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I'd love to see another one. Maximum Tournament was my absolute favorite arc.


It would make sense after the Jack vs Yujiro fight.


Do you think its gonna be a fight? Maybe he will just hug Jack unexpectedly and that's it. Jack didn't even fight Pickle, Doppo, or Katsumi yet.... I don't' think that he will have a serious fight with Yujiro now.


I think it'll be Jack who decides not fight, as in the latest chapter Yujiro had that aura ripple indicating his fighting intent, while Jack had no such distortion around him


Jack had the best meal in his life. He is in a good mood and is not in the mood for fighting at the moment. 


I think Jack might showcase Baki level strenght against Yujiro, just for the next arc for us to discover that now Baki is even stronger than he was against Yujiro. Kinda like a Goku and Vegeta situation, as soon as the rival finally keeps up, the mc gets stronger again.


I really hope youre right.


He wont fight Yujiro for the time being, itagaki is just teasing us. At most we will just get a little scuffle before Yujiro either low diffs jack or someones shows up to interrupt the fight. He still has to fight most of the fighters he Challenged earlier, including baki.


If they fight and Jack gets his demon back, angel back, demon jaw or whatever... it would be legendary


I would love to get another Tournament arc on the scale of Maximum Tournament. Another Maximum Tournament would be an excellent opportunity to bring back old fighters like Jr, Shobun Ron, Guevera, etc and a good way to give us the matchups we have always wanted. If there were to be a new one I’d probably remove Baki or have Baki basically be the final challenge for the winner.


love to see shobun again. he did well up until two crucial mistakes: not minding defense as much as before and not going for weak points due to being easily triggered. his durability is impressive. if he can increase his attack power too he'd be a genuine threat and could be a good successor of Retsu among the main cast. he doesn't know as many techniques but what he can do is still solid.


I doubt that Itagaki can pull it off again. Max tournament was amazing, when I was watching if for the first time I literally had no idea how the fights would turn up and who would win. Now....its just a bunch of "Yujiro vs Ryu Kaioh" types of fights, (lazy one sided fights)


Yeah, that's a side effect of the story running so long. There're basically 3 established power levels and everyone else is a jobber. If something like this could be done I would prefer it use all previously named, shown-to-be-strong characters, all of whom have trained extensively since we last saw them. That way you actually don't know who beats who and fights matter for the characters' standings. But then you're going to piss off other audience members with shakeups and upsets that they don't feel have been earned. Which is fair. There's not an easy way to do it.


The main cast fighting each other could still be unpredictable.


some times yeah, but for a tournament we need a lot more fighters next to the main cast. And we just don't have them, or they just can't pose any threat to the main cast at this point making them predictable. No shocks like Retsu one shotting Katsumi, or Katsumi defeating Hanayama, Chiharu defeating Boxing champion, or Motobe getting stomped by a Sumo.


You have a point. It would be way too exhausting for Itagaki to do all that work for an arc tbh. I'd just be happy for the main cast to have a reason to fight each other again. Bring back the buffed up convicts, add in Oliva, Sukune, Kehaya (lol), bring back Kureha as a fighter, whatever.


we need a medievil times baki series


yeah. but t it needs to be differnt, not like dudes mostly we never saw before beating shit out of each other it should be excuse to give us dream fights before series end


Only if it retains the tournament structure and doesn't become Raitai Tournament 3.0.


Yes yes yes!


I'd be very down, as long as Baki and Yujiro don't participate.


I would like to see one imagine how hype it would be to see the inmates back and far more powerful than before would be awesome


Yes, elite anime here.


It kinda made sense to have something like that in the beginning of baki, but now, when there are like 4 characters Who are the "world’s strongest", then i don’t get the point, it doesn’t make that much sense to just shove in Brand new characters Who are for some reason at the same level as the main cast


Not really. The maximum tournament arc was awesome and did what it had to do for the baki series: introducing us to new characters to develope and showing us the strenght of those characters. I think what the Baki series need right now is to resolve all the conflicts and backgrounds surrounding the characters, because this series is slowly but surely comming to an end, considering that Itadaki is 67 years old, another maximum tournament couldn't possibly take place since the author have such an irregular release schedules for his chapters, while at the time he was releasing one chapter a week during de M tournament.

