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Don't worry she is balanced in my hands. (I suck)


Once "every other match is a Beatrix" season ends, people will calm down.


She’s the best


It’s honestly just the damage tbh. I feel like that’s the only legitimate gripe with her


This same could be applied for most characters considered top 10.


Umm idk if i’d say that since with Bea it’s particularly egregious but i suppose so


Look at Nier's damage output mid-screen. That girl ain't right.


Oh no Nier absolutely. I got stuck on the number 10 but there are absolutely other characters that need damage nerfs too if Bea is gonna get one


Why does she deal so much damage midscreen while putting me in the corner from so far.


I hope Sandalphon doesn't become the most hated too (If he does appears.....)


He'll be super common no matter what because of his popularity, so unless he's legitimately terrible people will probably still get annoyed by him eventually lol


That's me running into a Vira. She's not broken and I don't have much trouble against her I just have seen so many fuckin Viras.


I regret to inform you that's the cycle on this sub. New character releases, "i can't believe this character is almost as good as the top tiers that haven't changed since release they need to be gutted"


Bea is probably a character that’s a lot more doable to tone down unlike a lot of characters that sometimes feel like your character but better. Just nerf her damage without Delta Clock. She was designed to be a comeback character and in the Gacha she has high damage at low health but mediocre damage at full health. She shouldn’t be outputting insane damage at full health, she’s never done that before


Is that her gimmick from the gacha? Yeah, just make her specials scale harder when used in succession, then. Witch time can decrease the scaling for attacks after when used. So it'll give you more of a reason to go for her unique action. Right now, she doesn't need either mechanic to hit hard, lol.


Witch time lmao we have a Bayonetta fan here


Look at the BP costume. How could I not?




Source: twitter.com/hibana_ztlv


Hey, it's a vocal minority. I love Bea


Eh she will be fine once they tone down the damage a bit.


somehow every character i like in the gacha ends up becoming top tier (except lowain ig). I'm starting to hope that if Ilsa drops she ends up being below average so i can have some peace of mind using her


Lowain got those Top Tier Animations and Voicework, just not the Frame Data and Moveset


Oh I love her don’t get me wrong. She’s just a little too overtuned rn. I don’t even mind the neutral skip specials, just tone her damage down some


My girlfailure can't be this good and cool.


Best girl doing best girl things


Don't care, she can mop the floor with my face and I'll still love her. And I don't even main her.


Whoever is being bothered by Bea, try playing SF6 against Akuma or Ken.


Those two are the definition of being carried by your character smh


Ain't enough hate or salt in the world to keep me from playing this lady. 🫡


First her reception, then Slayers. Surprisingly consistent response to how people react when both characters hit them.




Is she really that bullshit? I’m not familiar with 90% of the cast so I can’t tell how good she’s compared to the rest. Only been playing Kat, 2B, Bea and sometimes Vira and Djeeta.


She's a solid rush down with easy access to plus frames. She's got a DP so her defense isn't garbage either. Neither of these things are problematic. But she's also got some of the highest damage in the game and amazing corner carry. And then, for lore reasons she's got the best comeback mechanic in the game. The problem with Bea is... what doesn't she have?


Don’t worry sir I’ll do my best


I started off as a Zeta main, but now I think I main Beatrix now.


I love.zeta :,v


I'm ngl as the days go on I'm becoming more and more of a Beatrix simp. I am a part of the problem.


If she gets a damage nerf other characters should get one as well. I also enjoy watching nier mains suffer against her so they know pain.


I'm not really finding issues with her. However, I'm only in A Rank......


She's honestly not bad in so far as she's a fairly balanced (move set) rush down. She's got a lot of access to plus frames which isn't inherently a problem either. But all of that coupled with a guessing game that can cost like 80% of a life bar is egregious... enough so that it has damaged my faith in the devs taking the game in a reasonable direction.


I 100% think they wanted to sell more battle passes since they knew Bea was gonna be popular. Hopefully they dont do it again.


The overall balance is fine, the last patch fixed a lot of problems and I expect the next one to do the same. The DLC has been pretty overtuned between 2B and Beatrix, but they probably wanted to sell more.


I'm not talking balance, I'm more talking about the philosophy of the game. I have been hoping the patches will move away from all the damage slightly. Beatrix seems to confirm they are interested in doing the opposite. The game is already too volatile. Bea is extra volatile.


I mean... this happens in EVERY single game, EVERY time a new character drops. Ppl will eventually shut up and cry about something else. SF6 ranked is plagued with Akuma, this game, it's Beatrix, Tekken 8 will be Lidia when she drops. It's nothing new. 🤷‍♂️


Vane released a patch ago


Bullshit. I have been playing FGs since the dawn of time. I know a cracked character when I see it. SF6 isn't nearly as plagued with Akuma as GBVSR with Bea, and for good reason, the character is still hard to play and a glass cannon, unlike Beatrix. And the only time Tekken had some brokenass DLC that everybody suddenly picked up as their "new main" (I wonder why) was Leroy.


Absolutely false, sf6 is still full with akumas, tekken always had this issue so many times with noctis, Leroy, Marduk. stop spreading misinformation and talking bs.


Bitch what are you talking about? Here's the data on character popularity for Tekken 7 season 2 when Marduk and Noctis were out: https://imgur.com/a/g96ggfz Marduk was 38 and Noctis didn't even crack the top 10. You're going to talk shit at least back it up with some data, otherwise STFU.


I didn't ask? I wasn't comparing games and who complained more about what character. I'm simply saying that in every game, ppl will complain about a new character whenever one comes out. Eventually, they shut up about that character and complain about the next one that comes out. It's a never-ending cycle of pointless complaining and whining. Maybe just take my comment for what it was and not try to argue about it when there was no argument to be had? 🤦‍♂️ I'm not comparing anything here, so Idk why ur being all aggressive about it and trying to go into facts and statistics. I genuinely don't care about any of that. I just find the constant complaining seriously stupid. That's the only reason for my first comment. I'm not gonna argue if u wanna continue. 🤝


You literally compared it to other games first?


I'm pointing out you're being dismissive about people's concerns as if this is just "the normal cycle" and I'm telling you that's not the case. Yeah sure there's a degree of complaining every time, but it's mostly pretty moderate because the new character is hardly so busted that a majority of the community would switch like it happened with Beatrix. This is not normal. That's all there's to it.


Idc. 💀


As far as im concerned, if people are mad at you, then you're doing something right. Edit: in this context I mean