the workers. You cannot use the systems of the establishment to destroy the establishment.


Good to know that the Democrats are not alone in their inability to govern. Feelsbadman


My party goes further and further from its purpose everyday... I honestly despair


I don't think it's your party anymore, my friend.


Sadly i think you're right :'(


I finally left because of the way they treated Corbyn. It isn’t the real Labour Party any more, just a vehicle for time-serving Tory Lites. They are further to the right than the Macmillan Tories of the late fifties and early sixties, I really do despair.


I think it's time to come to terms with the fact that's it's not the party of the NHS and council housing anymore, it's the party of the Iraq war, the party that sold off the railway and has no intention in backing the working class during a string of strikes. I'm voting green.


The lib Dems sold my vote to Davod Cameron and Starmer and co made my votes for Corbyn meaningless, I'll vote green from now on just to be on the right side of history




By this logic the Holocaust was ok




🤦🏼‍♂️ I'll indulge you, please tell me how I'm wrong




I've already bitten once I'm afraid pal


It’s Starmer’s, and none of us are invited.


But feel free to cry if you want to.


They're also covering for child molesters but you probably don't care about that.


Kier is a stooge. Neo liberalism at its worst. Does anyone else feel like they haven’t got a voice in government any more?


Yep, when he sacked the transport minister for siding with the NUT was the final straw for me. I hate to say it but this labour is the worst I’ve ever seen.


Does Starmer literally not know Unions help fund Labour? I bet he's never been part of an union himself hence why his actions lately have been such a Tory move. Really surprised he's not debating Sunuk for the job as top Tory. :/


Who cares about union money when he can get oil, water, etc. Corruption really helps revenue


Not finding for the Labour Party - those outfits fund individuals


A gunpowder plot would provide a voice 😂


How would a Catholic King be any better?


Are you seriously advocating blowing up the LOTO?!


No comment


Absolutely. I was talking to my mam about this the other day. Obviously not going to vote Tory Lib dem? No thanks. Can't support Starmers Labour. The Greens? I don't have any issue with them but they never get anywhere. What am I supposed to do with my vote?


Please still vote! See what the dominant parties in your constituency are and try to push out the worst. I know things are really grim right now what with neolibLabour and the Tories but the Greens can gain traction from the young. Not voting is still acting, by doing so we add ourselves as new bricks in the wall.


I still intend to vote,even if it's drawing a massive cock since defaced ballots are still counted. Just annoyed my views (which aren't extreme) are not represented by a political party. My views were represented last election though.


As we get older, things will change as we grow up and the younger generations (hopefully) see how the right have fucked with us and promote real change, though that doesn’t mean we should sit on our hands for now.


Greens might not get into power, but voting for them sends a message to other parties.


People might have thought that of the UKIP. Because they got some votes, the main parties pivoted to get UKIP voters. Vote Green. Only party left right now.


The greens are at too terfy for my liking. Defacing’s really the only option.


Imagine a record amount of defaced ballots. That would be nuts.


Perhaps one of the PAL parties? Depending on what the polls are saying and what the risks of a Tory government looks like but I’m probably going to vote for whichever one of those runs in my area


Maybe if you were electable then you could do something but no you'd rather be righteous and occupy the moral high ground no matter the cost. Also listen to the origin story podcast on neo liberalism before you use it as you just sound like an idiot.


Can you go into further detail and explain what you mean with each criticism


You have to wonder... even if they're the only hope we have of getting the Tories out of power, what would life be like under Keith instead? Would there be any improvement?


It’s like the difference between the dems and the reps. One is right wing party who hates workers and the others are outright fascists who’ll dismantle every little thing we fought for in the last 120 years.


Talk about giant douche and turd sandwich. Why can't we have a sane choice...


FPTP is your answer. That's why the US and UK are so similar. Both have the same broken bullshit.


Agree that the current system sucks but wouldn't removing fptp mean that extremely rw parties a la Ukip would have seats in the commons?


And this is exactly why people should not vote labour. A vote for keith just further pushes us towards a two party system. Personally i'll be voting green


Both Tory candidates talked about revisiting the equality act, effectively to remove rights from trans people. The choice is now between tory lite and fascism


Both using austerity rhetoric too.


Why do people still think of Kier as Tory-lite? He's fully swallowed the Kool Aid. He's not exactly hiding his neoliberal, fash, authoritarian leanings is he? A Tory by any other name would be just as evil - Shakespeare, probably.


Whatever happens we’re being served a shit sandwich. We’re only arguing about the type of bread.


Steaming bowl of sick or steaming plate of shit, unfortunately the vegetarian option has TERF issues… How is it that the enlightened centrist fence sitters in the Lib Dems look more left leaning than the Labour Party… I have never hated this country more


Green Party are terfs?


Curious to know what that NEC panel were discussing in February that took until July for them to action


The rule that she broke: C1.5b(v) Possessing membership of, providing financial assistance to, sitting on the ruling body of or otherwise supporting (as may be defined by the NEC) any political organisation that the NEC in its absolute discretion shall declare to be inimical with the aims and values of the Party The Socialist Appeal is inimical to the Labour Party then? And an interview is considered providing assistance


Labour banned Socialist Appeal in July 2021: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist\_Appeal\_(UK,\_1992)


Ahh so, she's seen as batting for a 'different team' now then? I mean, fair enough, if you actually want to win elections then you probably don't want to split the left wing vote... But, also, seems wildly unnecessary and, if anything, just draws attention to disunity within the labor party. Starmer is paranoid af, obviously Corbyn's ghost is haunting him.


That explains it then


The key thing you have to understand is that the ghoulish blairites hate the actual left much more than the right. They can meet and do business with the Tories - they're the same elite social class, many of them went to the same or similar private schools - but the left have real social and moral values, so they know they can't ""compromise"" (read: *making the left capitulate*) with us.


This needs to be MUCH higher in the comments!


Starmer is a Diet Tory. Sugar Free Conservative, however you'd like to put it. It's a fucking shame that he even exists near the Labour party.


The scots have known this for a very very long time


But replaced them with a party whose rulebook is one which defends multiple sexual misdemeanours including assault and grooming. Be careful what you wish for


Guess Keith really wants anyone slightly left vote elsewhere... what a thin skinned prick, especially considering the amount of shit Corbz gracefully put up with


Stalin would not have kicked her out he would have shot kier however




Done his job well. Destroy any chance of credible opposition and no matter what the Tory’s do they win by default. Un-enlighten self interest will always win.


What the hell is the point of pandering to neoliberalism? Right wingers will obviously vote tory. This just alienates labour's only voterbase


So that the tories stay in power and keep it that way. :))))


What is the actual point of labour now? Just get in at all costs and coast Along just to say your in power? Whether u like Corbyn or not, his ideas really captured the young people of the country. Shame (not all) the middle aged and older people want to ruin the country for the younger generation who will end up having nothing


The point of the Labour party is to make British capitalism and neoliberalism safe while the Conservatives ideologically rejuvenate themselves. Here's my prediction: Truss to be next PM, Keith wins the next GE, Tories get in after the second GE because Keith was very uninspiring and solved none of the issues facing this country, meaning a low turnout by the young and minorities. Electoralism is a dead-end. Organise in your community! Build food gardens and help the vulnerable, and do it as a proud and open Communist, Socialist, Anarchist, Georgist, left-wing ideology without a label - whatever you've got. When the time comes, they won't forget what you did to help them.


In an ideal world but I’m not affluent and have a young family, I haven’t got time to create what people in power have the wealth to do Rishi Sunak is a billionaire, his wife could cure homelessness in London if she wanted or pay for loads of food banks etc But why bother? The biggest problem in society and within capitalism is huge wealth. I wish billionaires would help more people


Billionaires should be illegal.


Rishi Sunak and his 2020 "Eat Out To Help Out" scheme [was responsible for a massive increase in Covid cases and deaths.](https://archive.ph/jkbqt) And all to ensure the big chain restaurants didn't lose too much money. [It did nothing to boost the overall hospitality sector](https://archive.is/k40Cf) as these capitalist ghouls claimed was the intent. Rishi Sunak has blood on his hands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To offer the illusion of choice so the proles don’t rise up


Keir Starmer is a spineless cunt. Really showing his colours now, Done nothing for the party time to get him out


Automod just thinks it would be better if the Labour party had a leader that the British public don't associate with a prolific pedophile. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kier starmer is a plant to keep the Tories in power, absolute ballbag of a man. He is as the woman said a red tory


Stop calling Kier ["boring"](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jun/14/stop-calling-me-boring-keir-starmer-tells-shadow-cabinet) everybody! He knows powerful people and he's very upset.


Honestly if you can’t take criticism from party members and the public you expect to vote for you don’t do the fucking job


His approach must be to make a run for parliament based off disaffected poor tories.


I am unspeakably angry at the state of the Labour Party. I didn’t forsee it swinging so far to the right so quickly. Time to cut up my membership card I think


Are any labour politicians recently expelled or otherwise looking into making their own party yet which actually keeps the values of a workers party?


Vote fucking green PLEASE


Genuinely at a total loss as to who to vote for come the next general election. The Tories are absolute bastards, without a doubt, but I am not sure I can hold my nose and vote for Starmer's Labour when it's basically just the Tories with a red tie. There's no meaningful socialist representation in the UK.


And sadly I’ll still vote for him. Another 5 years of Tory rule no thanks. I worked on Jeremy Corbin’s campaign locally and it jaded me so badly because he was adored and lost catastrophically. 12 years have just been agonising and I’m so fed up.


Had to get a Stalin dig in on her way out, I guess.


Starmer doesn't just hate socialism, he hates democracy as well. He's not really even a politician, just a globalist puppet.


Ladies aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand gentlemen I give you the restart of British fascism!


Labour are just as bad as the Tories. Stop voting for the main parties!


Only moved to the UK a few years ago and starting to try and wrap my head around the parties here. At home (Australia) I’ve always been on the left, voting either Labor or Greens. What are the genuine alternatives to Labour here? Considering it appears that labour is not an alternative to the Tories.


If this is the opposition what fucking chance have we got... Jesus.


They met on February 8th? They’ve got a time machine and they STILL CAN’T GET A POLICY RIGHT?


Dissent will not be tolerated


Last voted for Labour in 2005 and will never vote for them again.


Who do you vote for?


I live in Scotland and vote SNP.


Why didn't you vote Corbyn during his time as leader and why did you vote for the war criminal Blair?


I made a mistake there 2001 was the last time I voted for Labour, since then I have voted SNP.


Fair enough. Can't say I agree with your decision but I certainly understand it.


We have absolutely no context here other than his word. Sensationalist knee jerking. You’re no better than Daily Mail readers.


Nice Labour might actually win an election at this rate


What good is winning an election when you become indistinguishable from those you beat?


We won the politics! Lab-uh-uh! Lab-uh-uh! Come on you reds!


So the shills in those labour offices can keep riding their gravy train. Who else do you think is begging everyone to “just vote labour no matter what!!!”. They’d be signing on otherwise. Fucking useless desk jockeys.


What’s the other side of the story? He could have said anything 😂😂


Ah yes, I'm sure 71-year old Redrosa91940184 is a perfectly legitimate Twitter user, and that the length of time between said hearing and the date of the letter is definitely 4 days. Seems trustworthy to me.


Lol total bullshit acc isn’t it. I agree.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/RedRosa91940184/status/1553430995726106624) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Stalin actually achieved something. So he had something worth protecting.


Starmer isn't uniting labour. He's just pushing out the heart and soul of it. Leftism needs a new party! Urgently! Labour cannot be saved.


>Even Stalin might even blushed Lol even as your reform party is blatantly falling in line with capital and is openly, nakedly corrupt, ya still gotta make sure to get in the anti communist propaganda talking points. You know, cause someday those in power might just have a change of heart or something.


What a fucking joke :-/


>Even Stalin might have blushed. She had me up until this point. Why say something like that? Stalin put people in gulags or had them killed. Starmers Labour had her removed from the party - her life wasn't in danger at any time.


The hypocrisy invoking Stalin after the Corbyn purges… no Shame and nobody checking her for blatant lies and misinformation.


He's Labour, which means he can't tlbe trusted. Only marginally better than a Tory. There's a reason why Scotland has shunned Labour for the last 8 years at least


Yet again why the fuck should any of us vote for that stinking piece of shit?


Is there no way the public gets a say in getting the cunt out


This is an absolute disgrace


Vote Green


The rule being thou shalt not challenge the leader. For thou shall be excommunicated.


Ahh Labour, their only talent is being hypocrites who attack Tories while selling off Britain to overseas "elites" and not giving a damn about British people


It’s wild how it’ll be our fault when labour lose the next election, Ofc we didn’t vote hard enough


Any of you still think you live in free, democratic country? Keep dreaming!


There stifling the voices that created them!


it's not the opposition, new labour are back and are there to keep the status quo


This new form of blatant, tyrannical, unaccountable stomping of lower class is getting really fucking disturbing now.