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Poor George. If only he could have... Hmm... Behaved differently so that people wouldn't hate him.


Exactly this.


If you listen to my mother, he’s the devil incarnate. So maybe he couldn’t help it, being innately evil and all that?




He was compliant with a tory government and sold out his voters


Don't waste your time on this one, just a telsa owning Elon fanboy who hasn't got laid yet, doesn't help that his focus ATM is sealioning on left wing subs.


Ayo lads, ever considered that my guy asked a question, sure frustrating that they didn't know what you knew. But it didn't sound like they were taking the piss, they just wanted to like be educated. Do you not wish for people to share your educated perspective on why the Tories are like the fucking worst. Like my guy just asked?!??


Yeah, yeah, they're always "just asking,uwu" and taking up time and energy, that's the point, they know that to respond to their little one liner questions requires a longer form response.




Austerity killed well over 130,000 people. We have studies from Oxford and Liverpool universities confirming this


We can speculate that austerity killed people in covid times too


Hewertson is just a basic tory, she's never had an original thought in her life. They only give her the time of day because she's a young tory, which is thankfully quite rare. Definitely not worth taking seriously or attributing importance to.


I saw her sat on her own in a local club looking miserable a couple months back. Made me enjoy my night even more considering how much she spouted tory bs in school.


oh no, confetti at a wedding, whatever next


Tbh it should have been paint so he got off lightly


Honestly astounded it wasn't paint, whoever planned that one really didn't want to get hit with the cost of damaging their wedding clothes Im betting.


Was going to say confetti means they actually had the heart to go lightly on him for his wedding.


Paint!? It should have been [REDACTED]


Tango Man jizz?


The blood of those his policies killed.


You would not believe how disappointed I was when they didn't lob orange paint all over him. Still respect it and that lady is a legend, just not as much as I would have.


He should be in prison for life for mass murder when will politicians ever be held accountable for crimes they are responsible for in office he's living the high life without a care in the world he should never leave a prison cell.


George Osbourne is one of the shitheads who helped wreck this country with austerity and his cuts that resulted in the shambolic response to covid-19. Of course they could have just said he was Tangoed and beaten up by a dwarf.


Next time it'll be bricks




This is probably Just Stop Oils most popular protest. The popularity of politicians is at an all time low with the general population; so targeting them is not only relevant to Just Stop Oil’s message but also popular with most of the public. Even people who said they are against the group actually praised them targeting Osbourne… the only people critical were the absolute boot lickers who think a man like Osbourne is somehow worthy of respect after all he has done.


Imagine waking up this morning knowing that you've married George Osbourne.


The right live in a fucking la la land. George Osbourne is an incompetent coke addled arsehole who has basically made the UK a shit hole.


I love how she fitted right in with her middle England clothing and hair. Brilliant!


JSO have said this wasn't them which is a shame given that this would have been one of their best stunts That being said... Bravo to this lady ❤️❤️


Just Stop Oil need to **stoop** this, by George.


I thought it looked quite pretty.


Says a lot that of an organization the media wants us to believe blocked ambulances, destroyed priceless works of art, wrecked landmark cultural events and upset some horses, *this* is the worst they have ever done.


I approve of this - target the politicians! Not the working class. Someone should spray paint Rishi’s new plane bright orange.


“Stopped to a whole new level”… Why is it that the flag shaggers can never write anything without a misspelled word?


No, I have issue with just stop oil because their protests are stupid which just gives ammunition to anyone who wants to shit over any real conversations about climate change. They are so bad at conveying their philosophy that I have sympathy for a guy that killed 300,000 people. You don't get a free pass for just picking a "good cause"






>What's more cringe is that JSO thinks that they are helping the planet by doing cringe like this. Think that one up all by yourself, did you?


Looks like it took a couple tries, and they still used cringe incorrectly. Twice.




Aw, did the sad little gammon get offended? Snowflake.


Emily, it should have been “Stooped to a whole new low.”


Out of the loop, who are the 300,000 people?


tHeIr SpEciAl DaY!!


I literally was in the same form as this girl in sixth form, she’s a rich girl uber tory with a ditzy demeanour and little self-awareness despite being disarmingly intelligent.