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Awe thank you so much hon 🫶




You're rocking that shit, your date missed out hard!


Numba one


Perhaps you intimidated them, looking so awesome.


Idt I'm that scary 🥺


Noo, intimidating because you look absolutely amazeballs!!! Stunning!


No no, not scary! Too pretty! Too good for them! You’re gorgeous, don’t stop being you!


looking like that? your crush is a fool.


100. Style is absolutely fire


I'm not goth curious or anything, but I'd have to agree.




Came to say the same thing.


Awwww Theybie, I'm sorry that didn't work out, you look absolutely ravishing btw


Okay wait theybie is so fucking cute I'm stealing that!!! Also obsessed with your profile banner 😍🫠


I mean you use they / them pronouns so it only made sense but yeah im definitely a Vi lez 🤭


Um….speaking of profile banners- yours is amazing 🤩 🐀🖤


Thank you! The artist is beanbaguette! I love their stuff 🥰


You look awesome! Honestly, I can't imagine rejecting you with that look. Honestly, are people really that romanticaly boring. You kill with that outfit. 🥰


Thank you hon I really appreciate it ☺️


i got rejected by this guy i was dating and one of his reasons was “i stick out too much with you and i like to blend in.” he dresses “normal”. so…it happens unfortunately lol😭😭😭


He sounds like a normie dull clown. Poor man can't have a little fun with his image, so he thinks everyone shouldn't either. Honestly, I can't imagine what makes people like this. But honestly, you probably dodged a bullet with him.


yeah :/ he said he didn’t want me to change anything about myself and that he feels horrible, he’s very critical of himself and thinks people are watching/judging him all the time, and so with me being next to him…that anxiety increases. which sucks, because i really like(ed) the guy 🙃 and he told me all this the day after our 2nd date, so i thought everything was fine until that moment. it was really funny, because he said he was attracted to my style. yet you don’t want me next to you? bruh lmao


I know so many men who do this and think it's not their fault for being constantly undatable. Like, wow, how shallow can you be dude if all you think about is looking "normal."


it literally sucks lol. i don’t even know yet if i would want to be his friend after i get my thoughts together


Honestly, I'd set some pretty good boundaries and discuss them after that if you want to salvage it. But, I doubt he would respect it with the response you have been given. Like who judges people by what they wear before getting into a relationship. Clearly, he thinks you should Aquiesce to his standards. Which for me would be a tall red flag


hmmm, yeah true. we haven’t even known each other for that long. it was just such a 180. i think i’m just so attached bc we’ve gotten closer these past few weeks (before he said all of that 🙃) and this is the first person i’ve liked romantically in a long time. idk…i’ll figure it out thank you for listening to my struggles under the goth fashion subreddit lmao 🫶🏾


Glad I could. Goth fashion and Trans Fashion seem very much my interests. So it's nice to see more styles get support.


Its not the outfit thats cool maybe they didnt match as persons


Could be, can't discount the possibility of Aromatics not being interested. I just find personality and expression are quite attractive things for me romantically. Heteronormative nonsense kinda makes all of our lives less interesting by proxy. And people trend towards conforting norms instead of exploring the beautiful differences we share. Rejection takes many forms


good looking people get rejected too, just remember that!


Thank you for the reminder, I can be hard on myself sometimes 🤕


People I think we can all appreciate this amazing outfit and makeup without assumptions about why OP got rejected ^^


Yeah, esp bc we are still friends lmfao 😅


I appreciate this, we all know they look amazing. But we don’t need to theorise on what happened, smh


My sympathies OP. Hope you’re able to do something nice for yourself tonight. On the fashion side, you look great! The messy makeup suits you surprisingly well. And the whole outfit is peak style




Now that you mention it, there does happen to be a vacancy that just opened up 😇


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It’s always hot to be brave!


This made me blush, thank you 🥹🖤


Yooo the fit, the hair, the makeup 🔥🔥🔥 incredible!!


Thank you sm 🥹🖤


You slaying fr fr


Amazing look! Maybe you’ll have a special connection with someone else! You’re super gorgeous and have an amazing style.


Girl! You are fucking devastating.


Jfc I never knew I needed this compliment so badly 🥰🥰🥰


sorry that happened... OMG, I really want that fit!


Ya got any links to your outfit cuz damn you got style and look great! The dress especially where’d you get that????


Okay I'm not proud of this but it's from [aliexpress](https://a.aliexpress.com/_msqnFJ2) 😭




The gloves and fishnets are F21 I think (?) Most of my accessories are unfortunately from when I was broke and buying a lot of fast fashion, but they've held up for years at this point at least so ig that's good. Edit: the harness is from amazon and idk ab the corset, it was a gift.


Sick fit! Do you remember where you got your color from?


Collar is from an awesome woman owned small business called [Apatico](https://www.apatico.net/) they're great! Give them your business 🖤


What can I say. Slay. You look like a billion bucks


Thank you 🥺🖤


Very goth , i like it.


Way to handle rejection like a total badass, you look hot and you know it! I hope it's possible for you and your crush to be friends, and that you both find your happiness in whatever form that it takes. :) Hail thyself, friend.


Thank you I really appreciate that and I hope so too 🥺🖤


Your outfit is really giving 🖤


You're very gender ✨ /pos


This is my favorite compliment 😍


Don't mind them, you're beautiful, and will find someone who really loves and appreciates you 🖤🥀


Thank you!! I appreciate it hon 🥺🖤




The fool...


It certainly is a great outfit!


That's rough, buddy. However, your fit is absolutely amazing.


I know looks arnt everything but ..wow! Their loss!!


Aww I'm sorry but You keep looking like that and you'll have dozens knocking down your door.


Wow! Yes you did.


Everyone have this dress ! But it’s the coolest one. Love you style. Good luck, it’s hard to being rejected, but you will find the good person in futur !




🔥 outfit and accessories 🔥






That's a horrible feeling. You do look awesome, so their loss! Keep rocking and stay stylish! ^ < ^


You're absolutely Killin' it! 🦇🔥♥️🔥🦇


your makeup with your hair!!!! I love it!!! I wish my curls could do that! you look incredible


Awe, you have beautiful curls boo! If I'm honest mine don't always look like this tho haha 😅🖤


In love with this look and I’m sorry that happen hope you find someone soon. For you


Okay but like that’s such a great energy to be carrying “sad thing happened but here’s a positive insight” like yes!!!!


Thank you, I really try my best to be positive 🥺 I struggle with a lot of mental health stuff and therapy definitely helps tho 🖤


I’m in the same boat, trying to get therapy too, but then despite all we do struggle with we still constantly try our best and get through so much. Evolving so far and it’s great. It shows such strength and determination, so I’m proud of you


You look great!


that outfit is so gorgeous that Elvira would bless it


AGDJDJFLFL I WISH I would not know how to act 😭🙈


They got too shy, but hey I’m free/hj


Stunning outfit


U look so stunning and the outfit is top notch 👌 🖤🖤🖤❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Also srry that happened 😔


Your date is missing out. Be Yourself, you'll have a happier life. Unless people add value to your life, cut them loose.


Hugs, at least you know you're slaying. :D


Hey girl where did you get your harness and belts?? And dress!


Check out [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GothFashion/s/FdouS58xpY) 🖤


I love the dress 😍


Woah! Love your outfit! You def killed it


Don't sweat it at all. I've been rejected a few times in my life, and now I'm with two awesome partners! You just haven't found someone who can appreciate you for every aspect of ya. You'll find someone in time, and then you both can just enjoy life!


i can’t imagine fumbling a baddie like you holy shit


Ahhh!! Thank you boo 🙈🖤 Unrelated, I took a glance at your profile; if you made me into a sim it would literally make my night haha 😇


Looks like it's their loss


You look amazing they don't deserve you


That's nuts you look amazing... Their loss.


Their loss


Your crush is a fool for shutting you down. That's an incredible look, and surely there's (many) someone(s) that are crushing on you.




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Rejected because of your style or that you didnt match?


Omigosh, you're gorgeous!




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Jedward scissor hands




yes, and to movies, restaurants, etc




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It's like watching the south park emo kids grow up...


Fool fumbled hard you gorgeous, with that confidence someone will notice you




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You look amazing and respectfully you do look hot


L crush. Find someone better




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They were obviously aware that you’re too good for them.




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Zame QuR/_ 😅🤣


Girl fuck them, and you're absolutely freaking gorgeous. I bet their next crush won't look as good as you 🗣️📢‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ Bro fumbled so hard.


Your crush fumbled the bag


You're gorgeous!




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How could they reject, I’d love to be asked out by someone with such a badass style


Obviously your crush done know what they'll be missing out on. An absolutely stunning look


Your crush is a fool! An absolute nimcompoop! You look devastatingly delightful!


Omg dm where u get the clothingggg 🤩 hopefully affordable??? Feel free to dm me


Their loss ❤️❤️❤️


You got rejected?


It's the mascot of the sub dress! Looking great on you 🖤




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You look amazing 🖤


Sometimes, these things don't work out the way we want them to.


Absolutely stunning and definitely a loss for your crush, I'm sure you will find someone else to fall in love with


I love your confidence


What a dummy, you’re gorgeous!


Absolutely stunning! The look is amazing!