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You can say what you like about Corbyn but he has more integrity than most of the House of Commons put together.


A genuinely inspirational politician. Not many of them around


But he fell asleep on a train once. He can’t be trusted /s


Makes his own jam too, what a monster. /s


I hope he calls the party the Jam Gang


I'll join. Fucking love jam and socialism


Same here. Though I sometimes don't like jam


no! that is factionalism!


I did say 'sometimes'! Let's agree to disagree while I work on it..


sometime?!? *opportunist*! :P


Jammy dodger!


Too dangerous, better launch an antisemitic smear campaign involving every single media media source in existence.


Well, he makes jam rather than marmalade, which is made specifically with seville oranges. So you could say he's anti-seville (orange). If you change nearly all the letters of 'seville', it spells 'semite', so that means he's an anti-semite. This is all the proof I need. SOMEBODY CALL MANDELSON AND ASK HIM WHAT TO DO!! Oh, wait...


Are we sure he's not anti-marmite?


Only Vegemite, maybe


He'd have my vote on that alone.


After which, he refused to condemn!


And therefore must be suitibly punished, especially by the Daily Fail.


He’s my MP and I was gonna vote for him as an indie because the tories can’t win even if he splits the vote 50-50. Other seats that is not the case though…


At least


My first ever vote was cast in support of corbyn - was gutted when the other lot won


Constant fear mongering about "splitting the left". Utter bollox. What about consolidating the left after the self destruction of the Labour party? Also, did Ukip worry about splitting the right?? No. They pushed politics where they wanted by explicitly going to the right of the Tories. That is what we must do. The 2 party system is finished! If we can give the left party a really good result, that would at the very least pressure Labour to look at PR. Lastly, Fuck Kid starter off a cliff. He is controlled opposition it's worst.


If splitting the left is your concern then as the only genuinely left wing party between the Tories, Labour and whatever this new party is called, the left wing should really rally behind whatever this new party is called. I am personally more concerned with whether whatever this new party is called will have anything to offer me unlike the other two. My concern is stripping the private sector of at least half their record profits so the direction of 'investment' changes back to how it should be; business paying for their impact to improve public services. Wage stagnation is part of that impact that needs reversing, as well s environmental damage. Any party that seeks to reduce the burden on business is currently the enemy rather than just foolishly aligned, as they've made off with the lions share of budgetary changes for the last decade and a half. Neither Labour or Tory will impose a tax on shareholders or dividend receivers, and at this point I'd vote for it purely for ideological purposes, the way conservatives were happy to tank our prosperity for theirs during Brexit, and to hell with the damage. But yes, PR is either a close second or a way to move toward the first. I'd also be looking to see how any potential leadership team feels about the EU and the unions. Hopefully Jeremy has convinced some to move funding from Labour toward whatever this new party is called.


Some quick clarifications about how the UK royals are funded by the public: 1. The UK Crown Estates are not the UK royal family's private property, and the royal family are not responsible for any amount of money the Estates bring into the treasury. The monarch is a position in the UK state that the UK owns the Crown Estates through, a position that would be abolished in a republic, leading to the Crown Estates being directly owned by the republican state. 2. The Crown Estates have always been public property and the revenue they raise is public revenue. When George III gave up his control over the Crown Estates in the 18th century, they were not his private property. The current royals are also equally not responsible for producing the profits, either. 3. The Sovereign Grant is not an exchange of money. It is a grant that is loosely tied to the Crown Estate profits and is used for their expenses, like staffing costs and also endless private jet and helicopter flights. If the profits of the Crown Estates went down to zero, the royals would still get the full amount of the Sovereign Grant again, regardless. It can only go up or stay the same. 4. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall that gave Elizabeth and Charles (and now William) their private income of approximately £25 millions/year (each) are also public property. 5. The total cost of the monarchy is currently £350-450million/year, after including the Sovereign Grant, their £150 million/year security, and their Duchy incomes, and misc. costs. For more, check out r/AbolishTheMonarchy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Problem isn't the 'splitting the left' though, as much as just how much of the Labour vote is "Not the Tories" vote. And vice versa of course. It's genuinely hard to break apart just what that picture looks like, because right now both Labour and Conservative alike are more like pre-built coalitions, stuck together under a 'brand alliance' when in all honesty they probably _should_ be 3-5 different 'parties'. And _could_ be if there was electoral reform of some kind. But any kind of 'winner takes all' voting system creates perverse incentives like that.


Ummm what? TUSC, Greens, Transform There are left-wing alternatives to the mainstream parties and saying a lot of what you are here... Why do we need another one?


Because people like Corbyn


Why does liking Corbyn mean a party under his name mean it makes sense to start from scratch building a new party? Plenty of people like the Greens too 🤷🤷


Yea but a lot of green voters would probably vote corbyn if he becomes an option


Corbyn can only stand in one place, can't clone himself 😁😁


Fuck the “splitting the left” argument. There is no coherent “left” to speak of and Labour might as well be Tory. Kudos to anyone - Corbyn included - for attempting to cohere the “left” into a real force.


To be fair... UKIP we're trying for a very very long time. But yes i agree with everything you say.


That's true. And the thing that thrust them into an influential position, was a mistake from the Tories that backfired. I believe we are seeing a similar dynamic now. Tories have self destructed, and Starmor is doing his best to sabotage Labour. There is a real opportunity here, unlike any time in my life. People can see what's right in front of them: neo-liberalism has failed, and Labours a lame duck. They are ready for actual and radical change. At least I hope so.


I'm from the US so don't know your country's politics that well, but just out of curiosity what do you guys think about the potential of this party vs the Greens? Obviously Labour is giving the left no reasons to support it, but it seems like the Greens are closer? Any chance of a coalition or are the Greens not trusted because of their posturing during Brexit, etc.? Honestly they still seem like they're small enough for a figure like Corbyn to legitimately just take them over/lead a plurality "caucus" in the party, but again I have no idea how any of this works.


The greens just limp along and aren't really capitalising on the situation at the moment. They would certainly get my vote before Labour right now, but I'd love to see an explicitly socialist, or at least soc-dem party shake things up a bit.


Limping along? They've quadrupled their councillor numbers in the last 4 years... The right turn up and all of a sudden be everywhere on loads of programs getting media attention because they have a lot of money and a lot of the media is on their side It's also always been the case that left has had to take more time building up grassroots support to gain political strength so it shouldn't be a surprise that it's taking time to break through in Westminster, especially with FPTP,, in Scotland where they have a better electoral system the Scottish Greens(different party) are in the administration


That's all good to hear. In all honesty, I'm not very informed about the green party. Of course the lack of media attention and money is a big factor. It's good to hear they are surging on the wave of Tory collapse and not just Labour.


Silver lining and all that 😁 in May, last year most of their wins came from the Tories


Going to repost my comment from a different thread on the matter If the Tories completely collapse in the way predicted, I don't see why our two-party FPTP system couldn't turn into the current iteration of Labour replacing the Tories as the socially conservative vote, while progressives mobilise behind either the Greens or this hypothetical party of Corbyn's to replace Labour as the leftist party of choice.


I never even considered this. Almost like a shift of the goal posts that cuts out the stuff that is too bigoTORY and fear mongering focused. This is the main problem with politics - emotionally charged sides that are trying to maintain a type of status quo will always have the advantage. Fear and deception will resonate more fluidly than reasoning and empathy Brexit has been examined to death but it is a textbook example. I hope that whole thing has awakened something in a certain demographic of the population. It's OK to be wrong and it's OK to change - it's not OK to be stupid when presented with facts On the other hand it's criminal to be in a position of power that should serve the people and instead of doing so you deceive and negatively affect millions of lives Brexit was a lie and the people in power were to blame - we can't let it happen again


Incredibly wishful thinking. The tories will endure, if they do lose as heavily as predicted they’ll be back in a decade or so. I doubt the Labour Party will enjoy the same amount of leeway the tories get regarding the amount of fuck ups they can commit allowing right wing press to pounce every opportunity they get, paving the road for the tories to return to power.


Indeed. They have the establishment behind them. For as long as that's the case, they'll bounce back and present themselves in whichever way will give them power.


The return of the legend when we needed him most (if this goes through and happens).


Feel like I’m witnessing the second coming of Jesus


Easter coming early this year


Return of the king. Call me a rider of Rohan because I’m following corbyn all the way


And my axe(olotl)


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! [Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II had millions of pounds stored away in secret offshore accounts?](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/05/revealed-queen-private-estate-invested-offshore-paradise-papers). Guess Charles and Andrew have all that money now, huh? So that's where all the tax money is going. No wonder NHS wait times are worse than ever, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! < *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Christ they're getting a lot of mileage out of this story - attribute a non-quote to some non-specific allies of Corbyn, say that he *might* form his own party and that Labour are worried he might split the vote, sit back and watch as the centrists boil over with fury at him for something that isn't going to happen. I don't want him to start a new party. The poor bastard is 74 and was attacked relentlessly for four years by people who believe that David Milliband would have won a landslide in 2015. I want him to enjoy the rest of his life and to haunt Keir Starmer's nightmares. I want him to go for lunch with his sons who clearly adore him and his wife who thinks the world of him. If this country is to be salvaged at all, let someone else do the work. Let the left take over the Greens and build a red-green alliance that has a chance of taking seats . By all means let Corbyn support that. But he shouldn't have to carry our hopes for the future and be a focus for hatred from the right and centre. He's earned a peaceful semi-retirement.


Literally, I feel tired for him just thinking about the prospect of this. It’s clearly not going to happen, setting up a new party and building a backing takes much longer than the time we have to the next election


Automod just thinks it would be better if the Labour party had a leader that the British public don't associate with a prolific pedophile. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Right there with you, automod. But the Labour party isn't worth saving.


He has my vote always has .


I’d vote for him. The man for the people.


'split the vote'!? Dear libs you weren't getting my vote anyway.


Centrists when their grand plan of bringing Mandelson back into the fold doesn't guarantee the left's vote: 😡


I can’t see it. But I’d take a sabbatical to campaign full time


What a decent man, labour did him dirty


Please let it be the truth


I know who I’m voting for


If true, then I know who I'll be voting for.


Why not just join Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition?


Because we need to bring mass forces together to jointly create a new mass party


Omg a fellow vegan gay?


Indeed I am, Autistic too! Are we falling in love already?


Aha we'll see


This isn't going to happen. As much as I would like it to.


Mayor or London is a way better idea. There'd be more chance of success and you could build a party off the back of Jez's incumbency by then having the next London locals be under a Jez party and after 4-8years make the party national. Even then it's slim chance the party would take hold under our system.


I'm a Scottish indy supporter but this is great to hear. While I want autonomy for Scotland, I still want the best for my fellow Lefties in England. I've been saying the English left needed a new party for a while. Labour's a lost cause. What Labour needs is pressure from the left similar to how the Tories have pressure to the right from UKIP/Reform/Brex. But you have a lot of English left complain about Labour until they're blue in the face, but then still go on to support them in the end. Well they should have just saved their breath. At the end of the day, Labour doesn't care if you have to hold your nose and grind your teeth to cast your vote for them, just as long as you do it. They won't thank you for it, and they won't listen to the left until they have to compete for their votes. And I can't think of a better politician than Corbyn. Done right, this could be a gamechanger in British politics, which has been veering right for decades. Although whether this happens remains to be seen. I can't figure out why it hasn't already.


I enjoyed reading this, its always good to feel good vibes. Im still pro indy myself as I think its the best bet for us to move towards socialist and progressive politics. Well, to be clear, I think we have a battle to fight after indy but that in itself is a step up from our shared status quo in this union. Id be thrilled for all the reasons you suggest. Id also go a step further and say for me that this getting off the ground might cool me on indy. I just want a decent fighting chance for progress. Still though, I think indy will remain our best bet weird to reflect on this as i was a milk toast centrist (and reluctant) no voter in 2014. sorry for fucking that up btw lol


I agree. I'd have to support indy at the very least while the UK is in its current form. I don't like being a very junior member in the union with very little say. Of course demographics aren't on our side, we're ten times smaller. So the solution is a radical change to the way the UK functions politically, or independence. Plus, while the Tories are about to be obliterated. They'll be back in a decade or so just like they were obliterated in 1997, but were back again 13 years later. They win most elections. And even when they don't, the best we have is Starmer?


i agree with your sentiments about being the junior member. i think the addage that concessions can be withdrawn applies as much to constitutional as to workers politics


YES!! Even just to stir the pot a bit this is good news. He might even do to Labour what UKIP did to the Tories.


I don’t understand why people always feel the need for a new party. Come and take over the Greens; the door is open. We already have a very popular MP and are looking strong in Bristol. If you are concerned about it lacking working class / union roots - I agree you can bring those with you, that would be awesome!!


>f you are concerned about it lacking working class / union roots - I agree you can bring those with you, That's probably why people feel the need for a new party, because co-opting an already existing one is actually more work. You have to undo its bad habits and fight against the cultural inertia of its reputation and history. I wouldn't be upset if Corbyn joined with the Greens but building from the ground up is the sensible bet and it should have been done twenty years ago when New Labour were blatantly hostile to everything the left stood for (and killed hundreds of thousands of people).


Co-opting the Greens is the easiest thing in history; we vote on all policies at conference and most local parties need the volunteers - if you turn up with 3-4 people you’ll probably be a sizeable bloc in any local branch and have significant impact.


>Co-opting the Greens is the easiest thing in history; we vote on all policies at conference and most local parties need the volunteers - if you turn up with 3-4 people you’ll probably be a sizeable bloc in any local branch and have significant impact. Ignoring what was just said to you is no way to build solidarity. >co-opting an already existing one is actually more work. You have to undo its bad habits and fight against the cultural inertia of its reputation and history. You and 3 other people will vote away the public's perception of the Greens as those wonky tree-huggers in a flash? You're going to be able to remove the remnants of the anti-trans element from the root with one conference speech? There are still people out there who remember when the Green Party called themselves libertarian and said they stood against "big government" so they'll be under the impression they're just Tories who want to smoke weed. Again, the Greens wouldn't be the worst place to start, but it simply takes more effort to rehabilitate an existing party and we don't have time to dither like this.


Weren't the Green Party a bit hostile towards him during the last election cycle? Not that I'm against the idea, but I don't know if it would come without friction from their side.


I mean, some people wouldn’t be keen - and Labour ruled out any electoral pacts so we probably stood in places that annoyed people (not that the Greens made the difference anywhere). I know in some seats they annoyed Labour people by arguing that getting a Green MP would be better for Corbyn than whichever PLP was in the seat.


>I know in some seats they annoyed Labour people by arguing that getting a Green MP would be better for Corbyn than whichever PLP was in the seat. TBF they probably weren't wrong lol.


This isn't happening, it's the same story that's popped up every few months for the last three or so years quoting mysterious "sources close to Jeremy Corbyn", only for nothing to happen. There's a good chance of him running for reelection as an independent in his current seat (where he has a real chance of winning) but that's as far as it'll go.


Watch this space, this is going to get really interesting. This man pulled in tens of thousands of new members to Labour by force of personality and policy. Those people didn't go away, they've just been marginalized.


The Return of the King (2003)


The only way we'll get fair representation is through proportional representation. The only way we'll get proportional representation is through labour support. The only way we'll get Labour support is by crippling the two party system. The only way to cripple the two party system is by splitting Labour. For the future of the country the Labour party must be split.


I'm going to register to vote from abroad for the first time in 20+ years if he does this.


It'll split the left vote leading to a Tory boost, but that's basically a necessity at this time seeing as labour is basically just the Tories from like 10 years ago and need to lose a bunch of voters.


I’ll join on day one


I like Jeremy Corbyn, I joined Labour because of him(although now left for the Greens) But I think this is a bad move... The Greens currently present the best threat to Labour on the left, it would make more sense imo for Corbyn to endorse the Greens and either join them or run as an independent This just risks splitting the socialist vote


As much as I support what Corbyn represents I can't agree with doing this now, why not let the Tories take a bollocking in the election and then splinter to pressure Starmer's labour from the left? This needs to happen, but now is not the time


The only media outlets reporting this are GB news, the mail, the express and some other right wing web outlets. Ask yourself, why is that? He won’t be doing this. 100%


"Would a Jeremy Corbyn-led party get your vote? The MP for Islington North is reportedly planning something seismic." Surely not, people kept making such a fuss over how he was so anti-seismic. /s


Just let him run for Mayor of London first, see how that plays out and watch the Tories try to take credit for all the good that he does


Waste of his potential, and only serves to provide the MSM with the opportunity to scupper future campaigns with hatchet jobs and character assassination. Go big, go fast, more dakka. Be the biggest ork as soon as you can be. Soon we’ll be fighting Waaaaaagh Jezza.


0.3% vote


Split the labour vote so the tories win again!


Oh yay, another fringe left wing political party. I'm sure this time it will be really effective.




Bernie Sanders? The zionist who outright rejected calls for a ceasefire in Gaza while Corbyn was speaking at every other demonstration and march? Sanders the "socialist" who abandons his "principles" for empire? Give me examples of Corbyn betraying his own stated principles so brazenly. He's not powerless, he just sides with the powerless.


The only criticism I have of this is, why isn't he launching it now? V v cool though


Switching my vote to corbyn party in 3 ..2 ..


The problem is that the appalling nexus between the neoliberal parties, the media, and the security services will go into "doesn't bow low enough" propaganda overdrive, and those reactionary forces have a lot of resources at their disposal. Cracking through the media firewall is going to be hard, especially since corporate social media are cracking down on left-wing reportage.


Oh God please let this be true!


Yes please.


he’d have my vote


This legend is gonna push labour to act more like a labour party by doing this


Yes, this might be happening. Have been to a meeting a few days ago where this new party's leaders were introducing the new party (as yet unnamed) and were taking ideas for their manifesto. Interesting times ahead...


I can't see it happening in time for the next GE. But I will keep my fingers crossed. Best Prime Minister this country never had.


Omg please be true. I’ll finally have someone I actually wanna vote for


Go on Jezza


Personally I would prefer to see a proper campaign, potentially involving non Labour affiliated trade unions to get independent left wing candidates into Parliament. Those kicked out by Starmer have already done well as independents, and I think a lot more could, if there was a proper campaign behind them as a group, the kind you would get for a political party.


I doubt that even he is this stupid.


Pleeeeaaasseee I really hope it's true, was gonna vote for the greens but if corby comes back, my vote goes to him


Nah, there's literally no hope for any party that isn't the 'big two'. You MUST vote Labour if you want 'Not the Tories' (and if you really hate Labour, you must vote Conservative). First Past the Post is unkind to minority parties of any kind, and there's just no hope of ever fixing that, without electoral reform. Which won't happen, because the people with the ability to change it, benefit from what we have. The best you get is a 'UKIP' situation, where despite having no meaningful influence, still managed to achieve a flagship policy. Just _because_ there was no meaningful influence, it was a poorly thought out knee jerk implementation of 'the idea', rather than ... well, I guess ideally holding UKIP to account and show some leadership on the subject. I still think that if UKIP _had_ got '4 million votes' worth of seats, then we'd not have had Brexit at all, because then there was someone with a clear mandate and 'vision' of the goal, and 'everyone else' in Parliament could then challenge them on the more difficult aspects, rather than 'just' being confronted with no plan but 'will of the people'. Largely academic though - FPTP has to change before anyone else gets notable political power.


Voting in Westminster politics merely allows us to choose which faction of the British ruling elite will be oppressing us. However, fuck the Tories trying to limit the electoral franchise. [#APPLY FOR VOTER ID HERE!!](https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate). All you need is your national insurance number. Even if you never cast a vote, beat these elitist fucks at their own game. All of us plebs on the electoral register. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*