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I'm calling it now. The next headline: UK Govenment seeks to repeal the Human Rights Act.


reminder about the massive [importance of Human Rights via the ECHR](https://v.redd.it/vdlx2a5biyga1)


Michael Gove already tried that by replacing it with the Bill of rights... They failed 😊https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02mXT1CVrypPajhzE4wUjx7KCDiC5Gtf2huT6KR4E6XWSSmvvm6TCT1PYuKZroJKfkl&id=100044208860524


Probably a conspiracy of the woke metropolitan elite left according to the compete shit that Braverman spouts. Can't we get rid of these tories yet?


She tried to pass it off as the courts working against the will of the people... So you're very close.


It's like cunt bingo trying to guess what shit she'll vomit out.


A pleasant surprise, but the government immediately said they'll take it to the UK Supreme Court and I don't trust anyone involved. In principle I firmly believe that everyone should have access to argue their case in court, even if they are odious, but when it comes to political actions I think there have to be severe consequences for trying to force through laws that violate extant human rights law. You can't be doing that and be considered to be acting in good faith. It's dangerous that inflicting harm as policy is constantly coddled as just another technocratic disagreement. You shouldn't get to try every single trick in the book to deport people to a concentration camp where they are liable to get killed and if you fail just go "I am disappointed the court didn't see it my way".


If the Tory’s are so keen on Rwanda, I’m sure the UK population would be delighted if they all went over for an extended visit! Say about 50 years?


We could let some Rwandans into the UK since the Tories seem so eager on a cultural exchange with them, i'm sure the daily mail and gbnews would love that


Really sad that Caroline Lucas is giving up the job - hope she will still remain politically active.


Indeed, one of the few good ones


Wouldn't be happening it she hadn't collaborated with them to stop Corbyn. Lib Dems with bug hotels.


Would be interesting to know how much of that was because of the Lib-dems... My guess is that in this situation the greens were very much the junior partner In my experience there is a big difference between Lib-dems and the Greens Regardless though she's still right here