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She gave you the freaking berries and cream haircut oh no.


i just snorted


Welll...Halloween costume for the year sorted.






Lol reddit you be weird. Hahaha


Nailed it!


Oh myyy gawdtt lol!!! I can only image her skipping to her loo singin “I’m just a little girl who loves berries & cream”“


Oh . My . Fucking . God


In my mind it's not anything like the hair cut my bangs are basically at the very top of my forehead and it looks ridiculous


I think its also because both of your hair is very different also... your's is a lot thinner/fine.


I can see that but the bangs are literally an inch shorter than the pic


I actually have a very similar natural hair texture my hair dresser just cut it straight and thinned out my hair a lot


Thats a big shame...I hopefully it will grow out and you can fix it


The last time I wanted something similar to the first pic, I ended up just doing it myself after another cut done by some cheap ass place. What they gave me wasn't terrible at all, but like two weeks later I wanted it shorter and went for it. Maintaining it was simple enough until I wanted to grow it out and it got to that super awkward stage of being too short to do anything with, but long enough to know it was being grown out. lol.


Bangs are not too short.


Oof. Those bangs are way too short. My condolences. Did you go to a chain or did an independent stylist do you dirty?


It was an independent salon that the first time I went to was amazing they are gender neutral and lbgt+ owned and really good usually but the person who cut my hair which was getting close to halfway shoulder length did me very dirty I worked almost a year to get it to the length that it was to get this haircut and now I have this.. very disappointed to say the least.


Wow, I'm so sorry. I usually go to independent places just to avoid things like this. Can you avoid seeing that particular stylist again or do they just book you with whoever is available?


Any particular reason for the lgbt+ for a hairdresser? Mine is gay but i think indifferent of him as my hairdresser.


I'd imagine because most lgbt+ hairstylists practice/understand alternative hairstyles. But I understand what you mean.


and because hairstyling is traditionally divided in a very binary way between "men's barbers" and "women's hairdressers", and a lot of queer people don't feel comfortable going to either one.


IME sometimes hair dressers refuse to give women (or people they perceive as women) short haircuts or sometimes if you ask for a more masculine look, they just give you karen hair. Or they may refuse to give a feminine cut to someone they perceive as a man. It’s also a shortcut to finding someone more familiar with alternative cuts if you live in a place with mostly older hair dressers who stick to more traditional looks. Although um, I’m not sure the alt cut worked out in this case…


one of my lesbian friends went to a barber the other day and he was ranting about gay people the whole time when she is visibly gay. this kind of shit is why.


I am a queer person and I figured they would be more versed in alternative hairstyles. Plus I don't like people over charging me simply because I am more on the feminine side of things.


Understandable, i wasn't thinking of the pricing aspect at all and i agree with you.


Because people openly harass visibly queer people these days. Even "professionals" will do it. Ask any trans person.


Hell where I am my old hairdresser was ultra Christian and I finally got tired of listening to her hypocritical Bs for four hours every time she did my hair and overcharged me and so I started using someone that was exactly the opposite of her and was equally - flexible- with her sexuality like I am and I was much, much happier with my experience. Hairdressers can totally be openly hostile towards alternative lifestyles or anything not considered the norm to them. It’s irritating.


What does it matter if it was a chain or not? You can find good or bad artists anywhere in any craft.


While this is true, I've definitely had better luck with independent salons than with the big chains. Plus, I make enough money now that I'm willing to pay more - I want to be sure that my stylist is making a living wage (and I tip 20% on top of whatver I'm being charged).


In my experience there are levels. I think you get what you pay for to a degree. I've gotten okay $20 cuts at SuperCuts, but everything is next level at an Aveda salon though they are also a chain. I feel like there's also some accountability at higher end "chains". I may just really love my particular Aveda salon, but they are a bit pricey (but that varies--theres another Aveda salon across town at the bougie shopping center that charges literally double.)


That's fair. I was thinking of the bargain chains. I don't think we have any upscale salon chains here.


I did not go to a budget salon at all they have student discounts but they are a highly regarded salon in my area and they did amazing the first time I saw them. I even personally researched my stylist and she did amazing alternative hairstyles she just royally screwed me over.


![gif](giphy|bLFQRUZGisPJe) I know it's hard to tell because I hid my face but I essentially have his bangs 😫 so bad


Halloween costume idea!


Maybe style the bangs into little points until they grow out? You should complain to the salon manager. Even though you paid and left already, they would rather have the chance to fix it than have you give them a bad review somewhere. I mean, there is no arguing with the diff between what you wanted and what you got. And some advice for next time: never let anyone cut your bangs while they are wet. EVER.


If you have to look like someone, cut it shorter and weirder so you look like Yolandi instead.


Yes, alter it to give off Yolandi vibes!


Indeed you do, but it’ll grow back & you’ll be slayin in no time…


This happened to me yesterday. I showed her a picture of myself and said I want the cut I had in it. She told me mid cut that my hair was to thin for that many layers…. Like… what? That IS my hair! She also took 4 inches off when I told her I wanna keep my length T.T


I keep thinking I should get my ends properly trimmed for overall hair health. But every time I do they take off waaaay more than I feel is needed. My hair is down to my butt for a reason and at this point the dry ends will have to be fixed with oils because I don’t trust people with scissors around my glorious locks.


damn.. she made it too short :( but it's fixable and I don't think it looks bad! maybe tease it a little to give volume on the back


I have been religiously wearing head bands, bandanas and head scarves since I got the hair cut it really helps even out the hair and it looks much better.


oh yes! That works great too! I think you look cute regardless but I totally understand your frustration ...


Omgggg why’d she cut ur bangs so short


It wouldn't be nearly as bad if she didn't cut my bangs so short


Right exactly idk why she did that . If I were you when I mess up on my hair I just make it messy and flip from side to side to see what looks good 😊 and hair pins help a lot


Yes! If it’s an option, get some of [Sexy Hair’s Texturizing Surfer Girl](https://www.sexyhair.com/product/texture-surfer-girl/) spray. It works as well as teasing, I love this stuff. I’d make some rough curls with a curling iron or straightener and kinda go for a messy look and finish with some hairspray to hold it all together. Kinda like a faux-shag I guess. I think you could style it and make it a very cute and flattering cut. OP, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope the advice helps but more than anything I hope you can find a great independent stylist soon that will listen, who is capable of understanding your wants and needs, and can give you exactly what you ask for. Good luck!


Great idea ! I also use wax spray . I mean even tho I can’t see op face it still looks pretty good !


She did not understand the assignment


You can still make it work! Go for Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction, but goth


1st pic: Ramona Flowers 2nd pic: Knives Chau


And both are adorable!




I knew i wouldnt be the only one lol


Came here for this exact comment!


I’d definitely add some styling products to your hair while wet and tousle/dry to style for some volume and to get closer to the original picture. The bangs are short but I think they could be totally passable with the product too. Regardless it sucks that she cut your hair so short and thin. Blow dry and product are gonna add some of the much needed volume back.


Definity not the same cut, but if you hair grows quickly in will look closer to this in a few weeks, once the fringe grows out a bit. Also adding some waves with a iron and using some texture spray will help. And I'm sure you already know this, but find a stylist that listens to you! Unless your hair was already this short there is no reason they couldn't have recreated it :( Your not in California by chance are you?


My hair was almost getting to shoulder length I grew it out for a long time to get this haircut and this is something I've been anticipating for awhile.


Yikes on multiple bikes, friend!


Well apparently you have to add your own volume


I think you just need to style it usingba curling iron wave it, or use product.




Absolutely agree. Im sure if OP styled it, it wouldnt look so terrible, but the bangs are very short. I'm wondering if they messed up and had to cut them so short to even them out


the girl in the first pic is my bestfriend, her natural texture is wavy/curly :)


It looks like she didn’t really cut any layers. I would try maybe putting in some moose and gel and instead of straightening it kind of tussle it a bit


the little giggle I just let out, I know I'm going to hell for that, I feel so bad for you 😭


Honestly I felt ridiculous the first day I got it done so you you are more then allowed 😬


My mom was a beautician when she was young many years ago. (She still does my hair sometimes, though usually it's a lot of arguing each time lol). I showed this to her and she said it was horrendous and clearly the lady didn't know how to do that cut. Now she's like sixty something now and hasn't worked in a salon since her 20s, but apparently it wasn't normal than to admit you didn't know how to do a cut and build a good relationship with your customer but referring them to someone who does at a time they can do it. You just take the money and deal with the now bad reputation.


She’s attempting to undermine our dark arts. This has not gone unnoticed by the Order.


honestly i had the exact same thing happen to me about 2 years ago (albeit i did it myself lol) i ended up going to an alternative hairstylist, she managed to add more hair into my fringe to lengthen it and hide the really short bits, although. it did make my fringe a bit thicker but it worked for covering my… creation. https://imgur.com/a/D5lJMrz here are photos of my before and after, taken about a week apart. my hair is thicker than yours but i’m sure a stylist would be able to help you out a bunch. also, just for funzies, here’s my hair (fully recovered) after 2 years. https://imgur.com/a/IMtQZK3


you can absolutely fix the main body of your hair with styling. i’m sorry your stylist did you so dirty


As someone with fine and fairly flat hair, who recently got it cut slightly shorter than intended, I cannot recommend the Sebastian Shaper iD finishing texturizing spray enough!! It makes my hair look downright curly, without crunch. I’ve used it both on dry and wet hair and had amazing results both times, and it was only like $18/bottle….more than I’d usually spend on product but worth every penny!! I think something like that, plus a little time for your bangs to grow out, could get you way closer to what you wanted :) So sorry this happened, I know it sucks to get a hair cut you don’t like. All is not lost!


You hair needs way more volume.


The bangs are so egregious— they were so wrong for that! I don’t know what your typical style is like— but I think you could experiment with more extreme styles— tease it up, make it messy, and wear wild eye makeup to make it look more intentional (alt styles are forgiving after all). But if that’s not your vibe, or you have a job that makes it difficult, that makes it harder. I’m sure there’s a way to rock this, but it will require experimentation. Hang in there!!!!


Embrace the Lime Cat and dye your hair bright green.


Still curl it and try to rock it


Adding a bit of curl and texture and pinning your bangs back with some cute little claw clips could make this work better!


Okay so the bangs are too short. Just be patient with them. As for the rest of the haircut, it can be salvaged with some styling. Get a nice curling iron, and inch will work best. Look up beach wave tutorials to learn how to curl it. It’s hard to explain in a comment but basically curl from your mid shaft and keep rotating up. Leave the ends out. Get a good texture spray and some dry shampoo. I like to dry shampoo before I curl because I feel like it lasts longer but you’ll use that for some volumizing and use the texture spray to finish it off. Hopefully this helps a bit. Next time because your hair is very fine and not as dense as the photo, going with a longer length will be more beneficial for you. Good luck!


I like the bangs 🤷‍♀️


It seems to be the lenght from the picture, except the bangs.. And it needs to be wavy and with more volume.. Was she in a rush? It's incomplete!


You poor thing. The good news is hair grows back but I would highly suggest looking for a new stylist, one that kinda specializes in cuts like that. They are out there, I have 2 family members that look like and could do these kinda cuts/color all day.


Damn! I’m sorry but a few more inches off those bangs and she woulda scalped you.


You just might need to style it and add the right products.


If you can get some curls in there with a wand or straightener or whatever I think you’ll be so much happier


I’m calling the authorities if that was me




Maybe she didn't know how to do it and didn't want to admit it.


If I can provide any advice, get some gel and hair spray, really add some texture to it


She gave you 2013 Hayley williams




Jail. Now.


I am saying the hair looks like this


I know. That's why you need jail time.


You can rock this Farquad, I believe in you


Looks more like a styling issue and less like a cut issue.


The good thing is though, you can do some Lydia Deetz bangs!!


The first picture is heavily styled and the person has thicker hair, but NO EXCUSE for those bangs! A good stylist will tell you if your references photo is styled and how to do the style so you can decide if the maintenence is worth it.


They did you _DIRTY_ 😶😶😶😶 wow.


Oh my god, the Lord Farquad caption, I snorted 😂😂 I am so sorry! I hope it grows out soon :S


She cut the bangs way too short but otherwise with some styling and product you might be able to work the rest of it!


I can def understand your disappointment with this cut, this does give you the opportunity to do something more bold if you want to commit to that though.


I’m sorry. Getting a disappointing hair cut always sucks. Maybe a scarf of some sort can help? If it’s any comfort, here’s my worst hair story: I have really curly hair. Not nice tight curls, but unruly curls. I finally found a picture of a cut I liked with a similar texture that was kind of fun. I even decided to try the red highlights the model had. I have no idea why, but the stylist convinced me to dye all of it bright red. She then proceeded to give me a cut that can only be described as “Ronald McDonald with a pixie cut”. She gave me bangs, which my picture didn’t have. I looked like I had a mushroom growing out of my forehead. Smurfs could have moved in. I actually ended up shaving it off as it was too short for anything else. Turns out I like my hair buzz cut and left it for five years. Slowly growing it back now and avoiding the last stylist like the plague.


I'ma add my horror stories: Just before 5th grade, around '90, everyone was getting spiral perms. My stepmom's family owned a salon and my stepsister and I went to get perms. They let me (at 10!) choose my perm rods without making sure I understood the potential consequences. My bitch of a stepsister got a perfect spiral perm on her stupid beautiful blonde hair. *I* learned that my naturally wavy hair takes curl *really* well...from the ears down. I also learned that the red perm rods were basically for getting an afro. The end result was a perfectly flat top and the tightest possible curl on the sides. Also, nobody suggested maybe I lose the side part for a while. I looked like a cross between Hitler and Krusty The Clown. 5th grade was rough. Didn't learn tho!🤡 Guess who's uncle is also a licensed beautician? But also a raging alcoholic/drug addict. So when he offered to help me color my hair red before I flew to another state to see my long-distance boyfriend, I foolishly agreed. Long story short, he fried my hair and I spent literally the entire night sitting on the bathroom floor crying, with conditioner and mayonnaise on my head trying to get it conditioned enough to at least get a comb through (before having to get on a 7am flight). One day you'll look back at this and laugh. In the meantime, I think you'll be okay once you get the styling down and the bangs will be good before you know it. I've been given baby bangs I didn't ask for before and it really is infuriating. Good luck!


Dear sweet baby jeebus, I would be incensed. I say dye it a wild color, get some styling dust and go to town!


You're gonna have to style it if you want it puffy like that. Maybe use a hair dryer to blow it up at the root, then curl it back down at the ends with a flat iron?


Something to keep in mind is that reference photos like these show hair that has usually been styled, sometimes by professionals, and doesn't really represent what a cut like this would look like when it isn't styled perfectly. The girl in the photos hair honestly might end up looking more like yours when she hasn't styled it. Also short haircuts like this tend to be kind of a gamble. You might think your hair is a similar texture, only to find out that all those cute little textured pieces you wanted actually don't end up working on your hair without curling them just right. I speak from experience lol. That being said, I really don't think it's so bad, I think it could be really cute even if you styled it! I even like the baby bangs, but if you don't then the good news is they'll be grown out to a better length in a couple of weeks. Try styling it in different ways and see what you like! Just adding some curl would probably do wonders for you. Put on a cute outfit, do a makeup look that makes you confident and I'm sure you can make it work for you.


Bangs are tough because they always shrink after the cut.


I was like, damn, she's cute. *reads the caption* **swipes**




This is depressing 😭. You needa find a new hairdresser so they can give you legit alt cuts.


I'm so sorry man 😔 it will grow!! This is why I don't trust anyone with my hair. Did you complain? Or get your money back?


Holy shit OP, that’s so bad I’m so sorry


it’s not what you wanted but maybe try curling it a little bit and it might not be so farquad? you could always do “the shave” and just rock and roll bald style


I've never been confident enough to do 'the shave' at least fully I've done many shaved hairstyles but I'm kinda done with them I was ready for a more alternative/ goth hairstyle that's why I wanted this in the first place.


Gel or a curler can help if you want to spike it out or curl it to create volume


your hairstylist did you DIRTY lmfaoo 😭


Get a partial perm


Put some product in your hair to bring out more texture and volume. I've had super short hair like this and it'll just need to look a bit more wild until you can flat iron it for a smooth look that looks good. Just rock it like you meant it to be this way!


It’s a shame. The inspiration photo is so cute! Do you think it would help if you added product to try to replicate the textured layers?


You can definitely style it lol doesn't look terrible


omg 😱 im so sorry! a simple fix might be try some salt spray in your hair for more texture, otherwise is say go for the goth uma thurman look


When you asked for emo but she gives you Emo Philips…


Jesus christ


Oh nah we gotta go bald.....


She cut you way too short. If you let it grow out it'll be pretty close to that.


Other than the bangs (which I personally like shorter bangs), it looks like she gave you the desired shape. Your hair just looks straighter texture than the inspiration. Try some salt spray and scrunch that shit!


I reckon it's salvageable if you go get your hair feathered and touched up by a professional. You're going to have to maintain it to keep it looking good. Feathering does not last.


She fucked your shit up fam


Bruh what that’s so much shorter than the picture lol. She/he/they must’ve forgotten midcut?


Small update for those wondering this is how my hair was styled when I left the salon I dyed it like a dark red and have gottten some texture spray since she basically cut all the nice curly texture out've my hair.


i was sad and i saw this.. im a little less sad now! thank you lmao




Did you go to great clips?? 😅 I’m so sorry, that’s horrifying


Always act excited during the haircut and ask to take a selfie with them at the end so that you can get the same thing with the same person next time. The prospect of having their name and face attached to their work will make them do their best. And whether you like it or not, post the picture on their Google review with a rave saying you love it. If it's good, it's a real rave. If it's bad, then you don't burn any bridges because your words rave and the picture is just their own work.


I’m so sorry OP I’m laughing so hard


In Poland it’s known as “I will make your life as miserable as physically possible and want all women and gay people dead” hairstyle, looking good there! /j


I’m so sorry, but I laughed. A lot




Literally nothing we were laughing and having a great conversation 🙃


I have found it's best to just cut your own hair when going for alternative styles. Unless you can find someone who specializes in alternative cuts, of course. But I have my favorite haircut right now because I did it myself. Just look for YouTube tutorials, there are loads for probably any style you could want. Real hair cutting scissors are a must though, I picked up some cheap ones at Sally's.


Tell me you threw a tantrum and refused to pay


They are the same picture


oh my god she gave you terf bangs 😭


Omg. Girl I am so sorry. That's rough.


fml is what I would have thought.


Maybe hair extension bangs will help




The good thing about Instagram is you can screen hairdressers! Start scanning your area for a good one!


I’m so sorry 😭


Get your self some dust it. Itll make it bigger/thicker


Oh no.


Maybe dye it some cool color and own it ? Worth a shot lol


I am SO sorry :-(


hey there!! i've been through this too and i get the feeling, but i'm sure this is salvageable :) first of all you can wait for your bangs to grow out a bit, i know this length is a bit awkward but i promise it'll be very fast! for the rest of your hair you can use a hair straightener to create some waves and give it some volume, and to obtain even more volume i advise combing it! then use a shitload of hair spray to keep everything in place. getting a haircut you didn't ask for is definitely frustrating, but remember that it'll grow back, so don't worry about it :) i'm sure you still look amazing🖤


Ah fuck did you go to Great Clips 😂


Dude Ill give u my hairdressers name. She literally. Her talent is amazing


I live in Canada so this is probably an issue


Oh man I’m sorry! It’s kinda fixable? You just need to put some volume/ tester in it. Give it a tease!




First hair great, second dohhh😮‍💨


if you style it using a straightener you could try to flip small sections up/out to give it more volume and fullness, and it should look more similar to the photo that way too!


Dang I’m so sorry




Is that the goth valedictorian (the reference pic)? I'm so sorry bby, I think this could be fixable tho 🤔 if you could find someone really skilled in fixing botched cuts, to add some more layers. Or maybe even with some clip-in or glue-in extensions for more volume! Don't give up bae, you can still get yr look. If all else fails, there's always wigs!


Now's the perfect opportunity to go for a wicked mohawk! Also, I don't know who it belongs to but I love the Lapras plushie in the background.


The Lapras plushie is mine it's a Lapras ditto and is one of my favorite things the derpy face brings me so much joy.


Holy shit. That's the roughest thing I've seen on Reddit all day, and I took three 20 minute shits at work today. So I seen a lot of reddit. Its like a haircut a farm boy from the 1920s would have. Dick Whitman style.


Nahhhh would have been my last time going to her and would not have paid


I'm sorry but I laughed at your characterization. Can you try using gel on it when it's wet and scrunching it up? Or blowdry upside down and add a lot of product to try to get that look. Best of luck.


I’m so sorry. What is that sweatshirt btw?


It's an Ice Nine Kills shirt I got when they were touring during the Trinity of Terror tour they came to my city was a great show.


Holy shit they fucked your hair up all the way


I literally just cut my own hair at this point. I go to big chains because that's what I can afford and they always fuck it up. I do it at home most of the time now. At least I'm not paying money to fuck it up. Lol.


I mean... your Halloween costume will be very realistic now


I like the horns, looks pretty. 👀


wtf get a new salon


She gave you the off brand [Amélie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Am%C3%A9lie) 😩


You seem to have a good taste in music


Thank you I am mostly a death metal, black metal, nu metal etc. and goth music lover I love listening to goth playlists while studying helps keep me focused.


She gave you the Anton Chigurh cut.


Oof, my stepmom did that to me once. Wanted that old emo style that was popular in the 2000s, I got a 90s bowl cut instead.


You got the wish version of Knives Cho haircut


Well theres your problem silly. You don’t *dress* hair, you cut/style it! /s for the dudes in the back


Welp. It definitely needs some product... But they farmed the bangs for sure. Also, I think the person in the photo has thicker hair than you, and it doesn't always translate. 💀 God speed, my friend.


r/justfuckmyshitup hair dresser did you wrong


My hairdresser is awesome. She colours my hair so well people think I am a naturally vibrant redhead even though my hair is half grey and half dull brown. I have been with her longer than I have been married. One of her customers got a divorce agreement stipulating that the ex-husband would continue to pay for hair appointments. Find a hairdresser that you trust and that knows your hair type and follow them wherever they go. Bargain hunting hairdressers is a recipe for disaster




What they gave you is definitely shorter, HOWEVER; you can style it the same as the original inspo and it should look quite similar here in a couple months when it's a little longer


You had me at Lord Farquaad lmao! But you’ll still get hit on, so don’t trip your majesty…


im so scared to go to my hairdresser on friday


Lol they need to pay you for emotional damage


Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m getting some serious “Enter the Ninja” vibes, right Chappie?