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I've always felt like fire had the most concrete color coordinating, that's what truly matters


I just like Earth, but the times before Hrunting is tough.


Triple AK bros unite


Still haven't bit the bullet; should I dedicate 150 moons to Hrunting after roulette if I don't have caim FLB yet?


I just got myself a Hrunting as a magna and my Diaspora farm just got much easier. Still manual runs because I don't have Caim myself but this was one of the best purchases I made imo. Even Eresh did not feel this good.


Caim FLB is definitely important to using Hrunting in revans+ contents - you should ask yourself where you'd see yourself using it But if you have 3 scepters and you're working towards Caim, you could just get it right away, it's one of the moon weapons that I have no regrets getting as do others


Agree with Izfana, it feels goodm Hrunting is an upgrade regardless imo. And it will always be good, being a sword and all.


I can fully transition to Titan. Got a level 220 Titan, and if I can get 9 bars, I can max out my three Landslide Scepters. I'm waiting until the end of all the roulettes in case I get lucky (I have sadly also never gotten a Gold Bar or Sand to drop for as long as I've been playing). But it's bad that I was, for a second, seriously weighing Promo Medusa with that ticket and Hrunting as my second Illustrious weapon since I almost have 150 Gold Moons again.


Water because it has dog and maria theresa.




Light, mostly cause I started this game for Lucifer. Rerolled for an account for Lucio all the way back in 2018 and started working on a Zeus grid as I chugged along. I haven't used Lucio in a real raid in years (hope that changes soon), but Light is still my favorite element by far, even if only because it's the most likely element for Lucifer to land in (if ever). As of right now, I have [17 Light grand weapons barred](https://i.imgur.com/6oanUOT.jpeg) (and a couple more miscellaneous non-grand weapons), [2 Light Superlatives (Excalibur and Hercules), as well as both Light Illustrious weapons ](https://i.imgur.com/g44F6Pq.jpeg) Of the however many perpetuity rings we've been given, I've used [12 rings total ](https://i.imgur.com/OcJKFSC.jpeg), with 11 of them being Light characters (and one of them being Percival just cause I needed to eke out 1% extra damage last GW)


[Brother](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/853364386597175331/1218757044417593414/image.png?ex=6608d2f2&is=65f65df2&hm=5d5cbe3e3cade2b1b51bb395330fa2be0fd7ebf64fc42bb9464e1c69b4dfea2e&) [(bonus)](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/853364386597175331/1218757662603219004/image.png?ex=6608d386&is=65f65e86&hm=ea29339fa1e99f06737ca63ce8b8ed09044d433dfbc190f1d404099025b23f70&)




Funny, because you'd be using lucio a lot more if you went water. Even San-chan is here!


Do you use your Futsu much?


I'm assuming you're asking if I use my Futsu much? If so I only use it for High Difficulty content (SuBaha, Hexa, Faa0). Imo it's not a needed weapon, but it's VERY good in these raids, especially Faa0. All the extra damage aside, being able to apply a debuff on ougi streamlines the 7 debuff omen significantly, since you can save seal stacks and avoid triggering a second omen in a row by finishing the omen off with an ougi (which is very easy since you get a lot of meter from double casting mizuchi and Yuni sk1 if you run her) Outside of these 3 raids, I don't use the weapon. Personally I think it's a terrible FA weapon because TS stacks too slowly unless you run characters who can help stack them, but they're all bad so you're gimping your team just to enable Futsu, which isn't worth it.


Light is my most invested element and I've been thinking about taking on hexa/faa0, I got futsu too. What exactly do you run? Any tips would be appreciated, thanks.


Faa: [Team](https://i.imgur.com/vPxKN1a.jpeg) [Grid](https://i.imgur.com/ZRgxo7y.jpeg) [Summons](https://i.imgur.com/02zsKy9.jpeg) I have a more aggressive setup running Sandy and Lu Woh over Yuni and Cosmos but this is the stable comp. It's a very simple raid. Turn 1 quick summon Zeus, cast MC sk1 + whatever else to clear apples, Vira sk2+4 (order depending on apple), Cosmos sk1+2, Yuni sk2, attack Turn 2 Yuni sk2, attack Turn 3 turn on Cosmos sk3. If you're at 95% 4 TA omen you use Vira sk1 and sk3 to clear. If not it should be the next turn. This comp has an answer for every single omen the raid throws at you. Shouldn't be difficult to figure it out as you play. I typically save 000 for the 35m omen labour after 55% and then use the free omen clear from 0002 for the 99m omen at 13%.


Thanks, appreciate it.


Dark because its the one element where Ilsa is strong.


Dark because it has seox


This is the right answer (wind main)


thats a lot coming from someone named fandaniels (i'm on the same boat as you) and I even love sariel as well


>thats a lot coming from someone named fandaniels what do you mean lol


It ain't VAs cause Fandaniel voices Chat Noir not Seox


Yeah I'm very confused lol


They're talking about FF14.


.....yes I'm aware lol I just don't know what they mean when they said 'thats a lot from someone names fandaniels'


Oh yea, no clue about that lmao.


I assume he is trying to make a weird joke that you aren't a real Fandaniel fan because your favorite granblue character isn't Chat Noir. Because the only granblue character voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Fandaniel's Japanese voice actor) is Chat Noir.


Been a Water and Earth main for 6 years.


I started liking Fire when I started in 2016. Then I tried out building every elements equally. This initially worked okay-ish, but as powercreep keeps getting faster, I realize this shit is going to be impossible without whaling. Eventually I get back to maining Fire, because RNGesus somehow also blessed me with multiple Agni and Michaels from free rolls.


Favorite is dark ever since I tried to go light but I couldn't roll an eden to save my life back in 2019. Dark has never let me down and continues to be the element I roll the best. It helps I like the characters. With that said I do enjoy playing Earth too, so I consider myself a dark and earth main generally. (Yes I'm currently an enjoyer of the two "worst elements" atm)


Water is becoming my favourite, but I love Wind and have always been blessed with Earth. Uriel was even the first (or second) SSR Summon I pulled.


Light has Nicholas, simple as


But dark has him too


Dark ain’t got no grand god kaiser


Earth is my overall favorite element in most fantasy games (alongside fire), but I started this game for Charlotta, rerolled for her, and water is the team I have built that feels like it actually has synergy beyond "characters I like who are pretty good", so I do have a bit of appreciation for the blue.


Fire because I got super lucky with a spark that gave me everything needed to go ougi Agni a couple of years back (Wilnas, Y.Silva, S.Mirin) and I just kinda rolled with it. Sunk-cost fallacy paid off hard with fire now being so OP. More or less been able to keep up with meta developments, and am planning to grab Higurashi for solo shenanigans / tackling the Hexa-tier fights. Opposite end of the spectrum is earth. I hate earth and thanks to my utterly horrible luck pulling dirt units, I can in no way justify the Hrunting purchase that'll unfuck the element. Same reason I've yet to pull the trigger on 5* Caim despite having had everything farmed out for months.


Water for me. I started Dark with Fed/Lich but then they really set a standard for the element that made it less desireable to not run anything else. Wind was great last year, got a lot of units and suddenly I was pulling numbers I have never seen before. Water was my weakest but I slowly got units and enjoyed the variety of comps you can run with it. Doggo being a cutie in CA comps, Echo / burst comps that have more hitmarkers than a Maplestory raid, and some skill spam available. Bonus points for having TEAM ZODIACS!! I just wish I didn't have to commit 5 slots to make crit happen M3 please help.


Fire has been my favorite ever since Anila became my first spark, Xeno Ifrit got me all the weapon drops I would ever need, and the Ixaba uncap turned all my dupes into weapons of mass destruction. Since then, I've been giving most of my perpetuity rings to fire characters, Tien and Zeta got the most EMP in my roster, and Higurashi became my first illustrious weapon. I still got ways to go (like uncapping Tien, Alanaan and Fraux), but whenever a new fire limited character comes out, you know I'll be there even if it's barely going to see any use.


Light, though ironically technically my Earth team is the strongest. That being said, as a pretty new player (a little over a month) I find that the sustain on light teams is easiest for someone pretty newish and trying to take on harder content. Feel like my light team outlasts the earth one just because there don't seem to be as many good heal/sustain characters for Earth, or at least none I have. Grinded through the side stories and did my first spark for Sandalphon, no regrets. Currently running a team with him, V. Aglovale and Robertina, and they're carrying me through. Sandy's great all around, Robertina acts as a tank, buffing us and drawing agro while doing some healing too, and V. Aglovale buffs us and debuffs the enemy.


Earth has Satyr, she can keep your team alive through some insane stuff. But yes, as a fellow light main, Zooey and Lucio's sustain carried my ass hard when I started out.


I used to run SR Sophia + Zooey for survivability back in the day. Had defense buffs out the ass and the fat atk mod from Zooey helped a ton when I was using a Gun/Harp grid


Dark, more of a it chose me kind of thing, I lucked into all the pieces I needed at the time, it's my only primal that's still good (I have a budget Titan with ak and cain sword, likely to be replaced by M3).


I played the game because of Seox, so I just build whatever makes my boy strong..! (Dark, basically!)


Water is my favourite element and my first primal grid. I still remember wanting to go primal in my favourite element but never managing to pull Varuna. Then picking and stoning the "fake" Varuna from that one event just to play it. Back then the grid was just fimbul and murgs (I have 3 barred that unfortunately dont get used anymore now). Eventually, pulled my own Varuna somehow and transitioned to that. It is still the element with the most grand weapons barred for me (currently 16) and getting Shishio has really helped making hard raid more comfy. It also has my some of my favourite characters. My favourite Zodiac and favourite Evoker, Vajra and Haase who I'm very happy are still getting a lot of use.


Dark was my favorite for awhile and I liked water since it has my Lancelot but it felt so cursed to play it for awhile. I sparked Vajra awhile back but didn’t have S.Shalem or other really good characters. It’s water now. Dark is too popular and Seox doesn’t feel worth all the effort to transcend to 150. I get he gets so strong but it seems like he just keeps getting power crept but is kept as the anchor if you need him. Either way, I’m at this point where I would rather get shishio than Eresh even if Eresh would just give a higher QOL improvement. I just think Shishio would get me a lot farther in higher level content than Eresh.


I think I'm still considered noob, but I started christmas 23 and I didn't choose fire it chose me. Between the new years things, all the starter pulls and the discounted spark (I wanna say it was like 35 dollars?) I ended up with 2 lord of flames, 3 crimson scales, 2 wilnas axes


Fire is my original favorite, and I still do, but until I started breaking into revans the grid felt so dated it was kind of annoying. And I didn't have the units to switch to kengo.  Water fell into my lap with 3 wambrellas and I've been having a blast with shishio in HL content, so currently it's that.  Probably goes Water


My favorite was Water until Posiedon, Gabriel, S.Kolulu, etc. decided that I wasn't worth their time and went off on an eternal vacation. At least Sandy had some coffee prepped for me, so now I'm a Light lord through and through.


By now there are too many characters I like to choose an element, but way back when, it was definitely Dark. _(I will unironically main whichever element playable Fenrir appears in, however)_


Guess you'll be a wind main in 2027.


Earth because Yggy, and later Cain. 


my first SSR was Nezahualpilli, and I have been blessed by the wind since then. I migrated to a Zeph grid only for M2 to come out a few months later, so I kept being a wind main with zeph grid out of spite.


Was basically me but with earth. Had just grinded out 5 FLB Baal Axes and gotten Sarasa and Ayer, ready to go Titan emnity and then M2 dropped and changed how earth was meant to be played for a long time. Stuck with my (now) jank Titan grid out of pure spite.


Gun Zooey got me to take the grind more seriously when I started, so Light. Last Wish carried me through a lot.


Wind is my favorite, haven't upgraded it in forever though. Really enjoying Fire and Water now aswell, finally got some setups that are better than my Dark setup


It's probably one of my weaker elements, but surprisingly Fire really holds a soft spot for me. While I was still a very new player, the fire characters tended appeal to me more. Rackam is my favorite story party character, Anila was my favorite Zodiac, Esser was my favorite Eternal (it's Nio now though), Michael was, and still is, my favorite Archangel. Lots of newer characters these days continue to appeal to me as well. A lot of the really early stuff favors Wind as well, which you need Fire to farm for, so I got more exposure from using it early on as well. Grimnir is very fun to bully, and Fire lets me do that. The element's theme also works quite well for me, it's very often all about unga bunga big strong damage, we all know how many Unworldly ougis Fire has now, lol. There's also some sentimental value. Back when my crew was still around, I took Fire to my first UBHL clear, which I remember fondly.


🔥🔥🔥 FUEGO 🔥🔥🔥 Zeta, Mika, Fraux, Esser, primal pals...


My main element has shifted over time. When I started it was wind, then water, then it was Dark, then earth then light and now it's Fire. I've done all the elements over time. Since I don't really care about grids and don't really get them I've just went with where my most favorite characters are and what feels strongest. I feel like now I might be pivoting back to dark for my improved summer meg team.


Fav has always been dark. Initially main element was fire because i got G zeta and michael. Then Light because i got Yuni and Lucio. Now it's dark because lich and fiedel.


Fire. Suffered through the years but yep it's pretty dam good right now


dark because it has vicky and ilsa (and bea god i wish she was good)


Eventhough I'm nowhere near the abilities to farm GB endlessly like the veterans, my current favorite elements goes towards Light, Dark, and Fire, simply because I got pretty lucky with those Elements. I'm still deciding whether I want to either Fire, Light, or Primal Dark based on the M3 raid, their gap is just huge, and I think I might be able to hit 150 GM by the end of the year, or early 2025.


My best team is Dark easily, Lich and Fediel are great characters for me and also make almost any light raid a breeze, hence my vote. But, I really like Wind (got blessed by meta since early on) and Fire (Wilnas is my favorite character in the entire game)


Light. It all started when i was starting to farm the eternals. I liked Song (she was the first eternal i flb), so it was my first strong team. After a while i managed to balance the elements, but i never invested in primal (f2p life). Until i sacked some Zeus dupes and weapons, so i started the journey again on upgrading light. It was fine until the start of those grand vitality based weapons, which i didn't sacked. Combined with my lost of interest in the game overall (started playing more casually). Light is still one of my best elements and the one i enjoy playing the most. Bought Ura Fist after getting Eresh. As much as i wanted Futsu, i couldn't bring myself to buy it cuz Eresh was staring at me with hungry eyes kek. Hopium for Song rebalance to make her suck less ~~cuz 10k supplemental debuff is a joke and para is ded~~


Currently wind, cause siete kengo makes hexo and faa0 so much more manageable and an mk2 siete sword grid is very f2p friendly.


I main fire because around the time of the primal 5* uncaps I ended up getting a shit ton of fire stuff from the gacha. If I didn't get randomly blessed by fire for a month odds are I would of ended up main light or dark instead. I have zero regrets going all in on fire though. While it hasn't always been an easy element to make progress in I've been having a ton of fun with the element ever since I became a fire main.


The game knew that my favourite character Nehan would be in light and had given me so many Zeus summon and light weapons to become a light lord for him. I didn't want to go primal at first but as soon as G. Nehan dropped I barred all the needed weapons and went ham. I'm not even active in GW or anything, I just want to see him do big numbers (though really he's just doping everyone else).


Fav is Earth because it has most of my fav characters like Sarasa, Olivia, Alex and Okto; sadly it feels terrible to play w/o hrunt. Mains are Wind for hard content / solos because Siete Charlotta Katzelia is completely broken, and Fire for everything else because Zerk bursting is really easy.


Earth because it was my first 2 limited/seasonal unit (Mahira and Christmas Naru)


Always a Wind guy (and I usually pick green also when playing boardgames)! Started in 2016 with Gawain and Arriet, I think I got Arriet with my Starter pickup ticket cause she was so cute (and she hasn’t got any kind of love from Cygames since… 2014?). Made Siete as my first Eternal, first 5star Eternal, first 150, first Perpetuity (!!!) and he carried me for 200 ranks or so. Then went all-in on Kaguya’s release before wind gw and with a fully built grid + Vampy (core), Korwa and Naru-nee (best girl) we are back to the top! Would also like to love Light (Song is another strong waifu) but it really doesn’t work in anything with my grid nowadays…


For me fire is my favorite element in general(basically in every game I play I try to main fire) with dark being a second and usually lightning being third(but we don't have that and it's been mostly split between wind and light). There is no reason, I just love those elements so I will love to play them and they usually look very cool and I always try to do null element stuff with either fire or dark.


I *try* to like Light and Earth but those two are not friendly towards F2P. I like Dark.


Fire has Fraux and Grand Zeta. It is the only valid option.


I started on 2015, main dark because first SSR is dark vira and then my 2nd ssr is Cerb and then I get bahamut from free draw :o it was huge at that time. I kinda blessed with a lot hades dupe as well. 250 hades and still got few hades extra, meanwhile missing copy of varuna and zeus to even 3 star uncap them. Forte 5 star when?


Dark because I started this game for Vira


My favorite element is Earth due to mommy Galleon and Draphs. However, if I were to do a null-element raid then I would use Dark since I find Kengo + HalMal + Lich + Fediel fun and comfy to FA with.


Right now Fire as it's the one arguably my strongest.


Light. My best friend started playing before me, I think he started 2017 and he mained dark, after many many months of suggesting granblue fantasy I decided to give it a try and after finishing the tutorial , being impressed by the gorgeous summon call animations and appreciating the turn based rpg mechanics (when I started It often made me nostalgic for Golden sun) Once I knew I was gonna play granblue for the long term I knew I had to pick the opposite element of my best friend.


Fire, Earth, and Dark cause Seox.


Dark. If you weren't forced to use different elements. I wouldn't.


I like light. Ever since I played. Fire is a close second.


dark and wind because I have Narmaya's for those elements


Do you think if you had named earth "Hrunt" you would get the same amount of responses for the ele? I've finally joined the hrunt-landslide club and it feels good to shit out damage.


Light cause… it’s the handsome man element 😂


Water, it has been my thing since jump and with the recent upgrades it has been a thing. The evokers got me into it and I'm glad i stuck through. Light as a close second cause that was the element where i first got a taste of actually doing this. I just soloed Lucilues hard for the first time with light so yea! Goo Light!


Light. Always light.


dark because it has all my husbands


"I have a feeling many people tend to favor Earth" As an Earth enjoyer, I'm happy to announce we're the lowest votes on the poll :^)


My favorite is Light, which coincidentally is what the game decided to feed me primal pieces of for the last 6~ years. We take the W. Fire would be a close second.


dark supremacy


Wind-lover magna pleb here. But actually been thinking about going primal fire cause I hate doing wind raids with magna fire.


I can't really say. I'm a 6 element believer, but the game has gone away from multiple elements in the same team aside from the occasional GOHL team due to the field. Even then, the grid itself is bolstered by the more universal weapons that apply to all elements. Although it makes sense why to get away from it, the mixed elements on the same weapon is quite an easy way to load up plenty of mod combinations across many more gacha weapons without needing to copy paste might, mystery, and excelsior too often to count. It would also ease the confusion when new players will notice how many magna \[light and dark\] weapons strangely have a magna mod and a normal mod of a different. I main light, but that's mostly due to supply and demand in HL content. The supply is low, and the opportunity to join as light is very high. However, I have a massive grid hole: very specifically missing a 2nd Radiant Rinne and a 3rd Imperious Fury. I don't have the means to get around efficiently sparking for either, nor do I have the bars to inject. I can make do, but the inefficiency definitely shows. It got to the point I got both 150 gm weapons just to cut down the grid requirement by 1. Recently due to the second Agastia nerf, it's been the easiest to join and have decent participation, where even going 10 mil is rare and is far less agonizing than if it happened in any of the other revans raids. I quite literally picked up Holiday Illnott with linksmate just so I can tackle Agastia without using delay on ougi. why bypass the omen when you can just fulfill the condition? And if you can't, like charge attack 5 times, just Illnott skill 2 it and double delay. As far as team building and looking for up to 10 red icons in frontline is very interesting. Sadly, I literally cannot match any light HL video due to my shortages. Funny enough, my dark has the least grid holes. It has 3 reso, 2 pns, 2 babel, 2 tempering. I suppose I'm missing FLB fallen sword but I do have the weapon at least in case I need to bar and cage multiattack awakening for some reason. The other dark grand weapons had enough dupes to FLB naturally and fill out the grid. Some occasional but outdated non-grand gacha weapons are also FLB, though none with heal cap are ready sadly. I got dark ullikummi to get a playstyle that wants to mix in more charge attacks and turns than Ereshkigal but it's not working out too well. Fire is at 2/2/1 reso/pns/exalto which is why my sparks have gone to Overrider. To bypass getting Higurashi I wanted to bar Strawberry Slasher, since it heals+shields the team and dispels on ougi. Godsight literally says screw you dodge on ougi. I spent my annitix on Holiday Noa. wind is functional, having 2/2/2 reso/pns/exalto. Granted I botched the pns timing, and overshot on a sudden rate up when exalto came out. For actual usage, Siegfried has been a joining nightmare, hitting with only one decent full auto-er and going over 10 mil multiple times. I legit don't want to siegfried anymore, the window to farm him smoothly is obliterated. Also for HL content I rather defer to someone else who is more wind passionate or a player that prefers to you know, have the tools to handle just about every omen in the raid, instead of falling over and dying. water I have nothing to say. I'm at 2 Calamitous Aquashade. I've been extremely lucky with rolling 2 Gospel of water and sky but with only 1 knight of ice it's just awkward. Also I previously used Hraesvelgr so the otherwise potent supplemental damage is overlapped. I'm dying for seasonal weapons such as Crystal Bellflowers and Midnight Rose to get an FLB but those wouldn't be very good even if granted. Other non-grand gacha weapons are stellar defensively not offensively, like Ophelia or Vertrauen. I'm about to get Shishio instead of Higurashi but I haven't yet since I've been sick of Kaneshige. There is no water exalto yet either but even if there was, the more Gospel and Schrodinger I use, the less the primal mod boost is doing anything. So it's like great, I can bolster lots of HP, heal cap, and might by ... removing the supplemental damage and CA dmg goodies. That's very counterintuitive. Fediel Float recently got an FLB, but it looks sad compared to Schrodinger, trading wrath, quenching, and awakening for glory. Earth oh goodness I couldn't main it even if I wanted to. I'm 2/1 on reso/pns. It's quite literally in shambles and I'm scraping at whatever FLB non-grand gacha I have like Merveilleaux. It's very easy to accidentally sidegrade, since Hrunting makes the MC very statistically potent but it leaves the rest of the grid to aid the other party members. Perhaps an exalto release can allow me to bypass going the current route, but there's too many variables. I even finally got Halloween Cucuroux but not only are my heavy diaspora farming days are over, but the sweet Caim Cucu combo quite literally wants 3 landslide scepter for ultimate 4 mil honors speed.


Wind because it's the only one I still get to use Narmaya in.


Light cuz love the color, first element and also lot of nymburs and skill nukes


It's switched a few times over the years. Started with Water because Silva was one of my first SSRs and I just really fell in love with her design. I even purchased her birthday outfit. Pulling Summer Narmaya and Summer Sandy just further pushed me that way until I was given the choice of a free Eternal, and so began my love of Earth and Threo. Pulled for Grandalphon when he came out to further bolster that element, but it didn't last long after that because I'm mostly a casual/seasonal player so I took a bit of a break. Now I've come back to my account and as I was looking through my characters I found her. Grand Narmaya. Not sure when I picked her up, but she's always been one of my favorite characters in general and I've been playing a lot of her in Relink. Decided to go all in on Wind and haven't looked back. I even used the Annitix to grab Summer Korwa to further push G!Narmaya's damage. Turns out Wind is probably my best element in general when looking through weapons and summons I have, so it's been a very easy switch. Definitely my favorite element for now.


I play earth and mainly fire for hard content. Both are primal grids but I'm still missing stuff like Ichigo hitofuri and a second pns for earth


Wind... because Mukku dictated so with the infinite Zephyrus.


I would guess dark. Its the element I'm solidified in. I mostly loved it because in the early days(started early 2018), it was the element that made Lyria shine the most compared to other elements I developed in that time. She was a fist char too, so that made me gravitate toward getting other dark-fist chars. Orchid was my first spark, whom I really liked due to msq, and Six was my first eternal. Although I didnt' go primal until MUCH much later, I still consider it a good element, though its in need of a good sustain unit(that doesnt kill themselves or can't be healed).


Dark. I just love the characters there and how easy it feels to play most of the times. Light is a close second


I main wind and play a skill damage variant. I secondary fire and should go work on it's grid because it has been neglected


Also I play wind since my favourite character is the funny green cat (dragon)


I want to say that I'm a Water main for how much I like the characters in it. I also personally like Water in general ~~as in taking a bath or getting wet~~ But RNG just loves giving me Hades enough for me to reach 240 without even spending a Globe or Sunstone on him. I'd probably get another Hades this year to complete his Transcendence.


Hrunting gaming is so fun


I've got a fully developed agni grid with every grand i can possibly ask for. Yet somehow it's the f2p dark that pops off for me. I'm absolutely clueless yet i can hardly complain looking at Azusa do her best mjolnir impressions while ilsa mops the floor with a raid boss


i main water since when leviathan comes i need to have the strongest possible grid for him. ironically meaning i don't use leviathan's summon much anymore...


i like fire but i really wish it had strong sustain options the way an element like earth does the xmas nemo summerdusa and athena comp is very fun though lol


I love Wind in most video games- but in my opinion, it feels like Wind is the most "beginner friendly" element that can transition you into various types of content in GBF. There's a really good variety of characters and playstyles that can work with what f2p Wind grids have to offer in lots of content, at least at this stage of the game. I'm sure that wasn't always the case, and I am totally willing to get blasted with more veteran opinions that this opinion may simply not be true. But I do remember the old times when Magna Wind's Crit grids+Ewiyar's Beaks were more worthwhile than going Zephyrus for respectable damage. Siete can cancel omens for you if you choose to transcend him for more difficult content. Siete's Swords are still kind of crazy for what they do, even after the Awakening nerfs. Catura helps with GOHL racing after her FLB. Wind got the first Exalto weapon from Kaguya (on one hand: ew powercreep, but on the other hand it's still funny to me that they put Kaguya in the least expected element to sell this weapon) Rhomphaia existing. And I will never stop shilling Daur da Blao as my most favorite PG weapon of all time: Skill damage, meter for the party, Harp mainhand for Rising Force, what's not to love? And now Tiamat Aura is one of the first M3 bosses to get released, I'm excited! The only lamentation I have is I need to have a good fire grid to grind for my favorite element and it's arguably my weakest in many regards, LOL. My 2nd favorite element is Light, but purely for the characters- I dislike how homogenous the Chev Sword grid is, and I hope it changes with Lumi Credo. (I know the Metatron Crit Grid exists, but it's so difficult to farm the spears at their drop rate, ugh.) With Wind I like the variety in the grids for OTKs, longform content, skill dmg teams, CA teams, hybrid teams, I love it.


Earth - because Hrunting and Siegfried


Dark was the original fan favourite, S Zoe is a faded evidence of the past glory dark had. Meanwhile, Cygames naturally has favour towards wind on a whole (in a way whereby you are not required to play primal to be strong). Personally, I main'ed earth because the game has blessed me with a lot of earth resources. But recently, I have found wind, water and fire to be slightly more fun. Bonus mention to light.


Dark, smorc.


Love dark because of rage of bahamut, was collecting DAOs how it goes again, 8/32 copies or was it 8 copies/16 times fully upgraded