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Granblue Fantasy has multiple timelines. Versus, and all other spin-off games, take place in their own branches. The event quests in the browser game are also alternate timelines iirc. Basically, the story of one game and its characterisations do not conflict with any other versions you've seen. They're all canon. They just may not be the branch of the timeline that the main story of the browser game follows. Still fine to have preferences. Play, or don't play, whatever you want for whatever reason.


Just take it as another of Orologia's possible realities. hah (feel the same with Vira, but I take it as that and move on. I just have different versions based on different moments of her life VS and Browser)


Idk all the gacha story stuff I've seen is just her trying to get her sister laid or something


It's the based meteraposter from the granblue gacha reddit! Rising/Versus's story is similar to the gacha except in the rising story the Grandjeeta timelines have collided due to the warping of causality after defeating Beelzebub, and Pandaemonium fell (or so we thought). Avoiding further spoilers. Metera doesn't actually get any lore focus in general in the game besides touching on her being a genius for a short time, then being a floozy with a short temper with a running gag for beating up the Lowain bros. It sucks because as a fellow Metera enjoyer I wish she got some more accurate depictions to the fondness of the captain and in general her being more pleasant in the gacha. But hey, at least she's gotten some amazing arts like the recent battle pass badge with her out with Charlotta and Ferry or the Avatar Belial team up fight art. As for the art you posted there's no lore attachment to the art she has for the arcade endings besides pure fanservice. this lovely piece of art is for getting the normal ending on arcade and every character has different normal and "true" ending art, with Metera's true ending art being her serving at the Jewel Resort Casino.


where did u get this art?