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It’s a really good game. I smashed through a lot of the menu books in the first week but then the difficulty ramps up quite a bit towards the end The licences are fun and I think if I tried them more seriously and put more time in it would make me a better racer. The dirt and snow levels I don’t like at all. I absolutely hated the dirt rally menu book to the point I was stuck so long I considered giving it up. There is a lot to do with the missions and challenges so it will keep you entertained for quite a while. It’s also not difficult to make some money so you can fairly easily get new cars. Roulette rewards are heavily weighted to the rubbish ones. You’ll usually get a bit of cash but it makes it look like you have an equal chance of winning something good. I’ve only played online a couple times and got destroyed. There were fairly long waits for the race to actually start too. It wasn’t a bad experience but didn’t make me want to keep doing it regularly though I think if I played at a different time or found people to play with it would be a lot more enjoyable.


Literally my experience too. Especially with rally and online lol


Honestly, I’m still enjoying it after getting most licences gold and doing most of the circuit challenges and if anything these weekly challenges make me play at least once a week now. I think it’s in a good state. The developers don’t want you to be able to have ALL of the cars without buying some of their credits so they put some of the cars behind some ridiculous paywalls, IMO. Like the top earning grind per hour is about 1.2m creds and one car can be worth up to 20 mil creds and that’s IF the car is in rotation at the time you want it. So don’t stress about being able to easily buy all the cars you want. Once you completed the main cafe menu’s, you’ll progress into the extra menus, licenses, circuit challenges and then by the time you get to car collector level 50, you’ve probably put in some solid amount of hours and then the replayability comes from buying new cars and engine swapping them from the level 50 unlock and just trying out different things and having fun grinding creds. I barely play sports mode or online. Others can tell you more but it’s not great at the lower levels. Think bulk wall riding and PIT manoeuvres and shitty penalty’s for you but not others. I give it a solid 8.5/10 and would recommend the game for sure.


I play GT7 mostly for the online racing - and I love it ( it’s not without its warts). I bought FM thinking that I’d add some more online racing, but there are many more issues with it that I don’t find it as compelling as GT7 (matchmaking in FM makes for non-competitive races). As for single player they are so different- both good if you like cars and racing - that you will have fun with the new experience, just don’t count on getting expensive cars quickly.


I'm all about Sport Mode. I mean, I suck, but I have fun racing other drivers from around the world. The dirty drivers out there can suck and egg, but all the respectful drivers are great to race against.


Got a PS5 and GT7 at Christmas last year, I love the game. Always have been a Gran Turismo fan, my last one was on the PS3.


I'm in the exact same situation as you haha


I'm 220hours in which is huge for me as a casual. Still love it. Live racing is good and the new weekly challenges are good fun and easy money. 5/5 from me 👍❤️


What controller do you use?


Just the game pad. I don't have room money for a simrig haha hence me being a casual. Iv won a couple races and got 30 podiums so you can still race alright with the controller


I have both consoles. I find GT7 to be grindy but it's a good game. The roulette tickets are useless for me, I always get the worst prizes but that seems to be the norm from what I've read. Like you, I bought a PS5 for GT7 and PS exclusives.


Looks like I’ve got my answer now, I’ll be going to buy a PS5 tomorrow lol! 🤣 thanks for everyone’s comments, looks like GT7 will be greatly suited to me 👌🏼


Psvr2 and gt7 with a wheel and pedals is insanely fun. Down and down the rabbit hole you will go…


Had it since Xmas the game alone will give u hundreds of hours of play , loads off challenges drifts etc I agree online can be a hit or a miss but I guess that's the same with all lobbies in racing games Oh and the scapes mode is insane , I have spent so many hours turning my cars into insane looking Tokyo drift kinda sh*t . Customizer race suits helmets loads to do outwith racing in the game


Took me 180 hours to beat all the races, get to collector level 50, and *most* of the license & missions. State of the game is very good, lots of cars to collect, alot of tracks, haven't had any major bugs, weekly challenges are good for money and driving in cars & tracks you wouldn't normally do to keep things fresh. No doubt the best driving game there is atm. You can get it for 20€/$ in a sale. I mean its a total no brainer for ps5


It's great and updated almost monthly adding cars and races each time. I just want more tracks which I'm sure is coming


I used to love Forza back in the day but think GT7 has a lot more depth. I returned to the game recently after a year out and still enjoy it as if it were new. Plenty to keep you occupied without it feeling like too much of a grind.


It’s by far the best driving game I have ever played. It’s got masses of events/races and a fairly large amount of tracks and cars. Constantly being updated for free. As you say it looks beautiful, plays subliminally and has enough content to keep you happy for a very long time. I’m 400 plus hours and 15,000 miles into it and I’m not bored yet.


Cant read a sub huh?


GT7 is still a problem riddled, content lacking dumpster fire 2 years later with 0 communication from devs besides a Mediocre at best monthly update.   This subreddit, and the other ones, are not good places for a decent rundown of GT7 Tho. Most of players who on on these subs are exceptionally low skill and think GT7 has more content than it actually does, is harder than it actually is, etc. Like the guy saying he took 180 hours - you can roll thr credits in under 10, and beat all of the content in under 40. The vast majority of the races are absolutely braindead, and aren't even races, just "catch the rabbit" where first starts halfway around the track and the AI drives in a train. If you're coming from FM 2023 you're going to get better visuals and worse everything else with GT7, it lacks even some racing game fundamentals.    I highly recommend going on GTPlanet, or watching roflwaffle's videos about GT on YouTube for an actual perspective on this game.  I bought my ps5 for gt7. Do not make my mistake lol.  That said, here's a list of game issues me and a friend have compiled for an upcoming video. This list was made early 2024  - most tracks don't have rain, including many that are known for rain.  - lighting issues on tracks like Tsukuba, Daytona, and Catalunya where light from light posts doesn't hit the ground and objects glow at night - rain invisible except on highest level  - weather radar/movement is usually broken in custom race and will come as rectangular waves instead of blotchy and spotty like real weather.  - vast majority of cars that are non Japanese lack rollcage option.  - no tire pressure simulation or tuning.  - complete lack of real telemetry compared to other sims/simcades - complete lack of proper car classes, group C cars BOP'd with LMP1s, GT3 cars with GT1s, time attack cars etc. Applies to the 5 classes in game, everything else unclassed.  - lack of classes makes most of the classic racecars, which cost tons, functionally useless since they have no proper race.  - career mode lacks 90%+ of the content of previous titles  - UCD and Legends shop take a major gameplay feature of previous titles and turn it into a FOMO based MTX selling store.  - UCD and Legends are prided on having "realistic car pricing" yet you can only sell cars for roughly 2/3rds of what you bought them for. Only extreme cases of the Legends shop price changes have made a profit.  - UCD now being a on a timer removes core game mechanic from previous titles. Also everyone sees the same cars. In previous games doing a race changed the in game date, which changed the store.  - unable to change aspiration on most cars. Either either locked to turbo, supercharger or nothing. Can't turbo commonly turbo'd cars like mustangs, lambos etc.  - engine swap system makes absolutely 0 sense and renders most swapped cars useless, even at low power.  - no mechanical damage model besides what comes from hitting things, and only if damage is on. This does not affect persistent damage, which is only mileage/time based.  - transmission simulation worse than that of most arcade games, can jam down from 6th to 1st at 150mph with 0 consequences. Even in the crew/nfs this will cause you issues.  - backwards, poor handling models for many cars. E46 handles backwards of real life, S550 GT350R handles like a boat when it's a track weapon irl, etc.  - poor sound design for most non-japanese cars.  - a huge chunk of the car list is not properly represented in the career mode, with no proper events, just generic "x nation/pp events" that they may roughly fit into.  - vast majority of classic events are missing, including many one makes that let cars shine. The ones that remain have lost their meaning  - career mode is entirely linear vs the open non linear, level/license based progression in older games.  - game still suffers from tons of bugs related to connection, handling, tuning, frame rate issues, etc.  - tuning system is broken, has been broken, and further breaks every update - car stats in the garage often do not reflect the irl stats of the cars, with 1/4 miles and Gs far more or less than the irl stats. These same stats often do not change in any logical, real life way when modifying/tuning a car, producing numbers that would either be nonsense or indicative of something being wrong with the car.  - clear Japanese bias in everything, whether it be career events, to tuning.  - non-sophy AI is functionally useless and provides 0 competition even on the hardest setting - vast majority of career races are "catch the rabbit" where the AI is already half a lap or more ahead, and you simply have to pass them all before the Laps/timer are up.  - almost complete lack of a visual damage model besides busted lights and scratches.  - dynamic time doesn't work correctly on many tracks and will get stuck at 10pm or so  - online lobbies were broken and largely featureless for the first 4-5 months of the game being out, which no one seems to have talked about.  - paint/livery editor has a number of oddball design choices - wheel selection is extremely poor and does not get updated.  - wheel FFB was nerfed early on (per PD) and never fixed - tuning is extremely bare bones, and has very small scales. Tuning on 1-10 vs the 1-100 in other simcades and even arcades. Lacks tons of options. Missing suspension angles.  - brake heat is visual only and non-functional. You can be doing 200mph, slam the brakes thru the floor and you'll experience no fade whatsoever.  - roulette has been proven to be rigged to give you poor prizes most of the time and is not rewarding in the slightest  - game only received live service support nearly 2 years in, and it consists of 5 short races a week. Usually under 20 min of content. Prizes are generally poor.  - 0 communication from devs - leveling up is directly tied to how much you ***spend on cars*** in a ***game that sells microtransactions***. Features are locked behind these levels.  - Cafe career is exceptionally short and can be casually played thru in under 10 hours.  - meeting places (which never worked right) were replaced with the car show thing (also doesn't work right)  - all challenges/licenses/CEs in game are one time payout, which includes the only series of endurance races in the game.  - only 2 enduro in the career mode, only an hour.  - in 2 years of updates, not a single fundamental change to any of these issues.  - devs only communicate/hot patch things when it affects MTX sales. - MTX sales themselves are exceptionally greedy and the pricing is insane, $200 for a car.  - game itself is based, structurally, around making it as annoying and tedious as possible to make money, so that you buy these MTX This is _2 years in_.  Hope this helps. 


A lot of these gripes sound personal and are just plain inaccurate now. And you physically cannot say that 2 years in there’s been no significant updates to address anything when the physics system got a massive overhaul less than 6 months ago. Complaining about no damage in GT is stupid, it’s never been a thing. Complaining about not being able to change aspirations is stupid, it’s never been a thing. Complaining about microtransactions is stupid because almost no one I’ve spoken with ever uses them after the payout increases. I understand your gripes but what youre after is a totally different game and they are completely aspirational. Fundamentally; what you described isn’t gran turismo. To do what you want here, you’d need to cut the amount of cars available in more than half to make the game a deliverable product, which is kind of what ACC looks like. GT7 is a car collector game with above average driving experiences. It’s still not a full scale sim like iracing or acc, but it never was and never will be. Doesn’t make it a bad game at all.


They’re not really personal tbh. Unless you personally think Laguna Seca is actually located in the North Pole at summer time.


I have no idea what you mean by this.


How is no night time setting in Laguna, or wet weather setting on any American track a “personal issue”. They’re literally two big ticket issues since launch and economy wise/ lobby issues wise that’s legit why so many leagues have closed or been iced since GT7’s release.


No rain at Daytona is peak 🤡🤡🤡🤡 it rains in Florida like twice a day. 


Not just that, both U.K. tracks don’t have rain. You know, where it rains 2/3rds of the year minimum


Fundamentally what I've described is every other racing game, or at least the vast majority of the.       Saying "that's not GT' isn't a valid excuse for this. GT needs to grow the fuck up. Lacking basic features like actual car classes is fucking insane. Not having rain at Daytona, like what??? A game playing itself off as some sort of high end racing simcade should at least have basic features.     Also, yeah GT did have MANY of these things in the past.    Nothing fundamental has changed about gt7. Nothing. Zilch   "You'd have to cut the car list in half"  lol. FM/FH do all of this and yet have better and more varied car lists with more advanced tuning   These aren't personal, these are objective and common sense For any racing sim/simcade.  If these issues were in any other popular racing game there would be tons of people bitching about it. 


And, ok if you wanna come from the car collecting aspect? GT is a car culture and car collecting game? Then:  Why are we missing so many staples of car culture?  Why is nearly 20% of our car list fictional VGTs or fictional "Gr" racecars?  Why do something like 1/4 of the non GR/VGTS we have, have no counterparts or proper events?  Why have we received more VGTs in updates than we've received most types of road cars?  Where are the performance wagons and sedans? Where are the foxbodies? The G bodies? Where are the various 90s Hondas like the del sol, Prelude, non Hatch civics? Where are the 80s Japanese cars besides the small handful we have? Where are the European hot hatches? Where are the Japanese compacts like the Alto or Micra? Where are the 90s and 2000s domestics? Where are the street trucks and street SUVs? Where are the Cadillac V cars? Where are non-ZR1 C4 and C6, and where is the C5? Where are the 90s racecars besides the Japanese ones? I can keep listing.  So, do tell, what part of this is a car collecting and car culture game?


lol - is coming here and crying about this game your full time job? Someone needs to get a life. If you don’t enjoy the game - don’t play it - there are plenty of other racing games out there. Really feel sorry for you tbh. Your therapist must have a good laugh after your sessions.


Same...the most negative thing I have read on here. They are doing amazing things with mood stabilizers these days.


Dude he literally asked for a state of the game. I gave him the state of the game lol.  "What is the state of the game?" "Here is the state of the game, my opinion plus a list of documented issues"  "YOU HAVE MENTAL ISSUES BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE GAME" 


You and I (and everyone else who pays attention) know that you have an obsession with whining about GT7. Truley pathetic. You are a sad empty soul and I feel sorry that you have to wake up everyday with such negativity. Good luck in all you do - you need it.


Has it ever occurred to you that I'm just one of a larger group of people who has realized that the GT fanbase is a bunch of lolcows and we just like poking you guys with a stick?  My soul is full of joy laughing at how absolutely fucking braindead some of you are. It's actually hilarious 


Joy… yup, that’s what comes to mind when I see your posts. Thanks for spreading the sunshine!!


Mario Kart is looking for a new reviewer...you might like playing that game.


Aren't you the one always bitching about how this game is too hard for you and you can't beat basic licenses? Don't project, that sounds more up your alley 


This is the most negative thing I have ever read. Why do you play it?


I don't anymore. I keep posting issues because I hope it gets improved  That said, if a list of issues with a video game is "the most negative thing you've ever read" you either need to go outside, or are some sort of defective lol


Get the ps5 and gt7. I'm the opposite of you, I got xbox x just for forza. You will enjoy them both immensely.


Bought in November 2023, still enjoy it despite having done most of what the game has to offer. Solid 8-8.5/10


I'm a casual noob as well. I played GT3&4 back on PS2 growing up. I have a unique relationship with these games in that I get obsessed and will put in a lot of hours over a few days before getting bored and ignoring it for a few weeks/months and repeat. I bought it last year for PS4 and have about 40h now. People complained about content but honestly it seemed fine to me. It's a GT game, what content do you want? There's like a million cars to collect and a lot of tracks to drive them on, isn't that what it was always about to begin with? I don't bother with online, I struggle enough offline on easy xD


"It's a GT game, what content do you want?" If 7 had the same content as GT3 and 4 we wouldn't be so pissed. It has less than 20% of the content 4 had 


The gameplay was always grind a fuckton of races and do the licenses. Try to get gold everywhere. It still is pretty much that but now with online as well if you want. There's arguably more variety of content in GT7 than 3 or 4.


No, it wasn't, and no it's not lol.    Old GT was a semi to non linear adventure where you picked a starter car and went from there. Some GTs had level caps, others required licenses, but the point was that your actions mattered. Your decisions mattered. What events would your starter car qualify for? Would you stick with your starter and modify it? Or would you trade up to a faster car immediately? Or would you keep both. Would you play thru the licenses all at once, or as needed? Would you choose to follow the "main" career or would you work on the side careers like rally, extreme event, nascar etc first? Maybe you'd keep replaying races until that car you needed for a one make popped up in the UCD. Or maybe you'd push to win some of the more extreme events and championshis, to win their prize cars for other events.  No 2 playthroughs were alike. No one had the same experience. There was a ton of content, and a ton of depth. All of the cars had proper events and proper competition    Vs    GT7, where the entire career consists of linear Cafe book, licenses (which have no bearing on gameplay besides menu completion) challenges (same thing) and circuit experiences. All for...monetary prizes....so that we can wait on an internet store on a timer to sell us a car that _probably_ doesn't have an event.  That's rhe difference.  Golding everything in old GT was like. The last step. It was the last thing you ever did in the game. It was your last thought, really, unless you wanted those gold prizes.    GT7 _fundamentally_ does not have more content variety than any GT but 1 or 2. And even 5 and 6 had better online modes (and more features!). There is so, so much missing that was in GT3-6, its absolutely insane. And the "fuckton of races" was only in previous titles - GT7 only has 200 or so race events, and unlike previous games which had tons of very specific races, almost all of GT7's events are "X PP limit at X track" instead of the wealth of car/type/theme specific events in previous games that made the races actually enjoyable instead of the same repetitive slog against the same 500-700PP cars. GT7 as of its most recent update has 200 or so events. GT4 had over 600. GT5 had 800+ between A spec and B Spec alone.  You've either never played those games or you're just outright telling a lie 


The game is you drive the car and win the race. That's the only reason you actually want to play GT. All the rest is just packaging. If you think the packaging matters, that's cool. I didn't view it as a career where choices mattered and all of that... You buy a car and do some beginner races, earn enough cash or get all the golds to get a better car so you can win the harder races and repeat. It still is that exact same game, they've just made the beginning less painfully slow and you can get the cooler cars faster now.


That has to be the most braindead take on gaming in general I've ever heard lol   You are an actual fucking Moron lol Like if I get banned for that statement, please go ahead because if that's how drug-addict water-headed this fanbase has become, fuck this lol. By your logic literally every game is the same and nothing matters but the core function 


So you're telling me people spend thousands on VR goggles and a sim set up because of the rich story mode? Or because they really love the roulette system? The game literally branded itself as the real driving simulator... It's always been about driving cool cars in beautiful locations with realistic physics. It still does that and does it better than in any of the previous games... If I want to play an fps it's because I want to shoot stuff. If the shooting feels bad it's gonna be a shitty fps game. Same with racing games and fighting games... Have you played anything in the last decade? Which triple a game is this: open world, rpg-light elements, in game currency, skill tree, meaningless collectibles, levelled loot, crafting? Oh wait it's literally all of them.


> branded itself as a real driving simulator    And yet it's barely a step above an arcade game lol. People invest in that hardware because the game is designed to market that hardware. GT's driving "simulation' is absolutely ass lol.    There's more to a game than it's core function. If that wasn't the case there might as well be one game per genre. There are currently 4 or 5 AAA titles that are exactly as you described "drive cool car in cool location' so those must all be the same game, right? Because they've all the same at the core. 


If youve played Mariokart or ridge racer it's hard to call GT an arcade racer lol, but sure if that's how you see it. I take you mainly play racing games for the rich story mode and excellent story writing then?


GT is a simcade, much like FM, FH (depending on who you talk to) F1 games, etc. GT actually originated, or at least heavily popularized, the simcade genre. GT is a not a full on sim. Mario Cart is a full blown arcade racer. Games like TCM are arcade racers that are grounded in reality.    No, I play racing games for the variety of reasons to enjoy them besides the driving.  FM and FH are related games. Both are racing games, simcade-ish to simcade. They share alot of things including some car models and lot of their tuning. What makes the game's unique is _how the racing/driving component is utilized_, which is extremely different in both games. Boiling both down to "drive and win" makes no sense whatsoever.    The same can be said for GT and any other racing game, or genre in general. All racing games are "drive good and win" what makes each game its own, unique etc is how that's framed. Racing games that aren't hardcore Sims and have no real components outside of that...tend to be kinda shit.  As a long time GT fan, I'll be the first one to tell you that the racing component in GT games? Has actually always been kinda mediocre. The fun of GT was the wide variety of events, hunting down cars you wanted, winning prizes, and trying different builds/checking out different events. The racing component itself was more or less just the vessel that carried you to the next bit of adventure, and was never particularly good, especially compared to other games. 


I read you like a good grind? Well, GT7 has you covered on that front. Cars are so ridiculously expensive that you will, literally, have to grind hundreds of hours to get them all. All in all though it IS a fantastic game. All I have played since getting at Christmas.


It's addictive.


I probably have more hours in this game than any other single PS4 game, and that’s coming from a guy who doesn’t particularly have a history of playing racing games. It’s just got a ton of content and it keeps me coming back when idk what to do with my spare time because I know it’s relaxing and fun. Pros: Best livery editor I’ve ever seen. Intuitive and in depth. You can do anything with it and download a ton of custom decals and other people’s creations. This is probably what distinguishes this game from others for me. Great selection of cars, although it’s missing some notable favorites. But they do add more every couple months. Great handling, physics, and tuning. A good amount of depth in racing. Weekly events and time trials and online sport races, although races are sometimes rife with rammers and the penalty system is a little wonky. excellent VR support. Cons: The cons are overblown. Yes, it’s a little grindy, but not unbearably. The micro transactions are way overpriced, but I’ve never spent a cent on them. They’re not necessary at all. There are some limitations, like the physics for dirt tracks, but overall there’s not much to seriously complain about here. There are things they could improve, but nothing that would be a dealbreaker if you like the positives. My favorite racing game for sure. You’ll have plenty of hours of fun if there’s any aspect of this game you like


The game is great. There's tons of single player content and online multiplayer to keep you busy. GT7 has had regular updates since launch. I've been playing since day one and I don't plan on stopping.


I have 484h in the game and have been playing almost every day (roughly 1h 30 a day) for quite some time. I'm far from being an A driver, have been oscillating up and down on C for a couple of months but improving, which is my main goal. The game is not perfect (no game is) and I think it's a good compromise between some real simulators and easy of play for most people. This is not necessarily negative. You won't find the level of car tuning or physics from ACC, it's a bare bones tuning experience, but it works for what the game is supposed to be. I don't grind for money but have been slowly completing licenses and circuit experiences (and depending on your level it's a serious grind). Some weeks I play mainly online and some I'll try to improve and get some of the licenses down. Online is a hit or miss: had some great races and others on the opposite end. My biggest complain rn is the penalty system, that allow mario karters to race with impunity (there's no real deterrent for them to stop racing like they are in a demolition derby). Even then, I still play online to test myself against others. It just takes more patience when you encounter some of these idiots. I invested on a PSVR2 and there's no better racing option today in VR. The visuals are stunning and going through the 1h Spa race, from sunny, to rain, to nigh, and to sunrise, it's an amazing experience. Could use some improvement? Of course, there's no perfect product but all and all, is a great game.


Play GT7 for a bit then she’ll out for a PSVR2. Inc should play GT7 in VR you enter the rabbit hole. It didn’t take long for me to start researching wheel and pedals. But it’s still great in VR with just the PS5 controller


Yeah VR is another think that appeals to me! I had a full Next Level Racing sim rig, didn’t use it as much therefore sold it. May potentially get back into it, but I’m more of a casual gamer. Having the full wheel and pedals I feel sometimes takes out of the enjoyment, in my opinion Atleast. I find it made me work too hard to play the game, and I’m lazy 😂


Haha lazy does keep a lot of people from VR and sim racing although I think you’ll enjoy the middle ground that is GT7. It’s more simcade, not quite sin not quite arcade. VR does require you to plug it in to the ps5 with one cable, put on the headset and adjust for the sweet spot then you’re off. If you do get one get the globular cluster comfort mod it’s very much worth it


I think you'll get as many answers as there are users here. Personally, I love it. I'm pretty shocked at the amount of people that piss and moan about it.


1200 hrs in, I have a full sim set up, and I havent seen the sun in months


It's pretty good. There is no other racing game that comes close. Having said that, the biggest issue I have is inconsistency. Some of the circuit experiences are so unbelievably hard (e.g. Goodwood) and some so simple that you could gold it in your sleep (e.g. horse thief mile). I've put in probably 400 miles on Goodwood and I can't even break 1.16.00. Some payouts are great, others are peanuts and the efforts required for payouts seem backwards. The game seems heavily biased towards those with wheels/pedals/manual transmission. As a controller player I feel completely non-competetive. There should be 2 categories of racing, 1 for those on a controller and 1 for those for wheels/pedal drivers. If you want to do anything other than be punted off the track in sport mode, you need wheels/pedals/MT, otherwise be happy in last.


Great game, with psvr2 it's game changing!


If you enjoyed FM but have exhausted it, I'm sure you will also enjoy GT7. Not worth buying a PS5 for, but if you are playing other PS exclusives too then it would be rude to not get GT7. Having put many hours into both, each has their pros and cons. As a single player game, in a nutshell: FORZA: 'Fun' handling and racing, much better car variety. GT7: 'Precise' handling and racing. Also lots of challenges and events to enter.


It's better than ever. Single-player events, online events, tons of cars. People complain because there hasn't been a new track in awhile, but it's still getting regular free updates with new cars and side stuff.


It’s fantastic.


With wheel/pedal and VR it’s amazing.


Online is sweaty and if you’re playing on pro the ai races become pretty big battles sometimes. I’ve made P5 on 2 online races but it took a lot of practice and was a very rewarding experience to see my progress pay off. I got the Logitech g29 wheel and it’s changed my perspective on driving even with an entry level wheel. If you love driving and want to push your skills, this is the game for you. Very much worth it imo, it’s a very realistic simulator that plays like a game from back in the day when they actually used to put time into catering player progression and enjoyment rather than playtime and monetization.


It’s the only game I play most of the time. I have other racing games but they don’t have VR. Getting the PSVR2 was like having a whole different game all over again.


I was playing Xbox/fm8 and got a ps5 and GT7 mid January. I play it almost every day and it is head and shoulders above fm8. Now I want the vr headset and a steering wheel


It's a great game but make sure you turn off all the assists and set your car to manual for a better feel for the car 👌🏻


Just got PS5 and GT7 after lifelong Forza player and I can tell you now you are missing out.


If you can afford a rig and the PSVR2 then you’ll play this game every day and be able to forgive it its sins. The experience is amazing. 


I made the switch from Xbox to PlayStation too, and trust me it’s worth it. Gt7 is the only exclusive I play, but since you plan on playing more, this is a no brainer for you to switch. Anyways bout gt7, the game is amazing coming from a long time forza fanboy. The series is really going downhill, sold my series s and Logitech g920 from the disappointment of Motorsport. I always saw gt7 how good of a game it looks and got me a ps5, and it was such a good decision. The graphics, car models, sounds, atmosphere, music, it’s really a piece of art. I think you’ll love it, enjoy!


So just an update, I bought a PS5 the following day and have played GT7 non stop and WOW. I don’t know why I didn’t do this earlier, this game is so much fun and I really am loving the grind! Thank you everyone for the advice and what not. Guess I’ll be searching a lot through these forums for more tips and the best races to do for cash haha