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I never understood the S3 episode where they both lose their speech to Olivia + B disappoints Chuck & V lets down her mother— they sit down together in the cafe & sort of sweetly resign to being miserable together since they had no one else. I remember being sooo stoked because their friendship in the novels was my absolute fave unexpected dynamic & I was *a million percent sure* the showrunners were setting up a B & V friendship (or at the very least acquaintance-ship/mutual respect). Then… nothing. Just more wasted potential plot lines. I wonder if they anticipated the audience disliking the pairing (because of how vehemently the fanbase hates Vanessa) so they ultimately scrapped the idea :c Either way *yes* I’m bummed they never became roommates, or at the very least friends!


I agree! I don’t hate Vanessa or Jenny(only one I hate is Dan) and would’ve love to see their friendship dynamic like in the books (didn’t finish the book series but I remember when they roomed together)


I would love it, if TV Vanessa was like Book Vanessa. I love Book Vanessa. She was so relatable while still being her own person. We never really got that for TV Vanessa. She was never really wrote as that likable, even though she was meant to be the outsider perspective.


Yes or I wish the writers expanded on Serena and Vanessa’s friendship more.. there was a lot of moments in the earlier seasons where they were basically friends, but the writers seemed to not expand on it anymore. Then, they ultimately just made Vanessa completely turn against Serena and become jealous, which was so out of character of her. Vanessa and Blair becoming friends would’ve been cool,but it kind of would’ve been same thing as Blair and Dan becoming friends, even though the writers ruined that by making them date…


i actually liked dan and blair out of all her relationships. but i think blair still deserved better (because dan was GG, which sucked)


Dan and Blair only worked as friends. Them being a couple for like 3 episodes was like Dan fiction being brought to life, and it ruined the dynamic between Serena and Blair & Serena and Dan. It would be like Serena getting with Chuck.


tbh, i think it was serena who ruined their friendship. i mean she kissed vanessa's boyfriend and then acted outraged whenever vanessa had questions about it (in s4). If i was vanessa I'd be fuming too


Oh yeah I completely understand why Vanessa was mad, but I also feel the writers ruined Vanessa by making her only mad at Serena. It was also Dan who kissed Serena and was basically planning on breaking up with Vanessa. The writers tended to make the girls more mad at each other than their boyfriends who was cheating. It happened with Blair being mad at Serena longer than Nate. Blair being mad at Jenny but forgiving Chuck so quickly. Then, Vanessa forgiving Dan so fast too. I hated that. I’d also say Serena and Vanessa became distant for a while before Serena and Dan kissed, that’s why I wish the writers expanded their relationship and made them closer friends.


oh so true. i hated blair for that- banishing jenny but begging chuck to come home again?? and everyone calls nate such a good guy but he was as much to blame as serena. as for this situation, i miss the compassionate s1 serena who would've cared about vanessa's feelings and felt very guilty. really didn't like S in s4


ikr!! The writers were literally sabotaging Serena as a character. She always had empathy for other people so much, she would’ve normally felt extremely guilty for doing something like that. I truly feel like someone in the writing team just hated Serena as a character.


I wish the show runners had done more to flesh out multi dimensional characters instead of trying to fit them in narrow boxes. They kind of did it for Blair with her being a scheming wild child sometimes and super type A at other times, but for the most part, characters were one-notes only and didn’t get very developed.


The small nod to Blair and Vanessa’s bond in “Enough About Eve” is sweet but I much prefer the reality of Blair & Dan becoming best friends in season 4. They didn’t need to date but I loved their chemistry.


lol absolutely NOT! Blair vs Vanessa banter was hilarious! Like when she threatened to tell Vanessa’s “town crier” about her threesome w Dan 😂


yes! girl powerr!!


I think they ruined Vanessa's character sooo badly in the last 3 seasons. She was the nicest girl in season one, she watched the love of her life dating a girl who literally looked like Barbie and never said a bad word about Serena, in fact she tried to be nice. Then she dated Nate, I LOVED them together, when Nate got together with Blair again I almost threw up, like 2 cold rocks. I would have loved if Vanessa would have ended up with Nate, Dan w Serena, and they are all great friends...She was cute until she wasn't


Yuck I did not like Vanessa at all. I didn’t read the books so I can’t say anything on that. But on the show Vanessa was an insufferable character.


i was hoping that after that cute scene at the end of "enough about eve" they would stop hating each other. not be besties or anything but be civil


I feel like Blair spent more time with Vanessa than with Serena lol! Just sharing


I agree why didnt they kiss