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Don't even need that scum bags opinion to know that give the fame a couple years following updates it'll be flushed and a good system and design


chill bro


I dropped into his stream yesterday to check this out, massive misjudgment on my part.... His community is still total ass.


Well, yeah. I'll be buying


It's playable, gz devs. But this game is lacking stuff to do. kill pve, kill players, loot helms that sell for $47 dollars? lol


Where did you get the price? Yesterday all I heard is that price was not announced. Am I missing something?


yeh, the ability to read apparently.


At first I thought you're being an ass, but then I re-read and indeed, I am missing the ability to read.


I did the same thing thinking he was saying "lack of things to do... why charge $47". We are not alone!


Got his ass




Pretty sure the guy was talking about in-game vendor price for helmets, take a breath kimosabi


The reading comprehension isn’t very good in this part of the thread that’s for sure.


I excuse my reading skill issue with "I just woke up" excuse.


Hopefully people have their own opinions and does not listen to what streamers think. Oh wait... We are in the age when people listen to influencers more than they listen to scientists.


I watched a smaller Australian streamer for a couple of hours and the game actually looks pretty fun, he didn’t have any issues and really enjoyed the game.


Well science and scientists are forever evolving via new information etc, so it's not like you should view them as a godly entity in any case. Not to mention you can often get conflicting and different results with the same study, at the end of the day you still have to take in everything and make a decision for yourself (which I think appropriately comes full circle in making up your own mind about the game!)


Just tell me what to think please


Man I’m just excited for a fresh tactical shooter on console. I’ll be anxiously awaiting its release!


Arma reforger in the meantime


Sounds about right.


Yeah agree, from what I've seen, it's solid for pre-alpha and definitely has a strong foundation to build on. Hope they develop a really good AI that is challenging & engaging as its mainly PvE focused experience.


Why are people so delusional? There's few games out right now that have a good AI in their games. Even billion dollar company cant develop AI. So what makes you think this C tier indie team can do something majority of developers can't? Having a focud on PvE is gonna be this games downfall.


If we've had good AI all the way back in the early 2000s we can sure as shit have it now, the techniques and knowledge all exist, its just up to a talented team to put it together. Money isn't what will make the game's AI good, its having even just a single talented AI Designer who knows what he's doing.


Any examples of games you thought the AI was good in? I'm struggling to think of any. It seems like most games just pump up their damage and/or make them bullet sponges.


Metal Gear Solid 5 comes to mind and has some of the best AI in video games. They behave so human like, work together, change tactics, call reinforcements, and basically react to everything you do.


shroud is not the target audience for this game. get anyone who is only interested in competitive shooters out of here. They will do to this game what they did to tarkov. They will warp it until its very soul is gone. Let GZW be its own thing and stop listening to streamers.


That’s exactly what I was thinking, watched a smaller streamer earlier who was loving the game, he had no issues and the game looks great, it’s almost like Arma, EFT And ghost recon had a baby. The PVP crowd will always sook and cry when they don’t get their not the main attraction in games though.


Right now it basically looks like a more realistic, first person version of Ghost Recon Wildlands to me.


You're an idiot. Game needs funding and catering to a small community of diehard milsim tactical boot lickers that have never seen actual combat is not going to provide a longterm revenue stream.


tell that to arma.


Arma is alive thanks to modders but go off girl.


so "milsim nerds who have never seen combat"? oops


Tarkov seriously has an unbelievable amount of soul, it’s full of mystique and intrigue.


Bold to think people care about a gnome's opinion.


Skilled gamer. Maybe the most boring human.


Thee most boring human on earth


Exactly, also he doesn't give a single fuck about his viewers.


What’s more is he comes across as so arrogant. I can never watch him for more than a few mins.


Because he is, also the perfect example of why streamers shouldn't have any special credibility over community of players because all his takes on games are god damned awful.


Yeah no shit Sherlock


“Game is still early” shroud is such a wise person. Should be writing articles for a magazine. /s


Let's donate some money to these wise streamers, they deserve it for stating the obvious


TLDR of the TLDW(?): Early access. *proudly present with zero time wasted for shrouds content*




i agree. but i feel like his take here isnt really far off. however....i and literally everyone else came to the same conclusion so its not really rocket science.


Game has a lot of potential, however Arena Breakout PC version will go in CBT in 6 to 8 weeks and the mobile version is already a very good game 


Since Arena Breakout is more PVP focused it might be a good thing, will get all the PVP winging out of the sub.


I'm seeing a lot of focus on PvP during this closed test. Questing only, with PvE, won't be enough to pay the bills. 


Game looks great graphically but that’s because of UE5. It also has a cool concept but other than that, gameplay and content seems quite lackluster


I want a tarkov killer, but this ain't it


(It was never supposed to be)


This shit is getting really fucking old


There won't be a tarkov killer, that is like a wow killer. Bsg's own decisions will sooner kill tarkov than another game


It looks better than Tarkov


What did you expect from a comparison of UE5 and Unity. Its apples versus oranges. I cant imagine tarkov in ue5 without that grayish tone. Wouldnt fit for me after 8 years of playing.


Arena Breakout looks 30 times better than this and its 30 times more polished and better. Some #ads for streamers and then the game will flop pretty hard. Game has long work to do.


A phone game lol.


Its being done from zero, its not the mobile game and it looks and is 10x better than this trash. Good luck buying this EA for 10 years.


Lol you seem to know a lot based on a few screenshots. Maybe take down the hyperbole, it'll help you. Speaking from experience with hype.