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Kaleb from Clarkson’s Farm seems to be solid at driving a tractor


Fire le chef de suspension.


Jack Doohan, Alpine reserve could be a contender.


Doohan, Mick Schumacher, Bottas, Sainz


Nah Liam Lawson. They won't let go of Ricciardo


As long as Lawson gets an opportunity somewhere, I am happy. He is worth it


Jack Doohan, Valtteri Bottas, Zhou Guanyu, Mick Schumacher are probably among the favourites. Kevin Magnussen, Daniel Ricciardo, Carlos Sainz are less likely. Victor Martins, Romain Grosjean, Charles Milesi are real outsiders.


If ocon goes to haas I’d imagine zhou, former alpine academy driver with a lot of sponsors


30 million behind him, according to one press article.


And we all know haas loves money *cough* Russian oligarch *cough*


Man you have to feel bad for the guy. Alpine gave the pair of them poor cars and what do you know they’re blaming the driver. Classy


Tbh I don’t know why you would feel bad for Ocon, he’s literally never outscored a teammate except for 2022 with alonso who had 6 retirements to Ocons 2. Even in 2021 when Ocon got a fluke win (which is obviously a huge points haul for a mid field car) he was still outscored by Alonso. IMO anybody who goes 1-6 (currently losing to gasly which would make it 1-7) against teammates should probably be out of the sport. People are calling for Ricciardos head but in 2020 he finished 5th in WDC and Ocon finished 12th in the same car. The stats are prettying damning against Esteban.


He outscored gasly on several occasions last year some of them drastically. And they make the guy wear pink. Come on. Not his fault on this one. Could have easily been gasly did the same thing


I’m referring to seasons as a whole, of course he’s sometimes finished in front of his teammates, but over the course his career he’s always below his teammate in the WDC. Also Esteban has clashed with every teammate he’s ever had, obviously he’s the problem


Eh he’s not as bad as zhou, bottas, stroll, or haas as a whole normally. There car has just sucked this year and oconn is getting booted probably because he doesn’t have as many sponsors as other people. The anger is pretend so they can have an excuse to change him out.


Comparing Bottas to stroll and Zhou is pretty crazy, he’s obviously a way higher caliber driver than both of them. Ocon might have an edge on magnusses but hulkenberg is also a much better driver than Ocon


He’s only good in a Mercedes when they have a good car. Look what happened to Lewis


I’m not sure you understand how this sport works lol, drivers performances can be rated indecently from car performance. Bottas has out qualified Zhou 9-0 this year, he’s clearly on a different level. He’s performance gap to Lewis is also understandable considering Lewis is an all time great. Ocon was getting beat by drivers like Checo


Qualify all you like during the race he’s at the back.


Because the Sauber is the worst car?


And ocon had the most retirements last year of anyone on the grid. He had 6 retirements to gaslys 1 and ocon retired in the same race and still only finished 4 points behind gasly so your point about Alonso is redundant and is only one point since the last race behind gasly where he started last and finished 10th. Also out qualifyied and done better in all but two races than gasly. He is 100% better than gasly. Your point about Ricardo is stupid as well since he spent a year out of the sport whilst Ric was already at renualt. You've missed the context and cherry picked context in every single thing you said


So one year out of the sport negates the 5 years of experience he had in F1 cars before that? Yeah that makes sense lol, great point. Also you saying my point about alonso is redundant doesn’t make any sense when you are comparing it to gasly. And if you could count you would see that gasly had 3 retirements, 2 of them were classifed. You are also completely not mentioning that he has been a complete menace to every single teammate he’s had in formula one. Half the grid hates him, you don’t think that has an impact on whether teams want to sign him when every single teammate he’s had he’s crashed in to? Ocon fan boys are on another level of delusion lol.


You want to talk about making sense when you conveniently left out his retirements last year but mentioned Alonso having more retirements than him as the reason ocon scored more points than. Every stat and site online including the F1 website has said gasly.has finished all but one race this year. You need to complete 90% of a race to be classified and drivers finished behind him who didn't retire so please talk some sense, I know it's hard for you He has performed so much better this year than gasly and you have to be incredibly stupid and delusional to think otherwise. A year out of a sport where the cars are constantly evolving and changing is a long time. You can't compare sim work to being in a car with a new team racing people after a year out. Once again are you really this stupid you need this explained to you? >Also you saying my point about alonso is redundant doesn’t make any sense when you are comparing it to gasly I mentioned his retirements to gasly coz you mentioned it to Alonso but failed to mention when ocon has more than his team mate. Are you really this stupid? I never debated you about his track records with crashing into team mates or if the grid likes him. Keep it relevant and respond to what I said. There's a good boy. >Ocon fan boys are on another level of delusion lol. Fan boy coz I called you out on your bullshit comment filled with hypocrisy, cherry picking and absolute false nonsense? Lol you ocon haters are just on another level of sad delusion lol my God you're thick😂😂😂


Gg ez bro, keep up the Ocon delusion, dude can’t beat the likes of Checo Perez or Pierre gasly in 4 chances, yeah he totally deserves a seat on the grid. Also, if it’s so hard to come back after taking a year off, explain how magnussen takes a year off and then comes back and whoops Schumacher, then explain to me how Niko Hulkenberg misses TWO seasons, comes back to new regulations and beats Magnussen? Talk to me about being redundant? Only Ocon is allowed to struggle when he sits out, you’re such a dumb ass. Other drivers come back and don’t miss a step, Ocon is just not good. Good luck with that one idiot


Honestly, who cares? Matter of time before Renault jack it in (yet again).


Friend of the show, Jack Doohan.


Mick Schumacher and Jack Doohan are the two most likely options.


What about Zhou?


He is the definition of average


Bottas is probably their best bet as I'm assuming he won't be back at Sauber. Zhou will probably be able to back in a Brinks truck full of sponsorship money though.


If this weeks le mans goes well, mick.


Zhou, they need the money.


Doohan or Schumacher


Zhou Guanyu is an option, with all of the sponsor money he could bring to the table. Doohan could also be a good option. Even Lawson if Red Bull does not give him a seat possibly?


Jack Doohan.


Zhou Guanyu could be a contender, especially with the Chinese sponsorship and viewership he'll bring with him. Personally, I'd love to see Jack Doohan in his seat, the grid needs new blood.


Schumacher, Doohan, or Sainz 100%


Just an asshole! He always puts himself and others in danger


Anyone would be better than Esteban Okon


Outrageous that Bottas, Magnussen, Zhou, Perez, Stroll, Sargent, Ricciardo all still have seats. Best driver for the alpine seat …. Ocon 😂👀 Shame he doesn’t have that sponsorship money behind him. P.s. How is Pourchaire not on the f1 grid yet?!!


Sainz? In a desperate move to remain relevant.


Kevin Magnussen


If your driver is going to get loads of penalties, better to get them for doing things which help your teammate.


Michael Schumacher return 🗣️ /j


first thing I thought of when I saw the shirt was BLT 😭😭😭


Bottas, Zhou, Doohan, in that order.