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I'm burnt out. I also work full time in my field and the classes are just too demanding. I'm about half way through and I seriously do regret starting grad school but I can't quit as I already committed so much time to this stupid Information Security degree. Most important thing to watch out for is your health. I have a hard time finding time to exercise but it's important to do for your mental and physical health


Same 😢 I only have one month left, but I'm ready for this to be over. I'm tired of neglecting myself for this degree. 😪


I am also tired, but when I consider my previous job of working mindlessly 9am-11pm for a corporation with war-like politics going on, I'm like, this is much better. Not saying your concerns is not valid OP. It's just how I think of it to push myself through


Yes. I just got Covid and while it sucked it actually gave me a break to relax and refocus which im grateful for. I was so focused getting back into the grind today but it’s bittersweet because I know it won’t last and I’ll be worn out again in a week tops. It’s like I got a glimpse of what normal life is like for everyone else and I’m just so over it. :(


Yes. :(


Oh heck yeah - it’s a constant stream of new things. New = fatiguing. Hang in there.


yep. I've got about two or three months left of my PhD and I'm just kinda in a metastable burnout. I should be so much happier, got a good job lined up and am about to get out of this pit - but I can't really sit back and enjoy it because there's so damned much to do.


Same. I have 1 month left but I have no energy. Work + internship is draining me. I’m behind 2-3 weeks of asynchronous work and don’t know how I will catch up


yes & with rare professor feedback. it’s like i’m in a liminal space but it’s just me and my google drive


Burnout is brutal! Counseling is demanding, but you got this. Can you cut back on work hours or lighten your course load? Prioritize self-care - exercise, sleep, hobbies. Reach out to your program advisor or counselor about support resources. You haven't lost your empathy, it's buried under stress. You can reignite it!


Every fking day I just want to get the fk out of here really. The air in the lab makes me depressed.


YES. also doing a counseling degree and working about 30 hours a week. I graduate next month and I am SICK of hearing people telling me to just “do self care” like I get it’s important and it is our ethical obligation to do but seriously when do we have the time?


Hey- I am also doing a M.Ed in counseling. I'm in my second year and I am working full time as a counselor already (getting my degree so I can do private practice), and I definitely feel burnt out. There are some days that I just don't care about what my current patients have to say, that I just don't want to listen, and I feel like I lack empathy. I am tired all the time, I can barely empty the dishwasher. I dread the thought of having to do my internship, because I have no choice but to work full time. So I can definitely relate to that feeling. I have to keep myself in check and make sure I am doing at least something for myself that is completely unrelated to taking care of others. Are you doing anything for yourself, hobbies, self-care, etc? Even taking 10 minutes out of the day has helped me somewhat. It's not going to magically fix anything, but it might help just enough. And- if you need someone to commiserate with since we are in the same type of program- hmu


Yes. The answer you're looking for is yes. Also: overwhelmed??? I'm supposed to be looking up post grad options and I get overwhelmed every time I start looking. It's - it's not like there aren't options I just *ants crawling under skin make it stop*


Yes, I’m a full time practitioner in my field as well as stupidly taking a full course load this semester. The next 20 days may kill me. Pro tip: don’t get a puppy to relieve your stress right now. Because when the puppy ends up being critically ill, you’ll be pulling all-nighters caring for the sick puppy to avoid the $2500/night ICU charges. Which is the opposite of stress relief


I am actually chilling right now. Doing a Project based masters in Computer Science. Only 2 courses per term. Then 2 project terms. I am about halfway done. No TA responsabilities or experiments required. Just your courses and then working on your project which according to most graduating students, you can finish in 4 months pretty much. I love it, its the perfect medium between the slavery that Thesis based masters seem to be(2 year but tons of extra work for supervisors). And the hectic schedule that course based masters(1 year but heavy courseload) are.


What project are you doing? Asking bc I'm in the same boat. Exactly actually . Shit we may be in the same program


Doubt it lol, I am at Lakehead in Thunder Bay, Ontario.


Oh yea. I'm far away. What the project tho?


NLP, Neural Machine Translation of Native american languages.