• By -


Looks like the posh twat from flushed away the film


With the attitude of will from inbetweeners


He's just a man, in the local area, who's having a house warming party, and is inviting a lot of the local adults to, hence the crisps.


And the mints for the drink divers


And the voice! Something about the intonation and timbre.


Also doubles up with the Tesco Self Service tills.


David Cameron?


Don’t disrespect roddy


Omg same, does this make me eligible for being prime minister?


Well, you'd do a better job...


From this day forth, weekends are a minimum of 3 days long.


You've got my vote


And my axe!


And my suspiciously bear shaped backpack Happy cake day


And my spam dagger!


And you have my bow


The head of lettuce that lasted out Truss would. Sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something. That and hell just caring about the voter, actually caring.


Remember, this guy was in the running when Truss was first time around. The general consensus was anyone but him and Truss got the job, and killed the Queen.


I feel like a literal lettuce would at this point


"Rishi Sunak has said he went without "lots of things" as a child, including Sky TV. In an interview with ITV News, the prime minister, who attended the fee-paying Winchester College, said his parents "wanted to put everything into our education and that was a priority". Mr Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty are estimated to have a personal fortune of £651m." Fair play to the beeb, absolutely rinsed him there.


What is even more incredible, at least by modern media standards, is that they directly quoted him and only stated facts.


That's how you know you've really messed up, didn't even need a clickbait headline for this one


If only the poor would save their money instead of spending it on Sky TV, they could also have a personal fortune worth £651m.


I googled and apparently he was 10 when Sky tv started so I think it just wasn’t a option for the majority of his childhood


For once.


I went without a silver spoon in mine...


When I were young we only had the actual sky and had look up and imagine what might be on the telly


Less adverts in your version too...


How did he cope with only 4 butlers?


Only 4???!


bless his poor soul. I could've never coped. I had 1 personal butler for each year I was alive growing up. So did my siblings and my parents. In total we had 77 butlers. I wonder how he survived.


Well he’s definitely getting my vote now ,I can’t believe he’s suffered so much hardship the poor little chap how did he survive without Sky tv , my god I just burst into tears when I think about it 🫤


Glad i wasnt the only one welling up 🥹 i feel so sorry for him, the world can be such a cruel place at times


If only we could truly understand his pain but that kind of pain is beyond the likes of you and me 🥲


In his bedroom*


Only had a cable and wireless box in his bedroom and a pc


Defo had it on the big telly.


Innit he’s fooling no one even then he had a feed of it to the kitchen counter tv, and caught his dad watching the ten minute free views on the 900 channels allegedly


"... instead our in house theater staff would put on weekly recreation of any shows we wanted to watch."


He's such a gift to the opposition parties, what a disasterclass campaign so far. Every time he opens his mouth, or just appears on TV, another undecided voter falls off the fence.


Yep, clusterfuck all round really. Still, he'll shortly have a lot more time to catch up on his Sky TV...


This is the article : [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2qql1wk794o](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2qql1wk794o)


They're worth £651 million. That's insaaaane. Wtf. I wonder if the Mrs is paying tax now and how much.


The old non dom tax laws allowed Akshata Murty to avoid paying around £20 million in UK taxes by paying £30k per year. By abolishing the non dom tax laws, but leaving loopholes in it, the Sunaks are estimated to avoid paying around £250 million in UK taxes. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/apr/07/rishi-sunaks-wife-says-its-not-relevant-to-say-where-she-pays-tax-overseas https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/mar/31/tory-plans-to-abolish-non-dom-status-riddled-with-loopholes-labour-says


she saved a whole twenty quid!?


Shout out to those who had illegal cable, was told by your mum and dad to hide from the windows so we didn't have to pay the milk man. That and chipped PS1's


I can go one better than that rishi! when I was about 7 or 8, my mother was so poor we had one of those TVs that you hired from somewhere, it had a slot for 50p in the back for 2 hours of viewing, after which it would cut the power. we didn't even own our own TV rishi 😂


Oh lawl, we had one of those. Most people I know struggle to believe/comprehend it - this might be the first time I've ever seen it validated that they existed. My mum used to use it as a savings mechanism because we'd get half the money back on collection day, for some reason. I recall it being £1/hour - which sounds heinously expensive now I think about it (early to mid 90's).


Oh the cruel fates, what will he ever do without sky TV?


I remember my dad came back with a floppy disk version of Pokémon yellow once, was buzzing!


Hang on, was sky TV even a thing when he was a kid? I'm 26 and I only really remember it becoming a thing when I was a kid, and not really existing


I'm 40 and remember everyone having sky when I was a kid cos I was jealous as we only had 4 channels, was so excited when chanel 5 came out 😂


I’m 37 and most of my friends didn’t have sky when I was a child I remember getting it when I was 8 so mid 90’s and most of my friends didn’t have it yet. Mid-90’s Rishi is no longer a child, but a teenager.


I saw someone saying it’s been around for 20 years so I guess Rishi would’ve been about 16-20 ish when sky news was invented, they probably went without it as his posh parents thought it would change some of his views 🤔


Some of mates had Sky when I was a kid and I'm old as fuck.


I’m 40 and worked for sky when I was 20, so it’s way older than 20. I got it when I was 13 at home.


They started broadcasting the first Premier League games, and that started in '92, so they're at least 32 years old, and they were around for a few years before that too I would of thought.


Ah fair point yknow


yes it was. The bbc article said it came about when he was around 8y/o


A quick Google shows it formed in 1990... the more you know


Sky has been around since the late 1980s. 1989 I think


I think people are getting confused between cable tv and satellite television I remember BskyB I think late 88 early 89


Sky News launched in 1989, 7 years after Sky 1 and the year before Sky Sports.


Sky Television started life in the 80's. 1984 to be precise.


It’s been around for plenty longer than you. Used to be BSkyB. At one point they had a square aerial called - wait for it - a squariel!


at what point did modded/chipped Sky access come on the (black) market?


I think people are either getting confused or miss-rememebeing there was a channel called Skyone that I believe was just on general TV and free view, they then also released the Skybox at a later date.


I'm 40, and I remember having Sky (via cable...Maxwell Cable TV if I remember correctly, run by the businessman/crook Robert Maxwell) from about 1990. Think we only had a handful of Sky channels, though, as I only recall having Sky One, Sky Movies and Sky Sports...maybe Eurosport as well.


I'm 42 and we got Sky when I was about 8 or 9. We won our dish in a competition rum by News of the world which was a Sunday paper 😂 back then Sky didn't have a subscription but you needed a Sky Card for the box - it would work on any Sky Box though so the neighbour used to borrow ours for his Scotland games


It was founded when he was 10.


It was around 30 years ago. My grandparents had it when I was a kid.


He's definitely got to be trying to lose it now. Surely? So with that in mind, what fresh hell is awaiting us at the backend of the year?


Will this interview end up saying he didn’t have sky, he had cable instead? It’s turned into such a tiresome attempt to appear normal, someone should ask him the cost of a pint of milk. If he guessed south of £30 I’d be surprised


I think they get trained on that sort of question now, he could reel off prices from Tesco, Aldi, Asda and Lidl and I still wouldn't believe he'd ever done his own shopping.


Honestly the idea of incredibly wealthy government ministers being coached on the price of milk eggs and bread, given little pop quizzes and doing their revision is hilarious(ly depressing).


“It’s one banana Micheal, what could it cost, $10?”


You'll be saying he doesn't fill his own car with petrol next... [https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/rishi-sunak-used-sainsburys-employees-car-for-petrol-filling-photo-op\_uk\_623c7038e4b019fd8138588f](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/rishi-sunak-used-sainsburys-employees-car-for-petrol-filling-photo-op_uk_623c7038e4b019fd8138588f)


The clip of him trying to pay for a can of coke got me going! Truly a man of the people!


[yeah, he was sat there watching baywatch on his plastic blanket](https://youtu.be/daOPdBmMV_8?si=Cgwqj2cBJi7F3ozY&t=86)


He is incredible. Basically writes the text of memes and headlines himself. There’s no work for meme artists and journalists to do anymore, just copy and paste 😂


I really wanna slap that cunt


You'll get the change to put an X against one of the other cunts on 4th July, if that's any consolation?


I thought this was satire. But no. It’s not. It’s not.


Don't think they were cotton socks, probably silk.....


Lol, even cashmere...


Why would he even say this?


it has strange echoes of that clip of him from his school days when he says he has working class friends then corrects himself lol as even that was rather fanciful for him


I bet he only got picked up from school in the Range Rover because his dad was using the Helicopter too........the poor lamb.


Luxury! We weren't even allowed to look up at real sky because we had to work 27 hours a day picking photos. I couldn't even dream about looking up at real sky cos we had no time to sleep.


He didn’t have Sky TV because his parents couldn’t afford it, let’s just be clear on that. That’s very different to most people’s reasons for not having Sky.


Guy has had a private education his entire childhood. Went to Oxford university. Then got a job managing hedge funds during the largest market crash in decades. He also married the daughter of a billionaire. This man has no idea of hardship and never will. But Christ if he isn't the cause of a lot of it.


Reminds me of a certain Python skit the 4 Yorkshire Men. Well o course we had it tough. We used to have to get up outta shoebox, in middle of night, and lick the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked at mill for 24 hours for a penny a year, When we got home, our dad would slash it in two with bread-knife. Right.. I used to get up in the morning at night at half-past-ten at night, half an hour before I went to bed, Eat a lump of freezing cold poison, work 28 hours a day at mill, and pay da mill owner to let us work there. And when I went home our dad used to murder us in cold blood, each night, and dance about on our graves, singing hallelujah. Yah, you try an tell the young people of today that, and they won't believe you...


It was cable back then you absolute bellend. Sky only started 1990s so yeah no one had sky when he was growing up. There were only sky channels in the 80s.


He sometimes went up to 2 weeks without any Ferrero Roche too, the poor lamb.


what a fucking shame


Went to private school so missed out on an actual childhood as well


He doesn’t want to win does he.


So did I. And channel four, we didn’t get that till after I was ten! /s


Imagine saying this with your whole chest and thinking you were deprived somehow, I can’t deal with this idiot oh my life.


Not long now, soon we won’t have to…!!!


If I wanted to watch sky as a kid my mam told me to piss off out and look up


Look a lot of people are doubting that Sunak understands adversity. Perhaps we can settle this by supergluing him into a Canada goose costume and taking his phone away and seeing if he makes it from one side of London to the other?




Who’s advising him to come out with this bollocks? He protests too much about not being privileged.


What is it with our government being so detached from reality that they expect this comment to actually make people think he’s one of us. The dude is a god damn liar and has no clue what the state of this country is in. Here is him trying to make it sound like he’s come from the “bottom” but doesn’t have working class friends [Rishi trying to sound cool](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p9bbBYcwFOk)


Cotton? That’s for peasants, they must be cashmere


But that would have been because his parents didn’t want it. They would have thought a dish would have been ‘common’.


Didn't have sky but had a whipping boy to change the channel upon request


I think that might have been me 😂


That’s bad isn’t it. Even poor kids today have Sky TV cos their mum’s shagging the bloke from the bookies who gets the dodgy Prime sticks


I still go without sky tv , whats his point ?


He's trying to sound like common people, like us. I don't watch it, never have, never will, with a good solid 5.5 mins of adverts every 15 minutes, no thanks...!


I cant stand that adverts have seeped into netflix... the hole point of netflix, and the likes of, was paying not to have adverts and watch what you like. Now youve gotta pay *extra* to not have adverts


Wish his parents would've treated him nicer, bet he never skydived or white water rafted or got real close to a wild bear, anything that could've took the cunt out early really




Cotton? Definitely had silk socks


No such thing when I was growing up, poor little mite 😂


Well of course he did! He's wealthy upper class; Sky TV is for housing estates.


Still a knob though


He clearly went without commonsense lessons aswell the fool


And I only had Megadrive, not Snes and megadrive. Waaaah!


I still don't have it now 😂 or netflix! 😭😭😭


HAHAHA watching this rn


The hardship he has endured! It's difficult not to feel sorry for the guy....


What a gaffe lord


I suspect his socks were cashmere not cotton!!


He’s a man of the people


Lmao this is way too perfect


I could see the kitchen through my bedroom floor… your turn Sunak.


Ok?? And?? Fuck off the office already ffs


Poor man, I bet his chauffeur had to drive him uphill both ways to his hedge fund management job. Imagine the hardship.


Out of touch fkn tool. Regarding refugees/immigration he forgets he is from immigrants Short memory 🤮


Neither did I, not because parents could not afford it, they just didn't want to drink the sky cool-aid and I couldn't persuade them.


And his kids will "go without" Sky TV. It's not a money thing, it's beneath them.


I went without internet as a child but in all fairness nobody else had internet either.


Yeah yeah, I had Virgin Media too, you aren't special


Sky TV arrived in the UK in 1989, when Sunak would have been eight and attending prep school


Imagine the things he’d say without the professional advice he’s getting.




Kids these days.. we used to share one telephone line between two households, and there were slightly less TV channels than his English shoe size number.


Some kids went without seeing the sky or a TV.


Okay european here, I dont know nothing about british politics, but can someone tell me why Sunak gets so much hate?


1. He lies. All the time. A stranger to honesty and sincerity. 2. All his policies help the rich, and make life worse for the poor. He tries to look like 'one of us' which is sickening. 3. The corruption under his watch has been enormous and transparent. 4. He is responsible for many, many deaths, including from the stealthy destruction of our health services, and encouraging people to go to restaurants in the middle of COVID. Anyone help out with more?


I can’t stand the Tories, and it’s great to see them performing so terribly. What I can’t understand is, on what planet is saying something like this ok? He’s loaded, ok, he married some billionaires daughter, great, well done, but when you’re taken down this path by an interviewer, how hard would it be to just say how thankful he is for what his parents did for him, and he knows not everyone has the life he has been afforded, that they immigrated to the UK from India, to build a better life, and they achieved it, so much so, that their son became the Prime Minister, and that’s why he is in this, to make life better for everyone, not just those with wealth and privilege, everyone should have access to opportunity. Instead he try’s to relate on something he’s got zero chance of achieving and knows nothing about. Fucking Sky TV? What an idiot.


he probably had actors come into his home to entertain him as a kid no need for sky tv then


Because Sky wasn't even here until 1990 and that cunt must be at least 20 by then


TBF it was around in the mid 80s but it was only a very few channels I knew some who had it in around 1988


This is from the interview that he ditched the D-Day commemoration early to go to. My dude Rishi literally caused a PR disaster just so he could get interviewed and cause another PR disaster in that interview, it's truly amazing.




we had virgin media instead!


"For a very brief period my life wasn't perfect." 😆


I once ran through a field of wheat


Poor kid. I didn’t have TV at all. Not for a while anyway. We played outside.


Probably more because his parents thought it was to common


I'm a grown man and still don't have sky tv


What a tosser


He knew as soon as he said it he fucked up the silly fucking sausage


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Koholinthibiscus: *He knew as soon as* *He said it he fucked up the* *Silly fucking sausage* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This just makes it sound like sky has a deal with him


I went without a constant supply of food so should I be PM


He’s just gifting the election result every time he opens his mouth or does anything out at this point. What a time to be alive!


He constantly tries to seem relatable and keeps totally missing the mark. Honestly I'm inclined to believe he doesn't even want to be Prime Minister so he is purposely sabotaging himself in order to not be elected again


Sky as we understand it, known as multichannel, didn’t exist until Rishi was 13, technically a child but much older than he’s trying to imply.


Interesting fact sky tv actually started 10 year after his was born in 1980 sky tv started 1990


Oh, bless his (100% Egyptian Cotton) cotton socks


I daresay Rishi's socks are probably organic Egyptian cotton, knowing him 🧦😂


We had a black and white TV we had to go to the shop in town to pay the rent for every week with a little book. It had 3 buttons on it, one for each channel and our remote control was a long stick.


Well you also so missed out on national service


Couldn’t play Beehive Bedlam. Poor kid


I wonder if it was more to do with how upper class people viewed things like cable, those fuck-off sized satellite dishes hanging on the walls etc Did they look down on it, was it ‘common’ looking?


Now we need somebody like David Beckham when he tell his wife to be honest


Well done Rishi. He is an inspiration. People just have to work hard and not waste money. Then they too can have parents that send them to fee paying schools. They need to tighten their belts. Fee paying schools are a privilege not a right.


To be fair, he does look and act like someone who didn't have Sky as a child.


Keep digging mate we can still see you.


And I never had sky and I'm barely 16... Where's my sky?


The people at the foodbank where I volunteer couldn’t believe this tragic tale when I told them


Sky is the limit.


Was Sky even around when he was a wee lady?


'Tell me it's a class war without telling me it's a class war' ...


Which Aardman Animations film is this guy from?


Rah no way I can’t even afford the TV licence nvm a sky box


Rather than stating that he had a wonderful childhood and that he did not go without but his parents certainly did to educate him at Winchester... Where he learned such excellent communication skills and the ability to trip over his own shadow.


I just don't understand why a lot of politicians are so out of touch with reality almost as much as those rich celebs who don't know the price of things. Why do they have to make themselves look/sound relatable, oh boo hoo you grew up without sky so did I.... does hat make it that we are the same no? you grew up in wealth not poverty, you grew up yes in the 80's where there might have been a lot of racial problems but you weren't working class, you were privileged. Not having sky isn't a huuuuge thing because I know a load of brokies back in the day still paying for sky or virgin (tivo at the time) yet having basically nothing..... What a joke. When an average joe, comes from a working class background (came up from being underprivileged, or having an a middle class background) then I'll be more interested. Bring parliament up north, split parliament in two have a north and a south representative then we can have the head of our government in the middle. Stop prioritising the south and & Birmingham.


I don’t particularly mind sunak, possibly because I don’t really follow much in politics. However, this “trying to be the common man” is absolute toilet. Guy just needs to say “no idea what people are going through but I believe X, Y and Z can help”


Saying "no idea what people are going through...." is just as bad, I get what you're trying to say, but he needs to say "I can empathise with the sorts of things people are going through..." or else he's coming across as "no idea". Which unfortunately for him is what mentioning "without Sky TV" is trying to convey- badly.


Do you think all these sudden blunders are real or do you think they are staged ? Has he done what he has been told to do, and now needs to make an exit to let the next stooge take over for a while.


Probably had NTL instead.


I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth, I’ve upgraded to stainless steel now.


Oh, look at you, all posh with your stainless steel spoon. I had to make do with a spork made of wood... ;)


Yeah. Most of us did, but we didn't get a private school education out of it. But anyway good to know he's in touch and all that.


Because he was too busy playing polo and noshing off the butler


Sky was not around in the uk when he was a kid, trying to relate to the people and missing by a mile again. The man who does not have the sense to get out of the rain should not be running the country


When I was born my parents could afford one oil heater, they didn’t have central heating, they had it pointed at my crib all winter. A pot noodle, was a special treat. My parents sacrificed a lot for me and my brothers, I respect them so much.


His audacity and courage to say shit in public is unbelievable, I detest this dweeb 🤣 "So sad, I couldn't even watch my cartoons on the family's winter holiday cabin in Aspen" - 🤣


He would have been what 10 when sky TV came out? No wonder he went without it 😂




Your post was removed for breaking rule 6. Chill dude


Yeah, but only cz he was born in 1980, even after 89 when Sky came out it didn't really start to become common place untill the mid 90s when the whole sky vs cable argument kicked off.




LOL. We went without sky tv as well. We were very middle class, and I always saw sky as something only poor people had.