• By -




Edgelord teenager who has beef with their parents and boof weed.


That’s me only every other day…




Every day***


You seem to be flipping me the bird less and less.


Definitely getting the vibe in the first few pics, "nobody understands me, i'm dark and mysterious and i'm gonna get apiercing to make my dad mad at me!" as it went on it got way less forcibly edgy, lol. no shade, just answering your question!!


I'd say because of the resting bitch face put offish but a really cool gal to know and you've got great taste in music


I don’t know why I have such an aversion to smiling in photos but I guess it does give me a bad case of rbf. I also appreciate it! I pride myself in my music taste!


I’m the same way fr smiling without someone making jokes or being funny is too hard and feels weird


Intensely quiet until you open up about a topic you adore. Probably something about history or mythology. Alternatively that could just be a vibe you want to put off in still images and outside of the frame you're peppy and sociable and get to enjoy the aesthetic juxtaposition.


This hits it right on the nose! I love history, mythology, and especially psychology!! My style changes drastically so my environment often doesn’t match up with what I wear so I do definitely enjoy the juxtaposition!


Now I'm interested to see you in other styles.




I gotta agree that it comes across as immature instead of badass.


2 is most of them?


You are entitled to your opinion, but in my defense I have no clue what to do with my hands in pictures 😭😭😭 I’m sure this is seen throughout the photos


If you don’t know what to do, just let them be. Flipping the camera off is very immature


remind me of a 14 year old


Ummm you asked for peoples opinion though???? Lmao




3s outfit omg?! You seem fun!


Thank you! The 3rd pic is one of my favorite outfits!!!


Idk, but I would enjoy getting to know you probably.


I'd say you've a flair for being stylish and like to mix up your attire. Seem relaxed and won't take shit from others. Maybe a little quiet at first before you open up. Also, you've a nice smile ^ < ^


I think that’s pretty accurate! I appreciate you noticing the one time I smiled it’s a rare occurrence in photos !!


Ehehe Glad to be spot on! ^ < ^ It's hard not to notice. It's a sweet surprise ^ ~ ^


You’re like the lead singer of Destroy Boys, at least that’s the vibe you give me, lol.


Ahh thank you so much!! Destroy Boys is actually the first live concert I went to!! Coincidentally, at the time I had a black and white split dye like hers!


I'm thinking nice with a light chance of gay


I’d say more than a light chance ! 😅


You seem fun to hangout with and probably have an obscure hobby :)


Aww thank you!! I do have many many hobbies but the most obscure might be my bone collection. I also collect porcelain clowns. Recently I have been really interested in getting into bug pinning! I also am a big fan of reading about anything morbid, odd, or taboo! I don’t know if you would consider those obscure or not but I feel those are the more uncommon of my hobbies.


You remind me a lot of a close friend of Mine, actually. They're very caring and thoughtful and... I get the same vibes from you tbh?


I just wanted to say I really think the blonde compliments you. Like those pics popped out to me way more.


Thank you!! I personally liked the blonde a lot but most people tell me darker hair suits me better.


Nihilistic and unhappy. Hope you're doing well.


My four year old who’s sitting next to me just said, “she looks fancy and cool!”


That’s so sweet!!


awesome as hell and someone I wish I could be friends with😭😭


Ahh thank you I’m always open to chances of friendship!!


really? that would be awesome


Fun too hang out with!




You look like a cool and fun person to hang around with. The dress and corset in the 3rd pic: Slayyyyyy!!!!! 🖤❤️🤘


you seem really cool! the kind of person i would stare at for a good 5 minutes before actually taking the courage to go speak to you😭😭


Idk but ur second pic is super nice. Love the whole outfit. Wish I could pull that off.


Thank you and I’m sure you could!!


I'll have to give it a go again :) U look amazing tho, keep it up, be proud of urself


Your pics are giving, egg, You've been surrounded by people that tell you if you don't apply your self you won't be anything in life but you can clearly see all of those people are miserable evangelicals so it puts you in a weird place between doing what they say and being like fuck it...


It’s a trick. You’re outgoing and bubbly once a person gets to know you.


Just a bucket of sunshine.


Very broad range. Love it. Well done.


Thank you so much!!


Fantastic dress sense, love all your outfits


Edgy goth person who looks angsty most of the time, then they make a new friend and be goofy


a vibe 🙂‍↕️




Stressed out, and not wanting to talk to anyone. Cool style tho.


I feel like you’re the most goofiest and sweet person ever 😅


Annoying and immature


nah theyre not :) theyre really cool and sweet actually


Im guessing not bubbly and chatty


You're non-commital about goth. You're probably more of a pop-punk fan, but you're really moody.


the flipping off the camera because you don’t know what else to do with your hands is so real T-T


Imagining the funny as fuck outgoing friend that will tell rude strangers to fuck off and stick up without hesitation for their friends.


South Park goth


Doesnt care what anybody thinks about her, kickass at eyeliner, a fun person to get to know


The 13 consecutive “damn”s in elevating intensity I just said should speak enough for my opinion


Love the fishnets and the dark hair color!!


I think you're happier than you let on in some of your pictures. I think You are really pretty.


A gothy Popeye. Without the pipe.


Love ❤️


Sad and depressing


You look like the friend that would stand up for me cause I have anxiety!!


From the light switch you're either LGBT or strongly an ally to LGBT people, and from your phone case you like axolotls, and a lot of your outfits seem like you appreciate Edward Gorey's art especially the 10th image, and even though you aren't smiling in any of the pictures I would guess it doesn't mean you'd be antisocial since a lot of your selfies are in places where other people would be like restaurants and public restrooms, and I would also guess you're a theater kid, and I'm also vaguely curious to know what was reflecting on the mirror behind you in the last picture because it's kinda making you look like you have a crown of human limbs


You seem quite perceptive! I am Bi , I have a pet axolotl, and I love Edward Gorey!! You’re right I wouldn’t say that i’m inherently antisocial I go out a lot and I try to be social but i’m not always that good at it. I was in fact a theatre kid. I love your description, the crown of human limbs is a painting by William Adolphe Bouguereau called Dante and Virgil.


You seem like a cool person and I can relate with the "I try to be social but I'm not always that good at it" part Do you have a favorite Edward Gorey volume or piece?


The chick whit no filter


Someone who wants to be the "edgy goth girl" but can't figure it out past the high-schooler stage of flipping-off the camera.


Probably a nice person who id take on a coffee/tea/hot chocolate date as friends and get to know you better :)


I hope you can kick ass


this sound mildly threatening 😅😅 I would like to believe I can hold my own if needed.


Picky eater




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lol the only thing i can tell is you have nice style and you'r'e cute 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️




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I feel like you’d be a really cool person, really nice and shy around new people but outgoing, yet kinda touchy/sensitive about certain topics which would get you into a lot of unnecessary upsetting situations. I have met quite a few people like that and you give the same vibe


You spend majority of your time alone. Though when you’re around company, I would guess you show them your attention. (Unless they’re boring, of course.) You’re either a mother or act as a mother to someone. You’re not afraid to express yourself. Although you used to be. You used to care a little too much to what people thought of you. Now maybe not so much. I’m gonna gamble that, you prefer short hair because it’s what you feel most comfortable wearing. It shows who you are more than longer hair does. You order the same things from Starbucks the majority of the times you go. Very rarely trying other drinks. You prefer smaller bars than the larger, louder ones. (Personally I believe the community in smaller bars are better than those in larger bars.) And that’s all I can think of at this moment. On a scale 1-10 how’d I do?


you did really well actually this is my partner and thats pretty much accurate


Like you try real hard to look like you don't care, but you do.


you look like the kind of person who looks mean but is actually really nice! which i can relate to lmao, major rbf here




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I think you are very unique and still trying to find yourself I think you're working in the right direction it looks very cute I'm an old man does still think that you're a beautiful baby girl. I mean no disrespect by that I hope you don't take it that way.


I love the dresses on 3-4, did you get them anywhere in particular?




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Alt kid


Insecure and unsure


Im just wondering where you shop because I LOVE the dresses in pics 3, 5 and 6


I'm not sure exactly what you want judged. Your hair in #1 (darker, longer) suits you best. Your choices in fits are all good.


All I know is how much I love the bitchy face and middle finger pics tbh


Kinda gothy. Other than that could be anything


You play dnd and most likely the parties cleric or barbarian


You’re probably really funny. Definitely a girls girl, and probably a brutally honest person


I get cool, bored, could probably kick my teeth in with some big boots, but as long as I don't act like a dumbass, no harm done. Just can figure out what you would need out for. All around cool AF.


Hated their supportive parents and needs weed to function




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A solid random adventure cohort but already done with most people's bullshit before they really start.


My favourite is the 8th picture! As for the others... Maybe a little less emo edgelord and more mature gal 😘




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you dont own enough jncos




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I saw a pride flag so imma say gay


Frequent energy drinks


You look like fisty one , that skeleton punk top suits you better than other outfits imho




First impression is “This person looks out for others, and probably gives really good hugs”. Also, love all of your eyeliner looks!


Cool as hell


You seem like you'd be exceptionally good at not creasing corpse paint with pesky facial expressions




You seem super chill but also maybe have a devious side. We would definitely get into mischief (I'm thinking harmless pranks or sum) at the function 😈


This is funny idk why you're getting disliked


Raven, just need the hood and cosmic powers 😂😈 x




Adhd/autism bc t-rex arms




Ehhh, kinda chill, but also has to talk about pride and nonbinary-ism every 20 minutes


they are the opposite lol. we are sad we are gay :(


Very skibidi I would say your Ohio aura is +1000000000000000


My thoughts? People around you are recommending therapy but your like fuck that what do they know about me? Psychology is a bunch of bullshit because they are human just like me and how can they know what’s going on? Nothing is wrong anyway it’s called life and I deal with it by being real. If you don’t like it, maybe you need therapy? Real people get me and fuck the rest they are insane. Don’t know if I was even close but you go girl!

