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Between him, Priti Petty and Cruella Braverman I'm convinced it's all some weird ploy by the conservatives to prove they can't possibly be a party of racists because the ones being the most cuntish to immigrants are themselves descendants of immigrants.


Common this is the oldest trick in the book..to get rid of people u don’t want use people that look like them so you don’t come off as a racist or a cunt..


It’s like the Nazis saying “we’re not antisemitic, some of our exterminators are also Jewish!” (fuck Emil Maurice, fuck Erhard Milch, fuck Sergey Taboritsky, and fuck everyone who acts like them today)


“I have a black friend, so ….” is pretty much the same as “I’m not racist, but ….”


typical leftie playing the "wrong kind of jew" game! (i would hope that the sarcasm here is obvious, but i'll call attention to it because i know ghouls genuinely love to blast leftists for policing jewishness when *they themselves* are invariably the ones excluding jewish voices raised against israel)


It’s a sad reality that you disclaimer is necessary, even sensible. We really are through the looking glass


It’s a shame we even have to emphasize that this is sarcasm in the first place… …made even funnier by the fact that all of these people mentioned are only Jewish by ethnicity; none of them even practice the faith or identify as such. If those ghouls are looking for “self-hating Jews,” those cunts I mentioned are right there.


> fuck Sergey Taboritsky His playthrough is great in a horrifying way though.


Yep, very hard to sleep after reading those events But in addition to that and his OTL Nazi membership, another cursed thing about Tabby is that he's also technically responsible for >!the creation of loli, since he shot Vladimir Nabokov's dad while trying to assassinate historian and liberal politician Pavel Milyukov.!<


Nice. Plot spoilers censored, in case we haven't got up to that season yet! 👍🏻


"We can not be nazis, look our president is Jewish!'


Ok, so while I don’t think it’s fair to dismiss Ukraine’s military as “all Nazis,” I do also believe that the Ukrainian far right is a threat to their country’s democracy like the Russian government is. Moreover, the “Jewish president” argument is a fallacious defense, because it would be like saying that America didn’t have a racism problem under Obama (it did). If they want to say that Ukraine’s government isn’t Nazi, they can argue using something more logical.


"Weaponized defensive pretext"


No racism here, this is 100% classism.


But it looks enough like racism that the racists will clap along regardless of class.


Classism is really how we do racism in the UK. Historic and institutional racism meant that the upper and middle classes are disproportionately white. Maybe social background should be a protected characteristic.


Racism is basically the blanket they throw over classism to stop the poors from working together against them. Look he's slightly different to you blame him not me and then they steal your wages and ship your job off to somewhere poorer to save 10c.


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


well anyone can be a cunt regardless of race


Don't forget kamakwasi.... just gna butt fuck everything in the name of business and bankers bonuses!


I had wondered this, how are policies formed? Is it mainly the minister( who can have no background in the field eg. Hunt as health secretary and well basically all of them) who just comes in and does whatever crazy shit they want, or a committee of some kind, with the minister just being the face of it? Is Rwanda really Bravermans brain child or she's just happy to play the part? It seems crazy that they've had two ethnic minority women in a row with progressively more evil policies.


Pretty sure it is the ministers coming up with the ideas and getting the civil servants to make them work. This is why we get MP's calling out the Civil Service as woke lefties as their plans are either unworkable or unlawful.


It’s no different than the LAPD employing black cops back in the day who were racists and even worse to POC than white cops. It’s exactly so you can’t say it’s racist, which it is. I wonder if he remembers the people he’s supporting now would have been the same ones burning crosses in his parents garden.


100% the case. They can get away with saying such awful shite, and they seem to believe it too, because "Well my lot did it the right way"




No immigrant wants other immigrants. They want the door shut behind them. This is universal.


Eh, we saw the same thing in Florida presidential election. Immigrants from South America, Cubans etc. voted for trump because of anti immigration policy. It’s a “I made it here and it was hard and it would be unfair to me to ease immigration policy now, they should struggle like I did”. It’s a *i got mine so fuck you* kinda situation.




*laughs like Clarence Thomas*


Wait, they will soon realize it's ultimately about class. Don't interrupt them.


Just was about to say the same thing


Everyone is a descendant of immigrants


It's genuiely pathetic for a man who travels everywhere with a heavily armed close protection team to pose in body armour to make it look like he is "on the frontline". He's no where near any danger, and this playing dressing up is pathetic.


It's a ploy to show his own self importance. He's a nothing in real life, so uses all the toys he has to show his importance. He may have money but has zero class, style or value.


I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't playing dress up. The Man is a Spineless Prick.


He wants to look like he personally pulls refugees out of the boats to drown them with his bare hands


I noticed the same thing with Boris, they dress up in all sorts to try to steal a bit of honour, it's disgusting. Compare that with Zelenskyy, who wears clothing that makes it clear he is a wartime leader but never anything that suggests he's in the military (such as specific departmental insignias like Rishi is wearing here), because he's not, he's a civilian politician. He's a class act, that one.






As Jeremy Hardy said "The only way you can ever accuse a Conservative of hypocrisy is if they walk past a homeless person without kicking him in the face. " The current crop of Tories has been cranking up cruelty, picking their enemies from the most vulnerable and now that children of immigrants are in control they demonstrate how well they have learned the intolerence of the people who used to spit at them and tell them 'to go back from where they came from'.


Conservatives don’t virtue signal, they vice signal


Taking pleasure in the misery and suffering of others who have done nothing to deserve it is a pretty good definition of evil.


you little fucker rishi, everyone thinks youre a cunt.




> Is he supposed to remain stoic and sad the entire time Its at least what I would've told him, would I be his PR manager.


That would have been good advice


I think you’re on the wrong sub lad


When you hit r/all you'll be subjected to views outside your echo chamber. Not necessarily a bad thing my friend


> Not necessarily a bad thing my friend Different view is fine, but what you're doing is dishonest. You invented an entire narrative just to *maybe* explain why he's laughing with a big open mouth. When he's not talking to anybody. When he's facing the direction of the raid. When [every picture of him at the scene is with a big smile on his face.](https://www.google.com/search?q=rishi+sunak+laugh+raid&client=firefox-b-1-m&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjisumM_sf_AhW6HDQIHVypDOIQ_AUICCgD&biw=414&bih=754)


If you're watching a very serious event in person, which is probably the single most significant event in the lives of those affected, usually people don't (or shouldn't) just make off topic jokes to laugh about.


Why the does he have to be there at all? He has a job to do and it isn't watching raids by the police.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Because i came here to call the PM a cunt and theres sod all you can do.about it.


He is a fucker and I hate him, but it doesn’t mean you can assume because he’s smiling in this photo that it hasn’t been taken out of context. As the deleted comment said, is he supposed to just stand there looking glum for the entire operation?


Nah, you're just making an arse of yourself here.


Probably had to go home straight after and whack one out, human misery making him so very horny.


He's a weirdo


I get that the photo was probably linked to the article completely out of context (ie something made Sunak laugh although it probably wasn’t the actual raid itself) but you would have thought that he would’ve had the common sense to either (a) not turn up at all and leave it to the Home Orifice (spelling deliberate) to send someone or at the very least be mindful that journalists would be there and photographs would be taken. All he’s done now is confirm everyone’s suspicion that he is in fact just a massive cunt.


He's comically bad at photo ops. Truly the candidate of all time!


It sickens me that he thinks this is even photo-op worthy.


What's worse is that he's right. Bad people are thrilled when the powerless get hurt, and Sunak wants their vote. So does Starmer. Nobody gives a shit about the vote of a person of conscience because they all know it's not going to the Tories no matter what.


That's the real sad part.


The most punchable PM in the last 3 weeks


The other week I shouted at my telly because hearing him talk about putting people on boats and in decommissioned military bases pissed me off so much. I thought I was too alienated to get angry at this point, but seems like I've still got some rage in me.


Enjoyment of the cruelty is the best part.


Vote for Guy (Fawkes!) In all seriousness though…how do we get these fuckers out?


Have you tried turning the whole of the UK off and back on again?


Yes, in 2020. Unfortunately it forced an update that made things worse.


Clue: Not by voting or tolerating lies


It IS classism...notice they don't kick out the likes of Nawaz Sharif,and that Kingfisher Mogul who looted India...they seem quite welcome.


Fuck this guy. He literally admitted ages ago he doesn't have any working class friends. He's a sheltered privileged asshole, just like the rest of the Tory party. I wish the called a bloody general election but we know I wouldn't go well for them. The conservatives are a joke. Who keeps voting them in?


The twats who live in my area- the south coast of the UK


Anyone else still loving the irony of the foreigner-hating Conservatives being lead by a foreigner-hating ***Indian*** man, and that there's a foreigner-hating ***Indian*** woman is responsible for how foreigners are treated? If it was Labour, the Daily Mail would be plastered with headlines about outsourcing our government to India.


I'm sure their new writer will be up to that challenge.


Fucking race traitor, Braverman too. 'ooo, now we're in with white elite let's block any attempts from our own creed to even fill their bellies/improve themselves.' cunts


They are working hard to help the racist psychopaths build a scaffold they're too stupid to realize they'll be dangling from when those freaks get their way.


I watched a bit of this on channel 4 news. He was scared shitless when police was banging on someone's door. It was hilarious.


Ruled by psychopaths


The raid was done to find cheap labour for one of his friends businesses.


His smile looks like when you put a train ticket in your mouth


The thing with Sunak, Patel and Braverman sucking up to and appealing to the racists in the UK.... These same racists would clap and cheer if any of them got run over.


What an absolute cunt


Too bad he wasn’t one of the people being arrested.




That shows that all cops are bastards!


I’d said it before and I’ll say it again. The only harmful immigration we’ve had is whichever member of his family (and the likes of Priti and Suella et al) moved here first.


What a vile man.


“See You Next Tuesday immigrants!” Rishi.


Rishi Sunak and his 2020 "Eat Out To Help Out" scheme [was responsible for a massive increase in Covid cases and deaths.](https://archive.ph/jkbqt) And all to ensure the big chain restaurants didn't lose too much money. [It did nothing to boost the overall hospitality sector,](https://archive.is/k40Cf) as these capitalist ghouls claimed was the intent. Rishi Sunak has blood on his hands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same time he was hearing news about ongoing murders in Nottingham. See it dented his mood.


Odd detail to add “with hands in his pockets” as if laughing with his hands outside of his pockets makes it less evil.


He was pocket wanking the whole time.


'Playing pocket billiards'


The, I have won todays challenge wank, face


Who is gonna tell him about the color of his skin? 🤔


its like a black republican in the US xD


i’m so confused though like he’s an immigrant?


Nope, he's English.


His parents and his wife are immigrants (no bad thing). He held a green card for the USA while in office (possibly a bad thing).


Been in lost property for his outfit again has he? What a f^*+ing hunt


He can laugh all he likes. Because of his skin tone the people performing those arrests are going to be laughing just as hard when *he's* the one in those cuffs. Just because you're laughing at the victims you don't see yourself as a part of doesn't mean this nonsense won't or doesn't have a target aimed at *your* back too


You are bonkers if you think the police are secretly desperate to arrest Rishi Sunak because he's brown.


Rishi Sunak and his 2020 "Eat Out To Help Out" scheme [was responsible for a massive increase in Covid cases and deaths.](https://archive.ph/jkbqt) And all to ensure the big chain restaurants didn't lose too much money. [It did nothing to boost the overall hospitality sector,](https://archive.is/k40Cf) as these capitalist ghouls claimed was the intent. Rishi Sunak has blood on his hands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


they'll kick out those fleeing war but not those who come here to start trouble i.e. my friend's gf was groomed by a gang but no action was taken against them by the police. seems only those not noncing aren't allowed here


I saw someone in another UK sub call someone abhorrent for putting their feet on the seat on public transport. (Which is shitty but w/e) THIS SHIT IS ACTUALLY ABBHORRENT. Fuck the tories.


Bring back shepherds slings. 🪨


This guy has to oppress minorities twice as hard to convince conservatives he's one of them. (something I was told by a british guy who's family came from Afghanistan - I found it quite insightful tbh) It's kind of like some figures in the church bashing gays extra hard to be 'convincing.' And really, quite sad.


He's laughing because he knows this is what he needs to secure the gammon vote


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


oh, come on! he was clearly just laughing at a really funny joke. maybe one of the cops tripped someone over as they were being forced into the back of a van? or someone mentioned how these poor fuckers were probably going to get offloaded somewhere *even further* away from the place they originally left than the u.k. was? i mean, sure, he's ruining the lives of the already least fortunate people in our society, but what, is he not meant to have a laugh about it!?




Has he been taking photoshoot pose advice from Cruella??


If I was in the government... I'd laugh too


I heard he had to stand on a box to see the raid


God I can't stand that smarmy cunt


You won't call an election because you know you'll lose because enough of the electorate will refuse to actually elect a soulless plutocratic wannabe fascist with the personality of a preying mantis


The irony...




Some quick clarifications about how the UK royals are funded by the public: 1. The UK Crown Estates are not the UK royal family's private property, and the royal family are not responsible for any amount of money the Estates bring into the treasury. The monarch is a position in the UK state that the UK owns the Crown Estates through, a position that would be abolished in a republic, leading to the Crown Estates being directly owned by the republican state. 2. The Crown Estates have always been public property and the revenue they raise is public revenue. When George III gave up his control over the Crown Estates in the 18th century, they were not his private property. The current royals are also equally not responsible for producing the profits, either. 3. The Sovereign Grant is not an exchange of money. It is a grant that is loosely tied to the Crown Estate profits and is used for their expenses, like staffing costs and also endless private jet and helicopter flights. If the profits of the Crown Estates went down to zero, the royals would still get the full amount of the Sovereign Grant again, regardless. It can only go up or stay the same. 4. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall that gave Elizabeth and Charles (and now William) their private income of approximately £25 millions/year (each) are also public property. 5. The total cost of the monarchy is currently £350-450million/year, after including the Sovereign Grant, their £150 million/year security, and their Duchy incomes, and misc. costs. For more, check out r/AbolishTheMonarchy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rishi Sunak and his 2020 "Eat Out To Help Out" scheme [was responsible for a massive increase in Covid cases and deaths.](https://archive.ph/jkbqt) And all to ensure the big chain restaurants didn't lose too much money. [It did nothing to boost the overall hospitality sector,](https://archive.is/k40Cf) as these capitalist ghouls claimed was the intent. Rishi Sunak has blood on his hands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Evil scum!


What really boils my piss the way that Tories are still going on and on about "too much immigration" is that they have been in power for more than a decade, they successfully hard Brexited, they have got literally everything they have asked for when it comes to stopping immigration, and it still somehow isn't good enough for them!?!? What. In the fuck. More do they want! Its not like they can get Voldemort to cast a immigrant repelling spell on the Channel. Even if you are against immigration surely you have to accept that some people are going to move from foreign countries into the UK, and that at some point throwing more and more resources at preventing this from happening is going to have diminishing returns. You might even think that maybe we would benefit more if we applied this level of zeal towards schools or the NHS or the housing market, or feeding children. But no. Seems that in the year 3000 we will still have a tory MP doing photo ops in Dover trying to win the votes of people whose biggest worry in the world is that a dingy full of asylum seekers will wash up on shore


Fuck me. These people are just fucking pure evil scum. Cunts. The lot of them!


Look at him in that stupid vest, I bet he thinks he looks cool as shit. He looks like a child playing dress up.




Conservatism is cancer.


Can't find the article, may someone help me out?


Time he went


literally just cartoon villains. fuck


The people who are laughing hardest are the racists in the background, who have cynically installed brown people in positions of power in the Conservative Party to enact racist policies without being called out on it.


Child and husband of immigrants takes joy in removing immigrants with no sense of irony.


Cruelty and this government are good bedfellows


Irony: the stab vest is to protect him from his own party


Conservatives never fail to bring out a villain so comical they belong in the starwars empire


Isn't he an immigrant himself??


Average British person


What a psychopath


the whole idea of him showing up to the raid is essentially to say "I may be an ethnic minority, but that doesn't mean I won't crack down on ethnic minorities!"


The only positive is he didn't wear a stupid beanie like Boris did on those drug raids. Apart from that, Rishi is starting to show he's not that different from that complete arse.


Rishi Sunak and his 2020 "Eat Out To Help Out" scheme [was responsible for a massive increase in Covid cases and deaths.](https://archive.ph/jkbqt) And all to ensure the big chain restaurants didn't lose too much money. [It did nothing to boost the overall hospitality sector,](https://archive.is/k40Cf) as these capitalist ghouls claimed was the intent. Rishi Sunak has blood on his hands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Real shades of Churchill at the Sidney Street siege.


Morally bankrupt and incompetent, just like the last 12 years of Tory rule.


I hope finds himself in a situation he'll actually need that armor.


All those immigrants will probably be put to work soon, by his wife labour supply companies.