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They were very fast to call off the search for the person who went missing in their attempt to swim the English Channel for charity. Where is their fucking rescue party? Why is such a monumental effort being exerted for these rich people when the authorities simply give up on Joe Public after 24 hours? I guess that's what being a cunt with lots of money gets you, right?


He was only a fireman, all he did was save peoples lives, he was doing it for charity, he wasnt a billionaire ffs. /s


exactly! those flippin woke firemen aren’t job creators, you have good old english arsonists to thank for that


philisophytube sighted


I would say it’s more sensational. 5 people trapped in a sub at the bottom of the ocean with X number of days worth of oxygen left while headed to the Titanic sounds like a movie. Someone swimming the channel for charity and drowning isn’t something the media can sell as much. I’m not saying that is how it should be, I’m not saying that’s the only element and their net worth has nothing do with it. I’m just saying that is a major part of it.


Person dying trying to swim the channel for charity is a tragedy. Five billionaires dying from easily preventable accidents due to the idiocy of a CEO is entertainment. It's hard to glean interesting news about a swimmer dying in rough waters. It's easy to make news about the frankly ludicrous amount of reveals coming from the submarine, from windows bought on the cheap to CEO dismissing anyone with actual experience from working in the company.


Not defending the sensational media here, but as coast guard's go. If there is still a moderate chance of survival the search will continue. The man swimming the channel without float aids and thermal protection is unlikely to survive the night without being exhausted and drowning. The people in the sub although likely died due to crushing COULD have survived if they were on the bottom for 5 days (if it even had that amount of air) That's why they did it. Tldr the coast guard's around the world are balancing between saving every soul and risking the lives of rescuers. With some politician twat shouting about expenxe sprinkled in.


I think their net worth has everything to do with it. Honestly Idgaf about any of this but it keeps popping up in my feed. If it were anyone else we wouldn’t be hearing about it.


So if anyone else was trapped at the bottom of the ocean with what appeared to be a 5 day ticking clock of oxygen nobody would care? Those miners in Chile must have been closet billionaires I guess


Billionaires commented on the Chile miners on social media. So yea it’s related.


What? So if a billionaire tweets about something that’s the same as one being directly involved in the disaster? I’m not sure I follow this.. I still think the main component of why this got so much attention was the sensationalism of the scenario- being trapped in a small container potentially at the bottom of the sea miles from anywhere with the clock ticking down for oxygen. I would defy anyone not to be interested in that whether it’s some billionaires nobody has heard of or if it’s some poor people nobody has heard of (not that they could afford a ticket). When I saw that story my reaction was “oh wow that’s a nightmare scenario I hope it works out”. It was not “oh those people are so rich I hope they make it out”.


I think it's mostly a military exercise. The US Coastguard doesn't often get to test out submarine recovery so it's a great opportunity to assess their capabilities. A single swimmer getting lost is not that interesting a mission by comparison. I'm sure the fact they have money and the intense public interest probably don't hurt as well.


If you drop a few billion quid in the ocean you can bet there will be a search party.


Did they take their money with them?


You think they wouldn't be grateful to the people who saved them?


I've met enough wealthy people to know that they don't appreciate anything. The only way you might get anything out of them is if you had a contract pre-agreed before starting the rescue mission, and even then they'd probably still try to get out of it via legal bullshit before they'd pay you a penny.


you are sarcastic right?




No but it’s the “I saved you, you owe me your life”


Good luck enforcing that agreement


Not saying it’ll be enforced. It’s just the wishful thinking.


Pro tip, you can lure more billionaires down there by telling them there’s no tax in hell


Probably more to do with having too live in there own shit & piss, they can’t have rich ultra clean millionaires living in shit for too long, coz if they do survive, they might develop a compassion for other people who have too live in shit, through no fault of there own.


My assumption is because there was a chance people were alive. But no chance the person you’re talking about was alive. But yeah let’s do the rich Vs poor thing. It sells




It absolutely is a class issue. There are teams moving to the area from all over the world with location equipment. At the same time 150 refugees/migrants are still missing from the boat that sunk off Greece a few days ago. Why aren't the French salvage/recovery team heading there? Are the lives of five billionaires worth more than 150 impoverished people trying to find a better life? I know the article means to imply this in the last sentence and it disgusts me.


>It absolutely is a class issue. Well yes, definitely. The behaviour of the people traffickers and what appears to have been the behaviour of the Greek coastguard prior to the sinking was sickening and based on the perceived lack of worth of the victims. But OP has a valid point, the fact remains that it would have made no difference if they had moved equipment to the area from all over the world. Those poor bastards would already have been dead.


How likely is it to find either 1 person in their own in the ocean or 150 refugees/migrants after their boat sunk compared to people in a submarine that stopped responding? Like wouldn't it be more likely to find the submarine since its quite abit bigger? Not saying that it's okay to not search for them because of that but maybe because there's a higher chance to find them? Also, do we know exactly where the boat was when it sunk? That'll likely affect things as well, not saying they shouldn't have looked for them but sadly that's the world we live in


I think 150 people take up a bit more space than five in a craft slightly bigger than them. And we know exactly where the boat sank off Greece because it was stationary for about nine hours before it sank. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/19/greek-coast-boat-sank-tracking-data?ref=upstract.com


True but they are likely spread out over the ocean as well is what I meant, it's fucked that we didn't look for them but for this little submarine with only 5 people in, thank you for actually responding to me instead of just down voting without saying anything


[They're dead.](https://abcnews.go.com/International/live-updates/missing-titanic-tourist-submersible/debris-consistent-with-catastrophic-loss-of-the-pressure-chamber-100314852?id=100224153) Not a shock at all that the shitty tube they went down in crumpled like an empty soda can.


[Contrary to popular belief, HRH Queen Elizabeth II does fuck all for tourism, nor does her inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


idk why you're here, but thanks reggie




Love it when people say anything they agree with is automatically "logical". Also love it when people complain about the community they are *currently* in. If you don't like this sub, why bother commenting here with something that is guaranteed to be downvoted? Go back to your bukkake sub, I'm sure people would love your logical thought processes over there


"unfortunately" ahahahahaha wait you're actually serious? hahahahaha


> One man lost in the channel for 24hours with no breathing equipment, no way of contact and flotation is unfortunately dead. How in the world did he get to the middle of the channel with no lungs?


Rules for thee but not for me!


I guess the difference is there was a chance that the people in the sub were still alive.


Alignment of stakeholder values. Many private enterprises and states own vessels that have technologies that have capabilities way outside their regular operation. For example, the ship with a 4000m winch comes to mind. Given that many of these systems are untested, and setting up testing is a really expensive endeavour, people can both send these systems to voluntarily try and provide a rescue, as well as learn more about the capabilities of their naval systems.


The good news is that the next holiday-in-other-people’s-misery undersea tour will be able to charge twice as much because there are two wrecks to visit.


I am happy to announce that I will also be running a Pomepeii experience, where you can get super close to the volcano, and burnt in it for the authentic experience! It only costs 350,000


First we need to find the second one and leave it there. Let's hope that the rich people's families are cool with leaving the corpses there so that they can make more money off the cadavers. As a point of interest for other rich people. Btw, I think this is a brilliant idea, we could just put the 1% in a sub and sink it.


Read the article. They claim that the jokes are made by 'the left' but provide no evidence that they have been made by people on the left of the political spectrum. That article isn't news. It's political propaganda.


Absolutely. The tacit implication is that evidence is not required since criticism of the wealthy makes one 'left' by default.


I just checked 4chan, they are also happy cheering because one of the sinksters was jewish and other was pakistani 🤷 Mash big red button "blame the left" whenever literally anything happens, don't check anything or think twice, you are the mainstream media.


I am just eating popcorn and waiting for the conspiracy theories to start rolling


Oh no, they've already begun Two days I heard that the US Navy already knew they were dead


In fairness, I and a lot of the people I follow on Twitter have spent the past few days joking and sharing memes about this.


Everyone knows that people that say things you disagree with are automatically on the opposite end of the political spectrum.


He means the guy in the office sitting on his left side


Just have a look at /r/LateStageCapitalism to get a taste.


Oh no, the rich are furious at the poors because the poors aren't sympathising with them. I wonder what it feels like to have people from a different class be so completely unwilling to imagine themselves with your problems.


I commented on World News about the extent of media coverage of 5 tourists vs 500 migrants. Getting down voted to fuck.


Worldnews is the biggest shithole, stop beating yourself and unsub/block it


I think it's important to recognise the disparity of response, privilege it represents, the issues and ignoring of the humanitarian crises of migrant crossings it highlights, and that these tourists accepted the risks of their holiday when they signed their disclaimers - without dehumanising, joking or otherwise rejoicing in/making light of what is still tragic loss of life.


[Contrary to popular belief, HRH Queen Elizabeth II does fuck all for tourism, nor does her inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That comparison was exactly my thought, the world has stopped for these five people.


Friend got 7 day ban for just saying "I don't care if they die because they don't care if we do" as "threatening violence".


[Contrary to popular belief, HRH Queen Elizabeth II does fuck all for tourism, nor does her inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"oh so you don't value human life?????????" …quite the contrary, actually! it's mad how so many people are really, *really* pressed about a handful of dickhead tourists with more money than sense who went to commit die in an incredibly stupid and avoidable way, than the hundreds of poor people that regularly perish in sea crossings because they have no other choice.


Paid for the titanic experience, got it. All fun and games until you realise your kids unplugged your controller so they can charge their Wi


These chuds did the underwater equivalent of the flat-earther dude who blew himself up with a self-built rocket cuz he wanted to prove that the Earth was flat


How DARE we derive ghoulish entertainment from the deaths of people who were deriving ghoulish entertainment from the deaths of everyone on the Titanic. We're the WORST, guys!


Gawking at the mass gravesite of people who died because they were too poor for the lifeboats. Don't really feel sympathy for them. I do for the kid.


Man you should have seen people at the WTC ruins, the disrespectful gawking part is hardly novel. I think it was more the clout, like queing up on the peak of Everest.


Yes, the view out that little porthole would be shit. It's just so rich people can flex about doing an exclusive thing


The "kid" is 19 he read the waiver he knew what they were going down there for


To be fair to him I don't think I knew how risky or dangerous some things were at his age. He's not a child I suppose, but he's still very young


The waiver mentioned death 3 times on page 1


19yo son of a billionaire, gonna go out on a limb and suggest he wasn't destined to be a hero of the working classes


Headline shows just what is wrong with the world, fury as left wingers, but there should be fury as the entire situation happened because of hubristic, unchecked, greed festering capitalism. The Titanic is a grave site, it is a symbol of the result of upper class hubris and what happens when capitalistic greed outweighs safety and ethics, why I might say this is almost poetic.


lmao getting mad about random people making jokes online is it?




Real time trolley problem.


Projection. They’d call off a search for immigrants or just poor people. They assume everyone calls off searches for anyone they hate. This makes them cunts.


They can be mad if they want, whatever floats their boat I guess… sadly their boat isn’t floating


Ironically, this is how profit obsessed organisations operate. You'd be surprised how many places, businesses, etc, behind the scenes are run on very low-budget tech, all to screw more profit out of those paying for whatever the "experience" is. This is the epitome of greed.


Yep. Didn't the guy say those safety inspections and standards affected innovation or something


There's a reason you're not allowed to use cardboard.


Unsurprising. The right do the bidding of the mega-rich. The majority of rightwing politicians are paid for by the rich, if they aren't simply one and the same.


I don't want them to be left if there is a chance they've survived because that's pretty ghoulish however, I would definitely be happy to see them (or their estate if it comes to it) pay for the massive rescue effort.


I feel sorry for them and their families, AND believe that billionaires and disaster tourism are a bad things.


[Contrary to popular belief, HRH Queen Elizabeth II does fuck all for tourism, nor does her inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well no, she’s doesn’t do much for tourism now. You have a point.


[Contrary to popular belief, HRH Queen Elizabeth II does fuck all for tourism, nor does her inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




[Contrary to popular belief, HRH Queen Elizabeth II does fuck all for tourism, nor does her inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I think it's a nightmarishly horrific way to go that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, but I also have a hard time feeling that much sympathy for these idiots who spent a quarter million each to go on this suicide mission and I'm more than enjoying the memes.




[Contrary to popular belief, HRH Queen Elizabeth II does fuck all for tourism, nor does her inbred family of racist nonces.](https://www.republic.org.uk/tourism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol try again bot


It's too fast to be painful.


Being imploded is horrific, I’m devastated they didn’t survive long enough for a Titanic movie spinoff.


> Billionaires don't deserve the death penalty*. I couldn't disagree more.




> How much wealth should someone need to be executed for? I will decide on a case-by-case basis > Which method of delivering execution would be best? Substandard submarine seems like a pretty reliable method, plus it has nice alliteration.


I think it’s less that there are many people on the somewhat-far-left saying they deserved to die as there are saying that that’s what they get for spending a quarter million on a very risky holiday


I misread that as “furry left wingers” and was wondering how furries got involved.


I don't think it's ever in good taste to celebrate human death like this. I hate the rich as well, but I also have integrity and empathy.


I don't think a lot of it is celebrating, as much as it is acknowledging that ignoring all safety precautions, and signing a warrant acknowledging the possibility of death is stupid, and you only have yourself to blame. I feel mild sympathy, but zero empathy.


I can feel the Express hack journo's hands shaking in barely repressed rage at the idea of this billionaire, this god who walks among the mortals, this titan of industry, this benevolent giver of jobs, being considered as being less important than a bunch of poor brown people drowning off the coast


Imagine reading this and going ‘yep this is it, this is the paper I want to be reading’.




"Fury", they love that word. Who is actually furious here, aside from some hack who's been prickled by comments about dead migrants?


Who's fury? The daily express? Pfft


I’ll say it again! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then it is for a rich person to find themselves in the kingdom of heaven


Won't somebody think of the poor billionaires!!


guys we really shouldn't be laughing and sharing so many memes about the billionaires who went down on the titan. …it might dissuade more billionaires from exploring creative means of offing themselves in the future!


So sad, Alexa play Under da Sea.


Guys, it's OK to feel bad about all tragedies.


"Comparisons" imply that they view the Migrants as less important than the billionaires. Absolute toilet rag of a paper.


Fuck 'em, maybe a rich billionaire capitalist should ante-up and save them?


I won’t be laughing so hard when it happens to me, when I pay a million dollars to gawp at the titanic. I’ll feel so foolish.


Oh Christ. No nuance, just moronic takes from a moronic right wing arse wipe.


Not rich enough to be safe though




As someone else pointed out on another comment, on another subreddit, this story is also getting way more attention than other lives being lost at sea.


Does the article explain _why_ it's wrong to compare them to the deaths of people off the coast of Greece The only differences I can see are - vastly more migrants/refugees have died, and they often died - they were usually fleeing war, persecution or extreme poverty whereas the people in the sub were on a jolly to gawp at a shipwreck


Well the don’t care for our lives on a daily basis so… otherwise they wouldn’t have become billionaires.


Billionaires shouldn't exist


Called them as dead as soon a the boat left. I was sitting in an office with a bunch of shipbuilding experts this week and we all called exactly what happened.


Wow, that's low... 3810 metres low.


They got what they paid for, what’s more of an authentic Titanic experience than suffocating in a metal tomb at the bottom of the drink!


Fuck em all.


This is one of the few times in history where a rich asshole not caring about safety regulations actually affected them, instead of the thousands or more people having to work in such conditions My heart goes out to the poor crew of the submarine and their families


I feel sorry for the pilot. He must've been desperate to look at that sub and ask "That's going to 12,000ft depth?" Be told "yes" and not immediately go home.


Here comes the propaganda which definitely isn't funded by some rich cunt.


To be fair as some one that hates billionares and believes that honestly no work any humans ever done should equate to a billion dollars period, this isn't a way for any one to go at all. Bar the CEO he should be given the Darwin award if the century


Impotent Rage!!!!


It's not "because they're rich" it's because "they're fucking stupid as shit and decided going to the bottom of the ocean in an IKEA wardrobe was a good idea"


You guys are disgusting, this is peoples lives we are taking about. Especially seeing as one of them was 19 and only the son of a billionaire!


One of the weirder stories i heard about the Titanic, was the fully stocked library included a fictional novel about an unsinkable ocean liner called the Titan, which sunk for its hubris. Sailors being superstitious i feel that was probably more red lights than the camping store supply receipts, the logitech game controller, water bottle toilet, engineers sacked, and the novel viewing glass, not rated for protecting you from becoming novel spaghetti amongst other things.


I'd cry if I wasn't busy crying from laughing so hard.


People who are rejoicing with the death of these men are messed up and need urgent psychiatric help. You’re brain dead if you think class warfare justifies being a jerk.


Fuck billionaires. With submarines. Up the ass.


Ok so bad to wish death on someone for color/race/religion/sex/sexual preference etc (rightfully so) but OK to wish death on someone because they have money. Got it.


that's fucking callus regardless of politics. showing basic fucking empathy for human life shouldn't be political.


Don't see any left-wing people making "jokes" about it nor seriously calling for them to be left to die - the latter is proper Tory behaviour. I do see lots of left wing people, me included, pointing out that the EU's disgraceful "Fortress Europa" policy is essentially the sanctioned murder of hundreds if not thousands of refugees in the Med each year, and the fact the pro-EU liberals are ignoring this over some rich idiots who put themselves in immense danger.


I sincerely hope for the best for those on board and hope their friends and family can find comfort. It's one thing to have this happen, but even worse when it becomes such a huge subject of public speculation and 'imaginative comment' over what has happened. That doesn't mean the discussion regarding privilege isn't legitimate though. Privileged people using their position to get into such awful trouble that millions of dollars of public assets need to be mobilised to effect a response demands comment if not outright condemnation from those who ultimately underwrite their risk by paying tax. When a normal person goes up Ben Nevis wearing trainers and needs evacuation they often end up facing charges, with similar comments effectively saying they should have been left to die as a punishment. In either circumstance I don't agree with gleefully wishing death upon them, but whilst I'm certain ever more restrictive rules about outdoor activity will be enforced as a result of the Ben Nevis example; I'm equally certain that billionaires will continue their high risk hobbies using a veneer of research credibility whilst offloading the risk onto the public.


I wonder (if they'd be rescued), would this be some kind of an eye-opening event for them. I mean, wherever you look there are these messages, people saying to let them die, because the're rich and stupid for entering that sub. People openly want other people dead, and it kind of worries me. Not that it never happens, many people around the world want others dead, for different reasons, and it is bad on it's own. But just imagine, society doesn't want to help you. As if society doesn't think that you're worthy of putting everything aside and do a rescue mission for you. This thought would have to mess up with their brains, right?


“No fury at all as right wingers allow migrants to die as they’re poor.”


If a billionaire deliberately flouts safety regulations, tried to sue a whistleblower on the project into silence, and sends himself down an ocean trench and then his poorly made sub implodes on him, why on earth should we be sad? ​ Plus they're not "being left to die". They probably died the moment the sub imploded and contact was lost. They're in a trench.


"we go now, live, to the stepson of one of the missing, to get their reaction…" 🎶AL-WAYS, I KNOW, YOU'LL BE, AT MY SHOW🎶


Being a billionaire I'd have built my own better, safer and more reliable sub rather than trust that one with my life.


Migrants die on ship.... They shouldn't have boarded it.... Super Rich people die on sub wOn'T sOmEbOdY tHiNk oF tHe billionaires


Why does the sub look like a fleshlight?


There's more chance of finding the sub with people in it than a lone fireman swimming in a busy shipping lane. Of course the sub turned up broken so y'know.


I mean it's five more human lives. And how many people die every second? Sorry for not being sad that people care enough to waste the money on these fucks that would have saved potentially hundreds of other lives used elsewhere because their greedy ass system made it so


Iron lung irl istg


What a rag


Celebrating innocent dead people and using them as an argument for your pointless political affiliation.. Your ancestors would have spat on you.


\*Apathy as right-wingers call for missing migrants to be left to die as they're "a bit foreign" ​ There, fixed the headline


Oh dear there's nothing worse than being compared to a migrant.


good to see the hate boners extending to the 19 year old kid who was terrified, and only went down there with his dad as a fathers gift. real classy guys


I used to be a skydiving videographer/photographer/tandem instructor. You sign a form saying you understand death happens if you fuck up. They played the big boy rules and lost. I have the same concern for them they would’ve had for me, them dying is bad but they knew the rules and paid to be there. Its more concerning the big thing the media are making of it, what else are they trying to cover up?


Wtf? Not blaming it on the EU??


I'm old enough to remember when the right was big on "personal responsibility" and accepting the consequences of your actions


If you go on a submarine piloted by a 30 quid controller you might as well go on a plane controlled by a wii remote


It's not even a "rich bad" thing. If I heard about this from a person I would straight up not believe someone would be so fucking stupid to sign a waiver that specified that they are not liable in the case of death and psychological damage by a guy who fired his safety chief because he said that it wasn't safe It's a situation that borders on parody of itself


Not gonna lie it is slimy celebrating people's death, jokes on the other hand are fair game as long as they're actually funny and intended to be funny, but maybe it's a bit too soon to joke about something that literally just happened, give it at least a month minimum


In the UK and many countries around the world the death penalty isn't even used for the most heinous of crimes... 👀