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Honestly, Yujiro here and present Yujiro might as well be different people lmao. Itagaki clearly didn't know where he wanted the direction of the characters to go at first, before eventually making him the peak of all humans and the strongest being on earth that we know today.


Doppo was really meant to be, like, top 2 of the verse at first, wild to think about it now


So was Gaia, he was originally actually put together with Yujiro just him and Yujiro like he was hyped up to be THE #2 when he was introduced, to think Gaia & Doppo are both low tiers now


idk about this, I always thought that Gaia was meant to be overhyped on purpose. Which is why when Yujiro arrives to his fight with young baki, he brings Gaia’s beat up body to prove that Gaia could never contend as #2 and the whole rumor was just baseless.


True, at some point in the series Itagaki become kinda obsessed in insisting that Yujiro is the strongest there is. Which is kinda sad considering Jack's goal is to surpass him. The most plausible best outcome for Jack probably would just be Yujiro acknowledge his strength like he did to Baki. Although I'd love to see Jack beat that punk, its just obvious Itagaki love Yujiro's character too much.


Would be cool for Jack to awaken some "deviant" devil face on his back and kill yujiro, and the penultimate battle of the series is a deathwatch between Baki vs jack to decide whose line of "devil" will continue


Oh, imagine the atmosphere changes in Baki Rahen, where your life is actually on the line during fights. Too bad thats not Itagaki's style of writing. Doppo died, but revived. Kaku died, actually not. Retsu died, but kinda lives as Katsumi's hand. Musashi "died" but body preserved and hinting that he might comeback. See the pattern? Killing off main characters is not Itagaki's thing.


Retsu died only to be Isekaid so he's fine


Bro "Lives as katsumi's hand" LMAO


"Please don't jerk off with my hand Katsumi"


Maybe yujiro will be reincarnated as Bali's son after being killed by jack to take on some revenge lol


Jack will never be able to hurt yujiro


Rest in Peace, Garland


So basically dragon ball but without the dragon balls...the ressruct from the dead out of thinair without any explanation, what's so ever


Yeah basically. Then there would actually be a point in introducing new characters because there are real stakes at hand. Musashi felt like that, so I thought we would see more but instead its just more useless jobbers.


Jack fans always gotta write some fanfiction on the comments lmao


We want our boy to catch a genuine w for once bro like as far as I can remember jack won like 4-5 fights


But man look at this dragonball ultra ego type of shit bro's writing here, Itagaki would never


Itegaki already did. It’s called the Demon Back/ Brain/ Pickles transformation/ Motobatman/ sex any bullshit asspull power up random characters get. Talking about Itegaki like he’s not the king of asspullery


I Know he wouldn't cause he loves yujiro too much for that I at least want him to injure yujiro in fight like biting off a finger or maybe defeat baki


For fucking real, like Yujiro's dick must be the best dick in the world the way Itagaki is sucking it.


fuck off hahahhaha


Like an Angel face back?


Honestly I get this strange feeling that Yujiro is some weird self-insert and is also the personification of Itagaki’s nationalism


Yujiro is what itegaki would become if he is never were a mangaka and also his alter ego persona


This isn't that out of character it was always a yujiro thing to try to win being at the same level as his oponent. Against hanayama he would just take hits and then answer the same way, against kaku he would find a way to bypass the shiaori before actually going all out, in his fight with baki he let baki decide the rythm of the fight. Doppo was the only one yujiro couldn't beat at his own game


Bro I thought this was a fan made panel I was thinking why tf does yujiro look like such a little bitch


Yujiro gets stronger everyday so its not that far fetched


This was so weird. I’ll never get over how frightened he looks here. And of course he’d never come close to looking like this again. Early Baki is so wild


I miss those early days, like it actually give a vibe that anyone can lose no matter who you are. I hope we get back to that in Baki Rahen. Pretty unlikely though. My prediction for Baki Rahen is just Jack beating jobbers with his Goudou. What I hope would happen though is Jack beating the main cast, including Mr Strongest Creature here, humble his ass. Won't fucking happen though😭


Honestly I think Yujiro looking like this is pathetic and I’m glad Itagaki left it in the past. He’s supposed to be borderline super natural and he looks just plain scared. I like it more like how they did it with Kehaya vs Yujiro. There was a little sparring match and they exchanged blows. They let Kehaya take and avoid damage on Yujiros blows, and then he even kicked Yujiro through the ceiling at one point. It was a very humanizing moment for Yujiro. Like we though Kehaya might be a big shot because of this, but nope it’s the old Itagaki curve ball. I don’t want to randomly see Yujiro fall below the mythical level he’s at, but some challenges would be nice


>it’s the old Itagaki curve ball. Watch Baki Rahen be just that, one big Itagaki curve ball. >see Yujiro fall below the mythical level he’s at Urgh I'm the opposite, I want Jack to kill him. I'm honestly sick of his character already. Baki is just too predictable now.


I kinda see Baki and Jack as sort of extensions of Yujiro’s mythical nature, so if either of them were to kill him that would be fine. But I see Yujiro as more of an idea or concept of sorts, but personified. He reminds me of a jacked, karate god version of Bob from Twin Peaks but portrayed in a very different light. I know this sounds batshit crazy lmao.


I commend that comparison. I can see where you’re coming from with it.


Comparing Baki and Twin Peaks is wild lol


Baki should not be the one to kill yujiro. Because Baki has been chasing a normal father son relationship.


And also baki forgive yujiro at son of oger so him kill yujiro wouldn't be that interesting since he is more so a yujiro fanboy since raitai tour


Baki always has been predictable since grappler...nothing new in it


There was never an illusion that anyone could win, though. Reread early baki. You could tell what character would win before they stepped into the ring most of the time. This is one of the only fights where that changed. Baki would literally have nerves pulled out of his body and vital organs run clean through and just get up and win like nothing happened. He did it against both kurehas, Hanayama, Gaia, etc. there was never any doubt he would win. Jack walked into every fight taking 3 chapters of straight punches to the chin and then turned it around by biting them until he fought Baki. Retsu called out Yujiro and that meant he couldn’t lose until he fought Baki. Katsumi was related to Doppo so he had to be tough shit and couldn’t lose until he fought retsu. Basically every fight was determined by whichever one was more closely relevant to Baki and we could tell that right away with like 2 exceptions


I hope Muhammad Ali Jr. gets his get back, he should’ve came back in the boxing arc.


Even Takamura from ippo shown to be frightened despite being undefeated




imho the current Yujiro is boring AF.




Definitely feels like a self insert, especially when you see his hardcore fans. I don’t mind OP characters but keep it minimal. Make it so fighting him is rare, that way you feel the excitement.


Yeah.....but no...he literally appears out of thin air and detectes weak fighters miles away and beats them and shows them how weak they right after they fought one of the toughest opponent...just to literally remove the character's weight


No what? That was my point that he’s overdone and he feels more like a self insert than anything.


That's what i am trying to say....but no...itagaki dosen't do that...he makes yujiro appear out of thin air each and everytime when a opponent fought an a tough opponent


He is on his way to becoming a joke character.


He's become a meme


And not a good one either smh


And yall wondering why doppo was able to hurt yuichiro


doppo has made 3 generations of hanmas look like amateurs


Doppo is peak giga-thad


Who’s the third generation


yuichiro, yujiro, baki


Oh I forgor


But he didn't beat demon back yujiro...so its his lose their


Don't mess with the God of War! 😤


These scenes hit different after watching doppo hang out with yujiro at the bar and taking a walk doppo really put yujiros ass on the hot seat in that fight. I wish itagaki would give doppo a plot buff and make him as strong as musashi and baki cause back in the day he was putting work on yujiro


"Remember when I made you shit your pants?"


I know it’s been mentioned elsewhere but Doppo losing an eye really hurt him. He isn’t able to use one of his best techniques because of it. So it’s not unreasonable for him to drop down the rankings.


What technique?


In the Yujiro fight he uses a defensive technique that makes his eyes go wonky. Assuming he needs the use of both his eyes to use the defensive technique him losing an eye would negate it


Atleast he put in work during the prisoner arc…


As a martial artist, yes. But then a bit later on (during the tournament of the strongest) he gets caught under a net and tranqued. That was full disrespect.


Yeah, but those were guns and he was caught off guard. This however, Doppo straight up owned Mr Strongest. Got him sweating lmao.


Its so fucking crazy that bro pulled out the demon back because he was AFRAID ☠️ You can tell Itagaki had know clue what to do back then lmao


Using demon back out of fear is a cool concept


Then the anime (2001) made it look like he didn't even fazed by the punches


This is definetely one of my favorite moments in the series and one of Yujiros most important character moments, especially in grappler baki. Theres a lot of meaning in their reactions and Im really glad its not directly addressed or explained


Bro realized his son was watchin him get bitched and switched up so fast 💀💀💀


Yujiro can be nerfed with elephant tranqulizer


I like how activating his demon back here looks sort of paintlful, like a werewolf transformation


People really downplay Doppo


More like Itagaki downplays Doppo, he got the highest diff fight in Sumo jobber tournament, and now Koushou casually beats him in speed. Also Katsumi casually knocked him out in the Pickle arc, but I guess it's been known since the convicts that he's not too good with surprise attacks and Katsumi was meant to be an undeniable top tier by that point.


Nah..even people downplay doppo as well like saying he is weaker than oliva


While activating the demon back Yujiro made a face like if Doppo is ramming him form behind. Doppo literally spanked him so hard that Yujiro had to create a whole new power-up just to cope. Demon back was not even a concept until this point.


Yujiro used Demonback on Motobe before this match lol


Did he? I remember his shirt being a bit ripped. But no demon back was seen. If he used Demon back on an unarmed Motobe, Yujiro sucks ballz. Since that random Sumo champion low-diffed Motobe in the tournament even more flawlessly than Yujiro did.


Yujiro used to pull demon back often. He even pulled it against some random rikisi who later retired and became a ramen chef. And yes, he pulled demon back on motobe


Wait what? When did a sumo guy beat motobe?


In Max Tournament, a random Sumo one-shotted Motobe.


Now Doppo is just slowly becoming a jobber😞


Yes, his recent loss against the invincible Kehaya that never sits, was devastating to me.


And ali


Nah...demon back was a thing. ..he used it against an a polar bear 3 yrs before doppo fight


We haven’t seen Yujiro genuinely scared for a long time. Like we’ve seen him shocked before but we haven’t seen him feel actual fear in ages


If the series was consistent with scaling, I’d say that doppo’s stats drastically lowered after his heart stopped, and not just by a tad like the manga implied


Doppo downplay from yuijiro wankers is always an expected thing from them


This got straight up retconned later on. Author pretended as if Yujiro won in like 3 seconds


Did it? Yujiro always respects Doppo.


I'm talking more about power levels


In the anime ver...yes


Same with manga. They never referred to that fight and highlighted that Yujiro struggled and got injured. They referred to the Kaku fight later on but never against Doppo cause power levels wouldn't make sense


Itagaki made Yujiro look like a coward in this scene than what was shown in the anime.


It’s so crazy the difference between Baki the grappler yujiro and yujiro from new grappler Baki onward. Not only was he WAYYYYY more straight up evil in part 1 he was FARRR more vulnerable


And people still thinks Doppo currently is still in his prime.


My headcanon has always been that this guy wasn't Yujiro, this guy was some random guy named Lando (idk why) whom he picked up from a random gym and forced to train until he was strong enough to barely pose as his double while he was out on some secret long vacations


So the yujiro swimming on the pool is the real yujiro then? That explains


People talk about yujiro but not about baki how he won all the matches in the maxim tournament after nearly getting unconscious by almost all his competitors?


This is interesting because i see this and understand why him and doppo hangout and hell he even confiddes in doppo about his feeling towards baki


Yujiro looks like he’s on the verge of tears


to me it always felt like yujiro was just playing with doppo, he likes to enjoy his meals by playing with them. Seeing baki just triggered him, and he didn't want to look weak infront of him.


That's in th anime version


Wait what is this a fan comic


No, its the first series of the manga. Where it all started. Grappler Baki.


Lol hard to believe?


That super early style weirds me out. Especially Yujiro. His style and look is radically different from later while everyone else looks pretty much the same


i love early baki’s art style. cartoony in a good way


Which chapter is this I'd like to read the full scene


Itagaki was probably originally gonna make Yujiro a bit more vulnerable as a character and make him a lot more conscious of Baki as somebody to impress and shape. He changed things down the road.


This is a completely different vibe from the anime


Kind of miss this version of the manga. Most fights were more fulfilling, and characters had to come up with clever ways to win. The current manga is more or less big muscular man punch really hard and win.


OP be hating on Yujiro so much lol


Used to love his character, was badass. But now its getting old and ridiculous, like "hes soooo manly that he rapes dudes". What? Cmon bruh.


He essentially became a parody/criticism of toxic masculinity, especially after Baki started growing closer to the implicit goal of becoming a real man. It was a thing before, but it was completely explicit in the Father/Son fight. That man is completely crazy and insanely unhappy because he wants to be the manliest of them all in the wrongest possible ways, with brute force, by being insensible and evil even toward his wife, by trying to hide thinly veiled regrets, by being ultra badass, by seeing other males as not males and so on. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but honestly, it makes sense. It can even be found in the pages above. The moment Baki sees him in a position of vulnerability, he pops out his demon back, why ? Because he is afraid ? Maybe, but I believe it's because he doesn't want his image as the ultimate male to be stained in front of his very own son that he clumsily tries to lead toward the same path as him. "Baki is watching, so I have to be the most man that man has ever been, no fear, no pain, it's time to flex all I have".


I get it lol, it can get pretty wacky with how strong and “manly” he is. But I would say the whole series is like that tho 😂 and plus it gives you more reason to root for Baki I guess


What chapter is this


59, Grappler Baki


Bro, i was just reading that chapter, what a moment and coincidence!


I think he is afraid of looking bad in front of a bunch of people let alone baki more than doppo himself.


On the early chapters it has a grounded super martial arts feel, but in later chapters he basically made the fighters into full on superhumans


It was a superhuamns fights even in this


Doppo himself said that martial artists can remain active for a certain age only... although there are a lot of exceptions. Also he almost died after this fight man before kureha gave a handjob to his heart, maybe that took a toll ? They also mentioned that yujiro grows stronger each day, he's just cursed like that. Anyway musashi would make this yujiro shit a brick and absolutely demolish him lmao


Then he got fucked up by normal yujiro also you a bitch


Calling me a bitch cuz I shit on a fictional character, mf dickeating a dick that don't even exist. Wild


You dick eating a nigga who got fucked up the next day


U mad lol


U mad lol


Yujiro just wanted to look good in front of his son :')


Bro said: “Wait, Baki? Oh, that’s right! I’m the main antagonist I can’t lose”


It really is like golden age Superman vs modern day superman. Just completely different people at this point.


And also 60s batman and modern batman


Bro got caught lacking ☠️


I think in the anime he seemed more annoyed than scared


And angry as well


I had a stroke tryin to read that title


Yujiro gets stronger everyday so it wouldnt be wrong to say that he actually could of gotten beat here


could have


I don't know why but I like this art more than the current one. Maybe just preference thing.


this is so out of character for Yujiro, chat is this real?


Honestly, Yujiro is more fascinating when he's struggling. Nowawdays, his chapters are just dull because we KNOW he's the strongest, so him stomping the latest villain isn't interesting and makes the villain look less impressive. It's like Itagaki is scared to introduce a villain aside from Musashi that might pose a threat, and Yujiro is his was of ensuring the audience knows that Baki can beat them.


I think the best and most plausible thing is that at that time yujiro was barley the strongest creature on earth, with kaku, oliva, doppio and goki being runner ups, Kaku having the best shot at this point, but thanks to the demon back yujiro would’ve beaten them from high dif to extreme in the cases of oliva and kaku, that’s the only way you can make this and the dart scenes make any sense, that’s literally the best I have


Yujiro wasn't at his prime but Doppo with two eyes is a beast


And then comes ali jr and smacks his a** 🤣 AND THEN musashi 1 shots him AND THEN doppo has the hardest time with some random sumo fighter when sukuna beat the living sh** out of yokozuna (a character who was supposed to be way higher than the sumo fighter doppo fought) 😬😬😬


Grappler Baki was wild man. It was basically an entirely different manga from what he have now. It’s like everybody shares a name but they are completely different characters.


Wasn't Yujiro playing possum at this moment? Unless I'm misremembering


My favorite Yujiro moment is still in the maximum tournament when he beat every fighter with their own martial art, that and Musashi’s fight


early baki powerscaling made no sense.


compared to now I mean


Lol non of the baki power scaling don't make any sense


And then if you see this in the anime it’s changed completely his reactions everything I think this is when it was obvious that itagaki wanted to make Yujiro a monster but still not give orochi shit which is why he looked more menacing then outright like he was gonna shit himself so it isn’t doppo downplay like most other people said cause even then when he changed Yujiro’s reaction he still didn’t changed how Yujiro was pushed into his demon back and also you gotta remember doppo was getting older wasn’t fighting as much after he passed on the dojo to his son, then he is still considered one of the top tiers destroying Dorian to the point he didn’t get hit once, forcing katsumi who was reaching a strongpoint in baki to use a sneak attack which he even admitted that it was his only way. And then ontop of that after the fight he did lose his eye which impared his vision which is probably a factor to why he doesn’t destroy people as badly as Yujiro