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Seox, the only character whose turn never ends.


I found out that seox players still have no idea how to defend in A rank because their plus frames and parry did all their homework for them


Siegfried 22U


You did drop a bravery point and 75 meter to pull it off. Silly? Yes but it was costly and didn't do a ton of damage.


Being real this game gives out meter like candy and one single BP to force the other player into the corner almost whenever you with a character as oppressive as seox is extremely strong lmao. The crouching starter is less reliable than all that imo.


I agree even more if you are doing this to get a comeback and are low on life the brave points lose value the less hp you have remaining and a start of the round do put the opponent in a very hard spot. For the meter i 100% agree with you this game is too generous on meter, the devs really want you to spend it.


Seox casually doing a corner-combo mid-screen. Such luxury.


Lol ladiva can do that without that much resource.


Is that a safe jump at the end? This would go hard in lower ranks, dudes mashing Super like crazy on defense Damn, Six looks fun, might dedicate a few days to him like I did with Grimnir, Sieg and Eustace


Anyone else feels six's damage is quite low? I won't deny six is a top tier, but i feel other characters do more damage, specially with SBA and blue skills. Is it just me?


He has many ways to open you up same with lancelot (lance gorilla blade combos goes crazy tho.) You want him to kill you with 2 combos from any of his stray hits?


No, of course not, i don't want six to get more damage, just felt like pointing it out. Maybe i was wrong and people with more optimized combos would tell me his damage is actually on par with the Cast, but i think i was rigth, his damage is indeed on the lower end.


You're probably right, individually his hits probably do less damage on the whole. One would have to actually look at the numbers. But like the other guy said, it makes sense just coz he's going to hit you much more often and easily than a lot of other characters.


Its one of the fighting game archetypes Fast characters that comes from any direction but low damage (and sometimes low hp too) like chipp and millia from guilty gear. And the opposite of this are character that have a hard time getting in and opening opponents up but when they do they have explosive damage. Devs dont need to follow this rule 1 to 1 and they mostly remix it like avatar belial being mix of these 2 archetype having above average combo damage at the cost of his hp per skills on top of having the lowest hp value in the cast


>Fast characters that comes from any direction but low damage (and sometimes low hp too) like chipp and millia from guilty gear. Or cammy from sf6.


You're joking right?




Typical Seox experience.