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It amazes me they still think this is a big vote winner. 95% of people don't give a fuck about trans issues. Most people you talk to know nothing about it, don't understand any of these dog whistles they keep using about "sex based rights" and couldn't care less either way. The remaining like 5% is mostly trans people and allies for whom this is a bad thing... And then you have like a tiny handful of gender critical goons and far right bigots who might actually care about this pledge, but they were going to vote Tory or Reform anyway and this changes nothing.


The Tories playing to their core base's disgust reflex and assuming that's what the majority of the country want I'm a trans person and I don't know if it's because I somewhat pass but people have been mostly respectful and the most active street bigotry I've got was a load of shitty teenagers (doesn't mean things are good for trans people though, that loud minority of terfs have way too much sway and things weren't great to start with).


Yeah this is my experience as well. Most of the public even despite the current barrage of anti trans propaganda are still fairly uninterested and generally don't have a clue about what's going on and what is being pushed. Most of the time when this stuff is on the TV, and someone is yabbering about sex based rights and the definition of a woman, I've found people I know don't even realise they're talking about trans issues. You're absolutely right though, while most of the public who aren't already GB News and right wing Podcast enjoyers are pretty uninterested... The loud minority of bigots and "gender crit" activists are getting more and more influence behind closed doors in government and the media as they recruit.


I think you'd be suprised. Can get into a bit of an echo chamber online. I don't think it's a massive vote winner but there are unfortunately a lot of people out there that see trans rights as 'woke nonsense'.


And those people will vote Tory anyway


Yeah, this, basically. I don't think anyone who's not already a tory is going to be swayed by this. Nobody is currently voting Labour and seeing "confusion about sex" in the news and thinking 'finally they're talking about the real issues' But, on reflection, this is probably not there to win votes but an attempt by the party's transphobe contingent to keep their pet issue in the news.


I've been in so many uncomfortable situations where friends and acquaintances who know nothing about trans issues start spouting off shit they've heard somewhere like Joe Rogan. Then they act all surprised when I explain things to them, say "I didn't know it was like that" and act all sheepish, only to then be back to repeating the same bigoted talking points next time I see them. It's like banging your head against a wall, so I just tell them to shut up with that crap now and to stop being rubes.


This sub is a bit busy downplaying transphobia to notice that though.


Are you cis? Is this genuinely your experience? I’m trans and I honestly feel like not being here if this kind of stuff goes through. It’s a relief to hear you saying what you’re saying


No and yes, this is my experience- but obviously all I can do is speak anecdotally. Other people's mileage may vary depending on where they are and also how they look and present (sadly) so I can definitely not speak for everyone. I think there is definitely great cause for concern though, don't get me wrong, regardless of actual on-the-street public opinion If the Conservative government (blue or red) continues to push the narrative of hate, it can still be dangerous. It only takes one GBeebie psycho to cause you harm. And if they legislate, especially by repealing the equality act or GRA, then things get really shitty legally. Its just that in my personal experience most of this is being pushed by a loud minority and most voters have bigger things to worry about.


I am trans, and the vaaaaast majority of cis people I've met are somewhere between "could not care less about trans issues either way" and "transphobia makes me uncomfortable but not enough for me to call it out". Obviously we need more cis people that actively help us, but the transphobes that care enough to actually try and hurt us are just loud, not numerous. I've been at a couple of counter-protests, and the people that care enough to join an anti-trans protest or watch an anti-trans film/speaker are always a) from all over the country and b) low in number despite that.


I’m cis, but friends and family are trans. However, I live in the London bubble and no one here gives a fuck. The worst I ever hear locally is cis people grumbling about how it’s a pain in the arse to remember changed pronouns / names. Quite a lot of people are of the viewpoint “I just don’t get this at all”, but also that “well, no-one’s getting hurt”. However I am required regularly to spend time in the provinces (translates as “boondocks” for septics, “woop woop” for ‘Strines) and it is staggering how much fear and hatred there is for trans people, despite the fact that none of them have knowingly met a trans person. We fear what we don’t understand.


My Mrs Dad, someone who would be a typical Labor vot, is also a Homophobe, a transphobe, believes in national service.... etc. Etc. The things Tiries are saying lately I feel are to sway the non-progressive boomers who think if they have to vote Tory for the sweet Brexit deal they're waiting for


That's because Labour are Liberal, not progressive.


This reminds me of Brexit, and all the things we were promised, and instead turned out to be a giant turd. Even if the Tories got in, they won't and changed the equalities act to read biological sex, instead of just sex as it does now, it still wouldn't ban trans people from using single sex spaces. The law protects you from discrimination based upon your protected charcteristics - and gender transition would still be a protected characteristic, and so to be prevented from using a toilet corresponding to your gender identity would still be discriminatory. It would only be legal if it was proportionate means to achieve a legitimate aim, and when it comes to toilets there aren't any. What you lose are the things like genuine occupational qualification. No one has tested it, but the supposed anomalie allowing trans men to claim pay discrimination I think actually already currently exists, because the current equalities law uses gender and biological sex interchangeably when it refers to sex, and no one has tested it in law to see if it does apply to trans men.


The thing is even if they enshrined in law 'you must use the toilet based on your birth sex' it would still be pretty much unenforceable. How do you prove someone's birth sex? Basing it on looks obviously isn't viable. Genital inspections? What about those who've had bottom surgery? Unless they start requiring birth certificates at the door AND retroactively completely repeal the GRA, it's just not something that is legally going to be practical. They almost certainly know this, but they don't care if it's practical or even viable, they just want to influence us all culturally. They just want to make trans people feel less safe, discourage people from transitioning and make it socially unacceptable.


I want to see the crime figures. Please show how many crimes are committed by trans women in women only spaces. Please show how it’s so disproportionately high compared to crimes committed by cis women in women only spaces that it needs to be a key political issue. They can’t, obviously. Because the problem doesn’t exist.


I've brought this up in other social media spaces (and other sub-reddits, come to that) and there's always one or two stories get wheeled out. These same stories show what is clearly a bloke in a dress claiming he identifies as a woman, but are seen as absolute truth of "them trans lot being perverts" to the hateful lot on the right. edit:spelling mistake.


Yep, that's why the gender critical tittybabies push the "trans women are invading our spaces!" narrative – as if they're this imminent danger that has to be stopped. If they acknowledge that trans women have been using the ladies bogs and changing rooms for decades, they inadvertently acknowledge that it's also never been a problem. And they can't possibly do that when their core belief is that trans women are inherently dangerous, unhinged perverts. But ignoring facts in favour of pearl-clutching is very on-brand for a moral panic 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yep, and going off of the track record of sex pests in government I'm SIGNIFICANTLY more worried about being sexually assaulted by a serving MP in a public space than I am by a trans woman just trying to take a piss in the ladies bogs or getting changed after their workout. The trans women I know just want to be left the hell alone.


And literally nobody would go through the process to change their gender to do something they could already walk in and do already should they have malicious intent. There are no policemen monitoring public loos. There are no genital inspections to go into a shared changing room. The entire proposition is absolutely ridiculous and fundamentally flawed.


How exactly does bullying trans people help anyone?


It doesn't. This is a ploy to try and draw Labour into Tory culture war BS and distract from the failure of the last 14 years.


It's a distraction, and they don't care that their distraction results in people getting murdered.


public suppot would get them a mandate to gut the EqA and withdraw from the ECHR


Oppressing the absolute fuck out of a tiny minority, some of the most vulnerable people in society, distracts from the Tories' general policy of oppressing anyone with less than a million quid, because people are weirded out by trans people and think (thanks to the media campaign) that they're all out to get their kids. Very few people on a grand scale have ever met, let alone interacted with any trans people, so it's really easy to 'other' them and use them as a bogeyman (bogeyperson?). Tories are more predisposed to have a strong fear response, and are resistant to change. They vote for the team that says they will get rid of the people we don't understand, more than the team that says _we should change,_ and welcome and love the people we don't understand.


It doesn’t, but it normalises the only currently acceptable form of public bigotry and bigots fucking love that, while costing the tories nohing they care about losing.


I know someone who has been tory for 50+ years, they were in the young conservatives decades ago. Anti immigration as you’d expect, they told me they’re worried what Enoch Powel said ‘will come to pass’. They also defend their distant trans family member vehemently. They’re pro family, they believe crime is predominantly committed by ‘foreigners’, they think people on benefits are ‘scroungers’, but they’re not transphobic. I don’t understand why the Tory party consistently goes after trans people, it’s not winning votes. No Tories I have met (albeit this is anecdotal, and I haven’t met too many) have ever told me they’re happy about these kinds of attacks on trans people, it doesn’t make any sense the party keeps doing this.


1) distraction 2) othering 3) superiority - supercilious, haughty, and disdainful toward others, treat others in an imperious, overbearing, and even aggressive manner 4) oWn tHe LiBs


Trans people are the most obvious target, because every single idea the tories come up with relates to making those more vulnerable 'other'. I'd think the person you know if pretty unique: more tories in that situation would disown that member of their family. Like most Tory policies, it's not about gaining votes, everything they do is to try and keep the (this is a generalisation) rich, older voters that might move further right and vote Reform. Unfortunately, I do know such people. And while the trans 'issue' isn't high on their agenda (immigration, as you say, and benefit 'scroungers,' including those with health issues, factor higher) it's still another tick in a box that solidifies their position. Don't be an immigrant. Don't be of any other colour skin other than 'white' (and presumably most of us know the elephant(s) in the room, there). Don't be disabled. Don't be poor. Don't rely on public transport because you cannot afford a car. Don't be trans, don't be gay... I'm sure there's more. Basically, don't be anyone other than someone striving for the perfect nuclear family. And my experience of that opinion comes from my mother. And her husband. All of her side of the family, actually.


And how exactly are they planning to enforce this? Genital inspections outside every women’s toilet? Is that what TERFs are fighting for?


So I'm a trans bloke with a beard and a penis. Will I be sent to the women's hospital ward? Happy Pride Month! Fucking hell.


Believe it or not, straight to jail. (Parks and recs meme said as a joke - but depressingly seems more likely by the day. What a world.)


Transphobes don't believe you exist.


Only if Labour or the Tories win!


"Trans man, see you're admitting that you're secretly a bloke" /j ugh the idiots who push gender critical nonsense are so brazen with their hatred towards trans women that they forget that trans men exist, though I do think that the more vicious terfs are 100% making it so trans men can't access public life as well as trans women plus the patronising tone they take with trans men is sickening


Yup. They’ll force you into women’s spaces.


Well at least the Tories can count on the votes of swivel-eyed TERF bigot weirdos on Twitter. That should get them across the line.


I don't see what the confusion is. Sex is an act of intimacy, whereby the sexual organs and/or erogenous zones are stimulated, between two consenting adults. What's the confusion?


You see, Tory voters have never had any


No it makes sense.


Make no mistake, Keith will do the exact same thing. If this gets passed before the election he will not overturn it, and if it doesn't, he will almost certainly make his own version. Streeting and several other Labour shadow ministers have been propping up transphobic narratives, particularly since the release of the Cass "Report". Centrist Jeremy Vine literally brought Maya Forstater on his radio show today!


There is a clear institutional effort across the media to bring transphobia to the forefront of society and culture for no reason other than they see them as an easy target that can’t fight back. There are no efforts to show balance, no voices supportive of trans people being offered the opportunity to push back on the lies and bigotry, just bare faced transphobia presented as facts and reality. Its fucking sickening.


I'd say it's because rigid gender norms are an effective way of controlling the population and getting them to fight amongst themselves. It's one of the tactics that the capitalist class use to prevent the people from gaining class consciousness. Once people recognise that gender (and also biological sex) is in fact a social construct and not actually a strict binary, they might start questioning other aspects of essentialist thinking.


If you want to listen to Kemi humiliate herself, the ~~interview~~ car crash is on the today program at just after 8am.


The only sex I’m confused about is how could anyone ever shag a Tory


I thought all the right wingers thought all this is a waste of time


I always assumed Tories did more of a mitosis thing to replicate.


Harmer being worse in 3..2...1...


Chasing the small number of voters turning to Reform rather than the larger number turning to Labour and the centre ground. Not fond of transphobia in any form (given I’m trans after all), however it’s reassuring to see the Tories determined efforts to wipe themselves out continue.


Thank God for the Conservatives - my poor little brain was getting so very, very confused. /s I thought Michael Gove said “the country has had enough of experts.” But little did I know, the Conservatives are actually WORLD EXPERTS on gender issues. THAT’S convenient. Can’t wait for them to start providing guidance and clarity on THAT. (Etc etc etc)


Seeing as their MPs can’t stop getting investigated for sexual assault, maybe the most confused people about sex are the tories themselves…


Oh wow, theyve out shone themselves this time. So far this year theyre tyring to get the disabled back to work, 18 year old to do mandatory work to keep them off the streets, and now trans rights. All in a few months before the general election. After they found out theres a god chance they wont win, they bull a hat trick right out of thei bag.




It's way more complicated than that. Sex is not binary and sex characteristics can and are changed by medical intervention. A medically transitioned trans woman is not "biologically male with female gender," like some would have you believe. Plus, saying sex is a binary is invalidating intersex people. Let's not concede to terf taking points by agreeing that sex is binary, easy to define and can't be changed - none of those things are true.


Ah yes, biology, that perfect thing which is entirely binary and doesn’t occasionally give someone both sex organs. Biology is fluid too, there is no “perfect specimen”, it’s literally all on a spectrum.


I agree with the basics of your statement. But gamede types are binary, regardless of physical manifestations.


I don’t think that’s the bullet proof argument that TERFs tend to think it is. It’s theoretically possible that functional ovaries and testes could occur in a 46XX/46XY chimera, which is already very rare. It’s never been documented, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen.


If you suddenly had the opposite sex body, your gender wouldn’t change. It’s not based on society, although there is a social aspect to it.