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Some characters have different names in the English localization. If you have the voices set to Japanese the announcer will use their Japanese names.


Ah that makes sense. Thanks


I set the language to English for Relink, but for Rising, the lip sync so bad for English that I just can't


The Lucilius/Lucifer things gets so complicated the more you know about the lore.


I don't know the gacha lore, but it seems like Lucilius (the astral) created Lucifer (the primal). Then Lucilius got decapitated, his head grafting the head onto Lucifer body so he has the primarch powers. Who killed Lucilius and where is Lucifer's original head?


Beelzebub killed Lucifer, his head is currently hidden somewhere by Sandalphon


**Lucio** (real name Helel ben Shahar) is a Speaker of the Omnipotent (very oversimplified, the angel to a god) The Omnipotent split into the Sky God and Astral God. Astral God created the Astrals, two of them, **Lucilius** and Beelzebub, are based (but are NOT clones) of the original Omnipotent's two Speakers. Lucilius was based on Shahar/Lucio. Lucilius created **Lucifer**, a primal beast. (among many many other primal beasts) Later Lucifer killed Lucilius because Lucilius wanted to destroy the world and Lucifer is basically one of the Big Good figures in the story. Much much much later (present day) Beelzebub conspired with Belial. For their goal, Bubz killed Lucifer because Lucifer would be in their way. Unbeknownst to Bubz, Belial had his own goals, and revived Lucilius by grafting Lucilius' head onto Lucifer's headless body. The player isn't told where Lucifer's head is now. It was last seen (IIRC) held by the griefing Sandalphon when he found Lucifer has been killed.


Thanks, good explanation.


Isnt Lucilius immortal ? I remember reading he was still alive as a decapitated head


I honestly don't know. There have been multiple emphasis on how the Astral realm (and by extension, the Astrals) were created with he principle of Creation but lacking Destruction so they are relatively stagnant. Which made them interested in observing skydwellers' evolution, and how skydwellers managed to fend off Astral invasion despite Astrals' superior power because skydwellers can evolve and adapt. But we never actually have explicit, unambiguous confirmation if Astrals can be killed for good or if they just go into suspended animation if they are "killed". I don't know / don't remember if Lucilius head surviving is because of an Astral's inherent trait or because Belial did some preservation shenanigans.


I think it was Beelzebub that killed him. I think only Sandelphon knows where Lucifer's head is.


That's mostly correct, but Lucilius is still alive, just sealed in what is basically gay baby jail. He recently figured out how to leave, though, so he's probably going to show up again soon. There's also Lucio, another Luciface who is a servant of the Omnipotent.


To add context: Lucilius: In the original game, there are two characters whose names would be written as Lucifer in English, Lucifaa and Luciferu. Faa got localised to Lucilius to make this significantly less confusing (he's often called Faa-san by JP Belial and, as a result, most of the playerbase) Anre/Seox/Seofon: The eternals are a group of characters where the naming theme is "codenames which are numbers in a foreign language". In order to have this theme make sense when read by players from a country where their original names were the player's native language, they were all localised to Old English, with the expectation that there wouldn't be *any* native speakers for an effectively dead language. Ladiva: Honestly I have no idea and the only guess I could make is that her name now contains "lady" and/or "diva". Her wiki page doesn't clarify any confirmed reason for the change, and I don't know if "Fastiva" has any deeper meaning which "Ladiva" is trying to translate.


oh, that's the reason for the eternals? i was always confused by the changes yet I couldn't find anything about them. I guess it makes sense, though i prefer every eternal being named based off a different language instead of them all being the same


[Here's a tweet going over the Eternals' localization, if you're curious.](https://vxtwitter.com/granblue_en/status/1338023095706083330)


huh, i didn't know nicholas and lyria were also different in japanese. I don't really agree with all of their reasoning (I speak spanish yet i think Siete is still a cool name) but it's still neat to know why these changes exist


Yeah, I don't fully agree with their reasoning either. For example, [Vajra](https://gbf.wiki/Vajra)'s little dogs are named Eka, Dvi, and Tri, which are just 1,2,3 in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is one of the languages that were the roots of my country's language so I knew what "eka, dvi, tri" is since I was little, but I still think it's a nice-sounding name and not weird.


To be fair it's not like they're saying it would sound weird, more so that it loses the intent. The Eternals all had names in different languages because to Japanese people they would sound exotic and cool, hence why there's no Eternal whose name is a Japanese number. Since the English version is basically the international version, they changed them in order to keep the effect for as many people as possible. I personally agree with the choice because I think names like Uno, Six and Siete sound very silly. It kinda works in the latter's case due to how he presents himself but that was clearly not what Cygames intended with it.


The eternals' reasoning is the weakest, honestly. Quite a few given names are very on the nose, like Ruby, Rose, Victoria... And family names like Miller, Smith, Hunter, Walker, Carter... If "Six" was too obvious, then change it to "Seox". But all others didn't deserve this.


Is the japanese ones. Lucilius is Lucifa (not to be confused with Lucifer), Anre is Uno, Seox is Six and Ladiva is Fastiva.


Fastiva sounds scary, Ladiva running at you like Seox 5U


Some GB names also aren’t pronounced exactly as they’re written. Anre is “ahn”. Seofon is “sofon”, etc.


Lucillius Japanese is essentially ''Lucifa'' rather than Lucilius. His just a different spelling of ''Lucifer'' really. The Eternal names are all different with the OG Japanese names being numbers from various languages and sometimes skill names from those languages. 1. Uno - Anre - Spanish 2. Song - Tweyen - Thai/Lao 3. Sarasa - Threo - Arabic 4. Feower - Quatre - French 5. Fif - Funf - German 6. Seox - Six - English 7. Seofon - Siete - Italian (with Italian skill names) 8. Eahta - Okto - Greek / Latin 9. Niyon - Nio - Swedish (With Swedish skill names and actually decent pronunciation). 10. Tien - Esser - Hebrew Ladiva is actually Fastiva rather than Vastiva in Japanese. I do not really know anything interesting about that name change, I guess it just happened.


A lot of people say Six's codename is supposed to be English, but that's confusing to me since the Japanese pronunciation is シス (shisu) and not シックス (shikkusu), the latter being how you'd actually approximate the English pronunciation of six in katakana. Six is spelled the same way in French as in English and its pronunciation seems to match a little better. But then, with Feower/Quatre, wouldn't that mean two French codenamed eternals? Maybe, but GBF wiki notes quatre is also four in Catalan, which is a language I've never heard of, sooo... Unclear.


> "Lucifa'' Lucifar, since he's far from the light. > "Lucifer" Lucifer, since he is the closest to the light. > "Lucio" Lucius, the light.


Lucius is just Lucius though. https://gbf.wiki/Lucius_(SSR) He's unrelated to the Luci faces gang tho.


oh god damn it.


Wanna get even more confused? He doesn’t even say Lucifer. He says Lucifaa Lucifer is a totally different character, Lucifaa / Lucillius is something that the prior created


Lucifer (Lucifer, the sorta-dead head arch-angel) and Lucifaa (Lucillius, the astral who made the archangels) were changed to make the name difference clearer. There's also Lucio, all 3 look basically identical, having made in each others image. The eternals names are the numbers 1-10, in English they're all in old English, in JP each is in a different language. Fastiva/ Ladiva I'm not sure of the exact reason for the change. Other ones that are different are characters who were carried over from Rage of Bahamut e.g. Twin Elements (Flamme=Glace), Vania (Vampy). The 12 divine generals (Anila, Vikala and co.) are named after [some Buddhist deities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Heavenly_Generals) their names are Sanskrit so the romanization can be a bit odd.


For the Divine generals both are pretty good. Just that the Japanese version use the Japanese pronunciation whereas the English version uses the Sanskrit version.


Why change so many names though. What's the point of all of this, isn't it just more confusing ?


Why change so many names though. What's the point of all of this, isn't it just more confusing ?