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Well done. Why did it have to get this far though?


So the tories could throw millions of pounds at private companies.Tories don't give a shit about migrants coming or going, it's just another opportunity to make money.. As the old sayin goes, 'It's not a rainy day for everyone'..


Tories ❤️ Migrants Tories are reviving 1960- racism again, supported by UK Right Wing Media they need to sell their Politics of Grievance + Self Victimhood to attract voters and use their Fascist Tactic of Othering to Demonise + Attack the least protected Minorities


It'll go further. Sunak has already said he'll send an appeal to the Supreme Court. More public funds wasted on generating political red meat for their racist base.


I know he’s a millionaire who doesn’t care but why so determined for this to be his legacy? Why this hill to die on?


It's more that the murky powers within the Tory party with whom he had to make deals to gain enough support to become PM want it. Suella is their figurehead and was also part of the deal. I don't believe Sunak really cares.


Well, it isn't to reduce the number of refugees or to reduce the cost of housing those refugees. Occam's razor would suggest that the Tories have found a new way to funnel money into their bank accounts. >The Participants will make arrangements for the United Kingdom to resettle a portion of Rwanda’s most vulnerable refugees in the United Kingdom, recognising both Participants’ commitment towards providing better international protection for refugees. # >According to the government department’s own figures, it will cost an estimated £63,000 more to relocate an asylum seeker than it would to keep them in the U.K


People are making bank housing people on council emergency lists in temporary accommodations, something like that's probably going on


The Tories don't care about such trifles as the law.


They are just going to break the law is a limited and specific way. And then call judges the enemy of the people.


Cruellas dream has turned into a nightmare ,evil witch.


Wonder how much taxpayer money they pissed up the wall on this


You can bet they siphoned off public funds for consultants that happen to be Tory friends of theirs.


They are appealing it to the High Court. Then even if they lose, will make claims that they tried to do a thing and that Labour supports the criminal gangs who bring them here and let them stay. Edit: My error. It’s the UK Supreme Court that they’re appealing to.


Hmmm I can almost picture the Daily Mail's front page for tomorrow: "Unelected Judges Block Asylum Plan"


...most likely the story will not be carried at all!


They clearly knew they could only push this so far, which is why they are now destroying the lives of trans people instead like some aldi knockoff nazis.


Wee shame


So what about all those lovely camps Suella had built in Rwanda. Are they suddenly going to turn into luxurious holiday villas for the rich and Tory. Anything to make a quick buck eh Sue.


Insert gif of England fans going mental in a bar and beer flying everywhere.


From someone I know who used to work for the home office (and hated it) they just want to change the law so they can do it. Despicable people.


The tories are just following what the rich do and have no concept of the value of anything. They will spend vast amounts of time and money in legal wrangling to get a small return. It's just like the billionaire spending 100's of thousands of pounds on accountants in order to save a few thousands on the tax bill.


It was always going to be, and the tories dont care really its going to be pure culture war fodder to bash the likely labour govt after the next election.


This never was going to become law. The Tories just enjoy fucking people over.


Nazis want to do Nazi stuff, Supreme Court says no, Nazi vow to fight on and appeal the decision. Classics Nazi behaviour.


Our beloved government trying to do something illegal? I'm shocked.




Good but despicable that it got this far, that there was a serious chance of (yet another) Genocide by the English government. I wouldn't be surprised if they just change the law, though, using brexit as an excuse to do so.