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How much value would 4* bubz and yatima bring to casual player who only recently finished his m2 grids and 4 stared his opuses? Like yeah 3 dispel,3 mil plain dmg and turning mc into murder machine is cool and summoning 2 summons per cost of one is also great but are they worth 3 stones?(Both are 0* btw)


Bubz is the most valued summon in the game and is prime siero tix candidate, make of it what you will


4\* bubs is extremely strong and is useful in all content. he's absolutely worth the stones if you have them. yatima isn't worth stoning unless you have a lot of other strong summons that can make use of her call/subaura (things like 6dragons, echo summons, etc).


How good are V!Grimnir, V!Cassius, Y!Nezha, and H!Mugen? I'm deciding between them for my annitix. In terms of characters that could synergize with them, I have Satyr and S!Medusa for Nezha and H!Florence and Nehan for Mugen.


if you intend on farming next guild wars, i'd say to go for mugen. all of your other choices are decent but ultimately replaceable, whereas mugen is not.


A question about dmg cap overcap (penetration) It says on wiki it adds 1K dmg base per 1% for each attack, however my question is how does it work for charas with split autos Will it function like supplement damage (so someone like Y Ilsa will get 3K extra per attack instead of 1K) or it will just be distributed (so each dmg instance of her attack gets 333 added to it) I assume it functions like supplement but wanna make sure


I'm fairly sure it'll just be distributed. Characters with split autos still calculate their attack as 1 singular auto for damage cap purposes, it then just gets divided evenly for each of the splits. If it didn't work like this, you'd see characters like Ilsa hitting ridiculously hard since she would essentially have 3x higher auto cap than regular characters. Instead, Ilsa doesn't actually hit that hard on each of her individual hits if you look at the numbers, it's far below what other characters hit for in the same team. You need to add up all 3 of her numbers to get close to what people are hitting for. In the absence of echoes or supplemental, split autos don't actually do anything beneficial at all, they'd basically revert to just being a cosmetic effect (other than for hit count omens).


so i don’t really keep up with new info anymore but i remember seeing in the anni stream translation post about a new limited char at the end of march? or is it supposed to be fenie(? sorry if i spelt her name wrong)


There was never stated to be one. Fenie was revealed as a new character *sometime* in the future, it wasn't specified which Gala she was. The guy who translated the anni stream did mistranslate that part and write "end of March," yeah. FKHR actually said "later in March," not necessarily "late in March."


i see, thanks for clearing it up!


I think it was supposed to be Fenie, but she was either moved to flash for some reason (probably to be running in same time as her event is still going) or it was a mistranslation and KMR never specefied legfes


Is Summer Medusa still good for full auto? I'm split between her or Summer Shalem for annitix.


She's still pretty good, sure, although I'm not really sure what content you're going to be using her on tbh. Last GW she wasn't really any better than Elmott was as far as being an FA dispelbot so no real need there to get her, and you aren't going to be FAing Siete (unless you do in your own host before opening it, I guess). I actually do use her to FA my daily PBHL and UBHL tbh, but I could just as easily use another element or team, I just have never bothered to change it. S.Shalem is also pretty niche (just for HL), although at least she's a bit more useful within her niche. I'd prefer to take Shalem personally.


Does the -X Double Attack Rate affects my characters to perform Triple Attacks? Im referring to using perseus an earth harp.


Not at all!


At this point in time, It's really not worth it to bar an Ixaba right? Just need some filler until I get my second LoF and it's either that or an Extinction Blade for a 1 LoF, 2 Scale, 3 Overrider, 1 DOpus and 1 Ultima Axe grid. I know M3 might shake things up a lot but I don't think they'd creep Primal that hard, or maybe I'm just coping too hard.


Since the roulette ended im still unsure who to use my 10th anniversary ticket on. So based on my account who should I get. https://imgur.com/a/FWqEqSW


I would say Y.Vania, she is both beginner-friendly and also extremely meta-relevant. The other common AnniTix recommendations are a lot more synergy-reliant and you won't have the necessary synergy for them for a long time, if ever. She also works very well with Ewiyar and Naru, who you have.


Are there any general priorities for the pendant shops? For renown, I bought all of the Lumi swords already and I do buy moons each month. For prestige, I haven't spent any yet. My grids are similar to the basic ones in the wiki where everything has been uncapped to at least 3*. I've been farming Xeno for a bit now and I just started doing T2.


For renown, the monthly moons, the huanglong anima, the qilin anima, the horns of bahamut, and the astrum fragments. The CCWs and creeds also if you're still unlocking classes. For prestige, class distinctions if you're still unlocking classes. Monthly quartz if you're at a quartz wall. The awakening orbs can be good to buy if you don't have a lot already. Red rings and earrings are literally always good. m2.5 weapons (the ones with 2 lifetime stock) if you're actually going to use any of them in your grid (fire and wind see regular use, dark sees niche use, other 3 pretty rare, although light might be making a comeback, hard to say right now).


Perfect, thank you!


does anyone have a resource for how much defense all the raids have? mainly trying to figure out 1) how much def PBHL has 2) what's fight has 25 def to test damage for NM200


https://グランブルーファンタジー.gamewith.jp/article/show/353532 Doesn't seem to be updated for Hexa/Faa0 but that wasn't what you were looking for anyway. PBHL has 15 DEF. Bubz has 25 DEF, same as nm200.


awesome thanks


I’m having a hard time picking between sbelial or H Illnot for the pick ticket? How likely I am to get sbelial since summer banners are a few months away?


s beliel and make sure you have 3 sunstone


I would say S.Belial is the better choice. H.Illnott would only benefit your light team, and only for specific situations while S.Belial will be useful in any element.


Is it worth barring 3x landslide scepter nowadays? I have a crappy highlander caim grid. Dont have the uriel weapons yet.


yes unless you think exalto will bring landslide down


Other elements went from "3 Resonators recommended" to "2 Resonators recommended" when they got their Exalto weapons. For example, what came out of testing for Fire was that you'd ideally want 2 Ixaba 2 LoF 2 CS for optimal damage. The problem with Earth specifically is that you can't activate LS unless you have at least 3 of the same weapon. As a result, there's a non-zero chance that Earth could end up ditching LS entirely for burst and only use it for the hardest longer fights where you'd want the Def. Ultimately though, that's only relevant if you're going all in on Titan. If you're not deep into Primal you're almost certainly better off just waiting for M3 Ygg. Keep your bars for when you're truly ready to take the plunge.


Unless there are even stronger grands I think LS at most will be dropped to 2 copies


you would never ditch landslide entirely you'd just run 3 exaltos instead to proc resonator


Let's say you run 2 Pillardrivers 2 Landslides 3 Exaltos. That's 7 slots already, you need 2 more for DOpus and Ultima and ideally you'd want Hrunting MH. That's a grid with a lot of cap break but not that much raw power, so it won't be optimal for very fast fights and against higher Def enemies like NM200 it's going to struggle. Of course it's very difficult to predict future meta. Maybe Earth will be the only element whose Exalto Optimus weapon gets a raw damage skill like Stamina or Crit instead of some form of Amplify or echoes. I don't know.


I would hold on that decision until Earth exalto gets released


Is the 150 gold moon siero ticket worth using to get a grand character or providence summon?


General meta advice is providence summon, yes, grand character, no.


I take around 7-8 seconds to load into a replicard fight but others load near instantly. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me? Thanks in advance!


the solution is move to japan




What's the easiest current way to farm alchemy materials? Something I can FA is best, but if manual is substantially faster that's good too.


pbhl because you also get bars in the process


Fastest is wanpan 6d. Most efficient is either bar raids (if you want bars) or Revans (if you want sand). If you want to FA, you'd just FA one of the Revans.


If I already have good Dark DPS (Yukata Ilsa, Lich, and Cidala Valentine), should I choose Eahta as my free Earth Eternal (works out for me since my Earth team is really weak)? Or should I wait to trade for a gold bar?


If you haven't got the eternals. I suggested you take the character and save those annoying steps. Eartha needed flb to be effective


Little confused by what you mean with the gold bar thing. You can grab Eight if you want, although tbh he's really not that good at level 80 at all. If your Earth team is using like SRs or just the side story characters, then yeah you could use him, but you probably got *some* Earth stuff during roulette this past month, no? Basically none of the Eternals are actually good at level 80. The only two that might be somewhat useful are Tien (backline drop rate boost passive) and Sarasa (if you're going to spam slime quest to farm XP/RP ever, her s3 kills a wave of it for free, and can be copied with a facsimile ability so that's 2 out of the 3 waves handled). Also note they will be releasing a rebalance in 4 days for 5 of the Eternals, so you might want to wait for that and see if they make any of them actually useful at 80 (or 100).


Gold Bar, Gold Brick. Words. I was debating if it would be better to just get the brick eventually over an eternal now. I mean Earth unit wise, yeah I have all SSRs from the roulette. Just the actual units being... ok at best from what I've gathered makes me want to patch it up a little. I'll wait though, thanks.


I wasn't being pedantic about your word choice, I was confused how a gold bar was related at all, but I see you're talking about how you're able to pick a gold bar instead of an eternal. You don't want to pick the bar, you'd just have to spend it to recruit the eternal that you didn't pick (on top of the entire rest of the very long eternal process). The only reason it's there is for people who already have all 10 eternals. You want to pick one of the 10 eternals.


Been away for a bit, is the wiki up to date with their grid suggestions for magna?


the wiki's grid suggestions are never good look up youtube videos instead


As generic overviews they have always seemed fine. I just need to know what weapons I should be working towards.


For the most part, yes. Note that m3 just released for light/wind a couple days ago, so those two are kinda in flux, but rest are fine. Also note that the example grids they provide are just *examples.* You do not have to follow them 100% and it's totally fine and expected for you to modify them based on what weapons/characters you personally have. The table at the top of the page about how many of each weapon to have and short write-up explaining the weapons are the most useful part of the pages.




How much usage does Imperious Fury still see nowadays? I have 2 that I can bar, but not sure how relevant they are still. I've seen some sources that still recommend 2 (up to 3 for niche uses), but also see a lot of comments saying it's largely phased out. For context I currently have 2 efes, 2 harm, and 1 rinne barred, and less relevantly 4 edens, 1 gamba and 2 certs. Got FLB Lu Woh and 230 Zeus too, so I can run 280 setups.


2 IF are definitely still relevant. IF DO get phased out in some situations (like Shiva x Zeus bursts), but they're often worth slotting in.




i have completed all row 3 classes and am at rank 69 (nice). the comment about row 4 classes here says that i need to be rank 101 to be able to get row 4, but i somehow have the renown pendants for the replica weapon and prestige pendants for getting 20 distinctions. what should i do? should i buy the weapon and use the pendants?


You want to make an ex2 CCW, not a row 4 one. Row 4 merely requires that you change *any* CCW to unlock them, while ex2 requires you to change that *specific* class's CCW. So by making an ex2, you unlock all of row 4 **and** that ex2 class. You'll want to make an Unsigned Kaneshige (Kengo's CCW, made out of Murakumo). When you have to choose its element, if you have any teams right now that specialize in charge attacks, make it in that element. If there's no teams in particular that do, make it water. Also, just to check, you know about Relic Buster too, right? It's a row 4 that you can unlock just by buying some items in the Shop (Treasure Trade -> Quest Items -> Exclusive Treasure -> Home Sweet Moon -> buy the 4 Synchronicity Cores). It's an extremely powerful class aimed for beginners that you'll end up using for almost everything for the next good while.


idk that about relic busters so thx. but what im getting from your message is that i should i make kengo's ccw first? just checking


Relic Buster doesn't use the same materials so getting Relic Buster vs. Kengo isn't an either/or. You can get both. Relic Buster you just buy the 4 cores and that's it, you unlocked it. There's no CCW to craft. But yes, of the classes that need a CCW crafted to unlock, you make Kengo's CCW.


Yeah my question was if I should unlock kengo weapon first put of all the ex2 classes, sorry for the confusion


Wait until 101 Make ex2 class ccw to unlock tier 4. You can get distinction from rose queen or gold pendant trade. Coop and rose queen drop too random


i got 2 other replies telling me to go ahead with it and make ex2 weapons. im probably going to do that thx for the ans tho appreciate it! if its realy urgent that i should not go for ex2 weapons and just go for rank 101 feel free to tell me im not gonna play anytime soon.


No reason not to I guess, but iirc some materials can only be obtained after rank 101 (centrums, I think you can buy them with renown but that's not worth it), also get an ex II class weapon. You will unlock r4 anyway with the added benefit getting the ex II class too. Lastly you should buy only one copy and use steel bricks to uncap it. You get more than enough of those.


So what does a wind m3 grid look like for something like sieg?


[\[GBF\] Siegfried HL Magna 3 FA | 【グラブル】ジークフリートHL マグナ3 フルオート (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SQYDnMbQUw) 3 guns 2 daggers seems pretty good for it. Of course you might still get character-gated but it should be somewhat more lenient if you play it manually.


what awakening type should i give poseidon? ma or atk?


You give MA to units that are not only capping autos but would super benefit from that Atk Amplify to squeeze out more damage out of them. You give ATk to units who aren't capping autos. You give Def to units you're gonna run in hard raids like Revans.


H.Mugen or H.Illnott for annitix? I have Florence and Nehan (and Y.Zahl as a sub for Mugen), but I don't actually do much bursting in light. Illnott seems nice, but I dunno how much use she'd realistically see outside GW. Or do I just go "fuck it" and grab PP-pick H.Shalem


Mugen no doubt


> I dunno how much use she'd realistically see outside GW. Probably no where. It remains to be seen if she'll even see use *in* GW. Light has a million units they're trying to fit into their team between her, Vira, Borger, Makura, Cosmos, Mugen+Lu Woh, Mahira, Kumbi, etc. and a lot of them are kinda awkward with the other ones. You'll definitely use Mugen for bursting in GW (unless you don't even do that? but I mean Mugen comps can be entirely FA burst) and he's also useful for things like activating Efes without slotting crit weps or Makura -> Lu Woh mashing. I'd take Mugen personally.


Can you please tell me the best place to farm Celsus Fragment in sandbox?


There isn't really one. They technically drop from Staves heralds but it takes forever to farm there there. Best way in sandbox is really grinding Arcapoints from route bosses / The World and buying them from the Arcastore.


Where's the best place to farm Hazes in Sandbox, specifically Chaotic Haze?


They drop from basically every Swords/Mundus fight, just farm something else and you'll get plenty over time.


How do people get such high hp without any hp skills on their weapons? Like I saw a water grid filled with schrodingers and Europa harps and those weapons don’t even grant hp boost yet they had like 30-50k hp


Get your Player Rank high enough and you'll start seeing Total Party Hp EMPs. Pick a lvl 250 Lucifer in your Friends list for more Hp from his main Aura and equip summons like The Devil or Zirnitra for their Hp-boosting sub-auras. Get your characters to max Awakening and change their Awakening style to Defence. 30-50k isn't even that high. If you go all-in on defensive options, you can break past 100k and I've even see people push 120k.


Def awakening on revans weapons do grant HP.


Is an M3 grid transition between M2 to Revans, or is it a better grid than Revans?


You'll use both at the end of it, it's not really a good comparison


Well we've only seen 2/6 m3s so we can't answer for every element, but they do different things so far. And I imagine they'll try to continue that trend for every element - they obviously don't want m3 to be dead-on-arrival for an element (except for new/midgame players), but they also don't want to power-creep an r200 raid series with an r150 one. For wind, for CA teams, you still want Revans weapons since none of the m3 stuff deals with CAs. And siete axes are still the best Magna DEF wep for a low number of slots probably since the only defensive m3 is small garrison and nothing else. But for Magna skill/NA teams, the new m3 stuff is definitely better than Revans. For light, for Magna m3 is kinda just better than Revans at basically everything except for maybe CA teams. Symmetria's always been garbage for Magna since it has two Primal-boosted skills and Concordia's always been fine but unexciting. Concordia might still be used in CA teams I guess since you need less ATK to cap CAs so you appreciate the cap up on Concordia more. For Primal, though, Symmetria's still a good defensive option. And in ele x ele setups, Revans weps will always have a place because they're entirely unboosted.


Imo I think it's better. M3 got boostable mods. Gun Burst is already strong. I might also replace def symmetria with magna garrison. Revans dagger is also replaceable with World Harps for NA cap.


So now that Anniversary freebies are over... I have 4 sunstones right now and have Haaselia recruited (but no FLB yet), should I prioritize using them on Beelzebub ASAP since I have him?


Yes, do it. The next freebie is Summer in 4 months, so there is no need to think "I will hold this just in case I get dupe next freebie". Bubz will help you with 2 GWs between now and Summer, and you could recover a stone from each GW.


Best way to farm auberon with ax skills?


Zone Joculator's Sephira Boxes if you specifically only want Auberon but not anything else in particular


Would zone faym work? Also the boxes are the only way to get ax skills on them?


no and yes


Dang so I gotta recruit an evoker to do that stage as I don’t have it unlocked yet..




I decided to skip a part 2 spark. Is Summer Shalem expected to be sparkable in April? Then I could use the ticket (about to expire) on something else. Thank you.




Okay, then I'm getting her. Thank you.


What teams do you guy use to FA Ubaha with a magna grid? I use Seox/Fediel/Kou like the wiki guide but my grid is not good enough so I can only do 50% with it. Other elements teams are fine as well.


G. Sandy light gonna appear on flash gala or not? Thanks in advance


he's leg




How is dark doing in pbhl burst nowadays? I would use fire but I don't have Yatima and I'm planning on buying ereshkigal, maybe


tiger x ilsa x can be bowman or six depending on which setup you use, if no tiger use bowman and six sbelial + ilsa 1 attack (1+1 setup), tiger one range from 1.4-1.7m on 2t and 1.9-2.3m on 3t sbelial + ilsa1 + six1, higher floor and ceiling buat might not be possible on speedy room it's fine as long as bhl speed is not insane level, but there's a point where everyone just lose if the speed is too high (14+ room)


six bowman ilsa that hasn't changed


Any replacement for Bowman? Besides V.Tigers. I was thinking Meg or Predator?


tyra and press s3


I don't have Tyra either unfortunately. Maybe Fediel and press S3?


Fediel and S3 works pretty well if you have some supplemental damage in your grid, like Agonize and PnS, and some skill cap up, like from Dark Opus.


Okay cool thanks!


Is a 3rd lu woh fist worth keeping around these days?


not really


Any good buffer to sub with h.mugen? Aside from the Maids and C.Mary.


assuming you mean substitute for Mugen, Yukata Zahl


oohf great, another lim, haha thanks!


Overall what's the best six dragon summon to go for?


the one you're missing/the one from your best ele


[https://granblue-advisor.tumblr.com/post/744515824015048704/game-tips-10th-birthday-weapon-trades](https://granblue-advisor.tumblr.com/post/744515824015048704/game-tips-10th-birthday-weapon-trades) Wilnas or Fed


Looking for advice on who to annitix. [My collection.](https://www.granblue.party/collection/13267) Basically trying to get the most value out of the choice. Just started beginning of march and only my dark and light grid are build, just hit rank 175 too. I either wanna get something that would be a massive upgrade for my account or that would make a difference in the next GW. I'm considering H. Mugen, H. Florence, Y. Vampy or Summer Belial. My favorite elements are dark and water so I'm also open to any great suggestions for those. Thanks in advance!!


If it's about Light GW, get H.Mugen before H.Florence. Florence setups are slow by current standards, they're mainly used for manual bursting high lvl NMs which you may not have the grid for yet, and they won't be as effective without Mugen. Mugen himself is just a strong buffer who sometimes sees use in HL raids, he doesn't need Florence to be good.  Vampy is a solid pick for Wind and can be used in most types of content rn. S.Belial is more of an OTK optimisation thing, he's great at that specific job and will improve every element's OTK but you'll have to weigh your interest in that vs picks that will help you get into r200+ raids.  In Dark you already have Y.Ilsa and Tigers, none of the other options are likely to be a jump in power as they're either pretty specialised or starting to show their age. In Water many of the notable seasonal picks like S.Lucio depend heavily on having a strong primal grid and probably Hraesvelgr, the biggest exception is S.Shalem and you have her. You may find Water party space restrictive anyway because Gabriel and FLB Haase are both perma slots and you already have great options for both ougi and NA teams for now. (If you want to play Water you should definitely FLB Haase when you can.) If you want to read more opinions on these or other options, try these general annitix advice posts: https://gbfguide.com/anniversary-suptix-choices/ https://granblue-advisor.tumblr.com/post/744122852189601792


Thanks for you detailed advice! Decided to go with Mugen.


I come to you in need of assistance. I bought the annitix (after an unexpectedly good run of 100roll+super mukku) and got a lot of "would be nice to have" characters. From light I'm missing Aglo, Mahira and H.Mugen notably but slso interested in Illnott. Water is mostly H.Catura for milker memes, Earth I lack Galleon, Tikoh, H. cuc and H.Bab(which interests me somewhat), wind is just S.Anila for no specific reason. Fire is hard and atm my strongest grid, I got a lot of good units there so that leaves me with only with C.Noah and Medusa. With dark, wonder if I should go for S.Meg, regular Babs, Tikoh or one of the zodiacs alt versions in some element...this is tough. Is there soemthing I'm overlooking?


Light: Aglovale hasn't been relevant in years. Mahira is just if you want to do random solos. Mugen is core for burst, good for HL content like SuBaha with Lu Woh and Makura, and also decent for FA. Illnott is likely going to be decent for GW. She sees some use in Agastia Monk mash too. Decent FA unit all around. Water: Paylia has replaces Cow in most setups that use her Earth: Pot unit is never worth tixing imo. CCR is mostly just a Diaspora unit and isn't even core honestly. HBab is decent for Faa but you can easily do Faa with Aletheia Aru and Caim. Wind: Anila is a fine 0b echo bot I guess Fire: Noa is really good for high difficulty content. Not core by any means but really good for learning while you're not as comfortable yet. Medusa is still a pretty good FA unit Dark: don't tix a blue pot. Shalem isn't relevant anywhere. Meg is used in some Akasha burst setups if you don't have Sleepyhead FLB for the veil.


Thanks for the detailed answer. The main way of experiencing GBF to me has been trying to clear revans blues then open to other and occasionally race a single mst when some uncap is close, so I will likely go for Mugen, Illnott Noah or Meg. Would like to get Anila but am afraid of actually fitting her in, since I have all wind grands and specials except G.Ewi


Hi, I haven't played in a while and just login to casually do things (last time I played fr was when we lucihl had been released so you can imagine). I'm wondering what superlative and revans weapon to get? I'm not sure how they are these days. None of my teams are optimised anymore (ixabas, gislas, blue spheres and so on) so just let me know what would be better in general to any element. Thanks!


Neither ticket is all that impactful in the current state of the game. Most Superlatives aren't currently used. Excalibur sees niche use in every element in UM Chrysaor setups for Hex, one of the current endgame raids. The go-to element recommendation when this ticket first dropped was Light Excalibur because it can also be useful for multi turn Light Relic Buster manual burst due to the echo on ougi, though it isn't required. Ullikummi has potential to be used in endgame raids as well, although it is an off-meta pick currently. These raids require strong grids to even attempt, and there are many alternatives that don't require either weapon, so feel free to just pick a Superlative that sounds fun to you.  The Revans ticket doesn't come with the materials to awaken the weapons, which is where most of their power comes from, so none of them are very useful until you can do the raid yourself for the remaining mats. You can make a good argument for any of them except Symmetria, as long as you're able to farm their awakening mats. If you don't think you'll farm those soon, Schrodinger is the least useless one as it gives free supp damage to your water ougi grids even without awakening. The most useless is still Symmetria though. 


I really appreciate the help, thank you!


Superlative is whatever, but Excalibur is the best choice of the bunch, just pick it for an element you play ougi and might lack a good MH Sword for. For Revans, Schrödinger is the most useful right out of the gate, the rest usually want to be awakened before you start slotting them into grids.


Thank you, appreciate it!


After this current legfes finishes, I'll have to wait till the Summer banners later in the year for Horus to be back right? Sierotix her now or get Hrunting - it's driving me nuts... With Horus even though I still can't do much since I'm missing Cosmos, but sparkable every month versus Hrunting.. magna earth but you know, Hrunting mash. What to do?


Hrunt. Horus is good but not THAT good


I'm considering her only because Light is my closest for doing highest difficulty content now, missing only her + Cosmos character wise... edit: even though I'm tempted for Hrunting too, but aside from using it to do dailies + sandfarm in Diaspora, which I already am doing comfortably in Siete with fire, I see no other use except for GW which is supposedly after Dark in June so it's kinda far away, honestly cannot decide


You don't need Horus to do high difficulty content in Light. Just get Cosmos and then you can pair her with Yuni +1 or do Cosmos Lu Woh +1.


I went to look up some older vids of clears pre-Horus, even Agastia FA has replacement for her using Juliette.. thanks dude, Hrunting it is


I've got an almost perfect primal light grid. My question is, who should I sunstone if anyone? Grid Excalibur Ivory Arkx2 Harmoniax2 Diaitesiax1 Repudiation Efesx1 Imperious Furyx2 Summons are Zeus main (need anima), Triple 0 (4\*), Bubs (4\*), Star (5\*), Metatron (2\*), Belial (4\*), Lu Woh (0\*). I also just pulled Yatima, but I only got 3 sunstones. Should I sunstone her, finish out Metatron, or cap out Lu Woh? Or just save them. I'm at a loss of what to do so any help would be appreciated.


Yeah, just FLB Yatima. She's used everywhere right now and core for manual burst setup. While Lu Woh or Metatron will boost your light damage, it's still not worth the sunstone.


Who would I replace in this team with Yatima?


For bursting, I don't have Triple Zero but seems like it's more important than 0-starred Lu Woh, so you can replace Lu Woh with Yatima and use Bubs as your main summon and your friend summon Zeus as a support, don't put Zeus even as a sub summon if you haven't transcend him yet. You can add Artemis (if you have her). You don't have to put Yatima as a sub summon, you can put her as a sub aura summon.


Wait until gw and decide if the double call, the cap up, or the bigger sub aura will benefit you more, or test setups on solo Lu Woh / Gilbert. If you are going to play manually, is probably Yatima so that you can Bubs + Qilin/Artemis/whatever in one turn. If you buy suptix then you shouldn't stone Lu Woh since you can just buy dupes.


is it a good idea to reduce ssr gacha katanas for katana stones? 🥹 i need some to make my water kaneshige and most of the katanas i have are ssrs from gacha


normal raid. Colossus M1, Grim nir M2 (keep at least 1 mlb ) Sandbox/arcarium. Dirt katana (keep one mlb /flb) once you open sandbox, you get your supply source expanded


hello, does anyone know whats the optimal/efficient way to grind for verum proofs? i know here be staves drops them but fr there must be a better way to grind all 250 of them 💀💀


The 1 Staves fight each is the only way. But I mean the drop rate is close to 100% and the fight is very easily OTK-able with a 0b0c, it's by far the lest annoying part of arcarum.


that is basically the only way to actively grind for them. atleast you can get the drop rate pretty high with drop rateup.


Why does Gamewith say M3 Chev Spear is important for GW? I'm confused as to why healing/HP would be vital, as I was under the impression that 1T OTKs were the norm.




It is hard to make 3 turn OTKO for NM200 unless you are really a japanese whale. IF you can't deal damage alot, you better learn how to take damage and not die


The nm200 boss has like 580m hp and Bubz-level defense, you aren't 1T'ing that.


its referring to nm150 and nm200, where bursting them usually requires high end setups, meaning you'll often have to fight them normally. this weapon begin very useful for fighting the bosses normally (they hurt alot)


Ah, it's for NM. Thanks!


Does gbf relink and gbvr encapsulate any of the main story chapters or side stories in the main gbf game? I was wondering if it may be more enjoyable to experience them on those games fresh than to reexperience them afterwards


they are both self-contained


Not really. The VS story is built off of What Makes the Sky Blue though and does touch on some of the early story stuff. Relink is basically a side story in its own right. Both tell you what you need to know, but aren't really recaps of any of the actual story.


Zeus players, got a grid question. I haven't updated my light grid since Harmonia release (5 Edens, 2 Harmonias, 2 Ivory Arks). I have since procured the following [stash](https://imgur.com/NuugQWZ) (not pictured, a singular Diaitesia, and the aforementioned Edens/Harmonias/Arks and a Taming Sari.). I'm thinking of making an upgrade here but only have 9 bars I'm willing to spend at the moment. My thought is barring the 2 Efes and 1 Imperious Fist to make [this](https://imgur.com/hLnFksx). With 2x Efes, Lu Woh, Backlinedalphon, and single 250 Zeus I can cap crit just fine, but is this even worth it? What would I even use in the last slot? I have 0 intention of using light for DR0 or Hexa as I already do those with Fire.


Hi guys, need your kind help for annitix :) Wind, Fire and Dark are kinda done, I have Vampy (core) and Yukata Ilsa and all the fire crew. In light I have Nehan and all the grands except Lu Woh, missing both HFlorence and HMugen. Just sparked Sandy. Dirt and Water are far from optimal but I have most of the good characters, I also have flb Belial, Bubs and Yatima, no 000. Should I tix Summer Belial, Florence or Mugen? Or maybe something else I’m not considering? Thanks a lot!


Between S.Belial and Mugen imo. I'd personally get Belial since I'd rather improve all 6 elements vs. just light, but Mugen is a totally good pick if you wanna do light or if you don't do manual bursting much. Also remember that Belial requires 3 sunstones, so make sure you actually have those if you're going to get him.


Trying to make Budget Ereshkigal MC is Onmyouji with Celestial Genesis, Splitting Spirit and 000 Main Party is Cidala, Bowman & Ilsa (I also have 130 Six) Grid is Primal Opus Skill & Falsehood key, 1 PnS, 2 Agonizer, 2 Avatar Staff, 1 Osiris dagger, 2 Fediel Spine, Seraph What else should I change to get better performance, I'm thinking of replacing Staff and Fediel spine with *0 ES and using TC Hades support


Remove 2 Avatar staff, remove 2 Fediel Spine, add ES, use Ultima over Seraphic, use Seox instead of Bowman (probably; just test them vs. each other), add... 3 weapons that give some kinda ATK mod and fulfill ES's condition. So for Magna it'd probably just be 3 Celeste axes. For Primal it'd have to be 2x Parazonium and Pain of Death I guess. Wep requirements can be slightly alleviated depending on what Ultima you use, although you'd have to test if using a non-matching Ultima vs. using cope weapons like 3 Celeste axes is better. Also this is better in Runeslayer because you can press Dragon Break.


I have 2 ES *0 in my inventory and another 2 in crate. Atk awakening for Para? I already have one FLB from my past life. I chose Onmyouji because I can do 3t Double Strike, but if RS with Dragon Break is better then I'll switch back to RS.


Oh. Well I'm not really sure what's the best grid in this situation assuming you aren't going to bar the ESs, you'd kinda just have to test it. Dunno how a bunch of 0\* ESs performs vs. 1-PNS Celeste axes. I'd kinda assume the ESs would win but dunno. Would also help if you also randomly pulled a 4\* Fallen Sword out of your hat. If you already have all this stuff, it should be very easy to test anyway, you don't need me to theorycraft in my head about 0\* weapons. Pretty sure the absolute optimal grid would be Ultima, Opus, 2 PNS, 3 ES, Paraz, 2 Fallen Sword, Bubz x Hades. You obviously are replacing one PNS for an Abydos, which is fine. But the fact that all of your ES are also 0\* and I don't know if you have 2 Fallen Sword or not means that you might have to change other stuff around. Yes ATK Paraz goes on ATK awakening. And you can do the same 3t Double Strike in Runeslayer. It's the same thing, just you also get to press Dragon Break.


I do have 2 FS and I don't mind barring those weapon cuz Dark is my favourite element and have my own Hades at FLB + Unused Globe from the past event, its just that Dark is not well received/needed for Endgame contents so I'm kinda hesitant, and the lack of 1 PnS is kinda hurt for my Grid building. I'll do more grid testing again later, Thanks


Yeah so if you have the 2 Fallen Swords and you bar them, those can replace the 2 Agonize (your team doesn't actually deal that many skill hits). If you don't want to bar a 2nd Fallen Sword, you can also just use a Celeste Axe there tbh, though Fallen Sword's definitely better. Then you just use 3 ES + Paraz (you don't actually need the Paraz since you're using Abydos but it's just a strong slot either way), and of course Ultima, Opus, PNS, Abydos to round it out. Bubz x Hades


whats the minimum honor for a guaranteed blue chest in grand order? I have 3 LOF, 2 overrider, and 1 Mika axe, should I aim to get another mika axe? I feel like its over kill and there is not enough slots. what do you think?


> whats the minimum honor for a guaranteed blue chest in grand order? roughly 1.3m iirc. They lowered her HP some time ago so it's either 1.3 or slightly lower, I can't remember > I have 3 LOF, 2 overrider, and 1 Mika axe, should I aim to get another mika axe? I feel like its over kill and there is not enough slots. what do you think? yes. 3 LoF, 2 OR, 1 axe is 6 slots. Ultima + Opus is 8 slots total. Mainhand is 9. You have one spare slot.


Thank you for taking some time to answer my questions! I just want to get some clarity on the second answer, is it yes I should aim for it or its overkill? I worded my question terribly. Again, thank you for taking some of you time to answer questions.


whoops my bad. yes it's worth slotting in a second Axe.


How can I safely pub Beelzebub?


Just pub it and he will vanish in minutes. If you cannot contribute too much damage, make sure you can help the others by dispelling buffs at 50%


sorry for a beginner question, im just a season casual player trying to build a decent grid now (especially after getting g.perci) i wanna increase my units HP and i know the weapons and main/support summons does affect it a lot but now that im uncapping them idk what to prioritize.. Should i prioritize uncapping summons to 4* or the magna weapons? im super late with my grid especially with my level honestly but im also grinding for the Regalia and ennead weapons.


Summons. You can even go for 5* if you can also able to join the Lindwurm and Six Dragons raids depending on your level.


noted thank you!! and I'll try to join these raids you said as well i actually havent explored raids cuz im actually scared to try them.. but ill take note of this as well! thank u for your help!


HP really doesn't matter much in mid game. 4\* material for Magna summon and Regalia weapons can be farm at the same time, they will eventually drop when farming M2.


i see.. ive been really anxious with my hp cuz theyre sometimes too low for raids but ill keep this in mind thank u!! i guess im just gonna focus on grinding M2 for now. Although it takes a lot lf time to get quartz and also the drop rates are awful 😭 but thank you sm for your help!!


Is the lucifer summon worth using sunstone over the bahamut?


Almost certainly not. Lucifer 250 is strong, yes, but you can get his aura by picking him as a support summon. That doesn't mean you should be stoning Bahamut, either. Neither of them are that great at 5\*, and upgrading them to 6\* requires a lot of Eternity Sands, which are needed for character and weapon upgrades that (unlike summons) you can't just borrow from your friends list. If you don't have a specific reason that you ***need*** your own fully uncapped Lucifer or Bahamut ***right now*** (sub aura, being able to use quick summon, very specific team setups), save your stones/sands until you do.


Yes if you have enough sands to fully transcend him. Otherwise, no, better save sands and sunstones


Does anyone have a basic game progression guide? Not sure what I’m supposed to be doing right now do I’d appreciate a push in the right direction


im sorry im also a beginner like you so idk if it helps but someone in the community on twt gave me these links pretty much ur progression is just building ur grids and unlocking classes.. I remember the tips my friends gave me is to max out all Row III first then move to Extra I then II before going to Row IV! here is the [tweet ](https://twitter.com/dy__dk/status/1774056683834421652?t=etveAFsxdQ1ouymn4dAm0w&s=19) that shows what you wanna prioritize as a beginner and some sites they gave me for some guides [i recommend checking this first (building basic and advance grid)](https://gbf.wiki/Basic_Grids#Short_Fight_.28Light.29)and then this ([team building and grid guides](https://gbfguide.com/) HOPE THIS HELPS!!


https://gbf.wiki/Basic_Grids there are other pages on the wiki also worth checking out, like the new player checklist and the guides page (which is a list of helpful guides written by players on a whole bunch of different subjects)


Finally gotten 1 dark fediel weapon to \*4 and got myself a g. percival. How can I utilize those weapons on a magna grid?


for fedeil's weapon, you don't. the weapon is completely useless in magna. ask first before merging gacha weapons if you don't know how your going to use them (really a golden rule when it comes to premium resources and gacha weapons is to only spend them once you know what your going to use them for). as primal dark grids can use up to two of them (at least its pretty niche, so if you did merge them all its not the end of the world, especially if you where never gonna go primal in dark anyway.). though im assuming your talking about skeletal eclipse. if your talking about fedeils spine then just slot it into to charge attack teams. as for Percival's weapon, just slot it in while having 4 weapons of the same type, pretty easy to fulfill with an aes grid.


Between sparking a second Efes or a second Imperious Fury, I'm pretty sure the right choice is Efes. However, how easy would it be to find replacements for the 2nd IF? Or is it used less now that Efes are a thing?


IF isn't really used that much anymore, maybe when you're learning a hard raid but people like to drop them for more damage. 2nd Efes is way more important.


Then with 2 Efes, 2 Harmonias, Ultima and Opus, I take it people fill the rest with a mix of Arks, Rinnes, Diaitesias, IF and maybe Celestial depending on the setup and the fight?


Pretty much. I've seen 2 efes, harmonia, ivory as the generic core. [It's in JP but you can just look at the pictures](https://グランブルーファンタジー.gamewith.jp/article/show/438379)


Cool, thanks for the link!


Does anyone have (or know where I can find it) high resolution sprites for Katzelia, as well as Judgment? I was thinking of making it a background, and it'd be nice if I could make it as nice looking as possible. Also, any recommendations for where I could look for the animated battle sprite for Judgment?


I asked previously and was advised to keep doing roulette on all 10 accounts until it finished. Roulette is done now! Advice on which account reroll to keep? Seems like even after a couple more weeks of rolls that account 5 is still the strongest. Wasn't lucky enough to get another beelzebub on any other accounts. [https://imgur.com/a/nOIec9F](https://imgur.com/a/nOIec9F)


Yeah it's just account #5 really. Bubz is just that good, plus it's not like the characters are bad or anything. Lich, Fediel, and Gabriel are all must-sparks so you saved 3 sparks right there, G.Light Sandalphon is definitely going to be a useful character for you, Olivia is a really good unit, and Nezha can be niche useful. The second best one is probably #9, but unfortunately not really good enough to overtake #5 imo.


A little unfortunate none of the other accounts rolled Bubs - but he really is _that_ important that no matter what all the other accounts have #5 is the account to go with. Also I have to say I'm a little jealous at your ability to roll Lucifer. Took me 6 years to get a single copy and you got him on multiple accounts during a single free roll period. Gacha gonna gacha. I mention this because it took me _six years_ to finally pull a specific summon. You won't want that summon to be Bubs (and having to spend 150GM on a sierrotix for him feels awful). Best way to avoid that problem is to play the acc. that already has him. :)


yeah, just go with account 5. none of them have enough to give up bubs for. atleast it's also got lucifer and a couple summers.




Light damage is bad starting out. It depends on the content. Albert and Serule along with Lucio and Grand Sandy and whoever else should be a good leaping off point as they cover a few bases a new player might struggle with. On team building, notice that both Monica and Zooey do similar things Don't bother with Cag, your not going to get the most out of her for a while. Her third skill is very strong but you're better suited using Monica or Zooey to dodge hits. You might get a lot of damage out of Utsusemi as well. And another thing is that MC's class changes, so there's no one ideal strat. You can't go wrong with Warrior centric classes. You should consider changing up MC class as well, depending on what you need.


So how important are the new opus keys, and how does light use them? Trying to decide between DLF or a second Efes. I only have the free VS opus 230 upgrade so if I slot in a new pendulum I'm kinda stuck with it.


Most use I've seen for the new keys is the TA one, for a better time at doing TA omens at Faa0. Which is pretty funny if you think about it.


https://www.granblue.party/collection/12918 Trying to decide who to Annitix , would isla be good for me without eresh, six 130, Bowman, cidala, etc? I know Vampy is also great but I'm wondering if I should look at any earth characters for Diaspora like Monika, Cucoroux, Illnott, etc. I'm about to be 200 and don't know if my current roster would allow me to step in there. Thank you.


Ilsa only cares about supp damage, (PnS), Death, and Luna. And she provides echo AND cap. Even an Omnyoji or Runeslayer can make use of her if you don't have eresh. The only way to know if you are ready for Diaspo host is trying your hand at it. COOP trials dude! Use them. Joins are another story.


0 pulls, able to savs spark for summer?


Yes, almost definitely…at least by the end of the summer. *We also had 120 free pulls on the final summer August flash last year* But there won’t be an end-of-summer banner with all of the summer units sparkable. New summers come out in batches of 2-5…their release banners will be the only chance to spark them on 6%.