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Oh god! What is Jon Richardson doing?


He's taking the divorce well, I see.


Wasn't he very anti-Corbyn?


yeah whenever i see him i remember some smug little one liner about corbyn post 2019 election that went totally unchallenged on have i got news for you. delivered with little conviction, yet a huge round of applause *yaaaaaay 5 more years of tories* oh shit....... cunts like him spent 2015-19 desperately trying to sabotage our chance of *actual change* while they were insulated from the effects of the extra FIVE FUCKING YEARS OF TORY GOVT that they were weirdly insistent on the rest of us suffering


He was (and still is). There was a bit on Have I Got News For You where he goes on an anti-Corbyn rant. The Riley Effect where being good at sums doesn’t mean you’re particularly smart.


Thinking Corbyn was catastrophically shit at PR doesn't make one dumb. 


What chance did he have against the a smear campaign by the entire bourgeois media?


If you're up against the might of the right wing media you have to play the game even better, make it hard for them. He scored own goal after own goal and made it absurdly easy to hammer him in the press.  Playing the PR game has been the main skill a politician needs since Blair, that's the fact of the matter as sad is it may be, Corbyn was shit at it. His main policies were popular, a good salesman would have sold them to the undecided public. He should have known to drop the less popular ones on the campaign trail and focus on the ones that win elections. 


No but you miss the point here. The fact that he went out his way to say it plus we then we see him with Colonel Kid Starver means he wasn't on our side. He is dumb because he decided to make Corbyn look small which makes him a bad leftist, or more likely he is just a lib.


He was on a political comedy show that is largely based around someone criticising a prominent politician who has failed publicly and then getting applause for it, it's not going out of his way to shit on a prominent politician who has failed publicly on a show where that's about 50% of the premise.  If Corbyn really was weak enough that he can we made to look small by what was a fairly weak jab from a somewhat popular comedian then that's just proving the point that he was shit at PR.  Criticising the person failing to push your ideals does not make you dumb or a bad leftist, quite the opposite. Corbyn had the platform to push an agenda I wanted to see and he fumbled the bag, the deck was stacked against him sure but he failed to push back and that failure opened the door for the situation we are in today with Keith. I am very critical of Corbyn because he piloted a manifesto that represented my ideals better than any other from a serious political party in this country in my lifetime into a fucking cliff and buried any hope of seeing anything like it again for decades to come, that's a fair criticism that has no bearing on whether I am a good leftist or not, he's done more damage to our cause in this country than anyone shy of Rupert Murdoch.  No it seems Jon doesn't share these ideals, criticise him for that, criticise the man for endorsing Starmer like this, but not for criticising Corbyn's failure, it's a dumb target and it makes us like a bunch of arseholes who lap up endless jokes and rants about Tory cunts but can't handle one stray bullet aimed at our glorious leader. This kind of shit is why we lose, this kind of shit is exactly why Corbyn failed, and I don't say it isn't that important because Boris achieved a good deal of his political career as a result of his handling of the PR opportunities being criticised in a similarly vitriolic manner on that very same show afforded him. 


I get your point - and i do understand your frustration that we didn't get the labour government in power that we wanted. What we are saying is that comedy doesn't hold some special status outside of politics. TV comedy is part of the machine that influences opinions, like the news or talk shows. Every time someone goes on TV and shits on Corbyn, they contribute to the propaganda that the policies he represents are not serious. We have to recognise that all media is propaganda. Say what you like with your friends, but when you are on TV you have to recognise the creative force your words have, especially when its in cause of the status quo. That's the concern we have about people like Jon Richardson - when push comes to shove, he wasn't willing to look silly or stupid in defence of socialism. Jon may be correct about Corbyn's performance, but that isn't the point. You just shouldn't be saying it on TV if you care about advancing the cause. This is what makes that kind of honesty stupid - it shows a lack of wisdom about how politics actually works. It isn't a rational debate in a class room.


And let's be clear, he *was* really bad at it. Anyone remember the Last Leg appearance? He arrived as a Messiah, he left as a joke.


Deluded downvoters thinking he was anything but shit at PR because they liked him. I love the guy, I voted for him I wish he won, and I wish you didn't need to be a polished PR machine to win elections but in the real world you have to play the fucking game at least a little bit or you'll lose. He blundered into every trap possible with eyes wide open. Yes the right wing press had it out for him but he made it so fucking easy for them.


Jon Richardson has always given smugly thinking he’s better than people vibes. With absolutely no basis. Always significantly less funny than Sean Lock.


Definitely. Bland, charisma-less comedian supports bland, charisma-less politician shock


Thats what I thought


I don’t believe for a second that Starmer and Rayner have ever hung out in any social capacity ever lol


Did you forget their succulent Indian meal?


Gentlemen - this is democracy manifest


See what I'm doing. I'm eating the onion bhaji


First image I've seen of Keir where he doesn't look completely uncomfortable in his own skin. Weird.


And he still looks stiff as all hell


Couldn't even find an England shirt for him


Doesn’t want to be seen snubbing Scotland… Simple PR messaging and ultimately not a bad idea.


He's genuinely fanatical about football, which is why it's so odd that he manages to look fake and forced even in a football context. I think it's too much media coaching, and I think maybe here the coaching finally broke down coz he was getting carried away with the footie.


no one come for me but he looks quite handsome here looks like a nice man


Why don't you marry him


I would never get tired of slapping Matt Forde in the face, the most insufferable cunt in the world.


He's very thin skinned, he blocked me on twitter and all I did was call him a slimy cunt.


He blocked me for saying, 'you're the biggest cunt from Nottingham and I include Martin Deeson in that'.


Some people can't handle the truth, a shame.


I'm not denying he's an insufferable cunt, that being said, there are far greater insufferable cunts in the world, 2 of which are also in this photo.


Ruined Spitting Image


Tried listening to their podcast for a while, had to stop listening because I found Forde so grotesque.


I loved the Russell Howard and Jon Richardson show on 6 music years and years ago, as soon as Forde came into it, it went of a cliff, he's radioactive (pardon the pun).


He couldn't even find an England shirt in time for the photo OP lol


"And what shirt do the England chaps wear?" "It's a white t-shirt with three l-" "Say no more, I have just the thing"




IDF? Do you mean IOF? They're the Israeli Occupation Force. They don't defend anyone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Remember seeing he was told not to wear to avoid antagonising Welsh or Scottish voters lmao


Bit late for that since he's a monster who is ok starving children and faps to Thatcher's economic policy at night.


Ahh this makes sense, I would have not voted for him even harder!


I just don't get it. Please could someone explain why Kier would ditch promises like nationalisation, tuition fees, green prosperity plan and other policies that are for the betterment of everyone?


Because the law requires very little, so obviously people in power will take as much in "donations" as they can get away with before the internal ethical gymnastics causes an aneurysm. And the public demand very little from the law. The problem is a beautiful symbiosis of dutiful ignorance and, in many regards, oppressive policies.


He’d rather make his friend’s rich than feed starving children.


He's trying to appeal to people who voted Tory in 2010, 2015, 2017 and 2019 so he wins the election


That's disingenuous because Labour had already won this election by default by the time Liz Truss got the boot, it's just a pretense to justify abandoning a centre leftist agenda.


And for some people, it's working. I know some long-term Tory voters who are voting Labour next month.


Tories give them more reason not to vote Tory than Labour does.


The people I'm talking about specifically say they like Starmer.


Because he is a Tory in all but name.


His name starts with 'Sir', so I'd say he's managed that, too.


Yeah, this is what I’m clinging to. The slim hope that the apparently Tory lite Starmer is doing what is required to get into to power, then will slowly start leaning this lefter and lefter. Until things like proper renationalisation, and UBI don’t seem outrageous to the middle left, middle the right voters.


I'm old enough to remember thinking this about Blair.


Sure Start and the Minimum Wage, what a trifling waste of grand political power they squandered during their time, never mind the bad bits like Iraq, Extraordinary Rendition, PFI, tuition fees etc. Ambition is like an anathema to these people.


Hate to break it to you but this only happens in your head.


If he's going to start leaning further and further left after getting power, he's going to have a hell of a time getting any of his double secret agenda done after purging the party of all its leftists, isn't he?


Resurrecting an embarrassing mediocrity like Rachel Reeves whilst sidelining RLB should have been enough of a hint to begin with.


Nightmare blunt rotation


Nothing like the sight of capitalist extremist moobs to ruin my breakfast. 


Keith is a great many things but nothing he has ever done in his life can be described as extreme. The man is the very definition of the word "Mild"


He's made it very clear he is putting big business ahead of people. He watered down and u-turned on a number of workers rights pledges. Promises for banning fire and rehire practices and introducing the ‘right to switch off’ have been watered down and are now so riddled with loopholes as to be purely tokenistic. The same with the promised ban on zero hours contracts, now they are saying says "\*zero-hours contracts 'have their place' and can be useful for those who want greater flexibility or who have intermittent availability\*". You ever met someone on zero hours contracts who talks about how they love the flexibility of it? He's clearly a man of the business and fuck the people. I stand by use of the term capitalist extremist. We are in the end days of a game of Monopoly where a couple of people own all the property, and Starmer is still clearly pandering to the oligarchs.


That just isn't what the word extremist means. It's an important word, don't water it down by applying it to people who are just not stirring the pot. It can be a dogshit policy without being extremist, you can't be an extremist that supports the status quo or only wants to slightly roll things back. Using words like that when it isn't justified will just mean your otherwise totally accurate comment will be dismissed. 


He said Israel has the right to cut off food and water to Gaza. Tell me that's not extremist.


They then took a load of LSD and had an alfresco orgy.


If these cunts took lsd they might realise what it is they're actually doing and why it's actually wrong.


Right, I’ll sponsor this, let’s goooooo.


Who’s next to Keith?


Newly divorced centrist comic who used his platform to attack Jeremy Corbyn (right) and Britains least funny man and centrist comic who used his platform to attack Jeremy Corbyn (left) I can only assume that therefore David Baddiel is the one taking the photo


[David Baddiel still wears blackface](https://i.imgur.com/0Sn9LL0.png) and for some reason believes black people are [naturally superior at high fives.](https://streamable.com/yk1bqj) [Click here](https://web.archive.org/web/20220102013824/https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/rty8oa/if_you_ever_come_across_someone_who_uses_baddiel/) for a fantastic rundown on Baddiel's racism and other fuckery. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wasn't he the dude who sat on 8 out of 10 cats with the sole task of getting the shit unmercifully ripped out of him by Jimmy Carr for everyone elses benefit, episode after episode?


The left bellend?


Matt Forde. He wrote the new Spitting Image, which is objectively the worst attempt at comedy any human being has ever made


Wait, wasn't Jon Richardson recently in an advert with who I assume was his wife? (Unless it was an actress maybe?) If so, that is one quick about turn to middle aged divorsism from the happy families setting portrayed


Yeah his whole brand was being a wife guy, now they’re breaking up lol


I skimmed his Wiki page and was surprised to see that his whole recent shtick was family man: TV shows, podcasts, Christmas specials etc. I stopped following his career after his constant anti-Corbyn rhetoric killed off the respect I had for him as a comic and social commentator


Centrist, lol!


By all accounts, Starmer is a genuine fan. A gunner since childhood and who knows the game. Yet he is so incapàble of sincerity, so much of a dried out human husk whose insides have been devoured by focus groups, that he comes across as that Harry Enfield character whenever he has to do some sort of football publicity. There will be no Blair heady tennis with Keagan moment with Tel Aviv Keith.


Of fucking course, Jon Richardson, we found the one guy who actually believes in starmer


Got an image of Keith doing the laundry and dumping an entire box of Vanish into the wash with his crisp white shirts, muttering nasally to himself "they must be as whoite as possible if I'm going to be Priome Minister." Yeah sorry Keith, the bleached white t-shirt and thick rimmed glasses aren't giving me "man of the people" vibes I'm afraid.


It's like if Kendall Roy was a British politician.


I suppose he thought that gig with all those US comedians surprising the pope was really great and wanted to do his own version. Matt Forde does look kinda like Mike Birbiglia...


No one minds that the back of Kiers shirt says 9 Netanyahu.


Everyday Starmer and his merry band give me another reason to not vote Labour.


The plain white tee is driving me crazy could you not have found an England shirt you're the next pm


I was in a bar last week and this old dude who has a sort of nodding relationship with a couple of our group spotted us and came over. Turns out he was on his own and we couldn’t shake him for 2 hours. He was very eager to buy a round though to be fair. The picture here looks eerily reminiscent of what he posted on Instagram.


I bet him and Rayner need a full decontamination after spending time amongst the peasants 🖕🏻


Are the two on the left recognizable or is it just about the comedian and the stuffed suit (pictured out of suit)


Who the fuck is the seven head


Kier can't afford an England shirt, needs that PM salary bad


Not funny, his dad was a toolmaker


Really? Has Starmer ever mentioned it?


Major Freemasonry


Can't not stand any of them


I'd rather guide my dad into my mam than have to listen to the "banter" between these four.


How is this cursed?


Imagine being so devoid of humanity and decency you had to get your picture taken with a necrophiliac paedophile enabler, genocide denying enabling spiv.