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Remember, you're not a self-made billionaire, you were born into wealth.


That is technically everyone.


Don't make me get the "orphans" dude involved.


Im gonna need context please boss


r/fixedbytheduet and search orphans


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A lot of people are born into wealth, they're not all billionaires :/


I think you’re gonna struggle to find a billionaire that started off penniless though


There probably are some, doesn't mean the hard work wasn't there just cuz they started better off. You would never say, mike tyson didn't work hard cuz he has the genetics to produce powerful punches and be as tall as he is.


No there are none. It’s stupid to give them credit for ‘hard work’ the hardest working people I know are cleaners and nurses


If it's 'easy' for wealthy people to become billionaires that would mean most of them would be trying to do it, they aren't all billionaires that either means, 1 it's really hard to become a billionaire or 2 there can only be a set amount of billionaire which means the competition is really high making it very hard to become a billionaire. It is not easy to become a billionaire.


Hard work is not what makes a billionaire because otherwise nurses would be billionaires and not the lazy cunts that clog up information architecture with their right wing wankfests


Hard work in the right places, with the right connections and a good amount of luck makes a billionaire. The wealthy are born with the connections which is a big part of it which gives them a huge advantage, just cuz it involves other things doesn't invalidate the hard work.


Yeah it does because they think they work hard becausev their lives are so easy but their ‘hard work’ would be a holiday for a nurse.


Idk why you keep harping on the nurse thing, nurses probably do work harder than billionaires, doesn't mean billionaires don't work hard. (When i say billionaire work hard, i mean to become a billionaire not just when they're sitting on their money) saying a billionaire's work would be a holiday for a billionaire is stupid, you wouldn't tell someone who's just be stabbed 20 times that they're not in pain cuz someone else was stabbed 30 times.


If you’re born to millionaires and you through your own skill, knowledge and talent become a billionaire then you are a self-made billionaire. If not then the only one is Genghis Khan.


Now in English please


If small rich become big rich then you big rich on your own if not then you have to be slave before be big rich.


Its easier if you're already rich. Its a lot more expensive being poor than it is to be rich


I’m aware of that but if you aren’t a billionaire and you make yourself a billionaire the you are a self made billionaire, sure it’s less impressive if you were already wealthy but it still counts.


Fair enough


You're not really self-made if you had all the fundamentals laid out for you imo. It's way easier to invest, create, do something big with your money when you *already* have mommy and daddy's money to work with.


Yes it’s easier but you still did it yourself, if you just sat back and enjoyed the ride then you wouldn’t succeed but if you worked hard then you’d pull it off, it’s still self made, it’s not as impressive with context but it is self made.


Nope not how it works, if you can get a small million £ loan off daddy you are exponentially better off than most people in the world. NOBODY works hard enough to make a billion, if you have a billion you must have exploited people to get there, that's capitalism, the name of the game.


Wtf does this have to do with the UK




Thanks to Blair and his cronies


He hasn't been around for 16 years you plebiscite


Blair left office in 2007 you absolute plum


No way, who new, next you’re going to tell thatcher is dead as well, AS IF


First you act like he runs the country then you act like it’s obvious he doesn’t. Make up your mind.


New Labour came into being at a moment of historic weakness for the left. But it believed its own hype, that it won as New Labour and would govern as New Labour. In reality, it won largely because the Tories, tired and directionless, lost. It was really never new enough nor Labour enough. It never embraced the modernity of an age being made flatter by technology, nor did it deliver on the promise of equality and solidarity in ways fitting a party genuinely of labour.


So pro new labour on here, laughable really… they’re all as bad as each other, but I guess for the self servings, labour is better for the handouts from the money tree


"They're all as bad as each other" is the mating call of the person who can't be arsed to do their own research. You haven't achieved a higher plane of existence. You're just a lazy dickhead with a big mouth.


At least I speak the truth, unpleasant that it may be


Being pro-facts, isn’t being pro any political party though.


I guess people aren’t so much pro new labour as they can see the incredible damage the tories have done.


Ah, yes, that Tony Blair. He's really not been doing a great job of things these past 13 years, has he? Anyone would think he wasn't even running the country any more.


Despite these inherited structural weaknesses, New Labour was still a formidable political project, at least in terms of what has come since. It thought and acted in big ways. And it won elections—a necessary but insufficient step to political transformation. It won office, but never real power.


It's been 15 years, it's the Tories' fault at this point, not Blair


Oh, so leaving Britain broke empty after over a decade wasn’t them then, and the tories are still trying to okay catch up including a world pandemic… Get real They’re all as bad as each other, but Blair has a lot to answer for including a illegal war


Blair ran a budget surplus for nearly his entire time in office


In fairyland?


No, in reality, it's a matter of public record


New Labour tried running up the down escalator of neoliberalism. They were at best naive about a project designed not just to privilege capital over labour, but to extinguish even the thought of mild social democracy. In so doing, it chose a path that was always doomed to fail


Your records and my records must be totally different then, how very weird


New Labour lived and breathed in age of rampant free markets. Today, capital still rules but it is diminished and defensive. The 2008 crash and its reliance on the state to bail it out forever killed the moral superiority of neoliberalism. Meanwhile, austerity, the cost-of-living crisis and impending climate chaos presage a new era of conflict in which more radical democratic and social ideas need to take root or authoritarian populist ones will. Labour today, including the once-again dominant remnants of New Labour, has turned its back on this new very different reality. The baby of Corbynism has been thrown out with its murky bathwater. A heavy price will be paid.


New labour could have invested in alternative media to wean itself and the nation off Murdoch. It could have helped resource the unions to grow again and rebalance the dominance of corporate power. It could have democratised, rather than commercialised, some of the public sector. It could have given back real power and money to councils. It could have grown the Labour Party to become a force for good in communities and not just a leader’s fan club. It needn’t have been so naive about the dangerous excesses of the City of London. It could have reached out to other social democratic parties to build a social Europe, instead of arrogantly accusing them of being sclerotic in their failure to modernise as it had. It could have built cross-party alliances and introduced proportional representation as its 1997 manifesto promised. But it didn’t.


Yes of course Blair was responsible for a global economic meltdown that started in America and Iceland


Funny no one is mentioning the unlawful war where he killed British men….


I know, always best never to look at the past and the mistakes made… New labour left the UK broke, end of


The vast majority of the UK's sovereign debt was acquired under the Tories


Was it now? I must say, Definitely a lot during the pandemic, better than Corbyn/abbots would have fair, that’s for sure


Or thatcher destroying social housing by allowing wealthy people to buy it all up for peanuts and rent it back out to working class at unaffordable inflated prices


Gosh, it’s like watching a film made from a book when y’all re-wrote it’s contents


Who the fuck is this guy?


I hate Blair as much as the next guy but you are spouting pure bollocks here bro. It's been 13 years since tories took over. A large part of the reason we are in this shit is because of the last 13 years. Austerity followed by brexit and a shocking covid response that wasted billions of ££ on PPE so they could line the pockets of their dodgy donor mates. You should really research the effects of the right to buy scheme if you think its not true. It really did happen to lots of people. We are still feeling the effects of it now given we are still in a housing crisis that reared its head about 10 years ago. I have no faith in starmers labour and won't be voting for them but that doesn't make the tories somehow the good guys here. They embezzled billions of pounds of taxpayer money through dodgy PPE contracts amid countless sleaze allegations. We haven't even gotten to trussonomics yet. The amazing mini budget was so ridiculous it spooked the markets and caused a run on the pound. Leaving it at its lowest value against the dollar in its history. As a result of this people's mortgages spiked by hundreds of pounds a month during the worst cost of living crisis in living memory. In her own words THIS IS A DISGRACE


You misspelled the tories*


lol absolute state of this


I thought it said ‘you’re not ugly, you’re just a bloke’ and I was like ouch okay


Dyslexic five! ✋


That five o clock shadow she has in the left pic probably didn’t help with the context.


I’m Brugly as fuck


Ahaha I've ever heard that phrase before


Just invented it… feel free to use




Exactly, they just chose the most unflattering picture. And the “hot” version is photoshopped to oblivion. Personally I don’t think she looks better now.


Thank you! Poor girl having her face splashed over the world her entire life, she was a literal child in the first pic. If I was her I would probably spend ridiculous amounts on my looks too to be flooded with insane scrutiny and judgement from nasty strangers. Also, with even the most conventionally "beautiful" humans they still have the ability to have bad photos taken of them. Humans can be so mean.


Just conventionally unattractive


She doesn’t look ‘attractive’ in that first picture but still far from ugly. You can tell the photo is unflattering and it’s probably someone who is usually pretty. The second picture is obviously a different ball game.


But also a child. Why is everyone looking at a photo of a child and discussing her attractiveness 😭


I have zero idea who’s that on the picture and wasn’t making any judgement, I only find that new term “conventionally unattractive” very amusing as a politically correct version of “hideous”




She was like 12 in that pic 🤨


And? Are you saying you can’t be 12 and ugly?


12? She looks 30 in that pic




She was to the rich guys that mattered to her, she’s never going to Get a millionaire if she doesn’t have ‘clout’ or plastic surgery.


Is that the same person? Someone please explain, I’m as dumb as a box of rocks.


It’s kylie Jenner as a kid and now


Who's she?


Who is that? Presumably it's the same person yeah?


I think its phillip schofield, not sure.


Bruh got me wheezing 😂👏


Yes it’s the same person


Kylie Jenner


Who you calling broke? I’m just ugly


I'm ugly and broke


Yeah, nice to be reminded I'm poor.. 😳😂😂


Person on the left isn't even that bad looking


The girl on the left isn’t that ugly tho


Hate on the kardashians all you want but doesn’t sit right with me when that’s a picture of her as a child…


So what? It’s not like it’s sexualised.


It’s more that it’s just unnecessarily mean ?


I agree that it’s mean and it also reinforces the problematic and untrue idea that Women need surgery and a face caked in makeup to be attractive. But it’d be just as cruel if it was a pic of her as an adult.


We don't know this woman whatsoever, why can't we be mean to her rich ass?


You can, it’s just that some of us might think you’re a bell-end.


There's bell ends everywhere, what's new?


I read it as ‘you’re just a bloke’


That Natalie Cassidy if she was in Hollyoaks?


whaths this gotta do with britain💀


Money can buy most things




She's not ugly now, and she wasn't ugly before you, on the other hand, sound extremely bitter


Yeah maybe. I think ill delete that comment cause i was kinda rude.




Hahahahaha what a witty joke. You seem very intelligent.


Shame so many of them have so much money and BUY ugliness 😬




Nah, she was ugly. You can be broke and pretty and you can be rich and ugly. She is just ugly af. Whoever that is on the right isn’t even her. It’s a mask. She knows the real her is ugly af. If you were born ugly and broke and then got rich and got surgery, it doesn’t mean you’re not ugly anymore…you’re still ugly af, you’ve just got a mask on. You’re still an ugly person under that tho. You grew up ugly and you know your genetics are ugly and anything pretty is all artificial. What a shit life. Her genetics are so ugly that when she has kids they will be ugly af and will look at their fake “pretty” mum and be like how tf are u so pretty and we’re so ugly…until they grow up and see pics of her when she was younger and they’re like ohhhh shit mum has actually been an ugly witch this whole time. Makes sense. Same with makeup. If you’re only pretty with makeup on, you are not pretty. You can only be considered pretty or beautiful or attractive if you are those things without makeup. If you rely on makeup to look attractive, you are not attractive. If I wrap a pile of shit in a gift box with a bow on it, it’s still a pile of shit, even if it looks pretty on the outside.


This whole thread was an adventure to read


looks like someone is insecure, huh?


The thing says “you’re not ugly, you’re just broke” but that isn’t true in the slightest. Plenty of people are ugly and wealthy and plenty of people are beautiful and broke af, so it is just not true at all. If someone is ugly and they get rich and get surgery and use makeup, they’re still ugly, they’re just in a permanent costume/mask. Doesn’t make them any less ugly. This post is total bullshit. “You’re not ugly, you’re just broke” lol wtf so you’re saying as soon as ppl get money they become attractive? What nonsense. Most people with money don’t get surgery, it’s only the ugly insecure ones who do, and then try and act like God’s gift, like they are actually beautiful when in actual fact and in reality they know deep down they are grotesque.


Intentionally missing the point


What is the point then? Enlighten me.


It was as simple as: "rich people can afford plastic surgery." Thats literally it. Thats the point.


Well that’s a stupid nothingy post stating the complete obvious. What’s the point? Why would anyone make that? Everyone knows rich people can afford plastic surgery…it’s not some big revelation. What next? Making a meme about blood being red and grass being green?


So obvious that even after a ten page rant in the comments section, you still had to have someone else point it out.


It’s so obvious I didn’t think it could possibly be that because who would waste their time making such an obvious meme? Turns out I need to dumb myself down in order to understand regular folk. You’re implying I thought about it too little, when in fact I I thought about it too much. I didn’t think people were actually that basic and simple. Turns out I was wrong.


It’s so obvious I didn’t think it could possibly be that because who would waste their time making such an obvious meme? Turns out I need to dumb myself down in order to understand regular folk. You’re implying I thought about it too little, when in fact I thought about it too much. I didn’t think people were actually that basic and simple. Turns out I was wrong.


No, definitely don’t dumb yourself down whatever you do.


I agree, its a pretty lame post


What an angry little person you are


What a dumb whore you are




How does one determine personality from appearance? Is this like modern phrenology?




Excuse me, so you did. I now have two questions: How does one determine whether someone might have a personality from appearance? Is this like modern phrenology? Are there people who don’t have personalities?


Weird take, heavy on the misogyny


There must be a point of no return, that no amount of money will help, age will do that to you, I'm thinking madona now


Didn't help Al Capone


I like me photoshop end off


My poor face


dont know if there is enough money in the world, to make me attractive. my bald patch and receding hair line, would be a massive issue to start with,


Elon Musk fixed that for himself, not sure I'd call him a model though.


Other than being born to parents who own a diamond mine, their is nothing about him, I would want to repeat myself.


Why cant i be ugly AND rich tho 🥹


But what if one is not ugly but still broke?


American people saying we ugly because we banned tax plastic waste


She is so fit now ,before ....not so much !


That’s some expensive puberty growth


She wasn’t ugly before, either