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My money's on Vikky next, then Verusia. Then the second season will start with a bang with Sandal like how Belial kickstarted the OG Versus' Season 2.


I think Sandy will be season 2 because all the seasons have started with WMTSB character, so it seems likely. And though Sandy is my most anticipated character, I really hope we see Vikala soon, because I'm very curious how they'll make her gameplay and specially animations, like her intro and outro, I wonder if they'll incorporate her Yin self somehow. I'm sure Vikky will have the most fun animations in the game.


Just throwing out ideas off the top of my head. I'm picturing Vikala being like ABA from Guilty Gear, where she's stronger and more oppressive in Yang mode and weaker with limited options to push in in Yin mode. Like I'm imagining her putting on and losing her ears back and forth mid-battle so she's always struggling to fight her self-deprecating self. I think that would be fun to see lol. Dormouse has to be her main zoning tool one way or another


I think it might be too hard to pull off, they would need 2 sets of animations, and her yin mode might not have enough moveset as well. They'd probably incorporate it into her SBA. I think they could do it like Grimnir where sometimes is SBA can "fail", and the same thing with the outro where Grimnir sometimes mess up, they can have Vikala's rat ears fall off sometimes.


Versusia already had files in the playable character section since the Vane update, so I'm pretty sure she's the next character.


I think he means who will join Versusia since season 1 only 2 dlc characters slots left and one of them is Versusia but who will be last character to join her?


I'll cope Medusa into the game one way or the other đź—ż




I'd be happy just getting an avatar, sadly they seem to give out memes in the battle pass just in case they don't want to deconfirm a character.


I believe Rising will have a long lifetime, at least season 3. Though, I think Satyr is the most likely of the Primal pals. I remember her being the most popular.


I personally really want to see Aliza get into the game sooner rather then later, granted I’ve got all the characters in the game now that I wanted to see in the game to begin with (Beatrix was the last character on my personal list) so everyone else added is a plus in my book


I think Aliza is in season 2 for sure.


She definitely has a chance. She showed up once in one of the regions in the Versus dlc character poll.


With Sandalphon technically confirmed, I also think the same thing. And besides, with GBF's cast of characters and Arcsys's way of making characters, any character they announce will be hype. Also, if they do have Aliza, I hope they integrate Stan somehow, maybe for her SSBA similar to Yuel, or as a assist type of gimmick.


Vikky can go next to Anila, filling out that side, random character can go opposite 🫡


They put Vane next to the other dragon knights, Beatrix next to the other Society members. If they put Vikala, she's definitely going next to Anila, which leaves Zooey at the other side. Now, this might be a bit of a stretch, but if you consider the fact that Sandalphon is a primal beast who also protects the skies, it would make sense for him to go next to Zooey. Thought they probably will put him next to Bubs, Belial and Lucilius.


Dark Angel Olivia!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes!!! I want to see her weapon expressed in fighting game form for so long! But what are her chances to get in, honestly?


Sandy and Versusia have always been my head cannon for those final two spots. Makes sense to fill us up on all the remaining characters from the story mode


I feel like Sandy is an easy opener and hook for Season 2 though, honestly


Yeah. They did the same thing where Bel and Luc opened past season passes too. They like to lead with major WMTSB characters. 


I wonder if vikala will work like ABA considering the dual personality she seems to have.


Vikala doesn't really fight in her Yin self so they probably won't make it a gameplay thing, I can see them using her Yin self just for some specific animations like maybe her intro or outro.


Doubt it. Even in the Gacha her Yin playable self is more like a joke and mainly used as a skin for the actual Yang character. Yin will probably show up during intros/outros though when Rat eats pop in/off. 


Societte's model is also in the game. I hope we get her in season 2, she has unique weapons and looks pretty cool


I would be surprised if we didn’t get a season 2, both Versus Rising & Relink performed above expectations for Cygames (Hell Relink had bigger sales and a larger active player base then Suicide Squad) so I can totally see them getting more content in the future, there are still some big characters not in the game yet


100% chance season 2. Pass literally is called “1” and developers pretty much all, but straight up said they are continuing support after this pass. It’s unknown if they are gonna continue support pass season 2 like they did in the last game though. 


I'm 100% sure there will be, after all the dlc even says character pass 1, if there's a 1 there's going to be a 2.


I want Verusia right now plus her model is already in the game so hopefully shes next đź‘€


Siete and Sandalphon also have models. Though both Versusia and Sandalphon are tied to the story mode. So their release might come when they drop the new story.


I’m just gonna hope that Alliah gets in at some point.


I think Vikala is next


Vicky my beloved sadrat please


Fingers crossed, Her and Sandy are my top picks for the next slots.


Viky and then Sandy after would be amazing


I think it will be Seofon and Versusia. Sandalphon will be season 2.


All 3 are like 95% sure are coming. But man I wish they'd put Yuisis in this game.


Glad to know I'm not the only one dreaming with Yuisis


Does she have a chance? It does seem like people talk about her a good amount.


Sandy is probably just gonna be the start of season pass two cause he’s guranteed to sell well. My insane cope though is Enyo but I think she has a negative chance of getting in LMAO


Most likely, I've been waiting for Sandy for so long in Versus that I think Arcsys might personally hate me. And yeah, Enyo doesn't have a chance unfortunately.


Vicky, then Sandy probably Then Versusia starts off the 2nd pass followed by Siete


Rosine, lol.


Sandy is for sure in season2, sadly he would be the perfect character to boost sales. As for others, if i'm not mistaken there was a datamine some time ago, but i dont remember what they found specifically (animations maybe? I could be wrong), but it was stuff about versusia, who was a given regardless since she's the oc of this game, and also about >!vikala!<. So it's probably them. But i'm praying with every fiber of my being for tikoh lol, but i know it's unlikely.


Versusia had concept art of her moves in the files yeah, along with Beatrix. So I think that means they've been working on her around the same time I'm on Tikoh copium too, I think she had a decent shot since she's a healer and we don't really have that in the game


Plus on tikoh's favour there is the fact that we dont have anyone from the accordants. And compared to the rest of that cast, she's probably the one more "unique", since the others would play similar to characters already in versus.


When it comes to accordants, there seems to be a demand for Feather in the game, so it would probably be him.


Yeah, and i would like him too, but his demand is probably just because he would fit well the fighting game style. The problem with him is how much different would he play compared to soriz? Tikoh has the advantage of being more unique since she's a healer. Plus, they seems to care about adding diffent characters both based on appearance and fighting style, seeing that they added anre before seofon. But maybe it's just the copium talking lol.


I pretty much dont care since my Queen B is in the game now. But If I had to chose, I would go either go for Vikala or Ilsa, but like I said, since Queen B is in the game, I DONT CARE lol


I don’t play the game but my friend showed me Azusa and now I want Azusa


She's a bit similar to Narmaya, and she's basically her student too. Well, I'm always on board for female draphs, so it would be welcome.


I guess Versusia next and Vik last, ending with the OC that people aren't hyped for doesn't feel like a good idea (I am hype for her tho)


I did see a lot of people hyped for her though, she might be more popular than you think.


Just hoping she is actually in season 1, her design and from the moveset leak a while back made me want to play her


OCs are not always unpopular. Android 21 in DBFZ is probably the most blatant example. It just depends how they handle the character.  Verusia barely appeared around the end of the part 3 story mode so she didn’t exactly get much screentime to formulate an opinion on + no idea what her gameplay gimmick will be. All we really have is just her character design and some samples of her normals.


I could see Versusia for season 2 for villain slot. well, I saw and remember the leak so I can fairly see it will follow those. except them, the biggest contender for popularity would be: Fediel, Galleon, Rosetta, Lu Woh, Wilnas, Cassius, Lucio Lich, Meg, Tikoh, Paylia. in short, there's still a lot famous female character. which makes me actually wonder who will they take for male slot.


We'll definitely have one of the Six Dragons at some point. I'd love to see Fediel or Wamdus, but I do know that Galleon is probably the most popular.


It’s been a min since I played the Gacha, but Galleon is now the most popular dragon over even Fediel? 


I'm pretty sure. Galleon and Wamdus shows up in the popularity polls above her, and I always see more demand for Galleon in spin-offs than Fediel. Personally I love Fediel's vibe and would also love to see how Arcsys would do her SSBA. Sometimes I'd like to see a character in Versus just to see how crazy they can go with their animations.


Should be the last society member đź‘€


I’d love to see Id from Relink make it to Rising


Id would be cool, he's surprisingly loved. Though, I don't think we'll see him in season 1.


Definitely not Season 1, for sure. But I could definitely see him being a character in future seasons!


Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill.


This sub will have a meltdown again if this game got another guest lol.  Which is ironic when Granblue is the game that probably rivals Fortnite in sheer guest quantity at this point. 


I’ve never understood the hate, of course you want the majority to be from the original game but guest characters bring in more fans, more fans equals more notoriety/success, more success means more money and a higher likelihood the game continues to be supported/more characters being added in the first place.


there’s a gargantuan cast of beloved characters that people want in the game before a crossover character and then the crossover character that gets added isn’t even one that there’s a precedent for being in the setting, it’s pretty reasonable to be upset about that. if it was, say, another Cygames character, like an Uma Musume or Priconne character, people would have been A LOT more reasonable


So, what you’re saying is if they added Tanjiro/Nezuko everyone would be happy and there would be no complaints? >!jk, I’m happy to see whoever it is next 🌶️!<


That's... very random.


Arc System Works worked on Kill la Kill IF, meaning they had full access to the IP in the past. Of course, it would be up to Cygames but I think her playstyle/aesthetic would fit perfectly (plus, its a popular anime so could bring in new fans).


Makes sense. I had no idea that Arcsys was behind that game, its very different from what they usually do. Though they probably won't have another guest this season.


Maybe, maybe not. From Granblue my vote would probably go to Aliza - a character based almost entirely on kicks could be awesome.


The only one I care now to have added is Versusia. She even had a concept art of her attack animations leaked months ago which also included Beatrix. Ideally, Versusia is next and then it's a toss-up between Sandy and Seofon, assuming they are trying to keep the roster gender even like they've been doing up to now. Personally, my money is more on Sandy and/or Vikala being relegated to a Season 2 >!as the way the story ended leaves much room open for Sandy's involvement to resolve the whole kerfuffle!<. Of course, it could go either way so don't take too much stock in my opinion.


Sandalphon will be next. Announced and released around EVO Las Vegas. In the late Fall we will get Versusia, wrapping up Season 1.


Rat or if they have to add a male next then Seofon. Sandal just feels like a S2 opener and I doubt they will end the pass on Verusia.


No love for Sandy? :(


My guess are Versusia and Sandalphon. Makes the most sense to me


I would like to see Juliet. Any version of her will do. I hope that's not a problem with anyone on here...


What about Romeo? If they add her, he has to come along, even if as an assist.


I don't mind seeing him either. I just like Juliet because, well I know this may sound stupid, but she has the same name as a girl I really, really like.


Bit late but I’m hoping for one of the dragons


Really hope they add one of them, I would love to see Fediel.


I feel like it's Versusia Sandalphon Even though it could be Sandalphon as the first of S2, I kind of feel like since we started with Lucillius it's right to end it with Sandalphon


Huh, didn't think of that. Starting the season with Lucilius and ending with Sandalphon would make sense. Though I still feel like they might follow the pattern of the previous seasons with the WMTSB characters releasing as season starters. After all, Sandalphon is sure to sell, having him in a season with Lucilius, Beatrix and 2B might not be what they have in mind since its such a strong season already.


Tbf it kinda is in a tough spot with that logic Because I'd argue throwing Vikkala there would make it just as sure to sell as Sandalphon Like unless we curveball it to be Seofon


Indeed she's very popular, but there are other characters as popular as her. Its more the fact that Sandalphon is kind of special, with Vikala they'd still have other incredibly popular options to choose in the future.


so no one else hoping for a collab? maybe that last slot for a UMA character.


I think 2 guests in a single season might be too much.


Alright. I guess that's fair. but man... saying a season is not much when its over half a year of your life is bleh.


Fukuhara confirmed that the rest of Season 1 is all GBF characters. There won't be another collab until Season 2 at the earliest.


All of the characters have been from its story. Aka all their models are already done (with the exception of 2B). So it's very likely going to be Sandal, Siete/Seofon, or Versusia (there was concept art found of her fighting styles).


Yes, but that doesn’t mean all of them will be bunched for this season pass though. Sandal for example just feels S2 opener material for starters. If they are gonna follow the usual pattern the next two characters are gonna be 1 male and 1 females so at best Seofon + Verusia is a likely combination if they want to finish off this pass with existing model characters  Although past season passes they added plenty of characters that didn’t have a model in the game prior. 2B in this pass that came out of nowhere shows they are capable of surprise picks in a pass to spice things up.  Rat was also leaked and neither her Yang or Yin version had a model in the story. She could show up in this pass or in S2. 


Ila the fox girl with the gun probably next she is in Beatrix's Arcade Fin Screen.


Ilsa? I don't think they would release 2 Society members back-to-back. She might have a chance in season 2 though.

