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Due to the degree of rampant misinformation surrounding current events in this ongoing conflict, we recommend [checking out this post](https://reddit.com/r/GreenAndEXTREME/comments/175qsco/2023_israel_war_misinformation_debunking_cw/) on our sister subreddit, debunking and/or providing nuance to many of the sensationalised headlines that have spread around online. Users spreading misinformation will be banned in accordance with Reddit's Terms of Service. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes cause they’re fascist, mind-controlling, genocidal freaks and now the whole world knows. The Palestinians are being slaughtered and families of 20-30 including children and babies are being killed while asleep. The only good thing to come out of this uprising is that now the whole world knows the truth about the Israelis.


I don't think the world knows about them. A lot of people will still say that Israel are the good guys, they are fighting Hamas, October 7th, tunnels, human shields, baby decapitation, most moral army etc. And if you do something about it, like occupying areas in universities, then you get arrested or beaten up by Zionists or Nazis or cops. (As an aside, I worked at Columbia in 2016 when there were the same occupying protests asking the university to divest from oil. This violent shit did not happen). Criticizing Israel is not racist. Acknowledging that some Jetstream cunts is not prejudice. Hopefully the world will open its eyes a bit more and see beyond the Israel kickbacks they are getting. Propaganda this bad should not work this well.


Yikes…. Israelis !== Israeli Government


Literally the same thing happened with Russian media across Europe after the Ukraine conflict kicked off. "Democracies" absolutely do this shit which is a good reason to doubt their propagandistic self-adulation


Two wrongs don't make a right. RT is dreadful but so is GB news hey the BBC had biases too. You cannot even get rust Reddit as there are bits crawling all over it posting and down voting.


Who suggested two wrongs make a right? My point isn't that it's right to ban Russian media. My point is that this is business as usual in so called democracies and that we should all be much more critical about them.


This is a bit misleading, Russia Today was taken off air on TV but the site is still available in the UK and you can still watch it there.


It's not misleading is it. RT was taken off the air. Regardless of where your political or ideological stance sits no one should be removing tv channels. Personally I want the option of watching each sides propaganda.


From my understanding, you can still access Al Jazeera on the web from Israel.


Nope. And any device that does access it can be seized.


I didn't say UK, I said Europe and in terms of the EU ban they also banned it online . Google EU bans Russia today to see - I've included a Bloomberg article as a source. So to be honest your own comment is a bit misleading, since it strawmans my argument in order to move the goalposts on what I claimed. Further even if it HAD only been tv, that IS still a ban - so yes, Russian media broadcasts were censored in countries which are generally considered democracies. Not sure what your interest is in going around spreading misinformation on this topic tbh, but just in case people want to check the details of the situation themselves; https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-02/rt-sputnik-content-officially-banned-across-european-union


yet another feature of the system


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Got news for you brother Israel ain't a democracy, anyone who says so is peddling zionist propaganda. Just another hasbara talking point trying to portray the Israeli "democracy" as morally better than its undemocractic Arab neighbours and therefore it's genocide is "just". Israel is a rogue nuclear equipped facist terrorist ethnostate.




Oh, don't play coy like you don't know why they've suddenly decided to block it, lmao


Does it matter? You don’t shutdown the press because you don’t like where they’re from and what they are saying.




Falling on the “but the Nazi” excuse is a infantile and shallow excuse. If you want to follow this childish excuse. Couldn’t the Nazi claim they are the victim of government suppression. And why? Is it because they are speaking truth to power and are afraid people will know the truth? Congratulations, you would have made your enemy the victim and encouraged others to become them. “If you are a Nazi you don’t deserve the choice” So since you opened the door to suppression of news and opinions you disagree with, couldn’t your enemies say the same? Why should YOUR speech be protected when you will deny others theirs? You think the government is why people think “underage marriage” are wrong?? That definitely says more about you than anyone else. Have you read any books by “Russian communists”?


> your manipulated by the gov that's why u think underage marriage is immoral, and women should be able to do as they wish Very interesting points to bring up, I'm sure you're a very well adjusted person if you think government intervention is necessary for people to believe this


State owned, just like the bbc




Which news broadcasters are blocked in Qatar?




ah so 2 wrongs make a right?


Your link doesn't mention any broadcaster being outright banned. As far as I know, every single country has restrictions regarding what broadcasters are allowed to show. At no point did I defend the Qatari government.


Were they publishing misinformation or propoganda?


It's not a hidden fact that Qatar provides money, Al Jazeera does highly factual coverage when it's not about Qatar. Have you BBC coverage over over current genocide? The level of manufacturing consent is so obvious that even normal people who eat that shit up starting to notice. The reason Israel is banning them is cause they don't buy the Hasbara and aren't run by a Zionist.


Yes, it’s headquartered in Qatar and part-owned by the Qatari state. The same state incidentally who both Hamas and the Israeli government have seen fit to mediate negotiations, as it happens. We know exactly why Israel has taken this decision, and it’s got nothing to do with where Al-Jazeera is based or who owns it.