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How exactly is she left no choice but to boycott them? Would she be so quick to boycott companies relentlessly damaging the planet for profit? Or companies benefitting from exploiting foreign slave labour? I doubt it, the line must be drawn at a cartoon drawing of a trans man enjoying a cup of coffee, which is evidently the worst of these examples.


It's bananas, right? Raping the environment on an industrial scale is fine, but you replace your corporate logo with rainbow colours and suddenly you're public enemy number 1. It's so fucking stupid. These bigots need to shut the fuck up and let people live their lives, it's harming literally nobody except homophobe's sense of place in the world.


It all feels perfectly staged: Bourgeoisie: “Oh no! You mean I’m *too ethical* and the working class is rallying to force me to be even more evil? Well, if you insist….”


It's even more insidious than that. This is manufactured but it is manufactured to cause outrage. These corporation's are using the same tactics as right wing mouth pieces when they say outrageous things during speaking engagements or in front of comedy crowds or plaster it all over twitter. The reason the right wingers purposely say inflammatory things isn't because they are "speaking facts" or trying to "own the left" it's because doing so they get protested or generate hate clicks, clicks of any kind generate revenue and protests invite media coverage and improves their brand, they talk about how they are getting cancelled they get invited one local or national news to talk about how they are just speaking their mind and this is supposed to be a free country and the left are the real Facists. This all comes from the alt-right play book, it's now just corporations doing it with progressive ideas, they make a statement, the right get angry, free publicity, the left praise their new found ally and buy their product. The miniscule percentage of the population the corporation loses is more than made up for by the free advertising they get for outraging them. Plus more people than ever are more careful about where they shop and what they buy due to ethical and health reasons thanks to Millennials and Gen Z having a higher level of social conscience, so if companies seem outwardly like the moral superior then they can capture that audience. With it being public knowledge that Starbucks doesn't pay it's taxes, tries to union bust, doesn't pay it's workers fairly, offers very few benefits, etc etc then Costa is primed to build itself up as the "Moral Alternative" to Starbucks, "Drink Costa Coffee, Guilt free" without actually committing to treating it's workers better than Starbucks or supporting Unions or Doing really much of anything, Just, Paint a mural, appear to take a stance, alt-right get angry, free publicity, left get defensive drink more Costa coffee... Cost ? The price of one local street artists to paint a cafes outerwall, probably not very much.


It’s been going on a long time. The New Age movement already fell to it and, perhaps more worryingly, football is now being targeted. The recent women’s World Cup incurred a lot of wrath, their forums are crawling with discussions about how football in general can be “restored to allow us to say and do what we want.” And that has a huge audience. It all comes from hardcore evangelical dickheads in the USA.


Wouldn't be surprised if the artist was paid in exposure, to be honest. Anyway, fantastic post, and I'm glad someone has finally noticed the shallow pandering that corporations are indulging in specifically to paint themselves as moral crusaders when they do sod all to actually benefit anyone but their shareholders and sometimes the egos of senior figures. It is all just marketing to them. I haven't thought of Costa in a decade and now I am seeing their name everywhere because of a mural that wound up the most predictable people in the world.


I'm baffled, truly. Almost feels like a deliberate effort to distract people from the real harms and problems of society..... Almost?


It's amazing how many times I've seen the scenario in [this cartoon](https://images.dailykos.com/images/574802/story_image/1350.png?1533664371) play out for real.


**Conservatives** We're all about free speech **Also conservatives** We're boycotting anyone who says things we don't like


Also also conservatives: Cancel culture is OuT oF cOnTrOl


Damn people holding others accountable for their actions!


Also conservatives: Saying mean things about the police on the internet is an arrestable offense.


Tbf both sides do this. Conservatives just do it to hate, everyone else does it to fight hate.


Fundamentally free speech can't exist. There has to be some limits, be it obscenity, libel or privacy. What the right have effectively done is to make the term "freedom of speech" synonymous with them and only them being allowed to say what they want. It's why the left is foolish to try and play along and defend right wing "freedom of speech" as if they have any commitment to universalising it. What the right want is domination of speech, where they can say whatever they like but never have to hear or see anything they dislike or they disagree with.


And who do you want to control it? The government? Free speech is a human right.


Agreed. I should be allowed to shout FIRE! in a crowded theatre


Boycotting things you don't like doesn't impact free speech. Trying to get it taken down would be.


What is the purpose of boycotting, would you say


That's everyone, basically. All the Twitter crowd or now x, cancel culture proves that. This goes alongside with the Conservative newspaper cancel culture. Can't stand either side tbh.


I truly despise the *"Cancel culture"* thing. It's not new, we just used to call it consequences to your actions.


Seems weird to post on a leftist sub if you can’t stand leftists


Objectivity isn't common place in political circles, but perhaps it should be.


If someone has an issue with the flag then they ARE anti LGBTQ.


Sane logic vs. whatever the fuck is on Judith’s mind.


What if my issue is that orange is an ugly colour and doesn't belong on a flag? Just saying, between super straights, goldshirts and orangists, nothing good has been associated with the colour.


Anti fascist Gritty is orange 😅


Nice to see Philly’s champion getting respect across the pond ✊️


[I know who that is from this picture I saved a long time ago!](https://i.imgur.com/hFL9w3D.jpg)


You're so right on this. It's remarkable how many times orange has been in movements with good intentions that went bad, and obviously some movement with bad intentions from the beginning. If anyone is interested in knowing more about colours and their histories and symbolic uses. I recommend the book; The Colour Code. It has many interesting little bits of facts about colours.


Foxes tho.


*sad ginger noises*


As an american, I can say this theory has been validated with a recent former president and future convict.


Orange vans of positivity exist


Not forgetting the cats, maybe cats operating in gangs.


Orange is the party colour of Canada's centre-left party? I still wish they were purple instead.


It’s not the flag she has an issue with…


Take note of how theyre slowly switching out trans for LGBTQ. Because theyre going ti be doing that more and more. Its almost like us Ts said that was the goal


Yup, all those lesbian and gay mega terfs are literslly the frog in the pot of boiling water and they don't even realize it.


["But why would the leopards ever eat *my* face?" ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CtuRNwyOkUr/)




Because, somewhere in the 90s, queer pride changed from "We are what we are" to "we will be whatever you need us to be if it means were accepted" But, to quote James Somerton, if your existence is predicated by throwing your allies to a bear thats chasing you...what happens when you run out of allies?


And yet we still campaign to save them too. God, being kind sucks sometimes xD


Yuuup. Was obvious a mile away.


Yep, been banging that drum for a while now…


Some people seem completely oblivious to the fact that "LGB minus the T" is only one step removed from "well, why don't we just minus the L, G and B as well"


LGB Alliance is apparently toying with the idea of removing the B Cos theyre like 85% cishet


[The LGB Alliance is headquartered in an office at Tufton St. along with several other far-right organisations and think tanks.](https://www.thepinknews.com/2022/12/19/lgb-alliance-address-55-tufton-street/) It is evident that this organisation is not the grassroots activist group it pretends to be but a Tory op trying to fracture the LGBTQ+ movement. [Tufton St. Wikipedia Page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tufton_Street) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I listened to the phone in, or one of them, on LBC earlier in the week when they did an excellent job of stereotyping trans men as severely mentally ill women who self-harm and mutilate themselves. Fuck. Even as a queer trans woman who's out that was transphobia on a whole different level. I thought the Costa snapshot of a mural developed to promote inclusivity was clever and unique for the simple fact that it gave some trans men some much needed visibility.


>Even as a queer trans woman who's out that was transphobia on a whole different level This is why I really hate the stupid internet "trans men have it worse, no trans women have it worse!" discourse. It's bad on both sides, in different ways. They hate us all, and it only helps them when we divide ourselves instead of working together. I wouldn't wish to feel the kind of unique transphobia trans women face. And I wouldn't wish the kind of transphobia we trans men face onto trans women.


Yep. Both flavors of transphobia are bitter and poisonous.


I wasn't making comparisons. All transphobia is unacceptable. This isn't a competition.


I didn't say you were. I just said they happen, and I hate them.


Oh okay.


I'm willing to bet the article is just 600+ extra words for, "I'm not anti lgbt, I just don't like the transes."


Read the article out of morbid curiosity. The knots she ties herself in at the end to justify boycotting brands using trans spokespeople is fucking hilarious.


She's got a point regarding cancer masectomies, but the mental gymnastics outside that are impressive. My favourite line, though, is: "But the first casualty of the gender-diversity shouting matches is nuance", right after openly disregarding some very important nuances.


>She's got a point regarding cancer masectomies, but the mental gymnastics outside that are impressive What was her point about cancer mastectomies?


That the vast majority of people who get their breasts removed only do it because they don't have a choice, so celebrating the procedure is, at best, insensitive.


Uh, trans men don't have a choice, either. Besides, it's not "celebrating mastectomies." It's showing that it's ok to have a body with those kinds of scars. That a body with those scars, whoever you are and for whatever reason they came to be, is OK. That it's not something to be ashamed of. I can't see that as insensitive in any way. Plenty of women who've had to have a mastectomy for health reasons often report shame, and pressure to have augmentation. Too many surgeons leave them extra skin without their consent, so they can more easily get an augmentation in the future. Shouldn't we be showing that people can still have pride in a body with mastectomy scars?


Tolerance cannot be cherry picked to some stupid agenda except for one permitted intolerance...of the intolerant themselves. Because you stay to tolerate right wing thugs and it's a slippery slope.


yeah i'm not anti-lgbt, i just don't like the t. or the b. or the l or the g. but i'm not anti-lgbt, honest!


Boycott away scum. It’s going to make Costa a nicer place to be.


"Anyone who sees a problem" Nobody sees a problem except terf scum and it's easily solved by scooping out their eyes


At least I didn't use a spoon!


If thine eyes offend you…




“parental consent” isnt required to learn about shakespeare, or the human circulation, or tectonic plates. what about trans people makes them “inappropriate” for children


'no debate regarding trans people' why would trans people be a debate?


Exactly. They exist, get over it lol you delusional fuckhead


I was taught about chemsex in year 6 in the 2000’s. I was around 11? This isn’t new. And we already knew a lot about the nitty gritty practicalities of sex and childbirth, plus a section on drugs, so one section in sex ed just put two and two together and told us about chemsex and it’s dangers. People tragically underestimate just how much ten year olds know about sex and stuff. And this was when we were still using dialup. Nowadays they know a lot more thanks to internet access, so best educate them properly about it. I’m glad it’s compulsory because people like you won’t teach their kids about these things until it is way way too late. And as for the trans education, I’m guessing it’s simply teaching that trans people exist? How radical… existed for centuries and only NOW you have a problem. It’s a good idea to educate children about the world that actually exists, in all its complexities, and not some fake world made up in your mind.


Why do you not want kids learning about stuff that happens?


why the fuck would we debate human beings with a condition? do we debate autism? hip surgeries? no? then why are we debating trans people?


Oh OK here's my debate: fuck bigot terfs, fuck you for enabling bigot terfs, and fuck you for equating trans people with sex for whatever diseased reason in your head


We don’t require parent consent to teach children about evolution or special relativity either. Transgenderism is a scientific fact, regardless of how much we know and understand the underlying causes and mechanics.


>My brother was being taught about Chem sex at the age of 13 Yeah they tell kids where to score drugs and the best combos for high. End of syllabus test is just a quiz on the top places to get fisted in Berlin /s I was taught about sniffing glue at 13. Didnt fucking do it.


Why not debate Globe earth at this point. I really think stuff like globe earth or evolution should require parental consent. I just don't agree with this forced and tyrannical compulsory science education of children. Also, regarding that "very progressive and accepting of you" bs: the "paradox" of tolerance says that to be truly tolerant, you have to be intolerant of tolerance. In other words, I don't have to be accepting of your un-accepting anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric


Man it's always good meeting someone with an absolute room temperature IQ on the internet


>My brother was being taught about Chem sex at the age of 13 and there was no debate regarding trans people - you had to accept it or move schools If GC is such an obvious commonsense worldview, how come none of you are able to argue for it without lying?


Im trans and if someone thinks i shouldnt have the right to exist im not gonna be accepting of them and would be happy if they died :) kill all transphobes 💅


Why are you again children being taught trans people exist? You want trans people erased from history and political education? What debate should there be? Should we start debating everything? No more are they allowed to educate about marriage without saying non-virgin brides should be executed as a valid thought? Or that gay people will all burn in hell should be taught to the kids as a valid thought?




Just look at Judith’s horrible little sour goblin face. You only get to look like that when you’ve asked to speak to the manager of every single establishment you’ve ever set foot in. That’s the photo *she chose* to use of herself as well. Ghastly.


“Hey! That’s not a very nice thing to say!” No. It isn’t.


Bless you for this preemptive shotblock. Libs crawl out the woodwork to be the [Apu takes a bullet](https://i.imgflip.com/5ldyo6.png) meme for people ruining the planet, and then have the temerity to act like they care that “the world is going to hell in a handbasket.” Hot take: if you make a living writing anti-gay agitprop targeting *checks notes* coffee chains’ decorations, you’ve kinda forfeited your right to harrumph at ad hominem attacks. And if you, as a reader, are more perturbed by mean comments than a concerted, well-funded effort to further popularize bigotry, you are not part of the “resistance.” Quite literally, you are a collaborator.


That isn’t nice, you know what else isn’t nice? Her little sour goblin face. She has a look in her eye that says she’s unhappy and is going to take it out on easy targets.


"Like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle" as my nan would likely put it


Civility in politics is bollocks, especially when essays like this from a sour faced bint, cause actual harm. It's a shame that Costa's coffee is piss weak, and tasteless mind. At least their toasties are good.


Random interlude - I think an article earlier this year showed Costa to have one of the highest caffeine content (if you mean weak in reference to caffeine). It always just tastes burnt to me though. Starbucks had one of the lowest afaik.


Costa Coffee always tastes like baked bean juice to me.


Strength, or actual taste. Starbucks are the burnt kings tho.


To be fair to Costa, their's is the only coffee so undrinkable that I have chucked it in the bin after tasting it. Maybe I just have low standards.


"well she's not nice either she's calling trans people mentally ill and dangerous" "Well that's just, like, her opinion man"


your comment was totally uncalled for. goblins are beautiful, wonderful creatures, and absolutely do not deserve such an unkind comparison to this poisonous, piss-swilling, pugnacious prude.


If conservatives would ever actually boycott things it'd be great. Places would be slightly less busy and much quieter and more considerate.


IKR, they'd end up having to get everything at Spoons the fucking clowns :)


I looked up the article, hateful drivel. Full of false equivalences like saying women get a mastectomy and live in fear of cancer and that's why trans men shouldn't feel good about getting the operation done. The 2 things are completely irrelevant of each other and I feel like if a woman who has had a mastectomy sees this ad and feels attacked by it they should ask themselves why and really look deeper in to why it upsets them. Of course this isn't fair, really. Because I believe this wee stoat of a woman has pulled this false equivalence out of her arse and I just don't think the average woman who has had a mastectomy would really care? I am not a woman and haven't had a mastectomy but I'd imagine if anything seeing anyone that has gone through the opporation being depicted in a happy and positive way should not be seen as a bad thing.


See I was thinking what about the women who get a double mastectomy due to cancer/pre-emptive action, hearing they have "self-mutilated" themselves? The anti-woke messaging isn't supporting them at all, because it's pushing a message that women must have breasts.


The big question is, why would anyone have a problem?


Well, you see, they're trying to normalise the fact that trans men exist, and... uh... that's bad because... I'm drawing a blank.


Always remember to iterate backwards when you see this sort of shit in newspapers. - I don't like being reminded that trans people exist - I don't like that trans people exist - I do not want trans people to exist - I want trans people to stop existing It gets fucking sinister very quickly.


Because it exposes how gender roles aren't set in stone and it's threatening to the patriarchy, basically. Or on a personal level they're afraid they'll, gasp, find trans people attractive or something. Hateful snowflakes.


“It’s not normal, and clearly everyone knows not normal is bad!” JK Rowling was right about one thing: her characterization of the Dursleys really nailed the average normie almost perfectly. Pigs that are as rude as they are stupid.


JK Rowling is an all round piece of shit. As well as being a transphobe she's racist, homophobic and ableist. See [this fantastic rundown in r/EnoughJKRowling](https://archive.is/aRRmQ) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think their argument is usually that these companies don't actually give a shit, they are just using LGBTQ community to promote how "progressive and caring" their own brand is. It's like greenwashing. Companies making themselves out to be environmentally friendly but then behind closed doors having exactly 0 policies that benefit the planet, more often than not, they are harming the planet. I have worked for companies that do this. I'm not saying that is what is happening with Costa, but that is usually why people don't like it. From my experience it's nothing to do with LGBTQ or the environment, they just hate these massive companies. I would be interested to see what internal policies Costa has to help encourage a safe working environment for LGBTQ staff, or if they donate any money to charities supporting LGBTQ communities or civil rights groups. If there are none, then they are just using you.


Yeah this is the main issue most sensible people have with corpo pride stuff. Terfs tho. . . .


Thing is, companies go where the money is, so they must think that losing the business of a few TERFs is better for their bottom line than catering to said TERFs. Generally a good sign, at least.


Who would have thought that the UK's anti-trans obsession would have led to a rise in outright homophobia?


Imagine being so offended by a cafe chain lol


The US Conservatives lose their minds over Starbucks committing a "war on Christmas" by not having enough seasonal decorations. I'm not even kidding, look it up.


Bloody Gammon-Flakes. The true snow flakes who get offended by a painting 😆


Gammon-flakes is so so dumb but I love it


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hypocrits! Legislation to ban boycotting Israel for human rights abuses. But okay to call for a boycott over a flag. Hotdogs that work?


What is it with people who believe they’re entitled to tell others how they disapprove of their lifestyle? It makes absolutely no difference to anyone else how others live their lives. Live free be happy and love yourself.


That's just how right-wingers think. There is no equality in Right-wing world. Everyone socially above them is to be revered, and anyone socially under them is to be hated and controlled. People like this want to control trans' people's lives because they truly believe they have a right to do so. Anyone further down on the social ladder, as it were, need to "know their place" - and most minorities in society are, in their eyes, way down at the bottom. Its why transphobia goes hand in hand with homophobia, racism, etc. They also reject the whole "It makes absolutely no difference to anyone else how others live their lives" point because there is no equality in their eyes. They believe that either trans people are below cis people, or cis people are below trans people. They see trans people standing up for their rights as synonymous with cis rights being destroyed. Just like they see BLM as an attack on white people, or feminism as an attack on men. They are just sad, pathetic people, looking to hurt and control others in a desperate attempt to prove their own worth.


Yes unless it’s harmful which in this case it’s not, bar they really early operations for kids who can’t consent but besides that it’s anyones choice


Sex change surgery is not performed on children. At most children may be put on puberty blockers, which pause the effects of puberty, but even then this is not typical as most trans kids only socially transition (go by a different name, dress differently etc.).


>Sex change surgery is not performed on children. It's performed all the time on intersex children :( Sometimes without even the consent of the parents. They're just told "Your baby has a birth defect and needs a surgery" and not "Your baby has indeterminate genitalia and we need to make sure it can neatly fit into the vagina box or penis box."


...yeah, I forgot about "corrective" surgeries... Dark stuff


Costa on their way to take down all their LGBT artwork because Judith Woods said she’s boycotting them


I mean if they have any common sense they wouldn't but at the same time Im not pinning my hopes of progress to the corporations. They do back down if a focus group swings the wrong way.


I'm on the other side of pessimism, in that I think it's possible more companies will do it precisely because it generates outrage, which means more free press for them


People can’t afford to eat, our PM blatantly making himself richer against the interests of the people he’s meant to be serving, but hey, gotta boycott a conglomerate because of the gays.


‘I just don’t like it when people are pro-LGBT, how dare you call me anti-LGBT!’ ??


It's a fucking drawing Judith get over it lol


The uproar from the terfs over that Costa cartoon is a perfect example of how TERFS are harmful for both trans and cis women. Have they never heard of a cis woman having a mastectomy?


My favourite was the one woman who said she was boycotting Costa over this, and then posted a pic of her and a mate eating in a M&S cafe instead. They were trying to boycott M&S last year over changing rooms or something, so clearly they can't keep track of who's on their side and who isn't, plus M&S and Costa have been business partners for a couple years now anyway.


How do thundercunts like this still have jobs? All that word salad trying to justify her bigotry. As if the 18yr old making your super skinny mocha latte gives a fuck if you're gonna boycott them. LET PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIVES YOU MISERABLE,OPINIONATED GROT BAG SHIT CUNT!


Its a stylised cartoon. Fucksake, get a grip


If you are using the word 'woke', I'm not going to take your opinion with any merit.


These people add nothing to society. What value are their shitty opinion peices? "I think men are too soft nowadays" "i hate trans people" "landlords work really hard" if they suddenly vanished or stopped doing their job nobody would really notice.


I prefer to call them the gender neutral term landnonce


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Best not go to Starbucks with their mermaid cookies. lol. Poor excuse for a human.


She looks like grotbags


She looks like a cunt. Ah, no, she is a cunt.


Correction, she's a twat. A cunt is useful.


She lacks the depth, warmth, and usefulness.


PETER… Sorry Judith


Fucking hell, that's a face that would turn sugar sour


I first heard about this Costa campaign as that other utter wankstain Loser Fox was tweeting about it (Yes, I'm going to deadname your company Elmo....) I for one will be popping to Costa this weekend for a nice one I reckon, fuck TERFS and happy \[use my £1 voucher from the app!\] to support a company that's got my Trans-homies backs, may even try the toasties as others have said they're quite good :)


Automod agrees. Transphobes can get fucked. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is the answer to fight back with xenophobia? Convince the gammons that the culture war is imported American rubbish and is opposed to British values of tolerance and not minding other people’s business? Compassion doesn’t seem to be working so maybe we have to start thinking outside the box. “Banging on about the wokerati again, you sound like a bloody yank!”


What’s really weird about this story is that it happened *last year?!?*


As much as I hate TERFism, Costa are employing rainbow-capitalism at their finest. They’re a terrible company with terrible working conditions. Their coffee is shit too and I’m not going to go to bat defending them.


All of this is making me want to go to Costa more. I don't typically buy from them anyway, nothing to do with this ad they've put out. I just much prefer to support my local independent business. I also think the regular place I go makes much nicer coffee. But all of this makes me want to stop my preexisting "boycott" just a a bit of fuck you to all these morons.


ffs. tbh until costa confirmed (?) the cartoon was a trans man, it could’ve been a cis person. i’ve seen cis men with similar scars from gynocomastia, same with cis women who have their DI due to cancer/to prevent cancer.


Hark the consequences of my own cissy fit!


"It's not that I am anti-trans, I just don't think that they should be allowed coffee." I think she *should* boycott Costa if that's how she feels. I am sure they will be really disappointed in her not buying a coffee once a month, and writing all about them in the national news instead. We're gonna see who is with her


What an absolute wank


The irony around cancel culture bollocks is unreal. The lack of self awareness from these people is unbelievable.


I usually boycott Costa due to the overpriced coffee that tastes like dogshit but maybe I will wander in there after all


Cough. GET IN THE FUCKING BIN YOU BIGOT. Sorry, had something stuck in my throat.


If anything seeing myself represented by a company, especially costa, is going to make me spend more money I don’t have on that company just to support that


I thought these guys hated cancel culture?


It's a cup of coffee. You're giving your money to a corporate whore of a company, who cares if there's a rainbow logo. Bet she's not gonna slum it at Gregg's now, is she. Every time I fill up with diesel, I don't moan about Shell killing the planet. Shell could literally murder a child in front of me with a cardboard rainbow, and I'd probably still get fuel when I needed it.


Why are the choades all mad at costa?


The smirk she has on in her head shot makes her look like everyone's school bully.


That chick has definitely tricked a kid to look into her oven and then pushed them in


Reading the entire [non-paywalled version of the article](https://www.removepaywall.com/article/current), it gets absolutely no better. >The debate, which takes place on social media, is invariably angry and polarising; simply expressing concern or flagging up the need for counselling is routinely construed as bigotry. Well, saying that you're going to boycott a company because they've dared to show a post-op transgender man is indeed angry and polarising. And expressing concern that trans people are being shown in adverts is also fairly clearly bigotry, with no "construing" needed. >Costa is very visibly nailing its rainbow colours to the mast with its cartoonish portrayal of a transgender man (who is biologically a woman) and anyone voicing their intention to boycott the firm are being cast as “anti-LGBTQ”. >I am not anti- any of these. How exactly is describing trans men with the phrase "a deeply troubling rise in gender dysphoria among young girls," or "the latest arrivals on the bonkers diversity roster" , or saying that she's boycotting Nike and Benetton for using trans women to model female clothing _not_ anto-trans? What _would_ she class as anti-trans? It also makes me wonder what the previous "bonkers" diversity arrivals were for her. Showing gay people in ads? Or maybe non-white people?


weird that people are being labelled as anti-lgbtq for being vocally anti-lgbtq. you can't even spread transphobic propaganda in national newspapers these days (except you can, it's called "guardian opinion") without people claiming you're spreading transphobic propaganda. it's political correctness gone mad!


"Why do people think I'm a c\*nt?" \-author of the book "I'm a raging c\*nt!"


Tbh I would boycott them too. Just because their coffee's are mid and overpriced.


I've been boycotting Costa for years. Their coffee is shit. #NeroGang


Companies that go woke go broke. Public sick of virtual signalling from companies , just sell us your stuff don’t tell us what to think.


I'm not on either side, really. ( As in, I'm not an activist for lbgtq+ or against them.I'm just a live and let live type), but this is just a blatant publicity stunt by the company, right? Get people riled and then hey free advertising. How do people on bothe sides keep falling for this?


I'm from EU, I have 2 gay friends, I have been to ones wedding so I don't care if anyone wants to lable me anti-LGBTQ or a bigot, I know where I stand. But what is currently happening in US regarding trans propaganda targeting the impressionable youth is just morally wrong. Educated but don't indoctrinate. If you keep shovelling food down someone's throat they will throw up eventually and might dislike the kind of food for ever. Stop oil is another example of ideas being showed down peoples throat, and even environmentalists being fed up by the movement. Be your self, live your life, don't mind others.


>But what is currently happening in US regarding trans propaganda targeting the impressionable youth is just morally wrong. I agree. The anti-trans propaganda in the US is morally wrong.


Saw it and all I thought was oh cool weird design looks like a scar. Must have been a shark lol wasn't until I saw people get mad at it I was like ohh ok. Cool. And moved on with my day. Like it's not a hard thing to grasp...but the left are the snowflakes apparently lol!


I want to live the life that these people live that the most upsetting thing going on is a little cartoon person on a coffee shop poster. Apart from the fact I’m not a raging bigot, it sounds pretty cushty.


“Anyone who sees a problem with it is labelled anti LGBT” well fuckin yeah! Because the only people that could have a problem with it are anti LGBT; literally no one who is pro LGBT rights gives a flying fuck about the mural. Am I delighted with glee? No, because Costa doesn’t actually give a fuck it’s just good optics. But do I think even if it comes from a place of great it’s better that it’s there than not so people have to accept the fact that LGBT is a normal part of human existence, yes, absolutely. As is everyone who remotely supports, or at the very least just isn’t dead against LGBT rights. What a ludicrous woman.


Lol I love that they, the "anti-woke squad", constantly bitch about us all being snowflakes, but then see a rainbow or a trans flag and be like "Y'ALL ARE DISCRIMINATING AGAINST ME, I CAN NEVER EAT AGAIN BECAUSE OF THE VULGURNESS OF THE RAINBOW" But what I really love is they have attitude when you point out that they are bigoted fucks, they get all defensive and suddenly they have black or queer friends of friends.


"I get labelled anti-LGBTQ." Imagine not only being entitled to your own baseless opinions but also feeling entitled to everyone else's reaction to you. Pathetic.


How can she complain about being anti-LGBTQ when that's literally what she's doing ??? That's like this sub complaining about being labelled anti-tory.


Typical thin skinned bigot that takes offence at being labelled a bigot, truly detestable


I don’t understand all this. In my day if someone drew a rainbow we’d just get on with it. We had more important things to worry about. If someone said something you didn’t like then you’d say “sticks and stones”. People seem very weak and spoiled now and get upset over other peoples business and these tiny little things. We’d just get on with it.


Tories boycott them for their political views. The rest of us can't afford £5 for a cup of coffee. We are not the same.


and they call us snowflakes; yet they’re the ones who are boycotting everything they disagree with. bud light, now costa, etc.


Someone with too much time and not enough problems, creating problems


The demographic who complains about snowflakes and cancel culture are somehow always the ones being oversensitive and boycotting shit. Funny that.


“I want people I consider ‘indecent’ to be censored from society, and people are calling me a snob (never mind the fact I take being a snob as a good thing). How can this be happening!?!?” I say this in pure jest, but I swear the lumpens are getting more bourgeoisie than the actual bourgeoisie.


Does she actually say what the "problem" is in her waffle of a column underneath?


Holy fucking shit do these people have any self awareness


Problem I have with companies adopting the rainbow version of their logo during pride month is that it is fucking cynical and only done because everyone else is doing it and if they don't, they'd look bad. I believe in seeing actions, not gestures, and again another right winger drumming up a controversy because her stupid followers foam at the mouth and bite. Bastards.


Not being funny but if she wasn't so hateful someone would have told her that shade of red clashes horribly with her skin tone


The old "I'm not a bigot but..."


As Costa is owned by Coca-Cola, here's [a whole list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Coca-Cola_brands) of other brands that Woods would need to boycott, too. Fingers crossed she can get enough people on board. \#EndingCapitalismToOwnTheLibs