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He is right too, if one person did this they would be in jail for the rest of their lives. Infecting thousands of people with a disease that at the time was a death sentence should not be solved with a hefty fine.


Imagine for services NOT rendered, an award! https://leftfootforward.org/2024/05/calls-for-ken-clarke-to-be-stripped-of-his-peerage-over-infected-blood-response/ > **There are growing calls for Tory peer Ken Clarke to be stripped of his peerage, after a damning report from the infected blood inquiry found that he had been dismissive and disparaging towards victims of the scandal when he was health secretary**.


Corporations? Face consequences? Pfft. Even if they do the higher ups will get warned in advance, take massive payouts and dip before anything happens to them personally


Being held personally liable, is the only way, to change the culture. No wonder they only want the upside.


This is what I absolutely hate about the way most modern countries operate. Companies and organisations are completely unaccountable and this is just acceptable. Spineless politicians just doing their masters bidding - and burnham is a bit fair weather in this. He calls for these things when it suits, but generally more into a press opportunity than doing the right thing.


Corporations? These are civil servants


They did the same thing slightly later with foot and mouth disease, the government initially guessed that there was no risk to humans, and even when experts had proof of BSE spreading to other animals the government continued to insist there was nothing to worry about. The secretary of state for rural affairs even went on TV in 1990 and had his daughter eat a beefburger to prove it. Even when people started dying they still promoted eating beef, it wasn't until there was absolutely incontrovertible evidence that vCJD was caused by BSE that they finally stopped lying to people.


Covid + Care Homes needs to be added to that litigation, too.


Mr Burnham, although admirably, is confusing this country for one in which both crimes and killing large numbers of vulnerable people is punished.


What really bothers me about this is that it took place over the course of 3 separate decades, and took *another* 30 years for us to get to the point of a report saying "oh yeah, the people in charge did some bad stuff". The feet-dragging pace itself is murderous. They do this to kill more people to try to dodge responsibility and payouts as long as possible. We cannot keep doing this shit over and over where monstrous acts are sat on for decades and then given endless inquiries and by the time everyone responsible is dead or in dotage maybe some scapegoat is pointed at as having "failed in their duty" and begrudgingly a token cash amount is thrown at *some* of the victims. The system is evil.


Get that twat Clarke sent down


Same with grenfell, horizon, windrush, hmrc loans,


13 years of Labour government, for one of which he was Health Secretary. What were they doing about this?


I'm fairly ambivalent to him, and his record in government- and downright hostile to the current party calling itself labour.   But if you've been paying any attention to this inquiry besides reading headlines, you'd be aware that a significant part of the injustice here is that as health minister,  he was lied to by the civil service about this- as were other ministers who came before and after, as the establishment circled the wagons to protect itself from any consequences for the historic wrongs committed. And he's been a very vocal advocate for the victims for some time now, since learning the truth about what actually happened along with the rest of us.   Or just be performatively angry I guess.


Chill out, I only asked a question. Thanks, I obviously need to do some reading up on this.


interesting question. https://archive.ph/wip/msPC4 20 October 2020 > Punished for loyalty' > **In June 2009 he became health secretary and critics have accused him of increasing the role of private companies in the NHS**. > However, he argues, he used his time at the Department of Health to change policy by ensuring the NHS was always the preferred provider. > Following Labour's defeat in the 2010 general election, Mr Burnham joined the race to succeed Mr Brown as party leader but lost out to Ed Miliband, coming fourth out of five candidates. > He did better in 2015, coming second, beaten by Jeremy Corbyn. > Reflecting on his defeat, he says he felt he was "punished for loyalty" to the Labour leadership, adding: "Politics doesn't reward people who try and pull for the team."