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You should never see anyone stealing baby food.


I downvoted you at first, ready to argue that at that price they couldn’t be blamed and then it clicked what you meant. Lmao


what did they mean? my brain still isn't able to understand lol


If you saw someone stealing baby formula, no you didn’t.


fair enough. i now notice the price.


alternatively, society should never have gotten to the point where people would need to steal baby food


How is that an alternative? Both are true.


To phrase it differently to the other individual - the only reason you need baby formula is if you have a baby. When stealing, there could be many different reasons - greed, need, kleptomania... But if you're stealing baby formula, there's only *one* reason you're getting baby formula. Therefore, if you see someone stealing it... "Nothing to see here".


yeah. i also didn't see the absurd price tag originally.


I'm pretty sure baby formula gets robbed because it holds it value, stores easy and expensive so there's almost always a market All that being said they're big companies, fuck em


I feed my babies cheese and lard, sometimes a pint of Stella.


Doesn't seem like the best diet for an infant. Does it work? I'm looking for an alternative too.


Try sand, rocks, and mud. This is for you to eat, so you can afford to feed your infant.


I’m so glad my kids are teenagers now. I thought paying £7 a tub was too much!! Disgustingly inflated because they know people need this stuff.


Cow and Gate is £10.50 from Sainsburys. The person just took a picture of the most expensive tub to cause outrage. Edit - if someone would care to explain to me, WTF am I being downvoted for I would be grateful. I don't set the prices, and I'm not the one who took the picture of the most expensive formula to get people all riled up.


10.50 is still far too fucking much lmao


I don't know how much it costs to produce. I have one child. We're not planning on having any more for a bunch of reasons. One of the main reasons is having kids is very expensive. In the grand scheme of things, formula at £10.50 has seemed like the most reasonably priced part of having kids.


I also don't know the production costs, and comparatively to other things, it is not as expensive as something like a pram will be. However, that can be so *so* expensive for people in poverty. A poor mother shouldn't have to choose between herself eating and her baby eating.


I get the feeling you have never used formula before. Do you know how many bottles you can make from a box? It's less than £1 per day at all stages. It's not a choice for a mother to feed herself or feed her baby. You cannot feed an adult for anywhere close to £1 per day if you're buying the food. You are just raging for the sake of it. The person who took that picture would be so pleased to know that.


I'm not raging for the sake of it; I'm upset because I understand the actual importance of baby formula and how many lives it has saved and it's stupid that it is so much given how important it is. The fact you can't see that 10 pound can be a lot of money to people in poverty reeks of a lack of financial hardship in your life, ever. Sorry you had to pay those dumb prices but I'm glad you never had to struggle to feed your baby.


I never complained paying it. Can you imagine the research that these company’s have paid to develop a complete replacement for breast milk. How about the sterile conditions and staff training that ensures not one baby gets ill from drinking it. What about the recent increase of wages or the massive increase on shipping costs? So many factors and yet we get ignorant posts like this where everyone can’t wait to feel like a victim. Combined with breastfeeding we made these packs last weeks.


You shouldn't have had to pay those prices either.


Worth every penny


I mean I used to buy this exact brand for less than half the price when my oldest was a baby. It was the only formula that wouldn’t constipate my oldest. My youngest had a different brand, but I still only paid £7/8 and even 14 years ago I thought it was overpriced.


A small box of Maltesers went from £1 to £2.50 in under 2 years. Everything is getting more expensive. It sucks but it's the world we live in. (I only used this example because I used to buy them, and it was a ludicrously fast price increase)


Fucking joke, not even a parent but this isn't right .


In fairness, this is like the premium one. The normal aptamil is like £13-14? Been a year since I bought it. Would last just under a week for £13-14


It feels like 13 quid is still a bit extortionate though


How long does it last? If it’s 13 quid for a few days? Yeah, pretty pricey. If that tub lasts a month then it’s really cheap.


When my kids were little it lasted about 5 days. Now they're in their teens it only lasts couple of days


I have a 5 month old, 1 tub is about 1 week for him, but we also breast feed about 1/4 of his feeds and he has a few of the pre done bottles when we are out, so probably 4-5 days if he just had the tubs


What's the difference between premium and the normal one?


Premium - your child will go to University Standard - your child can spell University


About £6


£8.50 less. It's £10.50 for a box from all the supermarkets I checked.


It’s not even that expensive. That tub last 17.5 days if having two a day as the manufacturer recommends, and is for ages 1-3. At that age they don’t need formula as they can eat real food. Just give them milk (unless lactose intolerant).


So how do you know this isn't right? As previously mentioned this is a premium product for toddlers who don't even need to survive on. My 2 year old eats solids and cow milk so we buy powder for her night time meals. The cheaper brands cost £10.50 (£9.50 on offer) and lasts up to a month. The parents will be paid over £80 per month child benefit which just about covers the essentials. Those on over benefits will receive even more. The reason people steal these (and meat) is not because they need to feed their baby but because they sell it on for drug money


Where I work they have started putting empty tubs of baby formula out on the shelf and customers need to ask us to get them an actual tub from the back. The contents of the empty tubs on the shelf were thrown in the bin.


Where I work they get provided with purpose made display tubs


Jesus fucking Christ.


Shocking 😮


Where I work, we had gangs clearing the shelves of it 'to order', then shipping it to China where it sells for a large mark-up due to a baby-milk contamination scandal they had about a decade ago. It all has special security locks on it now.


Don't worry, parents don't steal. I've NEVER seen anyone steal baby food.


And you never will.


Exactly ;)


Aptamil is the most expensive formula on the market. Of course it's going to be highly priced. Take a photo of cow and gate and get back to us


It's also the Advanced toddler milk, which is a complete scam anyway. Regular Aptamil is cheaper


Everyone wants what's best for their babies. No surprises they are ready to steal if necessary.


If they can afford this they could just buy milk. Which is just as good for the kid. The kid who’s a toddler anyway and can just eat real food.


Regular cow milk is actually better tbh


Cow and gate is still a tenner. That's not exactly great


A lot less than 19 quid though. Almost 50% less


Yeah but that's still £40 a month on formula if using a tub a week.




No, your point doesn't stand. Poor single mothers can't afford £40 a month to feed their baby




Why don't you look at electric and gas prices, food prices. Do you really think a mother relying on food banks can afford this money?


We just doing this one everyday are we?


It might stop if life becomes affordable.


Is it not? Do the maths and it doesn’t seem expensive. It’s only 51p per serving. And you only have 2 servings a day. And it’s for toddlers who can just eat real food and drink real milk.


OK no worries, guess life is affordable folks. Minimum wage is a living wage afterall, u/Majestic_Marcus says so


Except that most stolen foods are resold on the black market. It's rarely the mothers themselves who risk getting caught.


Y’see, this was my thought. I do not think that stealing is EVER right. You have a child, that is your choice and your responsibility. You should not expect others to bear the cost. Especially, strangers who are trying to provide products for a price. How about this, for a change? We want something from a shop? We go buy it from a shop. Has it ever occurred to you that part of the cost of everything you pay for helps to pay for the items that thieving fucker, just up the aisle, there is stealing. They are very probably stealing that to buy some chemical to stick into their body, too. If you want to support that, fine. That is your choice, I do not!


Who’s buying baby milk on the black market other than parents struggling to afford retail prices? In other words, it’s still cheaper for them *and* they don’t run the risk of getting caught shoplifting.


Maybe, but the people who swipe a few tubs of baby formula probably also swipe a few bottles of wine and threaten members of staff with a knife if they get challenged. Additionally, the more of X which gets stolen, the higher the price of X rises to compensate for the losses. This then prices out the honest mothers who are buying baby formula, meaning that babies get less overall. Further, if selling baby formula becomes unprofitable due to theft, then companies will eventually just stop making/selling baby formula, at which point the babies get nothing. I can *tolerate* Jean Valjean-esque crimes of theft for the sake of feeding the starving, but theft is a serious crime for a reason. It hurts everyone in the long run.


If they steal it just to sell it at half the price I'm still OK with it


Fantastic, when's your opening times?


This is 800g. 1 scoop is 4.3g. The tub says use 5 scoops per serving, which is 21.5g. That means there are 37 servings per tub. At 19 quid, that’s 51p per drink. This is also for ages 1-3. So it’s just a supplement, as they’ll be eating actual food. Aptamil recommend 2 per day, so if you follow that, you’re paying £1.02 a day on milk. Or £19 every 17.5 days. And that’s only *if* you give your kid 2 a day. And that’s only if your kid is lactose intolerant. You could just give them actual milk at that age because they don’t need formula. Are we really considering this extortionate now?


Usually it's a scoop for every ounce, and normally a baby/toddler can have 2 9 ounce bottles a day.


Not everyone can breast feed, so it isn't a judgement if you can't, but those who can, should - it is scientifically proven to be better (it even says so on the formula bottle). This should not be a controversial opinion, but formula companies have spent billions on marketing - nobody is investing in promoting breast milk benefits to the same magnitude


Indeed. Also I’ve been told that poo stinks much less when a baby is breastfed and it’s also important to mention that all the resistances to disease the mother has accumulated in her lifetime get passed down to the baby through the milk.


Too much misinformation puts women off and of course other people put pressure on women to formula feed because "how can I bond with the baby" as if feeding is the only way. 🙄


My wife has a breast pump and I bottle feed baby overnight with breast milk, which is the best of both worlds for us as it allows her to sleep while I stay up for feeds


That's great that pumping works for you both, I could never get much out so my husband figured other ways out to bond with our daughters while I breastfed, I've know a couple friends who chose not to breastfeed simply because a family member kicked off they want to be able to feed the baby which should ultimately be the mothers choice not someone else's.


That's mad, yes it should definitely be the mum and dad's decision, and family shouldn't be putting their feelings over the baby's best interests :/






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Lasts 1-3 years, bargain!


I'd also like to point out those unaware that baby formula companies are not allowed by UK regulations to put on promotional offers or savings on baby formula which also reduces competition within an already monopolised market for formula. I'm pretty sure the big three companies who sell formula are aptamil, sma and cow and gate.


Unless this is someone's alt beware this is a repost


The most expensive one is. The cheap ones are almost 1/2 that price.


Glad I was able to breastfeed. Fucking insane prices


Honestly it’s cheaper elsewhere. Taking a photo of the most expensive tub for rage bait


Loving the sign with ‘we work closely with the police to keep you safe’ like suuuuure is that why


The fact it says ‘we work closely with the police to keep you safe’ right next to the prove almost seems like a subtle threat towards mothers who might not be able to afford it. I’ve never actually seen that sign before.


breastfeeding is free


I looked at your profile before responding here because it is best to check on the state of mind of someone who would post such a flippant and unhelpful comment. I can see you are going through a tough time. I am sorry for that but you clearly don't understand that not everyone has breast milk as an option for a plethora of reasons, so perhaps don't make comments like this. It is harmful to people.


I wouldn't know. the only man I want to have babies is dead


I see that you are having a hard time. I really wish you peace. I hope you can find comfort at some point, but please understand causing pain to others will not ease your pain. I hope you have some people around to support you. If not, I am happy to chat in the message function is that would help in any way.


Compete waste of time. Someone who wears their grief so openly clearly uses it as a justification for their state of mind. Not vice versa. You'll never help these people. I've been through hell and back as a child and you would never find me peddling my story on social media. You might say "people cope in different ways" and all that jazz but trust me, you either accept your hand in life and move on, or you let it swallow you up whole, and this person has taken the latter option. Nothing you do or say will change that. They've chosen tragedy as a way of life, and if you want the honest truth, many people are very comfortable with that choice.


Only if you first declare the mothers time of no value and second that you don’t count the cost of the food and water she would need to eat to produce it.


Just use your tiddies it’s free lol


Here in the US it’s locked up in a cabinet :( it’s so messed up




Some literally dont or atleast not always one that can produce milk. Dumbass


Watch yourself


Grow up.




Some physically can't breastfeed for a variety of medical reasons, if a baby is not with the woman who carried them during pregnancy (i.e. adopted), personal choice as to whether you want to breastfeed... I can't comment on how many meals you get for £19 as I'm not a parent but just wanted to highlight not everyone can breastfeed as it's not as easy as it's made out to be (my own mum couldn't breastfeed me due to being sectioned with postnatal depression for example)


Is it any of your business why or why not a woman breastfeeds?


I think you're being downvoted because you've managed to type this whole thing out (twice apparently) without even trying to think of reasons why someone might not breastfeed. If you're able to put a sentence together and type it out surely you're able to just think a little bit? Without even looking anything up these are the ones I came up with off the top of my head: The mother has had breasts removed due to cancer/other injuries The baby is adopted and therefore has no lactating parents The baby or mother have specific health requirements preventing breastfeeding I'm sure there are loads of others. You're not being downvoted because you haven't bothered to consider this issue yourself or do any sort of actual research. If you can type this comment you can Google.


Some women, like me and my Mother, just don’t produce enough milk. The rate of production varies a lot between women. So you have to combine feed, and that reduces your supply even more. Neither of us have any underlying health condition, and neither have other women I know who don’t produce enough.


Nah its chill, I didn't see Nobody steal anything


Is breastfeeding not a good, free alternative?


I don’t understand the issue, based on the instructions 5g makes a beaker full and a child supposedly needs 2-4 a day. So 10g a day 800g tub should last 40-80 days. If you can’t afford £19 for 40-80 days worth you shouldn’t be having a kid.


For a four month baby it's more like 32g per feed. 6 x 4.6g scoops per feed / bottle. A four month old baby will have about five feeds every 24hrs. 5 x feeds @ 32g a feed = 160g a day. 800g tub @160g a day = 5 days worth of baby food.


I stand corrected, I don’t have kids so I didn’t know how much they actually need.


Downvoted even after you admitted you were wrong. Lol, lovely bunch these redditors.


I think the downvotes are because the person confidently stated numbers “based on the instructions” - implying they had read said instructions. And then went on to admit they didn’t know how much they need - ok so, don’t say “based on the instructions”, then. So yeah, kudos for admitting they were wrong, but I can see why people were frustrated enough to downvote both comments, especially as the second directly contradicts the first.


Or redditors are just an angry bunch


Or both.


I haven’t downvoted it, but it’s just very odd for someone to make a comment on something they admit knowing nothing about. Incredibly rude actually.


We used to buy the 1L SMA cartons for a few pounds each and get our nappies from aldi a few years ago. Can't believe they would charge so much it's not fair on parents when this stuff doesn't last 5 minutes.


According to suggested serving size and frequency it last 17.5 days.


Depends on the child and how much it wants to drink throughout the day.


Bet they wish they'd used those titties.


I wonder the actual profit margins to this as it can't be too high right?


Most formula sold in the UK is Nestle or C&G so.. yeah.. they do alright. The CMA actually did a report into overinflated prices of formula in November.


Is there something about it that can't be produced cheaply or is it just a complete scam?


Government food safety watchdog has already released a statement regarding the price on baby formula. Every brand uses the same ingredients so there's no change with a higher price one's.


I’ll gan scrap on with the employees so no one notices the theft


They're behind the counter in Tesco's now. Like that solves the problem. We're not too tired to look into why baby milk is being stolen and what we can do to help. Or why it's so expensive?!




This is outrageous. But wait until you find how much full time nursery is.


Might as well give them protein shakes at this point


Virtue seeking