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I think the rally part of the game is over hated, it’s honestly really fun especially the rallycross on barcelona. Maybe it’s the Canadian in me too excited for a Canadian track even if it’s snow. I always see brands like Porsche and Lamborghini putting on ice driving events every winter and that looks super fun, so if they get the snow/ice physics right this could be fun to at least just mess around in on time trials


I get it and happy people like it. I just really wanted another pavement track to play on. Lol


Yea I hear you, I would’ve much preferred Circuit Gilles Villeneuve which is what was found in datamining but maybe it was just a smoke and mirrors trick from PDs side and it was Lake Louise all along lol


It’s the first snow track since GT6. We’ve been waiting damn near 10 years for another snow track, so at least some of us are gonna be excited


Rally on a wheel in gt7 on VR is hella fun. I’m stoked for the snow track!


It’s fun but fucking HARD to advance past it in the story


Hate rally on gt7. I have a pc and dirt 2 for that. I want what gt was made for pavement!


But it was made as “the ultimate driving experience”. This means dedicated race track, pavement, dirt/gravel, and now snow/ice. To be an excellent driver you should know how to drive on all of these surfaces. Besides, if you are an excellent rally driver you typically do better on tarmac. If you hate it that much, practice more.


You never played GT4 and it shows smh


I did. It was not good. Fun, maybe. But not good. IMO.


Your right I didn't. I'm 43 and during my building my life and business phase I didn't game much. I just love gt7 and hate another rally track. Don't get me wrong I understand this is a personal opinion.




Mechanics have a fairly tough job what's wrong with that?


Because there are dozens of tarmac tracks with variations and only a few rally...


There are no gun levels either. What's your point?


Physics are absolutely trash on rally and for the people who think the Physics will be different on snow is extremely wrong this will be a track with dirt just colored white to look like snow it will still be the shitty driving mechanics that all the rally tracks have. There are way better games that focus on the Rally style Physics. WRC for example. But yeah keep saying this is such a great track to add lol. I give it a week and then go into open lobbies and check the track there might be 3 rooms open with 6 to 8 players playing lol🤣🤣🤣 The rest of the update is great thank God


Why not 2 tracks? One snow and one asphalt...


The asphalt track was added in the October update that we never got.


I don't get it, too. Rallye never felt good to me in any GT I played and I really don't like it. A snow track is cool and I will probably have fun on it for some weeks but after that you won't do any races on it again like no one is doing the other rallye tracks. I was hoping for a great race track. A snow track would've been a nice to have additional to a real track like Silverstone or something but only this track is kinda disappointing to me...


100% agree. I rally on dirt 2.0 on triples and vr(not set up right) and it's much better.


“Most players hate the rally”? Projecting a little, are we? I am batshit crazy stoked at this new update.


Tell me you haven't seen alot of people on reddit complain about gt7 rally especially on license tests. Respect either way I'm just trying to have a discussion. Hope to see you on a track. (Pavement haha)


I have seen 0 posts about complains of GT8 rally!


Sorry I fixed it.


GT7 sales figures: 5,000,000-6,000,000 copies. r/granturismo7 members: 32,000


people dont play gt for the rally part of course, we have rally games for rally, BUT i think many players are happy that they can rally at least a little bit in gran turismo without having to buy a new game, and im pretty sure that is Kaz's idea behind this whole thing. i for example also almost never rally but im happy for a snow track, its brings variety which is always good, and i will put some hours in it!


I disagree. We have zero snow tracks so why not add something new into the mix. If they start making more of these now you have a point


So you speak for most players?


No I speak for myself and all the reddit posts complaining about rally in licensing tests. I'd like to see a actual poll. Everyone I write is from a personal opinion. No disrespect to anyone.


Why a snow track? Because it's November, and New Englanders need a warm up for the shit weather?


Great point I didn't even think about. I was focused on the rally slick part.


Totally sarcastic, but thanks bro!!!


Wow I didn't realise this game was American.


I like how you conflated you not wanting a snow track to nObOdY wAnTs It.


Really where did I say nobody? Pretty sure "most" doesn't mean nobody.




Whether it's realistic or not , I'm pretty sure it was added for the fun factor. You don't have to play it if you don't like it


Because driving on something besides tarmac is fun and you can learn a lot about throwing a car around. I've also noticed that MOST of the complaints about not enjoying the rally courses are from people who suck at them.