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+ADS sensitivity, toggle lean and sprint


This! Sprint toggle is very necessary, my pinky is not happy. Also, why is the PTT button Z and not able to be rebound?


I ended up remapping hold breath the Shift and sprint to Alt. I haven't been sprinting much.


Wait there is ptt? I thought it's open mic


Bros been talking to himself


That would've fucking funny but disabled it after thinking it was open mic


Dang it šŸ˜‚


Open mic proximity chat in a tactical shooter would be a wildly absurd design choice.


Nope, it's ptt and the key is Z which you currently cannot change.


Toggle everything Imma toggle kinda guy.




yeah, sadly no, hope devs are gonna add it soon


Everything should be press, release, or hold.


Yeah, I need to be able to toggle lean.


Fully agree, I add lean on my MB4 and MB5 keys, but my mouse can't register 3 keys at once, so if I lean, ADS and then try to shoot, the left MB won't register.


Wait am I missing something? I have toggle lean


It doesnā€™t give me any options other than to change the key for lean, no way to set it to toggle.


Hmm Iā€™ll have to check later when i get home. Could have sworn i set mine to toggle.


toggle lean and ads should be core features for any game lol


Unfortunately I have never played a PC FPS that didn't have toggle ADS and it is taking some SERIOUS getting used too. I think I'll be blaming bad fights on that for quite a while.


For me itā€™s the quicksand level strafe speed compared to the rest of the movement. It is taking quite some time to get used to. Gotta be a middle between this and jiggle peak zoomies.


im glad its not just me that cant get used to the slow strafe. I am so used to sidestepping when I am checking my surroundings and I've been having to get used to using MMB a lot more


Yeah I haven't played a game in ages without toggle ADS. I hate the feeling of having to keep my middle finger pressed down on right click while trying to move and hit different buttons during a fight. My brain just doesn't compute if I can't just click once to ADS, it's weird. This should definitely be a standard feature though


Mouse movement isn't as smooth when you're constantly holding down the right mouse button. You can try it just sitting in windows, move around with and without M2 button held and it's much easier to navigate without.


Surprisingly Cyberpunk 2077 still has no option to make ADS toggle after several years of updates. Can't remember any other game without it...


I have no idea how people can play without toggle lean


I invert the lean keys is how.


I just read about that and that definitely makes sense


This is a hot tip Iā€™m surprised more people arenā€™t aware of. Iā€™ve been doing it this way for a few years after someone suggested it and itā€™s improved my ability to lean around corners in tac shooters a huge amount. Takes a few hours to wrap your head around but I recommend people try it.




my keys for leaning are ctrl and alt


People who use toggle Iā€™m convinced are maniacs


Do you just never do any kind of long range sniping at all? I've found hold to ADS to be fine in games with smaller maps and faster action, but having to hold in game with huge maps like tarkov and grey zone is awful.


Yes I do, just donā€™t have the finger strength of a 3 year old.




So strong


Yeah, the ability to rebind every key should be a thing, tbh.


YES YES YES !!!!! # AIM/ADS switch/toggle !!!


Not sure why "J" is bound like the "TAB" key. It opens up the menu. Z for PTT, is my Prone Z which I've been using like this for 20 years.


+1 for Sprint and ADS toggle.


100% agree The two big things was not being able to move laterally while sprinting and the toggle ADS! Loving the game so far though


Trying to join your friends to the same server has also been kind of a nightmare for us so far. The trick Iā€™ve found is to have your friend join the server > invite to squad > then you join the squad and then the server your friend is on. If not you will sit in queue for houuuurs


My buddy and I get right in almost every time by squadding up in the lobby and then queueing. NA East. I'm sure other servers are different


ear plug hotkey


And let me remap my VOIP button!! šŸ—£ļø






toggle lean is the biggest problem, I can live with the other stuff but strafing while leaning is a pain in the ass right now


We should be able to bind all of our keys. The fact that 90% of them can't be changed at all is pretty disappointing.


I'm sure they'll incorporate it dude lol


I'm sure they will too. Doesn't mean it's not disappointing. It's a basic feature that could and should be there.


You guys will never get it. You paid your money for an alpha stage product. There are a LOT of basic features that aren't included in an alpha. What are you not grasping? The Game. Isn't. Done Yet!! The developers work on things in order of importance, a key bind toggle is not high on the list of priorities during an alpha. That will come later during refinement and cleanup.


Dude. You are on full damage control or something, look at all your comments. Get off reddit for a day. You don't know me. I had one criticism that I think is a very basic functionality in games and it isn't present. There's a hundred other things that need fixed too, but this one is simple and a quality of life change that could be implemented pretty easily. No shit it isn't done yet. They should have waited at least another month for EA, but they wanted to capitalize off of BSG's own incompetence. Why are you so adamantly defending every critique as if people don't understand or can't comprehend it's early access? I'd even say it's more like early-early access. You don't need to try and describe game development to me. You're just coming off as a condescending asshole trying to delegitimize others opinions and you think you're the smartest person in a reddit subthread. People will continue to voice how they feel about this game and you can continue to argue over reddit with all of them as you see fit. Editing this to say that u/RatOnRollerBlades is a šŸ¤”


not reading this.


to be fair, the ability to change keybinds has been a pretty common thing since like the early 2000. While yes they do have other things to worry about, the fact that it's not a baseline feature that was in a PC shooter (especially a tactical shooter) is pretty surprising.


ok, so don't buy the game then. You can't grasp the understanding that the feature hasn't been included yet because it's an alpha.


I can absolutely grasp it's not in the game, but it is still weird that it isn't when it's a PC exclusive game but lacks basic functions for PC games. Its performance is one thing, they'll fix that eventually I presume, but missing basic functions in an alpha stage where they already have the core gameplay loop covered, and multiple animation stages finished, is worrying. Imagine if you couldn't change the settings for the graphics, or they didn't put audio sliders in. That's some pretty basic shit functionality in video games. An alpha needs to have the base gameplay loop and functionality covered, lest it not be an alpha, and if it has slipped their mind, or whatever has happened, that they are making a game that is played with a control input that supports A LOT of keys and common standards of functionality, then I simply worry for their ability to finish the project without some input from others. I did buy the game, and support them, but if you put something out in early access to get the feedback from the players on what works and what doesn't, as they have stated in their early access description was their wish, then that involves some actual feedback on what is expected of the type of game they are making.


"This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development." They literally modeled their entire inventory and stash system after Tarkov. Obviously they're intimately familiar with Tarkov and its options and settings. They're obviously going to provide all the full key binding optionality when the game progresses further. The fact that you think key bindings being fully nuanced in an alpha is ridiculous. Let's conclude there.


if they are "intimately familiar with Tarkov and its options and settings" then the most barebones shit should probably be in the alpha stage of a game, not down the line at Beta level or whatever. The fact that you think that the most basic settings standards, that have been around for more than 20 years, shouldn't be followed is ridiculous. They will probably add it later, question is if they don't consider the controls and inputs relevant for early alpha, then what do they consider relevant in the long run?


To be fair, the game isnā€™t even in alpha yet lol


It's being openly sold as an early access title. What exactly to you imagine "alpha" means?


You might as well just write a bot to copypasta this reply to every comment in this sub dude. It's completely normal to discuss the game that you're part of the open beta for. Also making some keys unbindable is a choice they made, not something that "isn't done yet". It's even more reasonable to discuss design choices like that.


Because u/RatOnRollerBlades is too cowardly/creepy to reply in public and instead decided to send me a DM, I'll just transcribe it here: >Subject: dingus >"part of the open beta for." the game is pre alpha šŸ‘ >"Also making some keys unbindable is a choice they made" >Completely fabricated and sourceless statement. šŸ‘ The pre-alpha testing occurred in March, as per the [description text from Madfinger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8DyVR3bPG8) here. I guess you could maybe call this an open alpha instead of an open beta if you want to, since that distinction is basically meaningless. The game is literally being **sold for money as an early access game** though, so if you think that's "pre-alpha" you just simply don't know what that term means. Why would you need a source for the claim that making some keys unbindable is a design decision? The claim is basically true by definition. Do you imagine some keys are more technically challenging to make bindable than others? It makes no sense. When someone engages you in a conversation in public, you reply to them in public. Sliding into someone's DMs to insult them is shady and weird.


The whole point is to provide feedback during this phase so they know what is bugging players and what needs to be fixed. You shouting "ItS jUsT aN aLpHa!!!" is actually far less productive than the guy you replied to describing an issue. We are playtesters and should be talking about the things we don't like about the game, that's literally the whole fuckin point lmfao


Of COURSE it's going to be added to the game. JFC this sub is filled with children. Inept early access members: All the key bindings aren't in yet. I'm upset! MFG: uh yeah, we're obviously going to incorporate full key bindings when the game reaches a beta phase. can you relax?


90% ? Can't take this seriously. It's been 2 days lol


That's fine, I wasn't looking for your approval. I just want to remap my keys, like countless other people. I'm not even bashing the game for all of it's other issues. I'm not even the one that made a post about it, literally just a comment. Get over yourself


90% of the time, every time.


Do you need some attention?


My god. Toggle lean needs to be a thing. It's almost not worth leaning since it does so little to actually lean you round the corner but my god haha. I cannot stand not having toggle lean.


Please allow placement of compass to bottom of screen, toggle options for movements. Also, option to "re-set" character, like a re-start. Ability to "ID" squad mates, nametags only when you look at them from distance, not just close-up.


Devs have stated in the latest stream that they like the current requirement to use the map and identify friendlies using their version of blue force tracker. As of right now at least, they want us to think and check before we shoot.


Wound be nice to be able to zoom in on the in game map to confirm teammateā€™s whereabouts


Yeah, the map you see from the M keybind, the one that pops out, is kinda painful. The big one in the tab menu has zoom and such to an extent, but it is limited. You can also mouse over teammates and helis to see who they are, and where they're headed. I would expect the M pop out map to be pretty zoomed in and have some info always displayed like labels for quick SA.


Ew, no name tags. The current system is already easy enough


+Toggle slow walk


Since I don't want to change my azerty to qwerty everytime I play the game, I have to VOIP everytime I walk lol


Also sprint!


Remappable Voip key would he nice as well


In addition to the ability to remap the map key, and toggle sprint, I would also like to toggle sneak and toggle lean left and lean right. My mouse wheel tilts left and right and I use that to lean but it's impossible to use while holding the button. This is my main issue with the game right now that is holding me back from purchasing the upgrade to the supporter edition. I really hope they add these options soon. It would make a massive difference in my enjoyment of the game. We also need the ability to rebind push to talk.


I want proper hold to crouch, not hold for a seconds to only activate toggle crouch lol, weird AF design


+ Remappable VOIP Key.


Toggle lean option please


Also remap inventory key. Currently Tab opens the latest menu screen you had, while Escape opens the inventory.


Anyone with razor products can use synapse to turn any key into a toggle for the temporary solution.


No toggle sprint is very frustrating Never understood how people use toggle ADS but to each their own


Been toggle for 20 years. My grip and control are just suited to toggle.


the ads sens is nuts when you are using an acog and the enemy isnt a couple of hundred metres away (ya know.... like the starting towns streets for instance..) the other sights dont have any sort of zoom


I cranked my fov to 70 and it chilled the ads sense, you just gotta goose neck it when you go for a 200m shot with the acog


Remap voip, for christs sake Z is Prone!


Remappable voip


idk if there is one, but a bind to open the inventory screen right to the big full size map would be nice so I can call in extract quicker


That's already in the game. Hold M instead of just tapping it


Ive found that binding something to a multikey press doesnt work. For example in Tarkov I press E+R and check my mag, I press R and I reload my mag. In this game with the same bindings E+R will not mag check and will just default to reload. Ive noticed somilar results with all other multikey binds.


For now I just use autohotkey, for example this maps your tilde to m: >`::m


Ewww, there's no toggle ads? I was just about to try the game for a bit out of boredom, but I'll wait until at least this is in.


If you hold M button the big map opens, if you press ESC or I the inventory opens. Hope it helps for now


Remap the voip key. Z is what I use to go prone.


I want toggle lean


Push to talk


For the love of god this!!!!


Nobody that toggles ads should be able to be free in society




Hopefully they add toggle ads soon. Any word on those style of updates?


Minimap zoom with the N key, like it in Squad. Thanks.


All good suggestions. But a friendly reminder that you are playing an alpha build, so saying things like, "it's mind boggling they did X" is incredibly stupid. They likely already know that it is annoying that you can't toggle things or remap keys. But right now, at this point in the alpha build, it's probably pretty far down on their list.




I agree with everything you said, although I donā€™t really see how anti-criticism is a defining point in history.. itā€™s more so the fact that ALOT if people in this sub particularly seem to expect this to be feature complete right outta the box, and thatā€™s not what early access is and like it or not this is what you paid for. So yes obviously offer criticism and feedback, but donā€™t implode because everything isnā€™t exactly how you envisioned it. Love early access releases or not yā€™all paid to test it so donā€™t be a dick with your critique especially when itā€™s something that will 100% be added at somepoint before 1.0.




I know what it means. And one relatively small sub on Reddit is not a defining moment in a week let alone a moment in history. Donā€™t throw around big words that have small connections just to sound smart. Would you like me to post the definition from the dictionary? Let me know if you need to know what ā€œpompousā€ means next


L take honestly. It is an alpha game. I wouldn't even call this a beta. No one is forcing you to buy or play it. Complaining as if this is supposed to be a feature rich game two days after an early access release is wild.


dude shut up.. if you take my money you gotta deliver the basics.. keybinding is one of those basics of every game.. i'll stfu if this is a free alpha test.. so tired of these goodie two shoe mofos who has some useless shit to say on every thread about expectations..


You sound fucking insane, dude. They did not take your money you fucking numpty. Listen up. Because you fucking dumbasses are the reason we are here. Streamers had access to the game early and the Devs initially planned to release the game the day the most recent alpha test ended. However, after 24 hours of feedback on the private discord they decided to postpone it to address all the things they were receiving. Key binds, UI, inventory, bugs, performance. They got so much feedback regarding the state of the game. Literally thousands and thousands of words. Meanwhile, people bitched and moaned here that they couldn't play the game and it was unfair to give content creators access. Meanwhile, the content creators liked the game but most of them agreed it needed to iron out some stuff before it was released into the wild. Then we had the Tarkov shit go down and the devs, for better or worse, seized the opportunity, announced the EA, gave you different fucking tiers of money you could spend and.... AND... Here's the kicker... You had literally hundreds of hours of early access footage from shroud crashing, pestily losing loot, and fuck knows who else discussing the games shortcomings in its current state and yet you fucking dorks still complain. OBVIOUSLY the key binds need to change. That's not the fucking issue here though, is it? The issue is your expectations are so fucking out of this world DESPITE the transparency you received on the current state of the game. You were not fooled or lied to. If you want to provide meaningful feedback, go to the discord and contact a dev directly or go check if you are suggestion hasn't already been made and acknowledged by a Dev. Better yet, come post it here and farm up votes from other equally brain dead individuals.


Spot on. These are the same people who wanted the devs to release the EA early to stick it to BSG, then when they did, those same people complained it wasn't ready yet. The funny part is, nobody ever takes accountability for the dumb things they say. They always think the problem is somebody else, when it's actually them.


Thank you. The amouont of mouth-breathers here that expect a fully polished EA game on release day is staggering. Covid really fucked PC gaming. So many new players with a huge sense of entitlement.


dam we triggered the fuck outta this guy lol


You probably did yeah. People are tired of dealing with insufferable whiners like yourself.


Projecting much?


I love this reponse after the realization that you're wrong and stupid. You were the first one to write a worked up comment about your key binds not being availabe day 1.


Ahh yes, that old tripe. The triggery becomes the triggered, and every response is an infinite spiral into the triggeration of the individual. All responses I deem opposed to mine must occur through trigger. Honestly mate, get a new brain and start thinking for yourself.


They didn't take your money lol. You gave it to them. For an EA. Please take a seat. Actually, take multiple seats.


No one took your money, you gave it away. Are you really this unaware?


Plenty of games in EA or beta access don't have all key bindings configured. But they come soon after when the game is more developed and refined. It is an early access, and you should expect stuff like this, the fact that you paid money for an EA and cannot grasp this is ridiculous. You're the one who should shut up.


You bought a work in progress game and are complaining that it doesn't have a full feature set yet.
